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///<reference path='../runtime.d.ts'/>
var plugins_bb40132b_638b_4a9f_b028_d3fe47acc8d1 = {
"init": function () {
this._afterLoadResources = function () { }
"sprite": function () {
const sprites = {};
// 终于能用es6了(恼
class Sprite {
constructor(x, y, w, h, z, reference, name) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = w;
this.height = h;
this.zIndex = z;
this.reference = reference;
/** @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */
this.canvas = null;
/** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */
this.context = null;
this.count = 0;
this.name = name;
this.key = [];
init () {
const name = this.name || `_sprite_${Sprite.count}`;
this.name = name;
if (this.reference === 'window') {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
this.canvas = canvas;
this.context = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = this.width;
canvas.height = this.height;
canvas.style.width = this.width + 'px';
canvas.style.height = this.height + 'px';
canvas.style.position = 'absolute';
canvas.style.top = this.y + 'px';
canvas.style.left = this.x + 'px';
canvas.style.zIndex = this.zIndex.toString();
} else {
this.context = core.createCanvas(name, this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, this.zIndex);
this.canvas = this.context.canvas;
this.count = Sprite.count;
this.canvas.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
sprites[this.name] = this;
setCss (css) {
css = css.replace('\n', ';').replace(';;', ';');
const effects = css.split(';');
const canvas = this.canvas;
effects.forEach(v => {
const content = v.split(':');
let name = content[0];
let value = content[1];
name = name.trim().split('-').reduce((pre, curr, i, a) => {
if (i === 0 && curr !== '')
return curr;
if (a[0] === '' && i === 1)
return curr;
return pre + curr.toUpperCase()[0] + curr.slice(1);
}, '');
if (name in canvas.style)
canvas.style[name] = value;
return this;
move (x, y, isDelta) {
if (x !== undefined && x !== null)
this.x = x;
if (y !== undefined && y !== null)
this.y = y;
if (this.reference === 'window') {
var ele = this.canvas;
ele.style.left = x + (isDelta ? parseFloat(ele.style.left) : 0) + 'px';
ele.style.top = y + (isDelta ? parseFloat(ele.style.top) : 0) + 'px';
} else
core.relocateCanvas(this.context, x, y, isDelta);
return this;
resize (w, h, styleOnly) {
if (w !== undefined && w !== null)
this.width = w;
if (h !== undefined && h !== null)
this.height = h;
if (this.reference === 'window') {
const ele = this.canvas;
ele.style.width = w + 'px';
ele.style.height = h + 'px';
if (!styleOnly) {
ele.width = w;
ele.height = h;
} else
core.resizeCanvas(this.context, w, h, styleOnly);
return this;
rotate (angle, cx, cy) {
if (this.reference === 'window') {
const left = this.x;
const top = this.y;
this.canvas.style.transformOrigin = (cx - left) + 'px ' + (cy - top) + 'px';
if (angle === 0) {
canvas.style.transform = '';
} else {
canvas.style.transform = 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)';
} else {
core.rotateCanvas(this.context, angle, cx, cy);
return this;
destroy () {
if (this.reference === 'window') {
if (this.canvas)
} else {
this.key?.forEach(v => document.removeEventListener(v[0], v[1]));
sprites[this.name] = void 0;
* 类似样板registerAction接口,但是是以该sprite的左上角为(0,0)计算的
* @param {keyof HTMLElementEventMap} type
* @param {(...param: any[]) => void} handler
on (type, handler) {
if (this.reference !== 'game') throw new ReferenceError(`当sprite的reference为window时,不可使用该函数`);
const mouse = [
'auxclick', 'click', 'contextmenu', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup',
'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'mousemove', 'mouseout', 'mouseover'
const key = [
'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup'
const touch = [
'touchstart', 'touchend', 'touchcancel', 'touchmove'
if (mouse.includes(type)) {
this.addEventListener(type, e => {
const px = e.offsetX / core.domStyle.scale,
py = e.offsetY / core.domStyle.scale;
handler(px, py);
} else if (type === 'wheel') {
this.addEventListener('wheel', e => {
handler(e.deltaY, e.deltaX, e.deltaZ);
} else if (key.includes(type)) {
// 键盘事件只能加到document上
const listener = e => {
handler(e.key, e.keyCode, e.altKey, e.ctrlKey, e.shiftKey);
this.key.push([type, listener]);
document.addEventListener(type, listener)
} else if (touch.includes(type)) {
this.addEventListener(type, e => {
/** @type {TouchList} */
const touches = e.touches;
const locs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) {
const t = touches[i];
const { x, y } = core.actions._getClickLoc(t.clientX, t.clientY);
const px = x / core.domStyle.scale,
py = y / core.domStyle.scale;
locs.push([px, py]);
addEventListener () {
this.canvas.addEventListener.apply(this.canvas, arguments);
removeEventListener () {
this.canvas.removeEventListener.apply(this.canvas, arguments);
this.getSprite = function (name) {
const s = sprites[name];
if (!s) throw new ReferenceError(`不能获得不存在的sprite`);
return sprites[name];
Sprite.count = 0;
window.Sprite = Sprite;
"ref": function () {
// vue的ref功能,(魔法,这真的是魔法,有点功底的可以读一下,虽然功能上与vue差了很多
// 根据鹿神的统计,不兼容proxy的玩家不到0.06%,所以放心使用proxy
if (!Proxy) return alert('当前浏览器不支持proxy,无法使用响应性插件,请更新浏览器,建议使用edge或chrome');
* 用于计算computed
let changed = [];
function ref (value) {
const target = { value };
const handler = {
set (target, p, v) {
if (target.watch && p === 'value') {
target.watch(v, target.value);
target[p] = v;
if (target.computed && p === 'value') {
get (target, p) {
return target[p];
const ref = new Proxy(target, handler);
return ref;
function watch (source, handler) {
source.watch = handler;
function computed (handler) {
changed = [];
const res = ref(handler());
const all = changed.slice();
all.forEach(v => {
v.computed = () => res.value = handler();
return res;
window.ref = ref;
window.watch = watch;
window.computed = computed;
"shop": function () {
// 【全局商店】相关的功能
// 打开一个全局商店
// shopId:要打开的商店id;noRoute:是否不计入录像
this.openShop = function (shopId, noRoute) {
var shop = core.status.shops[shopId];
// Step 1: 检查能否打开此商店
if (!this.canOpenShop(shopId)) {
return false;
// Step 2: (如有必要)记录打开商店的脚本事件
if (!noRoute) {
core.status.route.push("shop:" + shopId);
// Step 3: 检查道具商店 or 公共事件
if (shop.item) {
if (core.openItemShop) {
} else {
if (shop.commonEvent) {
core.insertCommonEvent(shop.commonEvent, shop.args);
// Step 4: 执行标准公共商店
return true;
////// 将一个全局商店转变成可预览的公共事件 //////
this._convertShop = function (shop) {
return [
{ "type": "function", "function": "() => {core.setFlag('@temp@shop', true);}" },
"type": "while",
"condition": "true",
"data": [
// 检测能否访问该商店
"type": "if",
"condition": "core.isShopVisited('" + shop.id + "')",
"true": [
// 可以访问,直接插入执行效果
{ "type": "function", "function": "() => { core.plugin._convertShop_replaceChoices('" + shop.id + "', false) }" },
"false": [
// 不能访问的情况下:检测能否预览
"type": "if",
"condition": shop.disablePreview,
"true": [
// 不可预览,提示并退出
{ "type": "playSound", "name": "操作失败" },
{ "type": "break" },
"false": [
// 可以预览:将商店全部内容进行替换
{ "type": "tip", "text": "当前处于预览模式,不可购买" },
{ "type": "function", "function": "() => { core.plugin._convertShop_replaceChoices('" + shop.id + "', true) }" },
{ "type": "function", "function": "() => {core.removeFlag('@temp@shop');}" }
this._convertShop_replaceChoices = function (shopId, previewMode) {
var shop = core.status.shops[shopId];
var choices = (shop.choices || []).filter((choice) => {
if (choice.condition == null || choice.condition == '') return true;
try { return core.calValue(choice.condition); } catch (e) { return true; }
}).map((choice) => {
var ableToBuy = core.calValue(choice.need);
return {
"text": choice.text,
"icon": choice.icon,
"color": ableToBuy && !previewMode ? choice.color : [153, 153, 153, 1],
"action": ableToBuy && !previewMode ? [{ "type": "playSound", "name": "确定" }].concat(choice.action) : [
{ "type": "playSound", "name": "操作失败" },
{ "type": "tip", "text": previewMode ? "预览模式下不可购买" : "购买条件不足" }
}).concat({ "text": "离开", "action": [{ "type": "break" }] });
core.insertAction({ "type": "choices", "text": shop.text, "choices": choices });
/// 是否访问过某个快捷商店
this.isShopVisited = function (id) {
if (!core.hasFlag("__shops__")) core.setFlag("__shops__", {});
var shops = core.getFlag("__shops__");
if (!shops[id]) shops[id] = {};
return shops[id].visited;
/// 当前应当显示的快捷商店列表
this.listShopIds = function () {
return Object.keys(core.status.shops).filter((id) => {
return core.isShopVisited(id) || !core.status.shops[id].mustEnable;
/// 是否能够打开某个商店
this.canOpenShop = function (id) {
if (this.isShopVisited(id)) return true;
var shop = core.status.shops[id];
if (shop.item || shop.commonEvent || shop.mustEnable) return false;
return true;
/// 启用或禁用某个快捷商店
this.setShopVisited = function (id, visited) {
if (!core.hasFlag("__shops__")) core.setFlag("__shops__", {});
var shops = core.getFlag("__shops__");
if (!shops[id]) shops[id] = {};
if (visited) shops[id].visited = true;
else delete shops[id].visited;
/// 能否使用快捷商店
this.canUseQuickShop = function (id) {
// 如果返回一个字符串,表示不能,字符串为不能使用的提示
// 返回null代表可以使用
// 检查当前楼层的canUseQuickShop选项是否为false
if (core.status.thisMap.canUseQuickShop === false)
return '当前楼层不能使用快捷商店。';
return null;
/// 允许商店X键退出
core.registerAction('keyUp', 'shops', (keycode) => {
if (!core.status.lockControl || !core.hasFlag("@temp@shop") || core.status.event.id != 'action') return false;
if (core.status.event.data.type != 'choices') return false;
var data = core.status.event.data.current;
var choices = data.choices;
var topIndex = core.actions.HSIZE - parseInt((choices.length - 1) / 2) + (core.status.event.ui.offset || 0);
if (keycode == 88 || keycode == 27) { // X, ESC
core.actions._clickAction(core.actions.HSIZE, topIndex + choices.length - 1);
return true;
if (keycode == 13 || keycode == 32) return true;
return false;
}, 60);
/// 允许长按空格或回车连续执行操作
core.registerAction('keyDown', 'shops', (keycode) => {
if (!core.status.lockControl || !core.hasFlag("@temp@shop") || core.status.event.id != 'action') return false;
if (core.status.event.data.type != 'choices') return false;
var data = core.status.event.data.current;
var choices = data.choices;
var topIndex = core.actions.HSIZE - parseInt((choices.length - 1) / 2) + (core.status.event.ui.offset || 0);
if (keycode == 13 || keycode == 32) { // Space, Enter
core.actions._clickAction(core.actions.HSIZE, topIndex + core.status.event.selection);
return true;
return false;
}, 60);
// 允许长按屏幕连续执行操作
core.registerAction('longClick', 'shops', (x, y, px, py) => {
if (!core.status.lockControl || !core.hasFlag("@temp@shop") || core.status.event.id != 'action') return false;
if (core.status.event.data.type != 'choices') return false;
var data = core.status.event.data.current;
var choices = data.choices;
var topIndex = core.actions.HSIZE - parseInt((choices.length - 1) / 2) + (core.status.event.ui.offset || 0);
if (x >= core.actions.CHOICES_LEFT && x <= core.actions.CHOICES_RIGHT && y >= topIndex && y < topIndex + choices.length) {
core.actions._clickAction(x, y);
return true;
return false;
}, 60);
"removeMap": function () {
// 高层塔砍层插件,删除后不会存入存档,不可浏览地图也不可飞到。
// 推荐用法:
// 对于超高层或分区域塔,当在1区时将2区以后的地图删除;1区结束时恢复2区,进二区时删除1区地图,以此类推
// 这样可以大幅减少存档空间,以及加快存读档速度
// 删除楼层
// core.removeMaps("MT1", "MT300") 删除MT1~MT300之间的全部层
// core.removeMaps("MT10") 只删除MT10层
this.removeMaps = function (fromId, toId) {
toId = toId || fromId;
var fromIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(fromId),
toIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(toId);
if (toIndex < 0) toIndex = core.floorIds.length - 1;
flags.__visited__ = flags.__visited__ || {};
flags.__removed__ = flags.__removed__ || [];
flags.__disabled__ = flags.__disabled__ || {};
flags.__leaveLoc__ = flags.__leaveLoc__ || {};
for (var i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; ++i) {
var floorId = core.floorIds[i];
if (core.status.maps[floorId].deleted) continue;
delete flags.__visited__[floorId];
delete flags.__disabled__[floorId];
delete flags.__leaveLoc__[floorId];
(core.status.autoEvents || []).forEach((event) => {
if (event.floorId == floorId && event.currentFloor) {
core.autoEventExecuting(event.symbol, false);
core.autoEventExecuted(event.symbol, false);
core.status.maps[floorId].deleted = true;
core.status.maps[floorId].canFlyTo = false;
core.status.maps[floorId].canFlyFrom = false;
core.status.maps[floorId].cannotViewMap = true;
// 恢复楼层
// core.resumeMaps("MT1", "MT300") 恢复MT1~MT300之间的全部层
// core.resumeMaps("MT10") 只恢复MT10层
this.resumeMaps = function (fromId, toId) {
toId = toId || fromId;
var fromIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(fromId),
toIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(toId);
if (toIndex < 0) toIndex = core.floorIds.length - 1;
flags.__removed__ = flags.__removed__ || [];
for (var i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; ++i) {
var floorId = core.floorIds[i];
if (!core.status.maps[floorId].deleted) continue;
flags.__removed__ = flags.__removed__.filter((f) => { return f != floorId; });
core.status.maps[floorId] = core.loadFloor(floorId);
// 分区砍层相关
var inAnyPartition = (floorId) => {
var inPartition = false;
(core.floorPartitions || []).forEach((floor) => {
var fromIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(floor[0]);
var toIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(floor[1]);
var index = core.floorIds.indexOf(floorId);
if (fromIndex < 0 || index < 0) return;
if (toIndex < 0) toIndex = core.floorIds.length - 1;
if (index >= fromIndex && index <= toIndex) inPartition = true;
return inPartition;
// 分区砍层
this.autoRemoveMaps = function (floorId) {
if (main.mode != 'play' || !inAnyPartition(floorId)) return;
// 根据分区信息自动砍层与恢复
(core.floorPartitions || []).forEach((floor) => {
var fromIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(floor[0]);
var toIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(floor[1]);
var index = core.floorIds.indexOf(floorId);
if (fromIndex < 0 || index < 0) return;
if (toIndex < 0) toIndex = core.floorIds.length - 1;
if (index >= fromIndex && index <= toIndex) {
core.resumeMaps(core.floorIds[fromIndex], core.floorIds[toIndex]);
} else {
core.removeMaps(core.floorIds[fromIndex], core.floorIds[toIndex]);
"fiveLayers": function () {
// 是否启用五图层(增加背景2层和前景2层) 将__enable置为true即会启用;启用后请保存后刷新编辑器
// 背景层2将会覆盖背景层 被事件层覆盖 前景层2将会覆盖前景层
// 另外 请注意加入两个新图层 会让大地图的性能降低一些
// 插件作者:ad
var __enable = true;
if (!__enable) return;
// 创建新图层
function createCanvas (name, zIndex) {
if (!name) return;
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.id = name;
canvas.className = 'gameCanvas';
// 编辑器模式下设置zIndex会导致加入的图层覆盖优先级过高
if (main.mode != "editor") canvas.style.zIndex = zIndex || 0;
// 将图层插入进游戏内容
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
core.canvas[name] = ctx;
if (core.domStyle.hdCanvas.indexOf('name') >= 0)
core.maps._setHDCanvasSize(ctx, core.__PIXELS__, core.__PIXELS__);
else {
canvas.width = core.__PIXELS__;
canvas.height = core.__PIXELS__;
return canvas;
var bg2Canvas = createCanvas('bg2', 20);
var fg2Canvas = createCanvas('fg2', 63);
// 大地图适配
core.bigmap.canvas = ["bg2", "fg2", "bg", "event", "event2", "fg", "damage"];
core.initStatus.bg2maps = {};
core.initStatus.fg2maps = {};
if (main.mode == 'editor') {
/*插入编辑器的图层 不做此步新增图层无法在编辑器显示*/
// 编辑器图层覆盖优先级 eui > efg > fg(前景层) > event2(48*32图块的事件层) > event(事件层) > bg(背景层)
// 背景层2(bg2) 插入事件层(event)之前(即bg与event之间)
document.getElementById('mapEdit').insertBefore(bg2Canvas, document.getElementById('event'));
// 前景层2(fg2) 插入编辑器前景(efg)之前(即fg之后)
document.getElementById('mapEdit').insertBefore(fg2Canvas, document.getElementById('ebm'));
// 原本有三个图层 从4开始添加
var num = 4;
// 新增图层存入editor.dom中
editor.dom.bg2c = core.canvas.bg2.canvas;
editor.dom.bg2Ctx = core.canvas.bg2;
editor.dom.fg2c = core.canvas.fg2.canvas;
editor.dom.fg2Ctx = core.canvas.fg2;
editor.dom.maps.push('bg2map', 'fg2map');
editor.dom.canvas.push('bg2', 'fg2');
// 创建编辑器上的按钮
var createCanvasBtn = (name) => {
// 电脑端创建按钮
var input = document.createElement('input');
// layerMod4/layerMod5
var id = 'layerMod' + num++;
// bg2map/fg2map
var value = name + 'map';
input.type = 'radio';
input.name = 'layerMod';
input.id = id;
input.value = value;
editor.dom[id] = input;
input.onchange = () => {
return input;
var createCanvasBtn_mobile = (name) => {
// 手机端往选择列表中添加子选项
var input = document.createElement('option');
var id = 'layerMod' + num++;
var value = name + 'map';
input.name = 'layerMod';
input.value = value;
editor.dom[id] = input;
return input;
if (!editor.isMobile) {
var input = createCanvasBtn('bg2');
var input2 = createCanvasBtn('fg2');
// 获取事件层及其父节点
var child = document.getElementById('layerMod'),
parent = child.parentNode;
// 背景层2插入事件层前
parent.insertBefore(input, child);
// 不能直接更改背景层2的innerText 所以创建文本节点
var txt = document.createTextNode('背2');
// 插入事件层前(即新插入的背景层2前)
parent.insertBefore(txt, child);
// 向最后插入前景层2(即插入前景层后)
var txt2 = document.createTextNode('前2');
} else {
var input = createCanvasBtn_mobile('bg2');
var input2 = createCanvasBtn_mobile('fg2');
// 手机端因为是选项 所以可以直接改innerText
input.innerText = '背景2';
input2.innerText = '前景2';
var parent = document.getElementById('layerMod');
parent.insertBefore(input, parent.children[1]);
core.maps._loadFloor_doNotCopy = function () {
return [
"firstArrive", "eachArrive", "blocks", "parallelDo", "map", "bgmap", "fgmap", "bg2map", "fg2map",
"events", "changeFloor", "afterBattle", "afterGetItem", "afterOpenDoor", "cannotMove"
////// 绘制背景和前景层 //////
core.maps._drawBg_draw = function (floorId, toDrawCtx, cacheCtx, config) {
config.ctx = cacheCtx;
core.maps._drawBg_drawBackground(floorId, config);
// ------ 调整这两行的顺序来控制是先绘制贴图还是先绘制背景图块;后绘制的覆盖先绘制的。
core.maps._drawFloorImages(floorId, config.ctx, 'bg', null, null, config.onMap);
core.maps._drawBgFgMap(floorId, 'bg', config);
if (config.onMap) {
core.drawImage(toDrawCtx, cacheCtx.canvas, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0);
core.maps._drawBgFgMap(floorId, 'bg2', config);
if (config.onMap) core.drawImage('bg2', cacheCtx.canvas, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0);
config.ctx = toDrawCtx;
core.maps._drawFg_draw = function (floorId, toDrawCtx, cacheCtx, config) {
config.ctx = cacheCtx;
// ------ 调整这两行的顺序来控制是先绘制贴图还是先绘制前景图块;后绘制的覆盖先绘制的。
core.maps._drawFloorImages(floorId, config.ctx, 'fg', null, null, config.onMap);
core.maps._drawBgFgMap(floorId, 'fg', config);
if (config.onMap) {
core.drawImage(toDrawCtx, cacheCtx.canvas, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0);
core.maps._drawBgFgMap(floorId, 'fg2', config);
if (config.onMap) core.drawImage('fg2', cacheCtx.canvas, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0);
config.ctx = toDrawCtx;
////// 移动判定 //////
core.maps._generateMovableArray_arrays = function (floorId) {
return {
bgArray: this.getBgMapArray(floorId),
fgArray: this.getFgMapArray(floorId),
eventArray: this.getMapArray(floorId),
bg2Array: this._getBgFgMapArray('bg2', floorId),
fg2Array: this._getBgFgMapArray('fg2', floorId)
"itemShop": function () {
// 道具商店相关的插件
// 可在全塔属性-全局商店中使用「道具商店」事件块进行编辑(如果找不到可以在入口方块中找)
var shopId = null; // 当前商店ID
var type = 0; // 当前正在选中的类型,0买入1卖出
var selectItem = 0; // 当前正在选中的道具
var selectCount = 0; // 当前已经选中的数量
var page = 0;
var totalPage = 0;
var totalMoney = 0;
var list = [];
var shopInfo = null; // 商店信息
var choices = []; // 商店选项
var use = 'money';
var useText = '金币';
var bigFont = core.ui._buildFont(20, false),
middleFont = core.ui._buildFont(18, false);
this._drawItemShop = function () {
// 绘制道具商店
// Step 1: 背景和固定的几个文字
core.setTextAlign('uievent', 'left');
core.setTextBaseline('uievent', 'top');
core.fillRect('uievent', 0, 0, 480, 480, 'black');
core.drawWindowSkin('winskin.png', 'uievent', 0, 0, 480, 64);
core.drawWindowSkin('winskin.png', 'uievent', 0, 64, 360, 64);
core.drawWindowSkin('winskin.png', 'uievent', 0, 128, 360, 352);
core.drawWindowSkin('winskin.png', 'uievent', 360, 64, 120, 64);
core.drawWindowSkin('winskin.png', 'uievent', 360, 128, 120, 352);
core.setFillStyle('uievent', 'white');
core.setStrokeStyle('uievent', 'white');
core.fillText("uievent", "购买", 32, 84, 'white', bigFont);
core.fillText("uievent", "卖出", 152, 84);
core.fillText("uievent", "离开", 272, 84);
core.fillText("uievent", "当前" + useText, 374, 75, null, middleFont);
core.setTextAlign("uievent", "right");
core.fillText("uievent", core.formatBigNumber(core.status.hero.money), 466, 100);
core.setTextAlign("uievent", "left");
core.ui.drawUIEventSelector(1, "winskin.png", 22 + 120 * type, 76, 60, 33);
if (selectItem != null) {
core.setTextAlign('uievent', 'center');
core.fillText("uievent", type == 0 ? "买入个数" : "卖出个数", 420, 360, null, bigFont);
core.fillText("uievent", "< " + selectCount + " >", 420, 390);
core.fillText("uievent", "确定", 420, 420);
// Step 2:获得列表并展示
list = choices.filter((one) => {
if (one.condition != null && one.condition != '') {
try { if (!core.calValue(one.condition)) return false; } catch (e) { }
return (type == 0 && one.money != null) || (type == 1 && one.sell != null);
var per_page = 7;
totalPage = Math.ceil(list.length / per_page);
page = Math.floor((selectItem || 0) / per_page) + 1;
// 绘制分页
if (totalPage > 1) {
var half = 180;
core.setTextAlign('uievent', 'center');
core.fillText('uievent', page + " / " + totalPage, half, 450, null, middleFont);
if (page > 1) core.fillText('uievent', '上一页', half - 80, 450);
if (page < totalPage) core.fillText('uievent', '下一页', half + 80, 450);
core.setTextAlign('uievent', 'left');
// 绘制每一项
var start = (page - 1) * per_page;
for (var i = 0; i < per_page; ++i) {
var curr = start + i;
if (curr >= list.length) break;
var item = list[curr];
core.drawIcon('uievent', item.id, 10, 141 + i * 40);
core.setTextAlign('uievent', 'left');
core.fillText('uievent', core.material.items[item.id].name, 50, 148 + i * 40, null, bigFont);
core.setTextAlign('uievent', 'right');
core.fillText('uievent', (type == 0 ? core.calValue(item.money) : core.calValue(item.sell)) + useText + "/个", 340, 149 + i * 40, null, middleFont);
core.setTextAlign("uievent", "left");
if (curr == selectItem) {
// 绘制描述,文字自动放缩
var text = core.material.items[item.id].text || "该道具暂无描述";
try { text = core.replaceText(text); } catch (e) { }
for (var fontSize = 20; fontSize >= 8; fontSize -= 2) {
var config = { left: 10, fontSize: fontSize, maxWidth: 467 };
var height = core.getTextContentHeight(text, config);
if (height <= 60) {
config.top = (64 - height) / 2;
core.drawTextContent("uievent", text, config);
core.ui.drawUIEventSelector(2, "winskin.png", 8, 137 + i * 40, 343, 40);
if (type == 0 && item.number != null) {
core.fillText("uievent", "存货", 370, 152, null, bigFont);
core.setTextAlign("uievent", "right");
core.fillText("uievent", item.number, 470, 152, null, null, 60);
} else if (type == 1) {
core.fillText("uievent", "数量", 370, 152, null, bigFont);
core.setTextAlign("uievent", "right");
core.fillText("uievent", core.itemCount(item.id), 470, 152, null, null, 40);
core.setTextAlign("uievent", "left");
core.fillText("uievent", "预计" + useText, 370, 280);
core.setTextAlign("uievent", "right");
totalMoney = selectCount * (type == 0 ? core.calValue(item.money) : core.calValue(item.sell));
core.fillText("uievent", core.formatBigNumber(totalMoney), 470, 310);
core.setTextAlign("uievent", "left");
core.fillText("uievent", type == 0 ? "已购次数" : "已卖次数", 370, 190);
core.setTextAlign("uievent", "right");
core.fillText("uievent", (type == 0 ? item.money_count : item.sell_count) || 0, 470, 220);
core.setTextAlign('uievent', 'left');
core.setTextBaseline('uievent', 'alphabetic');
var _add = (item, delta) => {
if (item == null) return;
selectCount = core.clamp(
selectCount + delta, 0,
Math.min(type == 0 ? Math.floor(core.status.hero[use] / core.calValue(item.money)) : core.itemCount(item.id),
type == 0 && item.number != null ? item.number : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
var _confirm = (item) => {
if (item == null || selectCount == 0) return;
if (type == 0) {
core.status.hero[use] -= totalMoney;
core.getItem(item.id, selectCount);
if (item.number != null) item.number -= selectCount;
item.money_count = (item.money_count || 0) + selectCount;
} else {
core.status.hero[use] += totalMoney;
core.removeItem(item.id, selectCount);
core.drawTip("成功卖出" + selectCount + "个" + core.material.items[item.id].name, item.id);
if (item.number != null) item.number += selectCount;
item.sell_count = (item.sell_count || 0) + selectCount;
selectCount = 0;
this._performItemShopKeyBoard = function (keycode) {
var item = list[selectItem] || null;
// 键盘操作
switch (keycode) {
case 38: // up
if (selectItem == null) break;
if (selectItem == 0) selectItem = null;
else selectItem--;
selectCount = 0;
case 37: // left
if (selectItem == null) {
if (type > 0) type--;
_add(item, -1);
case 39: // right
if (selectItem == null) {
if (type < 2) type++;
_add(item, 1);
case 40: // down
if (selectItem == null) {
if (list.length > 0) selectItem = 0;
if (list.length == 0) break;
selectItem = Math.min(selectItem + 1, list.length - 1);
selectCount = 0;
case 13:
case 32: // Enter/Space
if (selectItem == null) {
if (type == 2)
core.insertAction({ "type": "break" });
else if (list.length > 0)
selectItem = 0;
case 27: // ESC
if (selectItem == null) {
core.insertAction({ "type": "break" });
selectItem = null;
this._performItemShopClick = function (px, py) {
var item = list[selectItem] || null;
// 鼠标操作
if (px >= 22 && px <= 82 && py >= 81 && py <= 112) {
// 买
if (type != 0) {
type = 0;
selectItem = null;
selectCount = 0;
if (px >= 142 && px <= 202 && py >= 81 && py <= 112) {
// 卖
if (type != 1) {
type = 1;
selectItem = null;
selectCount = 0;
if (px >= 262 && px <= 322 && py >= 81 && py <= 112) // 离开
return core.insertAction({ "type": "break" });
// <,>
if (px >= 370 && px <= 395 && py >= 392 && py <= 415)
return _add(item, -1);
if (px >= 445 && px <= 470 && py >= 302 && py <= 415)
return _add(item, 1);
// 确定
if (px >= 392 && px <= 443 && py >= 421 && py <= 446)
return _confirm(item);
// 上一页/下一页
if (px >= 70 && px <= 130 && py >= 450) {
if (page > 1) {
selectItem -= 7;
selectCount = 0;
if (px >= 230 && px <= 290 && py >= 450) {
if (page < totalPage) {
selectItem = Math.min(selectItem + 7, list.length - 1);
selectCount = 0;
// 实际区域
if (px >= 9 && px <= 351 && py >= 142 && py < 422) {
if (list.length == 0) return;
var index = parseInt((py - 142) / 40);
var newItem = 7 * (page - 1) + index;
if (newItem >= list.length) newItem = list.length - 1;
if (newItem != selectItem) {
selectItem = newItem;
selectCount = 0;
this._performItemShopAction = function () {
if (flags.type == 0) return this._performItemShopKeyBoard(flags.keycode);
else return this._performItemShopClick(flags.px, flags.py);
this.openItemShop = function (itemShopId) {
shopId = itemShopId;
type = 0;
page = 0;
selectItem = null;
selectCount = 0;
shopInfo = flags.__shops__[shopId];
if (shopInfo.choices == null) shopInfo.choices = core.clone(core.status.shops[shopId].choices);
choices = shopInfo.choices;
use = core.status.shops[shopId].use;
if (use != 'exp') use = 'money';
useText = use == 'money' ? '金币' : '经验';
"type": "while",
"condition": "true",
"data": [
{ "type": "function", "function": "() => { core.plugin._drawItemShop(); }" },
{ "type": "wait" },
{ "type": "function", "function": "() => { core.plugin._performItemShopAction(); }" }
"type": "function",
"function": "() => { core.deleteCanvas('uievent'); core.ui.clearUIEventSelector(); }"
"enemyLevel": function () {
// 此插件将提供怪物手册中的怪物境界显示
// 使用此插件需要先给每个怪物定义境界,方法如下:
// 点击怪物的【配置表格】,找到“【怪物】相关的表格配置”,然后在【名称】仿照增加境界定义:
"level": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_string": true,
"_data": "境界"
// 然后保存刷新,可以看到怪物的属性定义中出现了【境界】。再开启本插件即可。
// 是否开启本插件,默认禁用;将此改成 true 将启用本插件。
var __enable = false;
if (!__enable) return;
// 这里定义每个境界的显示颜色;可以写'red', '#RRGGBB' 或者[r,g,b,a]四元数组
var levelToColors = {
"野蛮人": "white",
"智人": "#FF0000",
"": [255, 0, 0, 1],
// 复写 _drawBook_drawName
var originDrawBook = core.ui._drawBook_drawName;
core.ui._drawBook_drawName = function (index, enemy, top, left, width) {
// 如果没有境界,则直接调用原始代码绘制
if (!enemy.level) return originDrawBook.call(core.ui, index, enemy, top, left, width);
// 存在境界,则额外进行绘制
core.setTextAlign('ui', 'center');
if (enemy.specialText.length == 0) {
core.fillText('ui', enemy.name, left + width / 2,
top + 27, '#DDDDDD', this._buildFont(17, true));
core.fillText('ui', enemy.level, left + width / 2,
top + 51, core.arrayToRGBA(levelToColors[enemy.level] || '#DDDDDD'), this._buildFont(14, true));
} else {
core.fillText('ui', enemy.name, left + width / 2,
top + 20, '#DDDDDD', this._buildFont(17, true), width);
switch (enemy.specialText.length) {
case 1:
core.fillText('ui', enemy.specialText[0], left + width / 2,
top + 38, core.arrayToRGBA((enemy.specialColor || [])[0] || '#FF6A6A'),
this._buildFont(14, true), width);
case 2:
// Step 1: 计算字体
var text = enemy.specialText[0] + " " + enemy.specialText[1];
core.setFontForMaxWidth('ui', text, width, this._buildFont(14, true));
// Step 2: 计算总宽度
var totalWidth = core.calWidth('ui', text);
var leftWidth = core.calWidth('ui', enemy.specialText[0]);
var rightWidth = core.calWidth('ui', enemy.specialText[1]);
// Step 3: 绘制
core.fillText('ui', enemy.specialText[0], left + (width + leftWidth - totalWidth) / 2,
top + 38, core.arrayToRGBA((enemy.specialColor || [])[0] || '#FF6A6A'));
core.fillText('ui', enemy.specialText[1], left + (width + totalWidth - rightWidth) / 2,
top + 38, core.arrayToRGBA((enemy.specialColor || [])[1] || '#FF6A6A'));
core.fillText('ui', '多属性...', left + width / 2,
top + 38, '#FF6A6A', this._buildFont(14, true), width);
core.fillText('ui', enemy.level, left + width / 2,
top + 56, core.arrayToRGBA(levelToColors[enemy.level] || '#DDDDDD'), this._buildFont(14, true));
// 也可以复写其他的属性颜色如怪物攻防等,具体参见下面的例子的注释部分
core.ui._drawBook_drawRow1 = function (index, enemy, top, left, width, position) {
// 绘制第一行
core.setTextAlign('ui', 'left');
var b13 = this._buildFont(13, true),
f13 = this._buildFont(13, false);
var col1 = left,
col2 = left + width * 9 / 25,
col3 = left + width * 17 / 25;
core.fillText('ui', '生命', col1, position, '#DDDDDD', f13);
core.fillText('ui', core.formatBigNumber(enemy.hp || 0), col1 + 30, position, /*'red' */ null, b13);
core.fillText('ui', '攻击', col2, position, null, f13);
core.fillText('ui', core.formatBigNumber(enemy.atk || 0), col2 + 30, position, /* '#FF0000' */ null, b13);
core.fillText('ui', '防御', col3, position, null, f13);
core.fillText('ui', core.formatBigNumber(enemy.def || 0), col3 + 30, position, /* [255, 0, 0, 1] */ null, b13);
"heroFourFrames": function () {
// 样板的勇士/跟随者移动时只使用2、4两帧,观感较差。本插件可以将四帧全用上。
// 是否启用本插件
var __enable = true;
if (!__enable) return;
["up", "down", "left", "right"].forEach((one) => {
// 指定中间帧动画
core.material.icons.hero[one].midFoot = 2;
var heroMoving = (timestamp) => {
if (core.status.heroMoving <= 0) return;
if (timestamp - core.animateFrame.moveTime > core.values.moveSpeed) {
core.animateFrame.moveTime = timestamp;
core.drawHero(['stop', 'leftFoot', 'midFoot', 'rightFoot'][core.animateFrame.leftLeg % 4], 4 * core.status.heroMoving);
core.registerAnimationFrame('heroMoving', true, heroMoving);
core.events._eventMoveHero_moving = function (step, moveSteps) {
var curr = moveSteps[0];
var direction = curr[0],
x = core.getHeroLoc('x'),
y = core.getHeroLoc('y');
// ------ 前进/后退
var o = direction == 'backward' ? -1 : 1;
if (direction == 'forward' || direction == 'backward') direction = core.getHeroLoc('direction');
var faceDirection = direction;
if (direction == 'leftup' || direction == 'leftdown') faceDirection = 'left';
if (direction == 'rightup' || direction == 'rightdown') faceDirection = 'right';
core.setHeroLoc('direction', direction);
if (curr[1] <= 0) {
core.setHeroLoc('direction', faceDirection);
return true;
if (step <= 4) core.drawHero('stop', 4 * o * step);
else if (step <= 8) core.drawHero('leftFoot', 4 * o * step);
else if (step <= 12) core.drawHero('midFoot', 4 * o * (step - 8));
else if (step <= 16) core.drawHero('rightFoot', 4 * o * (step - 8)); // if (step == 8) {
if (step == 8 || step == 16) {
core.setHeroLoc('x', x + o * core.utils.scan2[direction].x, true);
core.setHeroLoc('y', y + o * core.utils.scan2[direction].y, true);
if (curr[1] <= 0) moveSteps.shift();
core.setHeroLoc('direction', faceDirection);
return step == 16;
return false;
"fixed": function () {
// 该插件可自定义空间很大,可自定义内容请看注释
// -------------------- 安装说明 -------------------- //
/* 1.安装基于canvas的sprite化插件(2.10以上样板自带)和响应式变量插件(不要使用vue原生版)
* 2.确保自己的编辑器已安装造塔群内的编辑器升级压缩包(在HTML5魔塔样板文件夹内,2.10.1以上样板自带)
* 3.将以下代码复制进插件
// -------------------- 使用说明 -------------------- //
// -------------------- 插件说明 -------------------- //
// 录像验证忽略
if (main.replayChecking || main.mode === 'editor') return;
// ----- 不可自定义变量
/** @type {{[x: string]: Sprite}} */
let sprites = {}; // 所有的sprite
/** @type {{[x: string]: EnemyBox}} */
let enemyBoxes = {}; // 所有的enemyBox
/** @type {{[x: string]: TextBox}} */
let textBoxes = {}; // 所有的textBox
let timeout = 0; // 鼠标放到怪物上时setTimeout的id
let dblTimeout = 0; // 双击时判定双击的timeout的id
/** @type {EnemyCollection[]} */
let enemies = []; // 所有的怪物信息
// ----- 不可自定义常量
const specials = core.getSpecials(); // 所有怪物的属性
const originClick = main.dom.data.onmouseup;
// ----- 可自定义变量
let allowMap = true; // 是否允许直接在地图上移动鼠标显示怪物信息
let allowDbl = true; // 是否允许双击地图上的怪物显示其详细信息,当然在点击怪物时会发生约0.2s的卡顿,以判断双击
let guardsFirst = false; // 先攻击支援怪还是后攻击支援怪,用于计算每个怪物的伤害和回合数,请保证与getDamageInfo中相同
let nDefDamage = true; // 为true时,显示 当前地图宝石倍率 防减伤,为false时,显示1防减伤
// ----- 可自定义常量
const showStatus = ['name', 'hp', 'atk', 'def', 'money', 'exp']; // 粗略信息显示的项,伤害与特殊属性必显示
const font = 'normal'; // 默认字体
const op = 'c'; // 信息框背景的不透明度,范围 0-f 十六进制
// 属性名对应的颜色
const colorDict = {
name: '#fff',
hp: '#8f8',
atk: '#f88',
def: '#88f',
money: 'gold',
exp: '#7f7'
/** 背景 */
class Back extends Sprite {
constructor(name, color, z, time = 0.6) {
super(0, 0, core._PX_, core._PY_, z, 'game', name);
sprites[name] = this;
background-color: ${color};
opacity: 0;
transition: all ${time}s linear;
setTimeout(() => this.setCss(`opacity: 1;`), 50);
destroy () {
this.setCss(`opacity: 0;`);
setTimeout(() => super.destroy(), 600);
delete sprites[this.name];
/** 怪物 */
class EnemyBox extends Sprite {
constructor(name, x, y, w, h, id, big, e) {
const scale = core.domStyle.scale;
const s = 1 / scale / 2;
super(x - s, y - s, w + 2 * s, h + 2 * s, 300, 'game', name);
this.id = id;
/** @type {EnemyCollection} */
this.enemy = e;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
background-color: #222;
opacity: 0;
transition: all 0.6s ease-out, transform 0.2s linear;
setTimeout(() => this.setCss(`opacity: 1;`), 50);
this.frame = 0;
enemyBoxes[this.name] = sprites[this.name] = this;
/** 播放动画 */
animate (big) {
const ctx = this.context;
this.interval = setInterval(() => {
const size = big ? 32 : void 0;
this.frame %= 2;
// 用drawBlock还不如用drawIcon呢
core.drawIcon(ctx, this.id, 0, 0, size, size, this.frame);
}, core.values.animateSpeed);
destroy () {
delete enemyBoxes[this.name]
/** 监听 */
listen () {
this.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
this.setCss(`transform: scale(1.1);`);
this.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
this.setCss(`transform: none;`);
/** 文字框 */
class TextBox extends Sprite {
constructor(x, y, w, h, text, fontSize, ex, ey) {
const id = `_text_${ex}_${ey}_`
super(x, y, w, h, 310, 'game', id);
opacity: 0;
border: thick double #32a1ce;
transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
background-color: #333${op};
box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #000;
setTimeout(() => this.setCss(`opacity: 1;`), 50);
setTimeout(() => {
this.render(text, fontSize);
}, 250);
textBoxes[id] = sprites[id] = this;
this.ex = ex;
this.ey = ey;
render (text, fontSize) {
/** @type {TextContentConfig} */
const config = {
left: 10,
top: 10,
maxWidth: this.width - 20,
time: 10,
fontSize, font
core.drawTextContent(this.context, text, config);
destroy () {
this.setCss(`opacity: 0;`);
setTimeout(() => super.destroy(), 200);
delete textBoxes[`_text_${this.ex}_${this.ey}_`];
/** 打开定点查看界面 */
this.openFixed = function () {
if (core.isReplaying()) return;
const info = getEnemies();
enemies = info;
// 监听 & 复写
main.dom.data.addEventListener('mousemove', moveOnPlaying);
main.dom.data.addEventListener('dblclick', dblClick);
main.dom.data.onmouseup = (e) => {
if (allowDbl) {
dblTimeout = setTimeout(() => { originClick.call(main.dom.data, e) }, 200);
} else {
originClick.call(main.dom.data, e);
* 获取怪物位置和其属性
* @param {string} floorId 地图id
* @returns {EnemyCollection[]} 怪物信息数组
function getEnemies (floorId = core.status.floorId) {
const res = [];
// 遍历所有图块,然后找出在显示范围内的怪物,异步执行,
const blocks = core.status.maps[floorId].blocks;
for (const block of blocks) {
const x = block.x,
y = block.y;
// 判断是否为怪物
if (block.event.trigger !== 'battle') continue;
// 判断是否在范围内
if (!inView(x, y)) continue;
res.push(generateCollection(block.event.id, x, y, floorId));
return res;
function generateCollection (id, x, y, floorId) {
const enemy = core.material.enemys[id];
const info = core.getEnemyInfo(id, void 0, x, y, floorId);
const data = Object.assign({}, enemy);
for (const key in info) data[key] = info[key];
return { loc: { x, y }, data };
* 根据属性名获得颜色
* @param {string} status
function color (status) {
return colorDict[status] ?? 'white';
* 根据伤害获得伤害颜色
* @param {number} damage
function colorDamage (damage) {
if (typeof damage === 'string' || !damage) return '#f00';
const hp = core.status.hero.hp;
const n = ~~(damage / hp * 255);
return `rgb(${n}, ${255 - n}, 0)`;
* 获取怪物的粗略信息
* @param {Enemy} info
function getRough (info, x, y) {
// 先获得常量中明确指定的
const text = showStatus.map(v => {
return `\\r[${color(v)}]${core.getStatusLabel(v)}\\r[]:${info[v]}`;
// 特殊属性
if (info.special?.length > 0) {
const names = core.getSpecialText(info);
const color = core.getSpecialColor(info);
const all = names.map((v, i) => `\\r[${color[i]}]${v}\\r[]`)
text.push(`\\r[#f8f]特殊属性\\r[]:${all.join` `}`);
// 伤害
const damage = core.getDamageInfo(info, void 0, x, y)?.damage;
const d = core.formatBigNumber(damage);
text.push(`\\r[#f44]伤害\\r[]:\\r[${colorDamage(damage)}]${d === '???' ? '无法战胜' : d}\\r[]`);
// 支援
if (info.guards?.length > 0) {
const guards = getGuards(info, x, y);
text.push(`\\r[#3cf]支援\\r[]:${guards.map(v => `\\i[${v.id}]`).join` `}`);
text.push(`支援怪攻击顺序 -->`);
if (allowDbl) text.push('双击怪物查看详细信息');
return text.join`\n`;
* 获得特殊属性说明、名称、颜色
* @param {SpecialCollection} data
* @param {Enemy} enemy
function executeSpecial (data, enemy) {
let name = '';
if (typeof data[1] === 'string') name = data[1];
else name = data[1](enemy);
let text = '';
if (typeof data[2] === 'string') text = data[2];
else text = data[2](enemy);
return { name, text, color: data[3] };
* 获得某个怪物的详细信息,包括特殊属性说明、支援怪攻击顺序
* @param {EnemyCollection} info getEnemies获取的怪物信息
function getDetail (info) {
// ----- status
const status = {};
showStatus.forEach(v => {
status[v] = {
id: v,
name: core.getStatusLabel(v),
value: info.data[v]
// ----- special
const text = [];
const special = info.data.special;
if (special?.length > 0) {
for (const n of special) {
const data = specials.find(v => v[0] === n);
if (!data) throw new ReferenceError(`'${info.data.name}'拥有不存在的特殊属性'${n}'`);
const { name, text: desc, color } = executeSpecial(data, info.data);
// ---- damage & turn
const damageInfo = core.getDamageInfo(info.data, void 0, info.loc.x, info.loc.y);
let damage = core.formatBigNumber(damageInfo?.damage);
if (damage === '???') damage = '无法战胜';
const color = colorDamage(damageInfo?.damage);
const turn = damageInfo?.turn ?? 0;
// ----- 4 criticals & n def
const criticals = core.nextCriticals(info.data, 4, info.loc.x, info.loc.y);
const n = nDefDamage ? core.status.thisMap.ratio : 1;
const def = core.getDefDamage(info.data, n, info.loc.x, info.loc.y);
return { status, text, damage: { damage, color, turn }, criticals, def };
* 获取支援怪信息,攻击顺序
* @param {Enemy} info 怪物信息
* @param {EnemyCollection[]} all 所有的怪物信息
* @returns {GuardCollection[]} 支援怪的顺序信息
function getGuards (info, all) {
/** @type {[number, number, string][]} */
const guards = info.guards;
if (!guards) return;
return guards.map(([x, y, id]) => {
const res = {
loc: { x, y },
// 寻找符合条件的怪物
const enemy = all.find(v => v.loc.x === x && v.loc.y === y);
res.enemy = enemy;
return res;
* 获取每个支援怪造成的伤害、回合数等
* @param {EnemyCollection} info
function getGuardsDetail (info) {
// 很神秘的一个功能
const guards = getGuards(info, enemies); // 这时候获得的已经是按顺序排好的了
const col = { enemy: info.data, loc: info.loc };
if (guardsFirst) guards.push(col);
else guards.unshift(col);
const turn = ref(0);
const res = [];
watch(turn, v => flags.__extraTurn__ = v); // 使用样板的额外回合flag
const status = ['atk', 'def', 'hp'].map(v => ({ [v]: core.getRealStatus(v) }));
const hero = Object.assign({}, ...status, { mdef: 0 });
for (let i = 0; i < guards.length; i++) {
const e = guards[i];
const data = core.getDamageInfo(e.enemy, i === 0 ? void 0 : hero, e.loc.x, e.loc.y);
if (!data) {
res.push({ battlable: false });
turn.value += data.turn;
res.push({ battlable: true, damage: data.damage, turn: data.turn });
return res;
* 是否在视野范围内
* @param {number} x 要判断的格子
* @param {number} y
function inView (x, y) {
const { x: hx, y: hy } = core.status.hero.loc;
const w = core._WIDTH_,
h = core._HEIGHT_;
return x <= hx + w && x >= hx - w && y <= hy + h && y >= hy - h;
* 计算像素位置
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} w
* @param {number} h
function calPixel (x, y, w, h) {
const px = x * 32 + 16 - w / 2,
py = (y + 1) * 32 - h;
return { px, py, w, h };
* 根据鼠标位置获得矩形的绘制信息
* @param {number} px
* @param {number} py
function calRect (px, py, text) {
const onRight = px >= core._PX_ / 2;
let x = px + 32;
const width = Math.min(core._PX_ / 2 - 32, onRight ? px - 32 : core._PX_ - x);
if (onRight) x = px - width - 32;
const config = { maxWidth: width - 20, font, fontSize: 19, left: 10 };
let height = 500;
while (height > core._PY_ - 20) {
height = core.getTextContentHeight(text, config) + 20;
const y = core.clamp(py - height / 2, 10, core._PY_ - 20 - height);
return { x, y, width, height, font: config.fontSize };
* 绘制定点查看界面
* @param {EnemyCollection[]} info 怪物信息
function drawFixed (info) {
// 绘制,当然还有动画
new Back('_fixed_sback_', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)', 200);
const exit = new Sprite(core._PX_ - 60, 4, 56, 24, 400, 'game', '_exit_');
background-color: #aaa;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #000;
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.6s linear;
opacity: 0;
setTimeout(() => exit.setCss(`opacity: 1;`), 50);
const ctx = exit.context;
ctx.shadowBlur = 3;
ctx.shadowColor = '#000';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
core.fillText(ctx, '退出', 28, 12, '#fff', '18px normal');
exit.addEventListener('click', close);
sprites['_exit_'] = exit;
* 绘制每个怪物
* @param {EnemyCollection[]} info
function drawChoice (info) {
for (const e of info) {
const { x, y } = e.loc;
const data = e.data;
const { bigImage, height } = core.getBlockInfo(data.id);
const w = bigImage?.width ?? 32,
h = bigImage?.height ?? height;
const { px, py } = calPixel(x, y, w, h);
new EnemyBox(`_enemybox_${x}_${y}_`, px, py, w, h, data.id, !!bigImage, e);
* 绘制怪物的粗略信息
* @param {EnemyCollection} info
function drawRough (info) {
const { x, y } = info.loc;
const text = getRough(info.data, x, y);
const rect = calRect(x * 32 + 16, y * 32 + 16, text);
new TextBox(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, text, rect.font, x, y);
* 绘制详细信息的主界面
* @param {EnemyCollection} info
* @param {EnemyBox} enemyBox
function drawMain (info, enemyBox) {
const { bigImage, height } = core.getBlockInfo(info.data.id);
const w = bigImage?.width ?? 32,
h = bigImage?.height ?? height;
const box = enemyBox ?? new EnemyBox(`_enemy_main_`, 16, 16, w, h, info.data.id, !!bigImage, info);
box.move(16, 16);
border: 0;
background-color: transparent;
transform: none;
z-index: 1000;
const { status, text, damage, criticals, def } = getDetail(info);
const back = new Back(`_detail_back_`, 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #333, #777)', 600, 0.2);
// draw
const sv = Object.values(status);
sv.forEach(e => {
* 绘制怪物详细信息界面
* @param {EnemyCollection} info 怪物的信息
* @param {boolean} animate 是否要有动画
function drawDetail (info, animate) {
const { x, y } = info.loc;
const box = enemyBoxes[`_enemybox_${x}_${y}_`];
if (!animate) box?.destroy();
drawMain(info, box);
/** 关闭界面 */
function close () {
Object.values(sprites).forEach(v => v.destroy());
setTimeout(core.unlockControl, 600);
function getEnemy (px, py) {
const evenX = core._WIDTH_ % 2 === 0 ? 0.5 : 0,
evenY = core._HEIGHT_ % 2 === 0 ? 0.5 : 0;
const bx = Math.round(~~(px / 32) - core.bigmap.offsetX / 32 + evenX),
by = Math.round(~~(py / 32) - core.bigmap.offsetY / 32 + evenY);
const loc = `${bx},${by}`;
const blocks = core.getMapBlocksObj();
const block = blocks[loc];
if (!block) return;
if (block?.event?.trigger === 'battle')
return generateCollection(block.event.id, bx, by);
* 在游戏时移动鼠标,延迟500ms显示怪物信息
* @param {MouseEvent} e
function moveOnPlaying (e) {
if (!allowMap) return;
if (!core.isPlaying()) return;
const { x, y } = core.actions._getClickLoc(e.clientX, e.clientY);
const px = x / core.domStyle.scale,
py = y / core.domStyle.scale;
// 清空所有的信息栏
Object.values(textBoxes).forEach(v => v.destroy());
const enemy = getEnemy(px, py);
if (block?.event?.trigger !== 'battle') return;
lastLoc = loc;
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
* 双击鼠标时
* @param {MouseEvent} e
function dblClick (e) {
if (!allowDbl) return;
if (!core.isPlaying()) return;
if (e.detail !== 2) return;
const { x, y } = core.actions._getClickLoc(e.clientX, e.clientY);
const px = x / core.domStyle.scale,
py = y / core.domStyle.scale;
const enemy = getEnemy(px, py);
"itemDetail": function () {
core.bigmap.threshold = 256;
core.control.updateDamage = function (floorId, ctx) {
floorId = floorId || core.status.floorId;
if (!floorId || core.status.gameOver || main.mode != 'play') return;
var onMap = ctx == null;
// 没有怪物手册
if (!core.hasItem('book')) return;
core.status.damage.posX = core.bigmap.posX;
core.status.damage.posY = core.bigmap.posY;
if (!onMap) {
var width = core.floors[floorId].width,
height = core.floors[floorId].height;
// 地图过大的缩略图不绘制显伤
if (width * height > core.bigmap.threshold) return;
this._updateDamage_damage(floorId, onMap);
this._updateDamage_extraDamage(floorId, onMap);
core.getItemDetail(floorId); // 宝石血瓶详细信息
// 绘制地图显示
control.prototype._drawDamage_draw = function (ctx, onMap) {
if (!core.hasItem('book')) return;
core.setFont(ctx, "15px normal");
core.setTextAlign(ctx, 'left');
core.status.damage.data.forEach((one) => {
var px = one.px,
py = one.py;
if (onMap && core.bigmap.v2) {
px -= core.bigmap.posX * 32;
py -= core.bigmap.posY * 32;
if (px < -32 * 2 || px > core.__PIXELS__ + 32 || py < -32 || py > core.__PIXELS__ + 32)
core.fillBoldText(ctx, one.text, px, py, one.color);
core.setTextAlign(ctx, 'center');
core.status.damage.extraData.forEach((one) => {
var px = one.px,
py = one.py;
if (onMap && core.bigmap.v2) {
px -= core.bigmap.posX * 32;
py -= core.bigmap.posY * 32;
if (px < -32 || px > core.__PIXELS__ + 32 || py < -32 || py > core.__PIXELS__ + 32)
core.fillBoldText(ctx, one.text, px, py, one.color);
core.formatBigNumber = function (x, onMap, onCritical) {
x = Math.floor(parseFloat(x));
if (!core.isset(x) || !Number.isFinite(x)) return '???';
if (x > 1e24 || x < -1e24) return x.toExponential(2);
var c = x < 0 ? "-" : "";
if (onCritical) c = '-> ';
x = Math.abs(x);
if (x <= 9999 || (!onMap && x <= 999999)) return c + x;
var all = [
{ "val": 1e20, "c": "g" },
{ "val": 1e16, "c": "j" },
{ "val": 1e12, "c": "z" },
{ "val": 1e8, "c": "e" },
{ "val": 1e4, "c": "w" },
for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
var one = all[i];
if (onMap) {
if (x >= one.val) {
var v = x / one.val;
return c + v.toFixed(Math.max(0, Math.floor((c == "-" ? 2 : 3) - Math.log10(v + 1)))) + one.c;
} else {
if (x >= 10 * one.val) {
var v = x / one.val;
return c + v.toFixed(Math.max(0, Math.floor(4 - Math.log10(v + 1)))) + one.c;
return c + x;
// 获取宝石信息 并绘制
this.getItemDetail = function (floorId) {
if (!core.getFlag("itemDetail")) return;
floorId = floorId || core.status.thisMap.floorId;
core.status.maps[floorId].blocks.forEach((block) => {
if (block.event.cls !== 'items') return;
var x = block.x,
y = block.y;
// v2优化,只绘制范围内的部分
if (core.bigmap.v2) {
if (x < core.bigmap.posX - core.bigmap.extend || x > core.bigmap.posX + core.__SIZE__ + core.bigmap.extend ||
y < core.bigmap.posY - core.bigmap.extend || y > core.bigmap.posY + core.__SIZE__ + core.bigmap.extend) {
var id = block.event.id;
var item = core.material.items[id];
if (item.cls === 'equips') {
// 装备也显示
var diff = item.equip.value || {};
var per = item.equip.percentage;
for (var name in per) {
diff[name + 'per'] = per[name].toString() + '%';
drawItemDetail(diff, x, y);
var before = core.clone(core.status.hero);
// 跟数据统计原理一样 执行效果 前后比较
core.setFlag("__statistics__", true);
try {
} catch (error) { }
var diff = compareObject(before, core.status.hero);
core.status.hero = hero = before;
flags = core.status.hero.flags;
drawItemDetail(diff, x, y);
// 比较两个对象之间每一项的数值差异(弱等于) 返回数值差异
function compareObject (a, b) {
a = a || {};
b = b || {};
var diff = {}; // 差异
for (var name in a) {
diff[name] = b[name] - (a[name] || 0);
if (!diff[name]) diff[name] = void 0;
return diff;
// 绘制
function drawItemDetail (diff, x, y) {
if (core.same(diff, {}) || !diff) return;
var px = 32 * x + 2,
py = 32 * y + 30;
var content = "";
// 获得数据和颜色
var i = 0;
for (var name in diff) {
if (!diff[name]) continue;
var color = "#ffffff";
if (typeof diff[name] === 'number')
diff[name] = core.formatBigNumber(diff[name], true);
switch (name) {
case 'atk':
case 'atkper':
color = "#FF7A7A";
case 'def':
case 'defper':
color = "#00E6F1";
case 'mdef':
case 'mdefper':
color = "#6EFF83";
case 'hp':
color = "#A4FF00";
case 'hpmax':
case 'hpmaxper':
color = "#F9FF00";
case 'mana':
color = "#cc6666";
content = diff[name];
// 绘制
core.status.damage.data.push({ text: content, px: px, py: py - 10 * i, color: color });
"chapter": function () {
// 章节显示
var chapter = "",
description = "";
// 显示章节
this.displayChapter = function (index) {
if (core.isReplaying()) return;
var number = core.replaceNumberWithChinese(index);
// 获取第几章
chapter = "第" + number + "章";
if (index == 0) chapter = "序章";
// 获取描述
switch (index) {
case 0:
description = "起源";
case 1:
description = "勇气";
case 2:
description = "智慧";
core.coreChapterAnimate(chapter, description);
// 替换数字大小写
this.replaceNumberWithChinese = function (number) {
if (number == 0) return "零";
if (number == 1) return "一";
if (number == 2) return "二";
if (number == 3) return "三";
if (number == 4) return "四";
if (number == 5) return "五";
if (number == 6) return "六";
if (number == 7) return "七";
if (number == 8) return "八";
if (number == 9) return "九";
if (number == 10) return "十";
// 核心动画运算
this.coreChapterAnimate = function (chapter, description) {
// 先建画布
if (core.isReplaying()) return;
core.createCanvas("chapter", 0, 0, 480, 480, 100);
var frame = 0,
speed = 0,
left = -480,
down = 240;
// 一秒50帧
var interval = setInterval(() => {
speed = core.hyperbolicCosine((frame - 84) * 0.05);
left += speed / 2;
// 背景
if (frame <= 110) {
core.fillRect("chapter", 0, -240 - left, 480, left + 480, "#000000");
core.fillRect("chapter", 0, 240, 480, left + 480, "#000000");
} else {
core.fillRect("chapter", 0, 0, 480, down, "#000000");
core.fillRect("chapter", 0, 480 - down, 480, down, "#000000");
down -= speed / 2;
// 中间矩形
if (frame <= 100) {
core.fillRect("chapter", 0, 240 - frame / 5, 480, frame / 2.5, [255, 255, 255, 0.5 + frame / 200]);
} else {
core.fillRect("chapter", 0, 240 - (2100 / (205 - frame)), 480, 4200 / (205 - frame), [255, 255, 255, (175 - frame) / 75]);
// 上下方线
core.fillRect("chapter", left, 210, 300, 10, "#FF4D00");
core.fillRect("chapter", 180 - left, 260, 300, 10, "#2DFFFC");
core.fillRect("chapter", left + 310, 210, 10, 10, "#FF4D00");
core.fillRect("chapter", 160 - left, 260, 10, 10, "#2DFFFC");
core.fillPolygon("chapter", [
[left + 330, 210],
[left + 330, 220],
[left + 340, 220]
], "#FF4D00");
core.fillPolygon("chapter", [
[150 - left, 260],
[140 - left, 260],
[150 - left, 270]
], "#2DFFFC");
// 闪光条
for (var i = 5; i > 0; i--) {
if (frame <= 150) {
core.drawLine("chapter", 0, 220, left + 320, 220, [255, 255, 255, 0.4], i);
core.drawLine("chapter", 480, 260, 160 - left, 260, [255, 255, 255, 0.4], i);
} else {
core.drawLine("chapter", 0, 220, left + 320, 220, [255, 255, 255, 0.4 - (frame - 150) / 125], i);
core.drawLine("chapter", 480, 260, 160 - left, 260, [255, 255, 255, 0.4 - (frame - 150) / 125], i);
core.fillEllipse("chapter", left + 320, 220, 7, 3, 0, [255, 255, 255, 0.8]);
core.fillEllipse("chapter", left + 320, 220, 2, 10, 0, [255, 255, 255, 0.8]);
core.fillEllipse("chapter", 160 - left, 260, 7, 3, 0, [255, 255, 255, 0.8]);
core.fillEllipse("chapter", 160 - left, 260, 2, 10, 0, [255, 255, 255, 0.8]);
// 字
core.setTextAlign("chapter", "center");
core.fillBoldText("chapter", chapter + " " + description, left + 360, 250, "#ffffff", "#000000", "28px scroll");
if (frame >= 200) {
if (frame == 80) core.playSound("chapter.mp3");
}, 20);
// 返回双曲余弦值
this.hyperbolicCosine = function (number) {
return 0.5 * (Math.pow(Math.E, number) + Math.pow(Math.E, -number));
"intelligenceTree": function () {
// 智慧加点
var list;
var levels;
var currPage = 1,
selector = [1, 1];
// 获取技能等级
this.getSkillLevel = function () {
if (!flags.levels) flags.levels = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (flags.levels[i] == null) flags.levels[i] = 0;
return flags.levels;
// 初始化
this.initializeList = function (changePage) {
// 初始化等级
levels = core.clone(core.getSkillLevel());
// 技能定义 0索引 1名称 2描述 3等级 4消耗 5前置技能[索引,等级,索引,等级] 6位置(5×5) 7最大等级 8页码数 9效果
list = [
[0, "力量", "力量就是根本!可以通过智慧增加力量", 0, 10 * levels[0] + 10, null, [1, 2], 10, 1, "攻击+" + (levels[0] * 2)],
[1, "致命一击", "爆发出全部力量攻击敌人", 0, 30 * levels[1] + 30, [0, 5],
[2, 1], 10, 1, "每回合额外伤害+" + (levels[1] * 5)
[2, "断灭之刃", "\\r[#dddd44]主动技能\\r[],开启后会在战斗时会额外增加一定量的攻击, 但同时减少一定量的防御,快捷键1", 0, 200 * levels[2] + 400, [1, 5],
[4, 1], 5, 1, levels[2] * 10 + "%攻击加成,减少" + levels[2] * 10 + "%的防御"
[3, "坚韧", "由智慧转化出坚韧!", 0, 10 * levels[3] + 10, null, [1, 4], 10, 1, "防御+" + levels[3] * 2],
[4, "回春", "让智慧化为治愈之泉水!", 0, 20 + levels[4] * 20, [3, 5],
[2, 5], 25, 1, "每回合回复" + 1 * levels[4] + "生命"
[5, "治愈之泉", "让生命变得更多一些吧!每吃50瓶血瓶就增加当前生命回复10%的生命回复", 0, 1500, [4, 25],
[4, 5], 1, 1, "50瓶血10%生命回复"
[6, "坚固之盾", "让护甲更加坚硬一些吧!", 0, 50 + levels[6] * 50, [3, 5],
[2, 3], 10, 1, "防御+" + 10 * levels[6]
[7, "无上之盾", "\\r[#dddd44]第一章终极技能\\r[],战斗时智慧会充当等量护盾", 0, 2500, [6, 10, 5, 1, 2, 2],
[5, 3], 1, 1, "战斗时智慧会充当护盾"
// 深拷贝list
list = core.clone(list);
var acted = false;
for (var i in list) {
list[i][3] = levels[i];
if (!list[i][5]) list[i][5] = [];
// 根据页码获取光标应该在的位置
if (changePage && !acted) {
if (list[i][8] == currPage) {
selector = list[i][6];
acted = true;
// 升级效果
this.treeEffect = function (index) {
index = parseInt(index);
switch (index) {
case 0: // 力量 +2攻击
core.status.hero.atk += 2;
case 1: // 致命一击 +5额外攻击
core.status.hero.mana += 5;
case 2: // 断灭之刃
core.setFlag("bladeOn", true);
case 3: // 坚韧 +2防御
core.status.hero.def += 2;
case 4: // 回春 +1回复
core.status.hero.hpmax += 1;
case 5: // 治愈之泉
core.setFlag("spring", true);
case 6: // 坚固之盾 +10防御
core.status.hero.def += 10;
case 7: // 无上之盾
core.setFlag("superSheild", true);
core.status.hero.mdef -= list[index][4];
// 由光标位置获得索引
this.getIdBySelector = function (x, y, page) {
for (var i in list) {
if (list[i][8] == page && x == list[i][6][0] && y == list[i][6][1]) {
return i;
// 绘制技能树界面
this.drawTree = function (changePage) {
// 初始化
if (!changePage) changePage = false;
var id = core.getIdBySelector(selector[0], selector[1], currPage);
var name = list[id][1],
description = list[id][2],
level = levels[id],
cost = list[id][4],
foreSkill = list[id][5],
max = list[id][7],
effect = list[id][9];
// 先建画布
core.createCanvas("tree", 0, 0, 480, 480, 130);
// 背景
core.fillRect("tree", 0, 0, 480, 480, [0, 0, 0, 0.95]);
core.drawLine("tree", 0, 172, 480, 172, [200, 200, 200, 0.95], 1);
core.drawLine("tree", 308, 172, 308, 480, [200, 200, 200, 0.95], 1);
core.drawLine("tree", 308, 450, 480, 450, [200, 200, 200, 0.95], 1);
core.drawLine("tree", 308, 220, 480, 220, [200, 200, 200, 0.95], 1);
core.drawLine("tree", 308, 413, 480, 413, [200, 200, 200, 0.95], 1);
for (var i = 0; i <= 239; i++) {
core.drawLine("tree", i, 40, 480 - i, 40, [0, 255, 107, 0.002], 2);
// 每一项技能图标
for (var i in list) {
if (list[i][8] != currPage) continue;
// 技能间的线
for (var j = 0; j < list[i][5].length; j += 2) {
if (!list[i][5]) break;
if (levels[list[i][5][j]] < list[i][5][j + 1])
core.drawLine("tree", list[list[i][5][j]][6][0] * 56 - 14, list[list[i][5][j]][6][1] * 56 + 158,
list[i][6][0] * 56 - 14, list[i][6][1] * 56 + 158, "#aaaaaa", 1);
else core.drawLine("tree", list[list[i][5][j]][6][0] * 56 - 14, list[list[i][5][j]][6][1] * 56 + 158,
list[i][6][0] * 56 - 14, list[i][6][1] * 56 + 158, "#00FF88", 1);
// 图标
for (var i in list) {
// 图标
core.drawImage("tree", "skill" + i + ".png", 0, 0, 114, 114, list[i][6][0] * 56 - 28, list[i][6][1] * 56 + 144, 28, 28);
// 方框
if (levels[i] == 0)
core.strokeRect("tree", list[i][6][0] * 56 - 28, list[i][6][1] * 56 + 144, 28, 28, "#888888", 1);
else if (levels[i] == list[i][7])
core.strokeRect("tree", list[i][6][0] * 56 - 28, list[i][6][1] * 56 + 144, 28, 28, "#F7FF68", 1);
core.strokeRect("tree", list[i][6][0] * 56 - 28, list[i][6][1] * 56 + 144, 28, 28, "#00FF69", 1);
// 光标
core.strokeRect("tree", selector[0] * 56 - 28, selector[1] * 56 + 144, 28, 28, "#ffff00", 1);
// 说明
core.setTextAlign("tree", "center");
core.fillText("tree", name, 240, 30, "#00FFD5", "28px normal");
core.setTextAlign("tree", "left")
core.drawTextContent("tree", " " + description, { left: 10, top: 42, maxWidth: 460, font: "normal", fontSize: 18 });
// 效果
if (level != 0)
core.drawTextContent("tree", "当前效果:" + effect, { left: 10, top: 122, maxWidth: 460, font: "normal", fontSize: 18 });
if (level != max) {
flags.levels[id] += 1;
effect = list[id][9];
core.drawTextContent("tree", "下一级效果:" + effect, { left: 10, top: 147, maxWidth: 460, font: "normal", fontSize: 18 });
effect = list[id][9];
core.setTextAlign("tree", "center");
// 等级
core.fillText("tree", "等级:" + level + "/" + max, 394, 190, "#ffffff", "18px normal");
// 升级
if (level != max)
core.fillText("tree", "升级花费:" + cost, 394, 210, "#ffffff", "18px normal");
// 退出
core.fillText("tree", "退出", 394, 470, "#ffffff", "18px normal");
// 页码数
var text = core.replaceNumberWithChinese(currPage);
core.fillText("tree", "第" + text + "章", 394, 440, "#ffffff", "24px normal");
if (currPage != 1) core.fillText("tree", "<", 334, 440, "#ffffff", "24px normal");
if (currPage != flags.chapter) core.fillText("tree", ">", 454, 440, "#ffffff", "24px normal");
// 前置技能
core.fillText("tree", "前置技能", 394, 245, "#ffffff", "20px normal");
if (foreSkill.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < foreSkill.length; i += 2) {
core.fillText("tree", foreSkill[i + 1] + "级 " + list[foreSkill[i]][1], 394, 270 + 10 * i);
// 升级操作
this.upgradeTree = function (index) {
// 执行操作
if (levels[index] == list[index][7]) {
// 判断前置技能
var fore = list[index][5];
for (var i = 0; i < fore.length; i += 2) {
if (levels[fore[i]] < fore[i + 1]) {
if (core.status.hero.mdef < list[index][4]) {
// 刷新
// 音效
{ "type": "sleep", "time": 100, "noSkip": true },
// 上下左右
this.moveSelector = function (keycode, times) {
times = times || 0;
if (keycode == 37 || keycode == 39) { // left right
if (times > 3) { // 正左右没有东西 移动至下一列
selector[0] -= 3 * (keycode - 38);
for (var i in list) {
if (list[i][8] != currPage) continue;
if (list[i][6][0] == selector[0]) {
selector = list[i][6];
selector[0] -= keycode - 38;
selector[0] += keycode - 38;
for (var i in list) { // 正左右有技能 移动至最近的技能
if (list[i][8] != currPage) continue;
if (list[i][6][0] == selector[0] && list[i][6][1] == selector[1]) {
selector = list[i][6];
return core.moveSelector(keycode, times + 1);
} else { // up down
if (times > 3) {
selector[1] -= 3 * (keycode - 39);
for (var i in list) {
if (list[i][8] != currPage) continue;
if (list[i][6][1] == selector[1]) {
selector = list[i][6];
selector[1] -= keycode - 39;
selector[1] += keycode - 39;
for (var i in list) {
if (list[i][8] != currPage) continue;
if (list[i][6][1] == selector[1] && list[i][6][0] == selector[0]) {
selector = list[i][6];
return core.moveSelector(keycode, times + 1);
// 由点击位置获取光标位置
this.getSelectorByLoc = function (px, py) {
if (px % 56 < 28 || (py - 172) % 56 < 28) return;
var x = Math.ceil(px / 56),
y = Math.ceil((py - 172) / 56);
if (selector[0] == x && selector[1] == y) {
var id = core.getIdBySelector(selector[0], selector[1], currPage);
} else {
for (var i in list) {
if (list[i][8] != currPage) continue;
if (list[i][6][0] == x && list[i][6][1] == y) {
selector = [x, y];
// 键盘操作
this.treeKeyboard = function (keycode) {
var id = core.getIdBySelector(selector[0], selector[1], currPage);
switch (keycode) {
case 13:
case 32: // 确认升级
case 27:
case 88: // 退出
core.insertAction({ "type": "break" });
case 37:
case 38:
case 39:
case 40: // 移动光标
// 点击操作
this.treeClick = function (px, py) {
if (px >= 308 && py >= 450) {
core.insertAction({ "type": "break" });
if (px <= 308 && py >= 172) {
core.getSelectorByLoc(px, py);
// 操作
this.actTree = function () {
if (flags.type == 0) return this.treeKeyboard(flags.keycode);
else return this.treeClick(flags.px, flags.py);
// 开启
this.openTree = function () {
// 插入事件
"type": "while",
"condition": "true",
"data": [
{ "type": "function", "function": "() => { core.plugin.drawTree(false); }" },
{ "type": "wait" },
{ "type": "function", "function": "() => { core.plugin.actTree(); }" }
"type": "function",
"function": "() => { core.deleteCanvas('tree');}"
"skills": function () {
// 所有的主动技能效果
var ignoreInJump = {
event: ['X20007', 'X20001', 'X20006', 'X20014', 'X20010', 'X20007'],
bg: ['X20037', 'X20038', 'X20039', 'X20045', 'X20047', 'X20053',
'X20054', 'X20055', 'X20067', 'X20068', 'X20075', 'X20076']
// 跳跃
this.jumpSkill = function () {
if (core.status.floorId.startsWith("tower")) return core.drawTip("当无法使用该技能");
if (!flags.skill2) return;
if (!flags['jump_' + core.status.floorId]) flags['jump_' + core.status.floorId] = 0;
if (core.status.floorId == 'MT14' && flags['jump_' + core.status.floorId] == 2 && !flags.MT14Jump) {
if (!(core.status.hero.loc.x == 77 && core.status.hero.loc.y == 5 && core.status.hero.loc.direction == 'right')) {
return core.drawTip("该地图还有一个必跳的地方,你还没有跳");
} else flags.MT14Jump = true;
if (flags['jump_' + core.status.floorId] >= 3) return core.drawTip('当前地图使用次数已用完');
var direction = core.status.hero.loc.direction;
var loc = core.status.hero.loc;
var checkLoc = {};
switch (direction) {
case "up":
checkLoc.x = loc.x;
checkLoc.y = loc.y - 1;
case "right":
checkLoc.x = loc.x + 1;
checkLoc.y = loc.y;
case "down":
checkLoc.x = loc.x;
checkLoc.y = loc.y + 1;
case "left":
checkLoc.x = loc.x - 1;
checkLoc.y = loc.y;
// 前方是否可通行 或 是怪物
var cls = core.getBlockCls(checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y);
var noPass = core.noPass(checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y);
var id = core.getBlockId(checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y) || '';
var bgId = core.getBlockByNumber(core.getBgNumber(checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y)).event.id || '';
// 可以通行
if (!noPass || cls == "items" || (id.startsWith('X') && !ignoreInJump.event.includes(id)) ||
(bgId.startsWith('X') && !ignoreInJump.bg.includes(bgId)))
return core.drawTip("当前无法使用技能");
// 不是怪物且不可以通行
if (noPass && !(cls == "enemys" || cls == "enemy48")) {
var toLoc = checkNoPass(direction, checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y, true);
if (!toLoc) return;
core.status.hero.hp -= 200 * flags.hard;
flags['jump_' + core.status.floorId]++;
if (core.status.hero.hp <= 0) {
core.status.hero.hp = 0;
{ "type": "jumpHero", "loc": [toLoc.x, toLoc.y], "time": 500 },
// 是怪物
if (cls == "enemys" || cls == "enemy48") {
var firstNoPass = checkNoPass(direction, checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y, false);
if (!firstNoPass) return;
core.status.hero.hp -= 200 * flags.hard;
flags['jump_' + core.status.floorId]++;
if (core.status.hero.hp <= 0) {
core.status.hero.hp = 0;
"type": "jump",
"from": [checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y],
"to": [firstNoPass.x, firstNoPass.y],
"time": 500,
"keep": true
// 检查一条线上的不可通过
function checkNoPass (direction, x, y, startNo) {
if (!startNo) startNo = false;
switch (direction) {
case "up":
case "right":
case "down":
case "left":
if (x > core.status.thisMap.width - 1 || y >
core.status.thisMap.height - 1 || x < 0 || y < 0) return core.drawTip("当前无法使用技能");
var id = core.getBlockId(x, y) || '';
if (core.getBgNumber(x, y))
var bgId = core.getBlockByNumber(core.getBgNumber(x, y)).event.id || '';
else var bgId = '';
if (core.noPass(x, y) || core.getBlockCls(x, y) == "items" || (id.startsWith('X') && !ignoreInJump.event.includes(id)) ||
(bgId.startsWith('X') && !ignoreInJump.bg.includes(bgId)) || core.getBlockCls(x, y) == "animates")
return checkNoPass(direction, x, y, true);
if (!startNo) return checkNoPass(direction, x, y, false);
return { 'x': x, 'y': y };
"changeFly": async function () {
// 该插件可自定义空间很大,自定义内容请看注释
// ------------------------- 安装说明 ------------------------- //
// 先安装基于canvas的sprite化插件(2.10.0以上自带)
// 再将以下代码复制进插件中,并将第一行的 function () 改为 async function ()
// 提供的api请看以this.xxx = function开头的函数,函数前会有函数说明及参数说明
// ------------------------- 使用说明 ------------------------- //
* 直接复制进插件中,然后添加一个快捷键或道具效果为core.plugin.drawFlyMap()即可使用,不需额外设置
* 楼层id中不要出现下划线
* 该插件具体功能有:
* 1.绘制区域内的地图
* 2.可以拖动地图
* 3.点击地图可直接传送至目标地图,同时降低背景的不透明度,方便观察
* 4.滚轮或双指可以放缩绘制内容
* 5.放缩较大时,绘制地图的缩略图,可能会比较卡,但移动不会卡
* 6.整合漏怪检测,如果想忽略怪物,请在下方改动或用脚本修改core.plugin.ignoreEnemies,类型为数组
* 7.整合区域显示,所有单独或连在一起的地图会被视为一个区域
* 8.键盘操作,上下左右移动
// ------------------------- 插件说明 ------------------------- //
* 该插件注释极其详细,可以帮助那些想要提升代码力,但实力有不足的作者
* 注意!!!该插件难度极大,没有代码底力的不建议研究
* 该插件涉及部分较为高级的算法,如bfs
// 录像验证直接干掉这个插件
if (main.replayChecking || main.mode === 'editor') return;
// 延迟初始化,就不用安装到sprite化插件之后了
await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 500));
// ----- 不可自定义 杂七杂八的变量
/** @type {{[x: string]: BFSResult}} */
let mapCache = {}; // 地图缓存
let drawCache = {}; // 绘制信息缓存
let status = 'none'; // 当前的绘制状态
/** @type {{[x: string]: Sprite}} */
let sprites = {}; // 当前所有的sprite
/** @type {{[x: string]: Sprite}} */
let canDrag = {}; // 可以拖拽的sprite
/** @type {{[x: string]: Button}} */
let areaSprite = {}; // 区域列表对应的sprite
let clicking = false; // 是否正在点击,用于拖拽判定
let drawingMap = ''; // 正在绘制的中心楼层
let nowScale = 0; // 当前绘制的放缩比例
let lastTouch = {}; // 上一次的单点点击信息
let lastLength = 0; // 手机端缩放时上一次的两指间距离
let nowDepth = 0; // 当前的遍历深度
let drawedThumbnail = {}; // 已经绘制过的缩略图
let moved = false; // 鼠标按下后是否移动了
let noBorder = false; // 是否是无边框拼接模式
let lastScale = 0; // 上一次缩放,用于优化缩略图绘制
let showEnemy = false; // 是否显示漏怪
let areaPage = 0; // 区域显示的当前页数
let nowArea = 0; // 当前区域index
let selecting = ''; // 选择时当前正在选择的地图
// ---- 不可自定义,常量
/** @type {Area} */
let areas = []; // 区域信息
const perPage = Math.floor((core._PY_ - 60) / 30); // 区域的每页显示数量
// ---- 可自定义,默认的切换地图的图块id
const defaultChange = {
left: 'leftPortal', // 左箭头
up: 'upPortal', // 上箭头
right: 'rightPortal', // 右箭头
down: 'downPortal', // 下箭头
upFloor: 'upFloor', // 上楼
downFloor: 'downFloor' // 下楼
// ---- 可自定义,默认数值
const defaultValue = {
font: 'Verdana', // 默认字体
scale: 3, // 默认地图缩放比例
depth: Infinity, // 默认的遍历深度
// ---- 不可自定义,计算数据
const dirData = {
up: [1, 0],
down: [-1, 0],
left: [0, 1],
right: [0, -1],
upFloor: [0, 0],
downFloor: [0, 0]
let ignoreEnemies = this.ignoreEnemies = [];
let allChangeEntries = Object.entries(defaultChange);
const reset = core.events.resetGame;
core.events.resetGame = function () {
reset.apply(core.events, arguments);
areas = [];
// 获取所有分区,使用异步函数,保证不会卡顿
// 原理是用bfs扫,将所有连在一起的地图合并成一个区域
(async function () {
let all = core.floorIds.slice();
const scanned = { [all[0]]: true };
while (all.length > 0) {
let now = all.shift();
if (core.status.maps[now].deleted) continue;
if (!now) return;
await new Promise(res => {
const result = bfsSearch(now, Infinity, true);
mapCache[`${now}_Infinity_false`] = result;
areas.push({ name: core.floors[now].title, maps: result.order });
for (const map of result.order) {
scanned[map] = true;
all = all.filter(v => !result.order.includes(v));
/** 工具按钮 */
class Button extends Sprite {
constructor(name, x, y, w, h, text, fontSize = '20px', transition = true) {
const btn = super(x, y, w, h, 1050, 'game', name);
setTimeout(() => btn.setCss(`opacity: 1;`), 50);
const ctx = btn.context;
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
core.fillText(ctx, text, w / 2, h / 2, '#fff', `${fontSize} normal`, w - 10);
sprites[name] = btn;
css (transition) {
'transition: opacity 0.6s linear, transform 0.2s linear;' +
'background-color: #aaa;' +
'box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px black;' +
(transition ? 'opacity: 0;' : '') +
'filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 2px black);' +
'box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black;' +
'cursor: pointer;'
/** 背景 */
class Back extends Sprite {
constructor(name, x, y, w, h, z, color) {
const sprite = super(x, y, w, h, z, 'game', name);
sprites[name] = sprite;
this.setCss(`transition: all 0.6s linear;`);
setTimeout(() => {
this.setCss(`background-color: ${color};`);
}, 50);
* 获取绘制信息
* @param {string?} center 中心地图id
* @param {number?} depth 搜索深度
* @param {boolean?} noCache 是否不使用缓存
* @returns {MapDrawInfo}
this.getMapDrawInfo = function (center = core.status.floorId, depth = defaultValue.depth, noCache = false) {
nowDepth = depth;
drawingMap = center;
const id = `${center}_${depth}_${noBorder}`;
// 检查缓存
if (drawCache[id] && !noCache) return drawCache[id];
const map = bfsSearch(center, depth, noCache);
mapCache[id] = map;
const res = getDrawInfo(map.res, center, map.order);
res.upOrDown = map.upOrDown;
drawCache[id] = res;
return res;
* 绘制大地图,可拖动、滚轮缩放、点击对应位置可以楼传等
* @param {string} floorId 中心地图的id
* @param {number} depth 遍历深度
* @param {boolean} noCache 是否不使用缓存
* @param {number} scale 绘制的缩放比例
this.drawFlyMap = function (floorId = core.status.floorId,
depth = defaultValue.depth, noCache = false, scale = defaultValue.scale) {
if (core.isReplaying()) return;
// 把区域页码归零
nowArea = areas.findIndex(v => v.maps.includes(core.status.floorId));
areaPage = 0;
nowScale = scale;
selecting = floorId;
const info = this.getMapDrawInfo(floorId, depth, noCache);
if (status !== 'scale' && status !== 'border') {
drawMap(info, scale);
status = 'flyMap';
core.canvas.data.canvas.style.zIndex = '990';
* 获得某个区域的剩余怪物
* @param {string} floorId 区域包含的地图或要扫描的地图
* @param {boolean} area 是否扫描整个区域
* @returns {RemainEnemy} 怪物总数、所在地图、位置
* 返回值格式:{
* rough: 每种怪物的数量及所有怪物的总数,为字符串,每个怪物独占一行
* detail: 每个怪物的所在位置,每个怪物独占一行,以每20个整合成字符串,为字符串数组形式
* data: 怪物数量的原始信息,格式为{ 楼层id: { 'x,y': 怪物id } }
* }
this.getRemainEnemy = function (floorId = core.status.floorId, area = false) {
const res = bfsSearch(floorId, Infinity, false);
// 整合怪物总数
/** @type {{[x: string]: number}} */
const category = {};
const toShow = area ? res.order : [floorId];
const strArr = [];
const add = (...num) => num.reduce((pre, cur) => pre + cur, 0);
const name = (id) => core.material.enemys[id].name;
const title = (id) => core.status.maps[id].title;
for (const id of toShow) {
const enemies = res.enemies[id];
Object.values(enemies).forEach(v => {
// 编辑器不支持 ??=,悲
category[v] = category[v] ?? 0;
// 每个怪物的信息
.map(v => `${name(v[1])} 楼层:${title(id)},楼层id:${id},坐标:${v[0]}`));
// 输出字符串
const all = `当前${area ? '区域' : '地图'}中剩余怪物数量:${add(...Object.values(category))}`;
const classified = Object.entries(category).map(v => `${name(v[0])} × ${v[1]}`).join`\n`;
const detail = [];
while (strArr.length > 0) {
detail.push(strArr.splice(0, 20).join`\n`);
return { rough: `${all}\n${classified}`, detail, data: res.enemies };
* 广度优先搜索搜索地图路径
* @param {string} center 中心地图的id
* @param {number} depth 搜索深度
* @param {boolean} noCache 是否不使用缓存
* @returns {BFSResult} 格式:floorId_x_y_dir: floorId_x_y
function bfsSearch (center, depth, noCache) {
// 检查缓存
const id = `${center}_${depth}_${noBorder}`;
if (mapCache[id] && !noCache) return mapCache[id];
const used = { [center]: true }; // 搜索过的楼层
let queue = [];
let stack = [center]; // 当前栈
let nowDepth = -1;
const mapOrder = [center]; // 遍历顺序,顺便还能记录遍历了哪些楼层
const res = {}; // 输出结果,格式:floorId_x_y_dir: floorId_x_y
const enemies = {};
const upOrDown = {};
// 开始循环搜索
while (nowDepth < depth && stack.length > 0) {
const now = stack.shift(); // 当前id
if (core.status.maps[now].deleted) continue;
const blocks = core.getMapBlocksObj(now); // 获取当前地图的每点的事件
enemies[now] = {};
// 遍历,获取可以传送的点,只检测绿点事件,因此可用红点事件进行传送来实现分区功能
for (const i in blocks) {
const block = blocks[i];
// 整合漏怪检测,所以要检测怪物
if (block.event.trigger === 'battle') {
const id = block.event.id;
if (ignoreEnemies.includes(id)) continue;
else enemies[now][i] = block.event.id;
// 检测触发器是否为切换楼层,不是则直接跳过
if (block.event.trigger !== 'changeFloor') continue;
const dirEntries = allChangeEntries.find(v => v[1] === block.event.id);
// 如果不是那六种传送门,直接忽略
if (!dirEntries) continue;
const data = block.event.data;
const dir = dirEntries[0];
const route = `${now}_${i.replace(',', '_')}_${dir}`;
const target = `${data.floorId}_${data.loc.join('_')}`;
if (!used[data.floorId]) {
if (dir === 'upFloor' || dir === 'downFloor') {
upOrDown[now] = upOrDown[id] ?? [];
queue.push(data.floorId); // 没有搜索过,则加入栈中
used[data.floorId] = true;
res[route] = target;
if (stack.length === 0) {
stack = queue;
queue = [];
if (stack.length === 0 && queue.length === 0) break;
return { res, order: mapOrder, enemies, upOrDown };
* 提供地图的绘制信息
* @param {{[x: string]: string}} map 要绘制的地图,格式:floorId_x_y_dir: floorId_x_y
* @param {string} center 中心地图的id
* @param {string[]} order 遍历顺序
* @returns {MapDrawInfo} 地图的绘制信息
function getDrawInfo (map, center, order) {
// 先根据地图id分类,从而确定每个地图连接哪些地图,同时方便处理
const links = {};
for (const i in map) {
const splitted = i.split('_');
const id = splitted[0]
if (!links[id]) links[id] = {};
links[id][i] = map[i];
// 分类完毕,然后根据连接点先计算出各个地图的坐标,然后再进行判断
const centerFloor = core.status.maps[center];
const visitedCenter = core.hasVisitedFloor(center);
const locs = { // 格式:[中心x, 中心y, 宽, 高, 是否到达过]
[center]: [0, 0, centerFloor.width, centerFloor.height, visitedCenter]
const lines = {}; // 地图间的连线
// 可以上楼下楼的地图
const upOrDown = {};
for (const id of order) {
const now = links[id];
// 遍历每一个地图的连接情况
for (const from in now) {
const to = now[from];
// 先根据from to计算物理位置
const fromData = from.split('_'),
toData = to.split('_');
const dir = fromData[3];
if (dir === 'upFloor' || dir === 'downFloor') continue;
if (!defaultChange[dir]) continue;
const v = dirData[dir][1], // 竖直数值
h = dirData[dir][0], // 水平数值
ha = Math.abs(h),
va = Math.abs(v);
const fx = parseInt(fromData[1]), // fromX
fy = parseInt(fromData[2]), // fromY
tx = parseInt(toData[1]), // toX
ty = parseInt(toData[2]), // toY
ff = id, // fromFloorId
tf = toData[0]; // toFloorId
const fromFloor = core.status.maps[ff],
toFloor = core.status.maps[tf];
const fhw = Math.floor(fromFloor.width / 2), // fromFloorHalfWidth
fhh = Math.floor(fromFloor.height / 2),
thw = Math.floor(toFloor.width / 2),
thh = Math.floor(toFloor.height / 2);
const fLoc = locs[id] ?? [0, 0];
if (!locs[ff]) continue;
let x, y;
const dis = noBorder ? 1 : 5;
if (locs && locs[tf]) {
x = locs[tf][0];
y = locs[tf][1];
} else {
// 计算坐标,公式可以通过画图推断出
x = fLoc[0] - ha * (fhw - fx + tx - thw) - v * (fhw + thw + dis);
y = fLoc[1] - va * (fhh - fy + ty - thh) - h * (fhh + thh + dis);
locs[tf] = locs[tf] ?? [x, y, toFloor.width, toFloor.height, core.hasVisitedFloor(tf)];
// 添加连线
lines[`${from}_${to}`] = [[
fx - fhw + locs[ff][0],
fy - fhh + locs[ff][1],
x + tx - thw, y + ty - thh
// 获取地图绘制需要的长宽
let width = 0,
height = 0;
let left, right, up, down;
for (const id in locs) {
const [x, y, w, h] = locs[id];
if (left === void 0) {
left = right = x;
up = down = y;
left = Math.min(x - w / 2 - 1, left);
right = Math.max(x + w / 2 + 1, right);
up = Math.min(y - h / 2 - 1, up);
down = Math.max(y + h / 2 + 1, down);
width = right - left;
height = down - up;
// 所有地图和连线向右下移动,避免绘制出现问题
for (const id in locs) {
const loc = locs[id];
loc[0] -= left; // 这时候left和up是负值,所以要减
loc[1] -= up;
for (const route in lines) {
const line = lines[route];
for (const node of line) {
node[0] -= left;
node[1] -= up;
node[2] -= left;
node[3] -= up;
return { locs, lines, width, height, layer: upOrDown };
/** 绘制背景 */
function drawBack () {
if (status !== 'none') return;
new Back('__map_back__', 0, 0, core._PX_, core._PY_, 175, 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)');
const listen = new Sprite(0, 0, core._PX_, core._PY_, 1000, 'game', '__map_listen__');
const exit = new Button('__map_exit__', core._PX_ - 64, core._PY_ - 26, 60, 22, '退出');
exit.addEventListener('click', close);
sprites.listen = listen;
/** 绘制工具栏 */
function drawTools () {
new Back('__map_toolback__', 0, core._PY_ - 30, core._PX_, 30, 600, 'rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.9)');
// 无边框
const border = new Button('__map_border__', core._PX_ - 150, core._PY_ - 26, 60, 22, '边框');
border.addEventListener('click', changeBorder);
// 怪物数量
const enemy = new Button('__map_enemy__', core._PX_ - 240, core._PY_ - 26, 60, 22, '怪物');
enemy.addEventListener('click', triggerEnemy);
// 区域显示
const area = new Back('__map_areasback__', core._PX_ - 80, 0, 80, core._PY_ - 30, 550, 'rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.9)');
core.drawLine(area.context, 0, core._PY_ - 30, 80, core._PY_ - 30, '#222', 2);
/** 绘制区域列表 */
function drawAreaList (transition = true) {
const start = perPage * areaPage;
Object.values(areaSprite).forEach(v => v.destroy());
areaSprite = {};
for (let i = start; i < start + perPage && areas[i]; i++) {
const n = i % perPage;
const { name, maps } = areas[i];
const btn = new Button(`_area_${maps[0]}`, core._PX_ - 75, 4 + 30 * n, 70, 22, name, '16px', transition);
areaSprite[maps[0]] = btn;
if (i === nowArea) btn.setCss(`border: 2px solid gold;`);
btn.addEventListener('click', e => {
if (i === nowArea) return;
// 上一页下一页
if (areaPage > 0) {
const last = new Button('_area_last_', core._PX_ - 75, core._PY_ - 50, 30, 16, '上一页', '14px', transition);
areaSprite._area_last_ = last;
last.addEventListener('click', e => {
if (areaPage < Math.floor(areas.length / perPage)) {
const next = new Button('_area_next_', core._PX_ - 35, core._PY_ - 50, 30, 16, '下一页', '14px', transition);
areaSprite._area_next_ = next;
next.addEventListener('click', e => {
* 绘制大地图
* @param {MapDrawInfo} info 地图绘制信息
* @param {number} scale 地图的绘制比例
function drawMap (info, scale = defaultValue.scale) {
if (status === 'flyMap') return;
const PX = core._PX_,
PY = core._PY_;
const w = info.width * scale,
h = info.height * scale;
const id = `__flyMap__`;
const cx = PX / 2 - w / 2,
cy = PY / 2 - h / 2;
const map = new Sprite(cx, cy, w, h, 500, 'game', id);
sprites[id] = map;
canDrag[id] = map;
map.canvas.className = 'fly-map';
const ctx = map.context;
if (!noBorder) {
const drawed = {}; // 绘制过的线
// 先绘制连线
const lines = info.lines;
for (const route in lines) {
const line = lines[route];
for (const node of line) {
const from = `${node[0]},${node[1]}`, to = `${node[2]},${node[3]}`;
if (drawed[`${from}-${to}`] || drawed[`${to}-${from}`]) continue;
drawed[`${from}-${to}`] = true;
let lineWidth = scale / 2;
core.drawLine(ctx, node[0] * scale, node[1] * scale, node[2] * scale, node[3] * scale, '#fff', lineWidth);
// 再绘制楼层
const locs = info.locs;
for (const id in locs) {
const loc = locs[id];
let color = '#000';
if (!loc[4]) color = '#f0f';
const [x, y, w, h] = loc.map(v => typeof v === 'number' && v * scale);
let dx = 0, dy = 0; // 避免绘图误差
if (loc[2] % 2 === 0) dx = 0.5 * scale;
if (loc[3] % 2 === 0) dy = 0.5 * scale;
const fx = x - w / 2 - dx, fy = y - h / 2 - dy;
core.fillRect(ctx, fx, fy, w, h, color);
if (id === selecting) core.strokeRect(ctx, fx, fy, w, h, 'gold', scale / 2);
else core.strokeRect(ctx, fx, fy, w, h, '#fff', scale / 2);
const layer = info.upOrDown[id];
const min = Math.min(w, h);
if (layer?.includes('upFloor'))
core.drawIcon(ctx, defaultChange.upFloor, fx, fy, min / 3, min / 3);
if (layer?.includes('downFloor'))
core.drawIcon(ctx, defaultChange.downFloor, fx + w - min / 3, fy + h - min / 3, min / 3, min / 3);
// 显示漏怪数量
if (showEnemy) {
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
const c = `${drawingMap}_${nowDepth}_${noBorder}`;
const n = Object.keys(mapCache[c].enemies[id]).length;
color = '#3f3';
if (n > 0) color = '#fff';
if (n > 10) color = '#fc3';
if (n > 20) color = '#f22';
ctx.shadowBlur = 0.6 * nowScale;
ctx.shadowColor = '#000';
core.fillText(ctx, `怪物数量:${n}`, x, y, color, `${2 * nowScale}px normal`);
ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
* 重新绘制缩略图
* @param {Sprite} sprite
* @param {string} floor
function drawThumbnail (sprite, floor, x, y, w, h) {
const ctx = sprite.context;
const scale = nowScale;
core.drawThumbnail(floor, void 0, {
ctx: ctx, x: x - w / 2, y: y - h / 2,
damage: true, all: true, size: Math.max(w, h) / Math.max(core._PX_, core._PY_),
fromMap: true
const color = floor === core.status.floorId ? 'gold' : '#fff'
if (!noBorder)
core.strokeRect(ctx, x - w / 2, y - h / 2, w, h, color, scale / 2);
/** 检查是否需要绘制缩略图 */
function checkThumbnail () {
const id = `${drawingMap}_${nowDepth}_${noBorder}`;
const locs = drawCache[id].locs;
const map = canDrag[`__flyMap__`];
for (const id in locs) {
const loc = locs[id];
const scale = nowScale;
const [x, y, w, h] = loc.map(v => typeof v === 'number' && v * scale);
let dx = 0, dy = 0; // 避免绘图误差
if (loc[2] % 2 === 0) dx = 0.5 * scale;
if (loc[3] % 2 === 0) dy = 0.5 * scale;
if (!drawedThumbnail[id] && x + map.x > 0 && x + map.x < core._PX_ &&
y + map.y > 0 && y + map.y < core._PY_) {
if (!noBorder && core.hasVisitedFloor(id) && scale > 5) {
drawThumbnail(map, id, x - dx, y - dy, w, h);
drawedThumbnail[id] = true;
if (noBorder) {
drawThumbnail(map, id, x - dx, y - dy, w, h)
drawedThumbnail[id] = true;
if (!core.hasVisitedFloor(id))
core.fillRect(map.context, x - dx - w / 2, y - dy - h / 2, w, h, 'rgba(255,0,255,0.2)');
// 如果是无边框模式,那就只绘制当前地图的边框
if (noBorder) {
const loc = locs[selecting];
const scale = nowScale;
if (loc) {
const [x, y, w, h] = loc.map(v => typeof v === 'number' && v * scale);
core.strokeRect(map.context, x - w / 2, y - h / 2, w, h, 'gold', scale / 2);
/** 检查点击点是否在以x,y为中心的某一矩形中 */
function inRect (x, y, w, h, px, py) {
x -= w / 2;
y -= h / 2;
return px > x && px < x + w && py > y && py < y + h;
/** 测试画布是否超过上限,摘自https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/canvas-size */
function canvasTest (size) {
const width = Math.max(Math.ceil(size[0]), 1);
const height = Math.max(Math.ceil(size[1]), 1);
if (width === 0 || height === 0) return true;
const fill = [width - 1, height - 1, 1, 1];
let cropCvs, testCvs;
cropCvs = document.createElement("canvas");
cropCvs.width = 1;
cropCvs.height = 1;
testCvs = document.createElement("canvas");
testCvs.width = width;
testCvs.height = height;
const cropCtx = cropCvs.getContext("2d");
const testCtx = testCvs.getContext("2d");
if (testCtx) {
testCtx.fillRect.apply(testCtx, fill);
cropCtx.drawImage(testCvs, width - 1, height - 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
const isTestPass = cropCtx && cropCtx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data[3] !== 0;
return isTestPass;
/** 检查浏览器限制 */
function checkMaximum (before, scale) {
for (const id in canDrag) {
const sprite = canDrag[id];
const rate = scale / before;
const w = sprite.width * rate * core.domStyle.scale,
h = sprite.height * rate * core.domStyle.scale;
const valid = canvasTest([w, h]);
if (!valid) {
return true;
return false;
/** 关闭事件 */
function close () {
document.body.removeEventListener('keyup', keyboard);
Object.values(sprites).forEach((v) => {
v.setCss('transition: opacity 0.6s linear;');
setTimeout(() => {
Object.values(sprites).forEach((v) => {
v.setCss('opacity: 0;');
}, 50);
setTimeout(() => {
Object.values(sprites).forEach((v) => {
drawedThumbnail = {};
sprites = {};
canDrag = {};
status = 'none';
core.canvas.data.canvas.style.zIndex = '170';
}, 650);
* 点击地图事件,尝试楼层传送
* @param {MouseEvent} e
function clickMap (e) {
if (moved) return moved = false;
const { x, y } = core.actions._getClickLoc(e.clientX, e.clientY);
let px = x / core.domStyle.scale,
py = y / core.domStyle.scale;
const scale = nowScale;
const id = `${drawingMap}_${nowDepth}_${noBorder}`;
const locs = drawCache[id].locs;
const sprite = canDrag.__flyMap__;
px -= sprite.x;
py -= sprite.y;
for (const id in locs) {
const loc = locs[id];
const [x, y, w, h] = loc.map(v => typeof v === 'number' && v * scale);
if (inRect(x, y, w, h, px, py)) {
return flyTo(id);
/** 飞向某个楼层 */
function flyTo (id) {
if (!core.hasItem('fly')) return core.drawTip('你没有楼层传送器');
sprites.__map_back__.setCss('opacity: 0.2;');
return core.flyTo(id, () => setTimeout(() => {
if (sprites.__map_back__) core.lockControl();
}, 100));
* 拖拽事件
* @param {MouseEvent} e
function drag (e) {
if (!clicking) return;
const scale = core.domStyle.scale
moveEle(e.movementX / scale, e.movementY / scale);
* 手机端点击拖动事件
* @param {TouchEvent} e
* @this {HTMLCanvasElement}
function touchDrag (e) {
moved = true;
const scale = core.domStyle.scale;
if (e.touches.length === 1) { // 拖拽
const info = e.touches[0];
if (!lastTouch[this.id]) {
lastTouch[this.id] = [info.clientX, info.clientY];
const { clientX: x, clientY: y } = info;
const dx = x - lastTouch[this.id][0],
dy = y - lastTouch[this.id][1];
moveEle(dx / scale, dy / scale);
lastTouch[this.id] = [info.clientX, info.clientY];
} else if (e.touches.length >= 2) { // 双指放缩
const [first, second] = e.touches;
const dx = first.clientX - second.clientX,
dy = first.clientY - second.clientY;
if (lastLength === 0) {
lastLength = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
let cx = (first.clientX + second.clientX) / 2,
cy = (first.clientY + second.clientY) / 2;
const { x, y } = core.actions._getClickLoc(cx, cy);
cx = x / scale;
cy = y / scale;
const length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
const delta = length / lastLength;
const info = {};
for (const id in canDrag) {
const sprite = canDrag[id];
const sx = sprite.x + sprite.width / 2,
sy = sprite.y + sprite.height / 2;
const dx = sx - mx,
dy = sy - my;
info[id] = [cx + dx * delta, cy + dy * delta];
scaleMap(delta * nowScale, info);
* 滚轮缩放
* @param {WheelEvent} e
function wheel (e) {
const delta = 1 - Math.sign(e.deltaY) / 10;
const { x, y } = core.actions._getClickLoc(e.clientX, e.clientY);
const scale = core.domStyle.scale;
const mx = x / scale,
my = y / scale;
const info = {};
for (const id in canDrag) {
const sprite = canDrag[id];
const cx = sprite.x + sprite.width / 2,
cy = sprite.y + sprite.height / 2;
const dx = cx - mx,
dy = cy - my;
info[id] = [mx + dx * delta, my + dy * delta];
scaleMap(delta * nowScale, info);
/** 切换边框 */
function changeBorder () {
noBorder = !noBorder;
/** 切换是否显示漏怪数量 */
function triggerEnemy () {
showEnemy = !showEnemy;
/** 改变区域 */
function changeArea (index) {
nowArea = index;
drawedThumbnail = {};
status = 'area';
nowScale = defaultValue.scale;
/** 重绘 */
function redraw (id, px, py, move = true) {
const { x, y } = canDrag.__flyMap__;
status = id;
drawedThumbnail = {};
drawMap(core.plugin.getMapDrawInfo(drawingMap, nowDepth, true), nowScale);
if (move) canDrag.__flyMap__.move(px ?? x, py ?? y);
* 拖拽时移动需要元素
* @param {string} dx
* @param {string} dy
function moveEle (dx, dy) {
moved = true;
for (const id in canDrag) {
const sprite = canDrag[id];
const ctx = sprite.context;
sprite.x += dx;
sprite.y += dy;
core.relocateCanvas(ctx, dx, dy, true);
* 缩放绘制地图
* @param {number} target 目标缩放比例
* @param {{[x: string]: [number, number]}} info 缩放后的sprite位置数据
function scaleMap (target, info) {
// 检查浏览器限制
if (checkMaximum(nowScale, target)) return;
const [x, y] = info.__flyMap__;
// 先直接修改style,延迟200ms再绘制,进行性能优化
const sprite = canDrag.__flyMap__;
const rate = target / nowScale;
nowScale = target;
sprite.resize(sprite.width * rate, sprite.height * rate, true);
sprite.move(x - sprite.width / 2, y - sprite.height / 2);
lastScale = setTimeout(() => {
redraw('scale', x - sprite.width / 2, y - sprite.height / 2);
}, 200)
/** 键盘操作
* @param {KeyboardEvent} e
function keyboard (e) {
if (e.key === 'Enter' || e.key === 'C' || e.key === 'c' || e.key === '') {
return flyTo(selecting);
} else if (e.key === 'Escape' || e.key === 'x' || e.key === 'X') {
return close();
} else if (e.key.startsWith('Arrow')) {
const dir = e.key.slice(5).toLowerCase();
// 获取目标楼层
const res = mapCache[`${drawingMap}_${nowDepth}_${noBorder}`].res;
const key = Object.keys(res)
.find(v => {
const [floorId, x, y, d] = v.split('_');
return floorId === selecting && d === dir;
if (!key) return;
const target = res[key].split('_')[0];
selecting = target;
* 给需要的元素添加拖拽等事件
* @param {HTMLCanvasElement} ele
function addDrag (ele) {
ele.addEventListener('wheel', wheel);
ele.addEventListener('mousemove', drag);
ele.addEventListener('touchmove', touchDrag);
ele.addEventListener('click', clickMap);
ele.addEventListener('mousedown', () => { clicking = true; });
ele.addEventListener('mouseup', () => { clicking = false; });
ele.addEventListener('touchend', () => { lastTouch = {}; lastLength = 0; });
document.body.addEventListener('keyup', keyboard);
maps.prototype._drawThumbnail_drawToTarget = function (floorId, options) {
const ctx = core.getContextByName(options.ctx);
if (ctx == null) return;
const x = options.x || 0, y = options.y || 0, size = options.size || 1;
// size的含义改为(0,1]范围的系数以适配长方形,默认为1,楼传为3/4,SL界面为0.3
let w = Math.ceil(size * core._PX_), h = Math.ceil(size * core._PY_);
// 特判是否为编辑器,编辑器中长宽均采用core.js的遗留正方形像素边长,以保证下面的绘制正常
if (main.mode == 'editor') w = h = size * core.__PIXELS__;
const width = core.floors[floorId].width, height = core.floors[floorId].height;
let centerX = options.centerX, centerY = options.centerY;
if (centerX == null) centerX = Math.floor(width / 2);
if (centerY == null) centerY = Math.floor(height / 2);
const tempCanvas = core.bigmap.tempCanvas;
if (options.all) {
const tempWidth = tempCanvas.canvas.width, tempHeight = tempCanvas.canvas.height;
// 绘制全景图
if (tempWidth <= tempHeight) {
const realHeight = h, realWidth = realHeight * tempWidth / tempHeight;
const side = (w - realWidth) / 2;
if (options.fromMap) {
return core.drawImage(ctx, tempCanvas.canvas, 0, 0, tempWidth, tempHeight, x, y, realWidth, realHeight);
core.fillRect(ctx, x, y, side, realHeight, '#000000');
core.fillRect(ctx, x + w - side, y, side, realHeight);
core.drawImage(ctx, tempCanvas.canvas, 0, 0, tempWidth, tempHeight, x + side, y, realWidth, realHeight);
else {
const realWidth = w, realHeight = realWidth * tempHeight / tempWidth;
const side = (h - realHeight) / 2;
if (options.fromMap) {
return core.drawImage(ctx, tempCanvas.canvas, 0, 0, tempWidth, tempHeight, x, y, realWidth, realHeight);
core.fillRect(ctx, x, y, realWidth, side, '#000000');
core.fillRect(ctx, x, y + h - side, realWidth, side);
core.drawImage(ctx, tempCanvas.canvas, 0, 0, tempWidth, tempHeight, x, y + side, realWidth, realHeight);
else {
// 只绘制可见窗口
let pw = core._PX_, ph = core._PY_, hw = core._HALF_WIDTH_, hh = core._HALF_HEIGHT_, W = core._WIDTH_, H = core._HEIGHT_;
const ratio = core.domStyle.isVertical ? core.domStyle.ratio : core.domStyle.scale;
if (main.mode == 'editor') { pw = ph = core.__PIXELS__; hw = hh = core.__HALF_SIZE__; W = H = core.__SIZE__; }
if (options.v2) {
core.drawImage(ctx, tempCanvas.canvas, 0, 0, pw * ratio, ph * ratio, x, y, w, h);
} else {
const offsetX = core.clamp(centerX - hw, 0, width - W),
offsetY = core.clamp(centerY - hh, 0, height - H);
if (options.noHD) {
core.drawImage(ctx, tempCanvas.canvas, offsetX * 32, offsetY * 32, pw, ph, x, y, w, h);
core.drawImage(ctx, tempCanvas.canvas, offsetX * 32 * ratio, offsetY * 32 * ratio, pw * ratio, ph * ratio, x, y, w, h);
"loopMap": function () {
// 循环式地图相关
// 防止重开游戏出问题
////// 加载某个楼层(从剧本或存档中) //////
maps.prototype.loadFloor = function (floorId, map, fromReset) {
var floor = fromReset ? main.floors[floorId] : core.floors[floorId];
if (!map) map = floor.map;
if (map instanceof Array) {
map = { "map": map };
if (!map.map) map.map = core.clone(floor.map);
var content = {};
var notCopy = this._loadFloor_doNotCopy();
for (var name in floor) {
if (notCopy.indexOf(name) == -1 && floor[name] != null)
content[name] = core.clone(floor[name]);
for (var name in map) {
if (notCopy.indexOf(name) == -1 && map[name] != null)
content[name] = core.clone(map[name]);
content.map = map.map;
if (main.mode == 'editor') {
return content;
////// 自动存档 //////
control.prototype.autosave = function (removeLast) {
if (core.hasFlag('__forbidSave__') || core.status.floorId == 'tower6') return;
var x = null;
if (removeLast) {
x = core.status.route.pop();
core.status.route.push("turn:" + core.getHeroLoc('direction'));
if (core.status.event.id == 'action') // 事件中的自动存档
core.setFlag("__events__", core.clone(core.status.event.data));
if (core.saves.autosave.data == null) {
core.saves.autosave.data = [];
core.saves.autosave.data.splice(core.saves.autosave.now, 0, core.saveData());
core.saves.autosave.now += 1;
if (core.saves.autosave.data.length > core.saves.autosave.max) {
if (core.saves.autosave.now < core.saves.autosave.max / 2)
else {
core.saves.autosave.now = core.saves.autosave.now - 1;
core.saves.autosave.updated = true;
core.saves.ids[0] = true;
if (removeLast) {
if (x) core.status.route.push(x);
////// 重置地图 //////
maps.prototype.resetMap = function (floorId) {
floorId = floorId || core.status.floorId;
if (!floorId) return;
if (typeof floorId == 'string') floorId = [floorId];
var needRefresh = false;
floorId.forEach((t) => {
core.status.maps[t] = core.maps.loadFloor(t, null, true);
// 重置本层的全部独立事件
Object.keys(core.status.hero.flags).forEach((one) => {
if (one.startsWith(floorId + '@')) delete core.status.hero.flags[one];
// 重置本层的图块删除信息
delete (flags.__disabled__ || {})[t];
delete (core.status.mapBlockObjs || {})[t];
if (t == core.status.floorId) needRefresh = true;
['bg', 'bg2', 'fg', 'fg2'].forEach((layer) => {
core.floors[floorId] = main.floors[floorId];
if (needRefresh) this.drawMap();
// 勇士不动图层动
control.prototype._moveAction_moving = function (callback) {
core.setHeroMoveInterval(() => {
if (core.status.floorId != "tower6") {
core.setHeroLoc('x', core.nextX(), true);
} else {
if (core.status.hero.loc.direction != "down" && core.status.hero.loc.direction != "up") {
core.setHeroLoc('x', 12, true);
var block = core.getMapBlocksObj(core.status.floorId)[core.nextX() + "," + core.nextY];
if (block) var trigger = block.event.trigger;
else var trigger = "";
if (trigger != "battle") {
"tower6", ["tower1", "tower2", "tower4", "tower5"]);
core.setHeroLoc('y', core.nextY(), true);
var direction = core.getHeroLoc('direction');
if (callback) callback();
////// 设置行走的效果动画 //////
control.prototype.setHeroMoveInterval = function (callback) {
if (core.status.heroMoving > 0) return;
if (core.status.replay.speed == 24) {
if (callback) callback();
core.status.heroMoving = 1;
var toAdd = 1;
if (core.status.replay.speed > 3) toAdd = 2;
if (core.status.replay.speed > 6) toAdd = 4;
if (core.status.replay.speed > 12) toAdd = 8;
core.interval.heroMoveInterval = window.setInterval(() => {
core.status.heroMoving += toAdd;
if (core.status.floorId == "tower6")
if (core.status.heroMoving >= 8) {
core.status.heroMoving = 0;
if (callback) callback();
}, core.values.moveSpeed / 8 * toAdd / core.status.replay.speed);
// 事件层前景层背景层平移
this.changeEventsBgFg = function (direction, floorId, fromIds) {
if (direction == "up" || direction == "down") return;
var floor = core.floors[floorId];
// 原始层楼层转换平移
fromIds.forEach((id) => {
var toChanges = {};
for (var one in core.floors[id].changeFloor) {
var data = core.floors[id].changeFloor[one];
var x = data.loc[0],
y = data.loc[1];
var blocks = core.getMapBlocksObj(id);
var toFloor = data.floorId;
if (blocks[one] && !blocks[one].event.id.startsWith("A")) {
toChanges[one] = { floorId: toFloor, loc: [x, y] };
} else {
if (direction == "left") x = x >= floor.width - 1 ? 0 : x + 1;
else x = x <= 0 ? floor.width - 1 : x - 1;
toChanges[one] = { floorId: toFloor, loc: [x, y] };
// 转换
delete core.floors[id].changeFloor;
core.floors[id].changeFloor = toChanges;
delete core.status.maps[id].blocks;
core.getMapBlocksObj(id, true);
var list = ['events', 'changeFloor'];
list.forEach((name) => {
var toEvents = {};
// 获得事件并删除原事件
for (var one in floor[name]) {
var loc = one.split(",");
var x = parseInt(loc[0]),
y = parseInt(loc[1]);
if (direction == "left") {
var toX = x == floor.width - 1 ? 0 : x + 1;
toEvents[toX + "," + y] = floor[name][one];
} else {
var toX = x == 0 ? floor.width - 1 : x - 1;
toEvents[toX + "," + y] = floor[name][one];
delete core.floors[floorId][name][one];
// 转换
core.floors[floorId][name] = toEvents;
// 前景事件背景层图块平移
list = ['bgmap', 'bg2map', 'map', 'fgmap', 'fg2map'];
list.forEach((one) => {
if (one == 'map') {
var toBlocks = core.clone(core.status.maps[floorId].map);
} else {
var toBlocks = core.clone(floor[one]);
if (toBlocks.length == 0) return;
for (var y = 0; y < toBlocks.length; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < toBlocks[y].length; x++) {
if (direction == "left") {
if (one != "map")
floor[one][y][x] = toBlocks[y][x == 0 ? floor.width - 1 : x - 1];
else core.status.maps[floorId].map[y][x] = toBlocks[y][x == 0 ? floor.width - 1 : x - 1];
} else {
if (one != "map")
floor[one][y][x] = toBlocks[y][x == floor.width - 1 ? 0 : x + 1];
else core.status.maps[floorId].map[y][x] = toBlocks[y][x == floor.width - 1 ? 0 : x + 1];
delete core.status.maps[floorId].blocks;
core.setMapBlockDisabled(floorId, core.nextX(), core.nextY(), false);
core.getMapBlocksObj(floorId, true);
// 背景图
this.backgroundImage = function (image) {
if (typeof image == 'string') {
image = core.getMappedName(image);
image = core.material.images.images[image];
if (!image) return;
var h = image.height,
w = image.width;
// 裁剪
var sx = w / 2 - 240,
sy = core.bigmap.offsetY / (core.status.thisMap.height * 32 - 480) * (h - 480);
// 背景层遮挡
core.createCanvas("bImage", 0, 0, 480, 480, 25);
// 事件层遮挡
core.createCanvas("eImage", 0, 0, 480, 480, 70);
// 左半边
core.drawImage("bImage", image, sx, sy, 96, 480, 0, 0, 96, 480);
core.drawImage("eImage", image, sx, sy, 64, 480, 0, 0, 64, 480);
// 右半边
sx = w / 2 + 144;
core.drawImage("bImage", image, sx, sy, 96, 480, 384, 0, 96, 480);
core.drawImage("eImage", image, sx + 32, sy, 64, 480, 416, 0, 64, 480);
// 到达地图重定位
this.relocateLoopMap = function (floorId, heroLoc, fromIds) {
var floor = core.floors[floorId];
var nowX = heroLoc.x;
var toX = Math.floor(floor.width / 2);
if (nowX == toX) return;
// 设置勇士位置
core.setHeroLoc("x", 12);
// 计算偏移量
var dx = toX - nowX;
// 转换
// 原始层楼层转换平移
if (floorId == 'tower6') fromIds = ["tower1", "tower2", "tower4", "tower5"];
fromIds.forEach((id) => {
var toChanges = {};
for (var one in core.floors[id].changeFloor) {
var data = core.floors[id].changeFloor[one];
var x = data.loc[0],
y = data.loc[1];
var blocks = core.getMapBlocksObj(id);
var toFloor = data.floorId;
if (blocks[one] && !blocks[one].event.id.startsWith("A")) {
toChanges[one] = { floorId: toFloor, loc: [x, y] };
if (dx > 0) x = x + dx > floor.width - 1 ? dx + x - floor.width : dx + x;
else x = x + dx < 0 ? dx + x + floor.width : dx + x;
toChanges[one] = { floorId: toFloor, loc: [x, y] };
// 转换
delete core.floors[id].changeFloor;
core.floors[id].changeFloor = toChanges;
delete core.status.maps[id].blocks;
core.getMapBlocksObj(id, true);
var list = ['events', 'changeFloor'];
list.forEach((name) => {
var toEvents = {};
// 获得事件并删除原事件
for (var one in floor[name]) {
var loc = one.split(",");
var x = parseInt(loc[0]),
y = parseInt(loc[1]);
if (x + dx > floor.width - 1) {
x = dx + x - floor.width;
} else if (x + dx < 0) {
x = x + dx + floor.width;
} else {
x += dx;
toEvents[x + "," + y] = floor[name][one];
delete core.floors[floorId][name][one];
// 转换
core.floors[floorId][name] = toEvents;
dx = -dx;
// 前景事件背景层图块平移
list = ['bgmap', 'bg2map', 'map', 'fgmap', 'fg2map'];
list.forEach((one) => {
if (one == 'map') {
var toBlocks = core.clone(core.status.maps[floorId].map);
} else {
var toBlocks = core.clone(floor[one]);
if (toBlocks.length == 0) return;
for (var y = 0; y < toBlocks.length; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < toBlocks[y].length; x++) {
if (dx > 0) {
if (one != "map")
floor[one][y][x] = toBlocks[y][x + dx > floor.width - 1 ? dx + x - floor.width : dx + x];
else core.status.maps[floorId].map[y][x] = toBlocks[y][x + dx > floor.width - 1 ? dx + x - floor.width : dx + x];
} else {
if (one != "map")
floor[one][y][x] = toBlocks[y][x + dx < 0 ? dx + x + floor.width : dx + x];
else core.status.maps[floorId].map[y][x] = toBlocks[y][x + dx < 0 ? dx + x + floor.width : dx + x];
delete core.status.maps[floorId].blocks;
core.getMapBlocksObj(floorId, true);
////// 将当前地图重新变成数字,以便于存档 //////
maps.prototype.saveMap = function (floorId) {
if (floorId == 'tower6') return;
var maps = core.status.maps;
if (!floorId) {
var map = {};
for (var id in maps) {
if (id == "tower6") continue;
var obj = this.saveMap(id);
if (Object.keys(obj).length > 0) map[id] = obj;
return map;
// 砍层状态:直接返回
if ((flags.__removed__ || []).indexOf(floorId) >= 0) {
return {};
var map = maps[floorId];
var thisFloor = this._compressFloorData(map, core.floors[floorId]);
var mapArr = this.compressMap(map.blocks ? this._getMapArrayFromBlocks(map.blocks, map.width, map.height, true) : map.map, floorId);
if (mapArr != null) thisFloor.map = mapArr;
return thisFloor;
// 存档问题
this.saveLoopMap = function (floorId, fromIds) {
// 当前层
var data = {};
['bg2map', 'bgmap', 'changeFloor', 'fgmap', 'fg2map'].forEach((one) => {
data[one] = core.floors[floorId][one];
// 可以到达该层的楼层转换
data.map = core.status.maps[floorId].map;
data.changes = {}
fromIds.forEach((id) => {
data.changes[id] = core.floors[id].changeFloor;
return data;
// 读档
this.loadLoopMap = function (data, floorId) {
if (!data) return;
for (var one in data) {
// 非楼层转换
if (one != 'changes') {
core.floors[floorId][one] = data[one];
} else {
// 楼层转换
for (var id in data.changes) {
core.floors[id].changeFloor = data.changes[id];
// 解析图块
if (data.changes)
for (var id in data.changes) {
"warning": function () {
// warning
// 初始化
if (main.replayChecking) return;
// 默认音效名
var defaultSound = 'warning.mp3';
// 默认字体名
var defaultFont = 'normal';
var timeout;
/** warning提示
* @param {number} x 横坐标
* @param {number} y 纵坐标
* @param {string} text 显示的文字
this.drawWarning = function (x, y, text) {
if (timeout) return;
x = x || 6;
y = y || 6;
text = text || 'boss';
text += '</br>';
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) text += ' ';
text += 'danger';
// 生成文字
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.gameCanvas');
var t = document.createElement('p');
t.innerHTML = text;
t.style.position = 'absolute';
t.style.fontSize = '4em';
t.style.left = -(300 * core.domStyle.scale) + 'px';
t.style.top = (parseInt(elements[0].style.height) / 2 - 100) + 'px';
t.style.zIndex = '300';
t.style.color = '#f11';
t.style.fontFamily = defaultFont;
t.style.overflow = 'none';
t.style.width = '100%';
setTimeout(() => { t.style.left = (416 * core.domStyle.scale) + 'px' }, 50);
// 计算偏移量
var px = (6 - x) / 12 * 50;
var py = (6 - y) / 12 * 50;
// 修改画布的scale和transform
elements.forEach((v) => {
if (v instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) {
v.style.transform = 'scale(2)translate(' + px + '%, ' + py + '%)';
// 拉回镜头
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
timeout = void 0;
}, 1500);
elements.forEach((v) => {
if (v instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) {
v.style.transform = 'none';
}, 1600);
"towerBoss": function () {
// 智慧boss
// 变量们
var stage = 1,
hp = 10000,
seconds = 0,
boomLocs = [], // 随机轰炸
// 初始化
this.initTowerBoss = function () {
stage = 1;
hp = 10000;
seconds = 0;
heroHp = core.status.hero.hp;
core.dynamicChangeHp(0, 10000, 10000);
{ "type": "sleep", "time": 1000, "noSkip": true },
setTimeout(core.bossCore, 1000);
// 录像自动修正
this.autoFixRouteBoss = function (isStart) {
var route = core.status.route;
if (isStart) { // 开始修正 记录当前录像长度
flags.startFix = route.length - 1;
// 结束修正 删除录像 并追加跳过步骤
delete flags.startFix;
// 血条
this.healthBar = function (now, total) {
// 关闭小地图
flags.__useMinimap__ = false;
var nowLength = now / total * 476; // 当前血量下绘制长度
var color = [255 * 2 - now / total * 2 * 255, now / total * 2 * 255, 0, 1]; // 根据当前血量计算颜色
// 建画布
if (!core.dymCanvas.healthBar)
core.createCanvas("healthBar", 0, 0, 480, 16, 140);
else core.clearMap('healthBar');
// 底
core.fillRect("healthBar", 0, 0, 480, 16, "#bbbbbb");
// css特效
var style = document.getElementById("healthBar").getContext("2d");
style.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)";
style.shadowBlur = 5;
style.shadowOffsetX = 10;
style.shadowOffsetY = 5;
style.filter = "blur(1px)";
// 绘制
core.fillRect("healthBar", 2, 2, nowLength, 12, color);
// css特效
style.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)";
style.shadowOffsetX = 0;
style.shadowOffsetY = 0;
// 绘制边框
core.strokeRect("healthBar", 1, 1, 478, 14, "#ffffff", 2);
// 绘制文字
style.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)";
style.shadowBlur = 3;
style.shadowOffsetX = 2;
style.shadowOffsetY = 1;
style.filter = "none";
core.fillText("healthBar", now + "/" + total, 5, 13.5, "#ffffff", "16px normal");
// 血量变化
this.dynamicChangeHp = function (from, to, total) {
var frame = 0,
speed = (to - from) / 50,
now = from;
var interval = window.setInterval(() => {
if (frame == 50) {
core.healthBar(to, total);
now += speed;
core.healthBar(now, total);
}, 20);
// boss说话跳字
this.skipWord = function (words, x, y, time) {
x = x || 0;
y = y || 16;
time = time || 3000;
// 创建画布
if (!core.dymCanvas.words)
core.createCanvas("words", x, y, 480, 24, 135);
else core.clearMap("words");
if (flags.wordsTimeOut) clearTimeout(flags.wordsTimeOut);
core.dynamicCurtain(y, y + 24, time / 3);
// css
var style = document.getElementById("words").getContext("2d");
style.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)";
style.shadowBlur = 3;
style.shadowOffsetX = 2;
style.shadowOffsetY = 1;
// 一个一个绘制
// 跳字
function skip1 (now) {
if (parseInt(now) >= words.length) {
flags.wordsTimeOut = setTimeout(() => {
}, time);
var frame = 0,
blur = 2,
nx = 4 + now * 24;
var skip2 = window.setInterval(() => {
blur -= 0.4;
core.clearMap("words", nx, 0, 24, 24);
style.filter = "blur(" + blur + "px)";
core.fillText("words", words[now], nx, 20, "#ffffff", "22px normal");
if (frame == 5) {
skip1(now + 1);
}, 20);
// 匀变速下降背景
this.dynamicCurtain = function (from, to, time, width) {
width = width || 480;
if (!core.dymCanvas.wordsBg)
core.createCanvas("wordsBg", 0, from, width, 24, 130);
else core.clearMap("wordsBg");
time /= 1000;
var ny = from,
frame = 0,
a = 2 * (to - from) / Math.pow(time * 50, 2),
speed = a * time * 50;
var style = document.getElementById("wordsBg").getContext("2d");
style.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)";
var wordsInterval = window.setInterval(() => {
speed -= a;
ny += speed;
style.shadowBlur = 8;
style.shadowOffsetY = 2;
core.fillRect("wordsBg", 0, 0, width, ny - from, [180, 180, 180, 0.7]);
style.shadowBlur = 3;
style.shadowOffsetY = 0;
core.strokeRect("wordsBg", 1, 1, width - 2, ny - from - 2, [255, 255, 255, 0.7], 2);
if (frame >= time * 50) {
style.shadowBlur = 8;
style.shadowOffsetY = 2;
core.fillRect("wordsBg", 0, 0, width, to - from, [180, 180, 180, 0.7]);
style.shadowBlur = 3;
style.shadowOffsetY = 0;
core.strokeRect("wordsBg", 1, 1, width - 2, ny - from - 2, [255, 255, 255, 0.7], 2);
}, 20);
// 攻击boss
this.attackBoss = function () {
// 每秒钟地面随机出现伤害图块 踩上去攻击boss 500血
if (flags.canAttack) return;
if (Math.random() < 0.8) return;
if (hp > 3500) {
var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13 + 1),
ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13 + 1);
} else if (hp > 2000) {
var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11 + 2),
ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11 + 2);
} else if (hp > 1000) {
var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9 + 3),
ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9 + 3);
} else {
var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7 + 4),
ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7 + 4);
// 在地图上显示
flags.canAttack = true;
if (!core.dymCanvas.attackBoss)
core.createCanvas("attackBoss", 0, 0, 480, 480, 35);
else core.clearMap("attackBoss");
var style = document.getElementById("attackBoss").getContext("2d");
var frame1 = 0,
blur = 3,
scale = 2,
speed = 0.04,
a = 0.0008;
var atkAnimate = window.setInterval(() => {
speed -= a;
scale -= speed;
blur -= 0.06;
style.filter = "blur(" + blur + "px)";
core.strokeCircle("attackBoss", nx * 32 + 16, ny * 32 + 16, 16 * scale, [255, 150, 150, 0.7], 4);
core.fillCircle("attackBoss", nx * 32 + 16, ny * 32 + 16, 3 * scale, [255, 150, 150, 0.7]);
if (frame1 == 50) {
style.filter = "none";
core.strokeCircle("attackBoss", nx * 32 + 16, ny * 32 + 16, 16, [255, 150, 150, 0.7], 4);
core.fillCircle("attackBoss", nx * 32 + 16, ny * 32 + 16, 3, [255, 150, 150, 0.7]);
}, 20);
// 实时检测勇士位置
var frame2 = 0;
var atkBoss = window.setInterval(() => {
var x = core.status.hero.loc.x,
y = core.status.hero.loc.y;
// 2秒超时
if (frame2 > 100) {
setTimeout(() => {
delete flags.canAttack;
}, 4000);
if (nx == x && ny == y) {
setTimeout(() => {
delete flags.canAttack;
}, 4000);
core.dynamicChangeHp(hp, hp - 500, 10000);
hp -= 500;
if (hp > 3500) core.drawAnimate("hand", 7, 1);
else if (hp > 2000) core.drawAnimate("hand", 7, 2);
else if (hp > 1000) core.drawAnimate("hand", 7, 3);
else core.drawAnimate("hand", 7, 4);
}, 20);
// 核心函数
this.bossCore = function () {
var interval = window.setInterval(() => {
if (stage == 1) {
if (seconds == 8) core.skipWord("智慧之神:你和之前来的人不一样");
if (seconds == 12) core.skipWord("智慧之神:他们只会一股脑地向前冲");
if (seconds == 16) core.skipWord("智慧之神:而你却会躲避这些攻击");
if (seconds == 20) core.skipWord("提示:踩在红圈上可以对智慧之神造成伤害");
if (seconds > 10) core.attackBoss();
if (seconds % 10 == 0) core.intelligentArrow();
if (seconds % 7 == 0 && seconds != 0) core.intelligentDoor();
if (seconds > 20 && seconds % 13 == 0) core.icyMomentem();
if (stage == 1 && hp <= 7000) {
seconds = 0;
if (stage == 2) {
if (seconds == 4) core.skipWord("智慧之神:你很有潜力");
if (seconds == 8) core.skipWord("智慧之神:看来你很可能成为改变历史的人");
if (seconds == 12) core.skipWord("智慧之神:不过,这场战斗才刚刚开始");
if (seconds == 25) core.skipWord("提示:方形区域均为危险区域");
if (seconds == 15) setTimeout(() => { core.playSound("thunder.mp3"); }, 500);
if (seconds == 16) core.startStage2();
if (seconds > 20) core.attackBoss();
if (seconds % 4 == 0 && seconds > 20) core.randomThunder();
if (seconds > 30 && seconds % 12 == 0) core.ballThunder();
if (hp <= 3500 && stage == 2) {
seconds = 0;
if (stage >= 3) {
if (seconds == 4) core.skipWord("智慧之神:我越来越欣赏你了");
if (seconds == 8) core.skipWord("智慧之神:不过,你还得再过我一关!");
if (seconds == 12) core.startStage3();
if (seconds == 15) {
flags.booming = true;
if (seconds > 20) core.attackBoss();
if (seconds > 20 && seconds % 10 == 0) core.chainThunder();
if (hp == 2000 && stage == 3) {
flags.booming = false;
setTimeout(() => {
flags.booming = true;
}, 5000);
if (hp == 1000 && stage == 4) {
flags.booming = false;
setTimeout(() => {
flags.booming = true;
}, 5000);
if (hp == 0) {
core.status.hero.hp = heroHp;
delete flags.__bgm__;
{ "type": "openDoor", "loc": [13, 6], "floorId": "MT19" },
{ "type": "setValue", "name": "flag:boss1", "value": "true" },
{ "type": "changeFloor", "floorId": "MT20", "loc": [7, 9] },
{ "type": "function", "function": "() => {\ncore.deleteAllCanvas();\n}" },
{ "type": "forbidSave" },
}, 1000);
// ------ 第一阶段 10000~7000血 ------ //
// 技能1 智慧之箭 1000伤害
this.intelligentArrow = function (fromSelf) {
// 坐标
var loc = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13 + 1);
var direction = Math.random() > 0.5 ? "horizon" : "vertical";
// 执行次数
if (!fromSelf) {
var times = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 8) + 4;
var nowTime = 1;
var times1 = window.setInterval(() => {
if (nowTime >= times) {
}, 200);
// 防重复
if (core.dymCanvas["inteArrow" + loc + direction]) return core.intelligentArrow(true);
// 危险区域
if (!core.dymCanvas.danger1)
core.createCanvas("danger1", 0, 0, 480, 480, 35);
if (direction == "horizon") {
for (var nx = 1; nx < 14; nx++) {
core.fillRect("danger1", nx * 32 + 2, loc * 32 + 2, 28, 28, [255, 0, 0, 0.6]);
} else {
for (var ny = 1; ny < 14; ny++) {
core.fillRect("danger1", loc * 32 + 2, ny * 32 + 2, 28, 28, [255, 0, 0, 0.6]);
// 箭
if (!core.dymCanvas["inteArrow" + loc + direction])
core.createCanvas("inteArrow" + loc + direction, 0, 0, 544, 544, 65);
core.clearMap("inteArrow" + loc + direction);
if (direction == "horizon")
core.drawImage("inteArrow" + loc + direction, "arrow.png", 448, loc * 32, 102, 32);
core.drawImage("inteArrow" + loc + direction, "arrow.png", 0, 0, 259, 75, loc * 32 - 32, 480, 102, 32, Math.PI / 2);
// 动画与伤害函数
setTimeout(() => {
// 动画效果
var nloc = 0,
speed = 0;
var damaged = {}
var skill1 = window.setInterval(() => {
speed -= 1;
nloc += speed;
if (direction == "horizon")
core.relocateCanvas("inteArrow" + loc + direction, nloc, 0);
core.relocateCanvas("inteArrow" + loc + direction, 0, nloc);
if (nloc < -480) {
core.deleteCanvas("inteArrow" + loc + direction);
// 伤害判定
if (!damaged[loc + direction]) {
var x = core.status.hero.loc.x,
y = core.status.hero.loc.y;
if (direction == "horizon") {
if (y == loc && Math.floor((480 + nloc) / 32) == x) {
damaged[loc + direction] = true;
core.status.hero.hp -= 1000;
core.popupDamage(1000, x, y, false);
if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) {
core.status.hero.hp = 0;
} else {
if (x == loc && Math.floor((480 + nloc) / 32) == y) {
damaged[loc + direction] = true;
core.status.hero.hp -= 1000;
core.popupDamage(1000, x, y, false);
if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) {
core.status.hero.hp = 0;
}, 20);
}, 3000);
// 技能2 智慧之门 随机传送
this.intelligentDoor = function () {
if (Math.random() < 0.5) return;
// 随机位置
var toX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1,
toY = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1;
// 在勇士身上绘制动画
// 在目标位置绘制动画
if (!core.dymCanvas["door" + toX + "_" + toY])
core.createCanvas("door" + toX + "_" + toY, 0, 0, 480, 480, 35);
else core.clearMap("door" + toX + "_" + toY);
var style = document.getElementById("door" + toX + "_" + toY).getContext("2d");
var frame = 0,
width = 0,
a = 0.0128,
speed = 0.64;
// 动画
var skill2 = window.setInterval(() => {
if (frame < 40) return;
if (frame == 100) {
// 执行传送
{ "type": "changePos", "loc": [toX, toY] },
// 删除传送门
setTimeout(() => {
core.deleteCanvas("door" + toX + "_" + toY);
}, 2000);
width += speed * 2;
speed -= a;
core.clearMap("door" + toX + "_" + toY);
style.shadowColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)";
style.shadowBlur = 7;
style.filter = "blur(5px)";
core.fillRect("door" + toX + "_" + toY, toX * 32, toY * 32 - 24, width, 48, [255, 255, 255, 0.7]);
style.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)";
style.filter = "blur(3px)";
core.strokeRect("door" + toX + "_" + toY, toX * 32, toY * 32 - 24, width, 48, [255, 255, 255, 0.7], 3);
}, 20);
// 技能3 万冰之势 全屏随机转换滑冰 如果转换时在滑冰上造成5000点伤害
this.icyMomentem = function () {
if (flags.haveIce) return;
if (Math.random() < 0.5) return;
var times = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
// 防卡 就setInterval吧
var locs = [],
now = 0;
flags.haveIce = true;
if (!core.dymCanvas.icyMomentem)
core.createCanvas("icyMomentem", 0, 0, 480, 480, 35);
else core.clearMap("icyMomentem");
var skill3 = window.setInterval(() => {
var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1,
ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1;
if (!locs.includes([nx, ny])) {
locs.push([nx, ny]);
core.fillRect("icyMomentem", locs[now][0] * 32 + 2, locs[now][1] * 32 + 2, 28, 28, [150, 150, 255, 0.6]);
if (now == times) {
}, 20);
// 动画和伤害函数
function skill3Effect () {
// 防卡 setInterval
var index = 0;
var effect = window.setInterval(() => {
var x = core.status.hero.loc.x,
y = core.status.hero.loc.y;
core.clearMap("icyMomentem", locs[index][0] * 32, locs[index][1] * 32, 32, 32);
core.setBgFgBlock("bg", 167, locs[index][0], locs[index][1]);
core.drawAnimate("ice", locs[index][0], locs[index][1]);
if (x == locs[index][0] && y == locs[index][1]) {
core.status.hero.hp -= 5000;
core.popupDamage(5000, x, y, false);
if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) {
core.status.hero.hp = 0;
if (index >= locs.length - 1) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
}, 50);
// 删除函数
function deleteIce (locs) {
// 照样 setInterval
var index = 0;
var deleteIce = window.setInterval(() => {
core.setBgFgBlock("bg", 0, locs[index][0], locs[index][1]);
if (index >= locs.length) {
setTimeout(() => {
delete flags.haveIce;
}, 5000);
}, 50);
// ------ 第二阶段 7000~3500 ------ //
// 开始第二阶段
this.startStage2 = function () {
// 闪烁
core.createCanvas("flash", 0, 0, 480, 480, 160);
var alpha = 0;
var frame = 0;
var start1 = window.setInterval(() => {
if (frame <= 8) alpha += 0.125;
else alpha -= 0.01;
core.fillRect("flash", 0, 0, 480, 480, [255, 255, 255, alpha]);
if (alpha == 0) {
if (frame == 8) {
// 切换天气
function changeWeather () {
core.setWeather("rain", 10);
core.setWeather("fog", 8);
// 色调也得换
core.setCurtain([0, 0, 0, 0.3]);
// bgm
// ----- 打雷相关 ----- //
// 随机打雷
this.randomThunder = function () {
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1,
y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1,
power = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6);
// 绘制危险区域
if (!core.dymCanvas.thunderDanger)
core.createCanvas("thunderDanger", 0, 0, 480, 480, 35);
else core.clearMap("thunderDanger");
// 3*3范围
for (var nx = x - 1; nx <= x + 1; nx++) {
for (var ny = y - 1; ny <= y + 1; ny++) {
core.fillRect("thunderDanger", nx * 32 + 2, ny * 32 + 2, 28, 28, [255, 255, 255, 0.6]);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
setTimeout(() => {
core.drawThunder(x, y, power);
}, 1000);
// 绘制
this.drawThunder = function (x, y, power) {
var route = core.getThunderRoute(x * 32 + 16, y * 32 + 16, power);
// 开始绘制
if (!core.dymCanvas.thunder)
core.createCanvas("thunder", 0, 0, 480, 480, 65);
else core.clearMap("thunder");
var style = core.dymCanvas.thunder;
style.shadowColor = "rgba(220, 220, 255, 1)";
style.shadowBlur = power;
style.filter = "blur(2.5px)";
for (var num in route) {
// 一个个绘制
for (var i = 0; i < route[num].length - 1; i++) {
var now = route[num][i],
next = route[num][i + 1];
core.drawLine("thunder", now[0], now[1], next[0], next[1], "#ffffff", 2.5);
// 伤害
core.getThunderDamage(x, y, power);
// 闪一下
var frame1 = 0,
alpha = 0.5;
if (!core.dymCanvas.flash)
core.createCanvas("flash", 0, 0, 480, 480, 160);
else core.clearMap("flash");
var thunderFlash = window.setInterval(() => {
alpha -= 0.05;
core.fillRect("flash", 0, 0, 480, 480, [255, 255, 255, alpha]);
if (frame1 >= 10) {
// 删除闪电
setTimeout(() => {
}, 700);
}, 20);
// 获得雷电路径
this.getThunderRoute = function (x, y, power) {
var route = [];
for (var num = 0; num < power; num++) {
var nx = x,
ny = y;
route[num] = [];
for (var i = 0; ny >= 0; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
nx += Math.random() * 30 - 15;
ny -= Math.random() * 80 + 30;
} else {
nx += Math.random() * 16 - 8;
ny += Math.random() * 16 - 8;
route[num].push([nx, ny]);
return route;
// 打雷伤害判定
this.getThunderDamage = function (x, y, power) {
var hx = core.status.hero.loc.x,
hy = core.status.hero.loc.y;
if (Math.abs(hx - x) <= 1 && Math.abs(hy - y) <= 1) {
core.status.hero.hp -= 3000 * power;
core.popupDamage(3000 * power, x, y, false);
if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) {
core.status.hero.hp = 0;
// ----- 打雷 END ----- //
// 球形闪电 横竖
this.ballThunder = function () {
// 随机数量
var times = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 12) + 6;
var now = 0,
locs = [];
// setInterval执行
var ballThunder = window.setInterval(() => {
// 画布
if (!core.dymCanvas["ballThunder" + now])
core.createCanvas("ballThunder" + now, 0, 0, 480, 480, 35);
else core.clearMap("ballThunder" + now);
var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1,
ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1;
// 添加位置 绘制危险区域
if (!locs.includes([nx, ny])) {
locs.push([nx, ny]);
// 横竖都要画
for (var mx = 1; mx < 14; mx++) {
core.fillRect("ballThunder" + now, mx * 32 + 2, ny * 32 + 2, 28, 28, [190, 190, 255, 0.6]);
for (var my = 1; my < 14; my++) {
core.fillRect("ballThunder" + now, nx * 32 + 2, my * 32 + 2, 28, 28, [190, 190, 255, 0.6]);
if (now >= times) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
}, 200);
// 动画 伤害
function thunderAnimate (locs) {
var frame = 0;
// 画布
if (!core.dymCanvas.ballAnimate)
core.createCanvas("ballAnimate", 0, 0, 480, 480, 65);
else core.clearMap("ballAnimate");
var style = core.dymCanvas.ballAnimate;
style.shadowColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)";
var damaged = [];
var animate = window.setInterval(() => {
for (var i = 0; i < locs.length; i++) {
style.shadowBlur = 16 * Math.random();
// 错开执行动画
if (frame - 10 * i > 0) {
var now = frame - 10 * i;
if (now == 1) core.playSound("electron.mp3");
// 动画
var nx = locs[i][0] * 32 + 16,
ny = locs[i][1] * 32 + 16;
if (now <= 2) {
core.fillCircle("ballAnimate", nx, ny, 16 + 3 * now, [255, 255, 255, 0.9]);
} else {
// 上
core.fillCircle("ballAnimate", nx, ny - 4 * now, 7 + 2 * Math.random(), [255, 255, 255, 0.7]);
// 下
core.fillCircle("ballAnimate", nx, ny + 4 * now, 7 + 2 * Math.random(), [255, 255, 255, 0.7]);
// 左
core.fillCircle("ballAnimate", nx - 4 * now, ny, 7 + 2 * Math.random(), [255, 255, 255, 0.7]);
// 右
core.fillCircle("ballAnimate", nx + 4 * now, ny, 7 + 2 * Math.random(), [255, 255, 255, 0.7]);
// 清除危险区域
core.clearMap("ballThunder" + i, nx - 16, ny - 16 - 4 * now, 32, 32);
core.clearMap("ballThunder" + i, nx - 16, ny - 16 + 4 * now, 32, 32);
core.clearMap("ballThunder" + i, nx - 16 - 4 * now, ny - 16, 32, 32);
core.clearMap("ballThunder" + i, nx - 16 + 4 * now, ny - 16, 32, 32);
// 伤害
if (!damaged[i]) {
var x = core.status.hero.loc.x,
y = core.status.hero.loc.y;
if (((Math.floor((nx - 16 - 4 * now) / 32) == x ||
Math.floor((nx - 16 + 4 * now) / 32) == x) && locs[i][1] == y) ||
((Math.floor((ny - 16 - 4 * now) / 32) == y ||
Math.floor((ny - 16 + 4 * now) / 32) == y) && locs[i][0] == x)) {
damaged[i] = true
core.status.hero.hp -= 3000;
core.popupDamage(3000, x, y, false);
if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) {
core.status.hero.hp = 0;
// 结束
if (i == locs.length - 1 && now > 120) {
}, 20);
// ------ 第三阶段 3500~0 ------ //
this.startStage3 = function () {
// 闪烁
core.createCanvas("flash", 0, 0, 480, 480, 160);
var alpha = 0;
var frame = 0;
var start1 = window.setInterval(() => {
if (frame <= 8) alpha += 0.125;
else alpha -= 0.01;
core.fillRect("flash", 0, 0, 480, 480, [255, 255, 255, alpha]);
if (alpha == 0) {
if (frame == 8) {
{ "type": "changePos", "loc": [7, 7] },
// 改变地形
function changeTerra () {
for (var nx = 0; nx < 15; nx++) {
for (var ny = 0; ny < 15; ny++) {
if (nx == 0 || nx == 14 || ny == 0 || ny == 14) {
core.removeBlock(nx, ny);
if ((nx == 1 || nx == 13 || ny == 1 || ny == 13) &&
nx != 0 && nx != 14 && ny != 0 && ny != 14) {
core.setBlock(527, nx, ny);
core.createCanvas("tower7", 0, 0, 480, 480, 15);
// 画贴图
core.drawImage("tower7", "tower7.jpeg", 360, 0, 32, 480, 0, 0, 32, 480);
core.drawImage("tower7", "tower7.jpeg", 840, 0, 32, 480, 448, 0, 32, 480);
core.drawImage("tower7", "tower7.jpeg", 392, 0, 416, 32, 32, 0, 416, 32);
core.drawImage("tower7", "tower7.jpeg", 392, 448, 416, 32, 32, 448, 416, 32);
core.setBlock("E557", 7, 2);
// 进入第四阶段
this.startStage4 = function () {
// 闪烁
core.createCanvas("flash", 0, 0, 480, 480, 160);
var alpha = 0;
var frame = 0;
var start1 = window.setInterval(() => {
if (frame <= 8) alpha += 0.125;
else alpha -= 0.01;
core.fillRect("flash", 0, 0, 480, 480, [255, 255, 255, alpha]);
if (alpha == 0) {
if (frame == 8) {
{ "type": "changePos", "loc": [7, 7] },
// 改变地形
function changeTerra () {
for (var nx = 1; nx < 14; nx++) {
for (var ny = 1; ny < 14; ny++) {
if (nx == 1 || nx == 13 || ny == 1 || ny == 13) {
core.removeBlock(nx, ny);
if ((nx == 2 || nx == 12 || ny == 2 || ny == 12) &&
nx != 1 && nx != 13 && ny != 1 && ny != 13) {
core.setBlock(527, nx, ny);
core.createCanvas("tower7", 0, 0, 480, 480, 15);
// 画贴图
core.drawImage("tower7", "tower7.jpeg", 360, 0, 64, 480, 0, 0, 64, 480);
core.drawImage("tower7", "tower7.jpeg", 776, 0, 64, 480, 416, 0, 64, 480);
core.drawImage("tower7", "tower7.jpeg", 424, 0, 352, 64, 64, 0, 352, 64);
core.drawImage("tower7", "tower7.jpeg", 424, 416, 352, 64, 64, 416, 352, 64);
core.setBlock("E557", 7, 3);
// 进入第五阶段
this.startStage5 = function () {
// 闪烁
core.createCanvas("flash", 0, 0, 480, 480, 160);
var alpha = 0;
var frame = 0;
var start1 = window.setInterval(() => {
if (frame <= 8) alpha += 0.125;
else alpha -= 0.01;
core.fillRect("flash", 0, 0, 480, 480, [255, 255, 255, alpha]);
if (alpha == 0) {
if (frame == 8) {
{ "type": "changePos", "loc": [7, 7] },
// 改变地形
function changeTerra () {
for (var nx = 2; nx < 13; nx++) {
for (var ny = 2; ny < 13; ny++) {
if (nx == 2 || nx == 12 || ny == 2 || ny == 12) {
core.removeBlock(nx, ny);
if ((nx == 3 || nx == 11 || ny == 3 || ny == 11) &&
nx != 2 && nx != 12 && ny != 2 && ny != 12) {
core.setBlock(527, nx, ny);
core.createCanvas("tower7", 0, 0, 480, 480, 15);
// 画贴图
core.drawImage("tower7", "tower7.jpeg", 360, 0, 96, 480, 0, 0, 96, 480);
core.drawImage("tower7", "tower7.jpeg", 744, 0, 96, 480, 384, 0, 96, 480);
core.drawImage("tower7", "tower7.jpeg", 456, 0, 288, 96, 96, 0, 288, 96);
core.drawImage("tower7", "tower7.jpeg", 456, 384, 288, 96, 96, 384, 288, 96);
core.setBlock("E557", 7, 4);
// 链状闪电 随机连接 碰到勇士则受伤
this.chainThunder = function () {
// 随机次数
var times = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6) + 3;
// 画布
if (!core.dymCanvas.chainDanger)
core.createCanvas("chainDanger", 0, 0, 480, 480, 35);
else core.clearMap("chainDanger");
// setInterval执行
var locs = [],
now = 0;
var chain = window.setInterval(() => {
if (hp > 2000) {
var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11) + 2,
ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11) + 2;
} else if (hp > 1000) {
var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 3,
ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 3;
} else {
var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) + 4,
ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) + 4;
if (!locs.includes([nx, ny])) {
locs.push([nx, ny]);
} else return;
// 危险线
if (now > 0) {
core.drawLine("chainDanger", locs[now - 1][0] * 32 + 16, locs[now - 1][1] * 32 + 16,
nx * 32 + 16, ny * 32 + 16, [220, 100, 255, 0.6], 3);
if (now >= times) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
}, 100);
// 链状闪电 动画
this.chainAnimate = function (route) {
if (!route) return core.chainThunder();
// 画布
if (!core.dymCanvas.chain)
core.createCanvas("chain", 0, 0, 480, 480, 65);
else core.clearMap("chain");
var style = core.dymCanvas.chain;
style.shadowBlur = 3;
style.shadowColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)";
style.filter = "blur(2px)";
// 当然还是setInterval
var frame = 0,
now = 0;
var animate = window.setInterval(() => {
if (now >= route.length - 1) {
setTimeout(() => { core.deleteCanvas("chain"); }, 1000);
if (frame % 2 != 0) return;
core.drawLine("chain", route[now][0], route[now][1], route[now + 1][0], route[now + 1][1], "#ffffff", 3);
// 节点
if (now == 0) {
core.fillCircle("chain", route[0][0], route[0][1], 7, "#ffffff");
if ((route[now + 1][0] - 16) % 32 == 0 && (route[now + 1][1] - 16) % 32 == 0) {
core.fillCircle("chain", route[now + 1][0], route[now + 1][1], 7, "#ffffff");
// 判断伤害
core.lineDamage(route[now][0], route[now][1], route[now + 1][0], route[now + 1][1], 4000);
}, 20);
// 链状闪电 获得闪电路径
this.getChainRoute = function (locs) {
// 照样用setInterval
var now = 0,
routes = [];
var route = window.setInterval(() => {
var nx = locs[now][0] * 32 + 16,
ny = locs[now][1] * 32 + 16;
var tx = locs[now + 1][0] * 32 + 16,
ty = locs[now + 1][1] * 32 + 16;
var dx = tx - nx,
dy = ty - ny;
var angle = Math.atan(dy / dx);
if (dy < 0 && dx < 0) angle += Math.PI;
if (dx < 0 && dy > 0) angle += Math.PI;
// 循环 + 随机
var times = 0;
while (true) {
nx += Math.random() * 50 * Math.cos(angle);
ny += Math.random() * 50 * Math.sin(angle);
routes.push([nx, ny]);
if (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ny - ty, 2) + Math.pow(nx - tx, 2)) <= 100) {
routes.push([tx, ty]);
if (times >= 20) {
routes = null;
if (now >= locs.length - 1) {
}, 2);
// 随机轰炸
this.randomBoom = function () {
// 停止轰炸
if (!flags.booming) {
// 根据阶段数 分攻击速率 和范围
var boomTime;
var range;
if (hp > 2000) {
boomTime = 500;
range = 11;
} else if (hp > 1000) {
boomTime = 400;
range = 9;
} else {
boomTime = 300;
range = 7;
// setInterval
flags.boom = window.setInterval(() => {
var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + (15 - range) / 2,
ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + (15 - range) / 2;
boomLocs.push([nx, ny, 0]);
if (!flags.booming) clearInterval(flags.boom);
}, boomTime);
// 动画要在这里调用
// 随机轰炸 动画
this.boomingAnimate = function () {
// 直接setInterval
if (!core.dymCanvas.boom)
core.createCanvas("boom", 0, 0, 480, 480, 65);
else core.clearMap("boom");
var boomAnimate = window.setInterval(() => {
if (boomLocs.length == 0) return;
if (!flags.booming && boomLocs.length == 0) {
boomLocs.forEach((loc, index) => {
var x = loc[0] * 32 + 16,
y = loc[1] * 32 + 16;
if (loc[2] >= 20) {
var alpha = 1,
radius = 12;
} else {
var radius = 0.12 * Math.pow(20 - loc[2], 2) + 12,
alpha = Math.max(1, 2 - loc[2] * 0.1);
var angle = loc[2] * Math.PI / 50;
// 开始绘制
core.fillCircle("boom", x, y, 3, [255, 50, 50, alpha]);
core.strokeCircle("boom", x, y, radius, [255, 50, 50, alpha], 2);
// 旋转的线
core.drawLine("boom", x + radius * Math.cos(angle), y + radius * Math.sin(angle),
x + (radius + 15) * Math.cos(angle), y + (radius + 15) * Math.sin(angle), [255, 50, 50, alpha], 1);
angle += Math.PI;
core.drawLine("boom", x + radius * Math.cos(angle), y + radius * Math.sin(angle),
x + (radius + 15) * Math.cos(angle), y + (radius + 15) * Math.sin(angle), [255, 50, 50, alpha], 1);
// 炸弹 下落
if (loc[2] > 70) {
var h = y - (20 * (85 - loc[2]) + 2.8 * Math.pow(85 - loc[2], 2));
core.drawImage("boom", "boom.png", x - 18, h - 80, 36, 80);
if (loc[2] == 85) {
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", (x - 16) / 32, (y - 16) / 32);
boomLocs.splice(index, 1);
if (boomLocs.length == 0) core.deleteCanvas("boom");
// 伤害判定
var hx = core.status.hero.loc.x,
hy = core.status.hero.loc.y;
if (loc[0] == hx && loc[1] == hy) {
core.status.hero.hp -= 3000;
core.popupDamage(3000, hx, hy, false);
if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) {
core.status.hero.hp = 0;
flags.booming = false;
}, 20);
// 直线型伤害判定
this.lineDamage = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, damage) {
// 获得勇士坐标
var x = core.status.hero.loc.x,
y = core.status.hero.loc.y;
// 是否可能碰到勇士
if ((x1 < x * 32 - 12 && x2 < x * 32 - 12) || (x1 > x * 32 + 12 && x2 > x * 32 + 12) ||
(y1 < y * 32 - 16 && y2 < y * 32 - 16) || (y1 > y * 32 + 16 && y2 > y * 32 + 16)) return;
// 对角线的端点是否在直线异侧 勇士视为24 * 32
for (var time = 1; time <= 2; time++) {
// 左下右上
if (time == 1) {
var loc1 = [x * 32 - 12, y * 32 + 16],
loc2 = [x * 32 + 12, y * 32 - 16];
// 直线方程 y == (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1) + y1
var n1 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (loc1[0] - x1) + y1 - loc1[1],
n2 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (loc2[0] - x1) + y1 - loc2[1];
if (n1 * n2 <= 0) {
core.status.hero.hp -= damage;
core.popupDamage(damage, x, y, false);
if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) {
core.status.hero.hp = 0;
} else { // 左上右下
var loc1 = [x * 32 - 12, y * 32 - 16],
loc2 = [x * 32 + 12, y * 32 + 16];
// 直线方程 y == (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1) + y1
var n1 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (loc1[0] - x1) + y1 - loc1[1],
n2 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (loc2[0] - x1) + y1 - loc2[1];
if (n1 * n2 <= 0) {
core.status.hero.hp -= damage;
core.popupDamage(damage, x, y, false);
if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) {
core.status.hero.hp = 0;
"weatherSuperimpose": function () {
// 天气叠加功能
////// 更改天气效果 //////
control.prototype.setWeather = function (type, level) {
// 非雨雪
if (type == null) {
Object.keys(core.control.weathers).forEach((one) => {
core.deleteCanvas('weather' + one);
core.animateFrame.weather.type = [];
core.animateFrame.weather.nodes = {};
core.animateFrame.weather.level = {};
core.animateFrame.weather.time = {};
if (!core.animateFrame.weather.level || level == null)
core.animateFrame.weather.level = {};
if (!core.animateFrame.weather.type) core.animateFrame.weather.type = [];
level = core.clamp(parseInt(level) || 5, 1, 10);
// 当前天气:则忽略
if (core.animateFrame.weather.type.includes(type) && level == core.animateFrame.weather.level[type]) return;
if (core.animateFrame.weather.nodes[type]) return;
// 计算当前的宽高
core.createCanvas('weather' + type, 0, 0, core.__PIXELS__, core.__PIXELS__, 80);
core.animateFrame.weather.level[type] = level;
this._setWeather_createNodes(type, level);
control.prototype._setWeather_createNodes = function (type, level) {
var number = level * parseInt(20 * core.bigmap.width * core.bigmap.height / (core.__SIZE__ * core.__SIZE__));
if (!core.animateFrame.weather.nodes[type]) core.animateFrame.weather.nodes[type] = [];
switch (type) {
case 'rain':
for (var a = 0; a < number; a++) {
'x': Math.random() * core.bigmap.width * 32,
'y': Math.random() * core.bigmap.height * 32,
'l': Math.random() * 2.5,
'xs': -4 + Math.random() * 4 + 2,
'ys': Math.random() * 10 + 10
case 'snow':
for (var a = 0; a < number; a++) {
'x': Math.random() * core.bigmap.width * 32,
'y': Math.random() * core.bigmap.height * 32,
'r': Math.random() * 5 + 1,
'd': Math.random() * Math.min(level, 200),
case 'fog':
if (core.animateFrame.weather.fog) {
core.animateFrame.weather.nodes[type] = [{
'level': number,
'x': 0,
'y': -core.__PIXELS__ / 2,
'dx': -Math.random() * 1.5,
'dy': Math.random(),
'delta': 0.001,
case 'cloud':
if (core.animateFrame.weather.cloud) {
core.animateFrame.weather.nodes[type] = [{
'level': number,
'x': 0,
'y': -core.__PIXELS__ / 2,
'dx': -Math.random() * 1.5,
'dy': Math.random(),
'delta': 0.001,
case 'sun':
if (core.animateFrame.weather.sun) {
// 直接绘制
core.clearMap('weather' + type);
core.setAlpha('weather' + type, level / 10);
core.drawImage('weather' + type, core.animateFrame.weather.sun, 0, 0,
core.animateFrame.weather.sun.width, core.animateFrame.weather.sun.height, 0, 0, core.__PIXELS__, core.__PIXELS__);
core.setAlpha('weather' + type, 1);
core.registerAnimationFrame("weather", true, (timestamp) => {
var weather = core.animateFrame.weather;
if (!weather.type) return;
weather.type.forEach((one) => {
if (timestamp - weather.time[one] <= 30 || !core.dymCanvas["weather" + one]) return;
core.control["_animationFrame_weather_" + one]();
weather.time[one] = timestamp;
// 雨
control.prototype._animationFrame_weather_rain = function () {
var ctx = core.dymCanvas.weatherrain,
ox = core.bigmap.offsetX,
oy = core.bigmap.offsetY;
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(174,194,224,0.8)';
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.lineCap = 'round';
core.animateFrame.weather.nodes.rain.forEach((p) => {
ctx.moveTo(p.x - ox, p.y - oy);
ctx.lineTo(p.x + p.l * p.xs - ox, p.y + p.l * p.ys - oy);
p.x += p.xs;
p.y += p.ys;
if (p.x > core.bigmap.width * 32 || p.y > core.bigmap.height * 32) {
p.x = Math.random() * core.bigmap.width * 32;
p.y = -10;
// 雪
control.prototype._animationFrame_weather_snow = function () {
var ctx = core.dymCanvas.weathersnow,
ox = core.bigmap.offsetX,
oy = core.bigmap.offsetY;
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)";
if (!core.animateFrame.weather.data) core.animateFrame.weather.data = {};
core.animateFrame.weather.data.snow = core.animateFrame.weather.data.snow || 0;
core.animateFrame.weather.data.snow += 0.01;
var angle = core.animateFrame.weather.data.snow;
core.animateFrame.weather.nodes.snow.forEach((p) => {
ctx.moveTo(p.x - ox, p.y - oy);
ctx.arc(p.x - ox, p.y - oy, p.r, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
// update
p.x += Math.sin(angle) * core.animateFrame.weather.level.snow;
p.y += Math.cos(angle + p.d) + 1 + p.r / 2;
if (p.x > core.bigmap.width * 32 + 5 || p.x < -5 || p.y > core.bigmap.height * 32) {
if (Math.random() > 1 / 3) {
p.x = Math.random() * core.bigmap.width * 32;
p.y = -10;
} else {
if (Math.sin(angle) > 0)
p.x = -5;
p.x = core.bigmap.width * 32 + 5;
p.y = Math.random() * core.bigmap.height * 32;
// 图片天气
control.prototype.__animateFrame_weather_image = function (image, type) {
if (!image) return;
var node = core.animateFrame.weather.nodes[type][0];
core.setAlpha('weather' + type, node.level / 500);
var wind = 1.5;
var width = image.width,
height = image.height;
node.x += node.dx * wind;
node.y += (2 * node.dy - 1) * wind;
if (node.x + 3 * width <= core.__PIXELS__) {
node.x += 4 * width;
while (node.x > 0) node.x -= width;
node.dy += node.delta;
if (node.dy >= 1) {
node.delta = -0.001;
} else if (node.dy <= 0) {
node.delta = 0.001;
if (node.y + 3 * height <= core.__PIXELS__) {
node.y += 4 * height;
while (node.y > 0) node.y -= height;
} else if (node.y >= 0) {
node.y -= height;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
if (node.x + (i + 1) * width <= 0 || node.x + i * width >= core.__PIXELS__ ||
node.y + (j + 1) * height <= 0 || node.y + j * height >= core.__PIXELS__)
core.drawImage('weather' + type, image, node.x + i * width, node.y + j * height);
core.setAlpha('weather' + type, 1);
// 雾
control.prototype._animationFrame_weather_fog = function () {
this.__animateFrame_weather_image(core.animateFrame.weather.fog, 'fog');
// 云
control.prototype._animationFrame_weather_cloud = function () {
this.__animateFrame_weather_image(core.animateFrame.weather.cloud, 'cloud');
"popupDamage": function () {
// 伤害弹出
// 复写阻激夹域检测
control.prototype.checkBlock = function () {
var x = core.getHeroLoc('x'),
y = core.getHeroLoc('y'),
loc = x + "," + y;
var damage = core.status.checkBlock.damage[loc];
if (damage) {
core.addPop(x * 32 + 12, y * 32 + 20, damage, '#f00', '#000');
core.status.hero.hp -= damage;
var text = (Object.keys(core.status.checkBlock.type[loc] || {}).join(",")) || "伤害";
core.drawTip("受到" + text + damage + "点");
core.status.hero.statistics.extraDamage += damage;
if (core.status.hero.hp <= 0) {
core.status.hero.hp = 0;
} else {
/** 血量弹出 */
function pop () {
var ctx = core.getContextByName('pop');
if (!ctx) ctx = core.createCanvas('pop', 0, 0, 416, 416, 90);
var list = core.status.pop || [];
var count = 0;
list.forEach((one) => {
// 由frame计算出dy
var dy = 6 - one.frame * 0.2;
var dx = 1;
one.py -= dy;
one.px += dx;
// 绘制
if (one.frame >= 60) core.setAlpha(ctx, 3 - one.frame / 30);
else core.setAlpha(ctx, 1);
core.fillBoldText(ctx, one.value, one.px, one.py, one.color || 'red', one.boldColor || 'black', '20px normal');
if (one.frame >= 90) count++;
if (count > 0) list.splice(0, count);
if (!main.replayChecking) core.registerAnimationFrame('pop', true, pop);
/** 添加弹出内容 */
this.addPop = function (px, py, value, color, boldColor) {
var data = { px: px, py: py, value: value, color: color, boldColor: boldColor, frame: 0 };
if (!core.status.pop) core.status.pop = [data];
else core.status.pop.push(data);
"bgms": function () {
// bgm查看界面
////// 播放背景音乐 //////
control.prototype.playBgm = function (bgm, startTime) {
bgm = core.getMappedName(bgm);
if (main.mode != 'play' || !core.material.bgms[bgm]) return;
// 如果不允许播放
if (!core.musicStatus.bgmStatus) {
try {
core.musicStatus.playingBgm = bgm;
core.musicStatus.lastBgm = bgm;
} catch (e) {
try {
this._playBgm_play(bgm, startTime);
} catch (e) {
console.log("无法播放BGM " + bgm);
core.musicStatus.playingBgm = null;
// 索引 名称 中文名 是否听过
var bgms = [
[0, "title.mp3", "标题界面", true],
[1, "cave.mp3", "山洞", false],
[2, "grass.mp3", "草原", false],
[3, "mount.mp3", "山路", false],
[4, "escape.mp3", "逃脱", false],
[5, "plot1.mp3", "勇气之路", false],
[6, "tower.mp3", "智慧之塔", false],
[7, "beforeBoss.mp3", "战前独白", false],
[8, "towerBoss.mp3", "Boss战一", false],
[9, "towerBoss2.mp3", "Boss战二", false],
[10, "towerBoss3.mp3", "Boss战三", false],
var selector = 0; // 光标
// 获得听歌信息
this.getListenedBgm = function () {
var listened = core.getLocalStorage("listening", []);
listened.forEach((bgm, index) => {
if (bgm) {
bgms[index][3] = true;
} else {
bgms[index][3] = false;
return bgms;
// 听bgm
this.listenBgm = function (bgm) {
for (var i in bgms) {
if (bgms[i][1] == bgm) {
var listened = core.getLocalStorage("listening", []);
listened[i] = true;
core.setLocalStorage("listening", listened);
// 获得每一项bgm的文字描述
this.getBgmContent = function (index) {
switch (index) {
case 0:
return ["川井憲次 —— 破裂足音", "出自 永远的七日之都",
"而这一次,我们要上演的是 人类:开天辟地"
case 1:
return ["Faodial —— Wren",
"为躲避危险,人们进入了山洞,便成就了今日我们的主角 —— 山顶洞人",
case 2:
return ["李伟伟 —— 大树与鹿",
case 3:
return ["Epistra —— Dream Of A Dream",
case 4:
return ["Gareth Coker —— Escaping a Foul Presence", "出自 Ori and the Will of the Wisps (奥日与萤火意志)",
case 5:
return ["英雄联盟等 —— Rags To Rings", "出自 英雄联盟全球总决赛BP音乐",
case 6:
return ["Falcom Sound Team jdk —— A Light Illuminating The Depths", "出自 英雄传说:零之轨迹",
case 7:
return ["Evan LE NY —— Some Calm", "出自 SpaceChem (太空化学)",
case 8:
return ["Evan LE NY —— Opening", "出自 SpaceChem (太空化学)",
case 9:
return ["Laura Shigihara —— Brainiac Maniac", "出自 Plants Vs Zombies (植物大战僵尸)",
case 10:
return ["Epic Score —— MechaDragon",
// 绘制
this.drawBgms = function () {
if (!core.dymCanvas.bgms)
core.createCanvas("bgms", 0, 0, 480, 480, 150);
else core.clearMap("bgms");
var style = core.dymCanvas.bgms;
style.shadowBlur = 0;
// 背景
core.fillRect("bgms", 0, 0, 480, 480, [0, 0, 0, 0.9]);
core.drawLine("bgms", 128, 0, 128, 480, "#ffffff", 1);
core.drawLine("bgms", 128, 458, 480, 458, "#ffffff", 1);
core.drawLine("bgms", 0, 420, 128, 420, "#ffffff", 1);
core.drawLine("bgms", 0, 450, 128, 450, "#ffffff", 1);
// 绘制bgm
core.setTextAlign("bgms", "center");
style.shadowColor = "rgba(200, 200, 50, 1)";
style.shadowBlur = 5;
var text;
bgms.forEach((bgm, index) => {
if (!bgm[3]) text = "?????";
else text = bgm[2];
// 绘制
core.fillText("bgms", text, 64, 32 * index + 28, "#ffffff", "24px normal");
// 绘制光标
core.drawUIEventSelector(1, "winskin.png", 0, 32 * selector + 4, 128, 30, 160);
// 绘制说明文字
core.fillText("bgms", bgms[selector][2], 304, 32, "#ffffff", "28px normal");
core.fillText("bgms", "点击右侧任意位置退出", 304, 475, "#ffffff", "18px normal");
core.fillText("bgms", "设为BGM", 64, 444, "#ffffff", "24px normal");
core.fillText("bgms", "还原BGM", 64, 474, "#ffffff", "24px normal");
style.shadowBlur = 2;
var content = this.getBgmContent(selector).join("\n");
core.drawTextContent("bgms", content, { top: 350, left: 132, maxWidth: 344, fontSize: 16, align: "center" });
// 图片
style.shadowColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)";
style.shadowBlur = 10;
core.drawImage("bgms", bgms[selector][1].split(".")[0] + ".jpg", 138, 42, 332, 305);
// 键盘操作
this.keyBoardBgms = function (keycode, loop, origin) {
if (!origin) origin = selector;
loop = loop || false;
switch (keycode) {
case 40:
if (loop && selector == bgms.length - 1) {
selector = origin;
if (selector < bgms.length - 1) {
if (!bgms[selector][3]) return this.keyBoardBgms(keycode, true, origin);
case 38:
if (loop && selector == bgms.length - 1) {
selector = origin;
if (selector > 0) {
if (!bgms[selector][3]) return this.keyBoardBgms(keycode, true, origin);
core.insertAction({ "type": "break" });
// 点击操作
this.clickBgms = function (px, py) {
if (px >= 128) {
core.insertAction({ "type": "break" });
if (py > 420 && py <= 450) {
flags.__bgm__ = bgms[selector][1];
if (py > 450) {
delete flags.__bgm__;
// 获得点击索引
if (py <= 420) {
if (bgms[Math.floor(py / 32)] && bgms[Math.floor(py / 32)][3]) {
selector = Math.floor(py / 32);
// 操作
this.actionInBgms = function () {
if (flags.type == 0) return this.keyBoardBgms(flags.keycode);
else return this.clickBgms(flags.px, flags.py);
// 开启
this.openBgms = function () {
// 插入事件
"type": "while",
"condition": "true",
"data": [
{ "type": "function", "function": "() => { core.plugin.drawBgms(); }" },
{ "type": "wait" },
{ "type": "function", "function": "() => { core.plugin.actionInBgms(); }" }
"type": "function",
"function": "() => { core.playBgm(flags.__bgm__ || core.status.maps[core.status.floorId].bgm || '');core.deleteCanvas('bgms');core.ui.clearUIEventSelector();}"
"drawSkills": function () {
// 技能查看界面 0索引 1名称 2快捷键 3拥有情况 4简介
var skills = [
[0, "断灭之刃", "1", false, "开启后会在战斗时会额外增加一定量的攻击, 但同时减少一定量的防御,具体属性请在技能树界面查看"],
[1, "跳跃", "2", false, "消耗200点生命值,困难消耗400点,每个地图最多使用3次\n1.人物前方一格是怪物,那么将怪物踢至面前第一个不能通行的图块后\n2.前方是不可通行的图块,那么将会跳至面前第一个可以通行的图块\n3.跳跃时物品视为不可通行,但使用技能时不能对着物品使用"]
// 获得拥有的技能
this.getHadSkills = function () {
skills[0][3] = flags.bladeOn || false;
skills[1][3] = flags.skill2 || false;
// 绘制
this.drawSkills = function () {
if (!core.dymCanvas.skills)
core.createCanvas("skills", 0, 0, 480, 480, 150);
else core.clearMap("skills");
var style = core.dymCanvas.skills;
style.shadowBlur = 0;
// 分栏绘制
core.fillRect("skills", 0, 0, 480, 480, [0, 0, 0, 0.9]);
core.drawLine("skills", 0, 80, 480, 80, "#ffffff", 1);
core.drawLine("skills", 0, 260, 480, 260, "#ffffff", 1);
core.drawLine("skills", 80, 0, 80, 480, [255, 255, 255, 0.5], 1);
core.drawLine("skills", 400, 0, 400, 480, [255, 255, 255, 0.5], 1);
// 绘制技能
style.shadowColor = "rgba(200, 200, 50, 1)";
core.setTextAlign("skills", "center");
style.shadowBlur = 5;
if (skills[0][3])
core.fillText("skills", skills[0][1], 40, 50, "#ffffff", "20px normal");
if (skills[1][3])
core.fillText("skills", skills[1][1], 40, 180, "#ffffff", "20px normal");
if (skills[0][3])
core.fillText("skills", "快捷键" + skills[0][2], 440, 50, "#ffffff", "20px normal");
if (skills[1][3])
core.fillText("skills", "快捷键" + skills[1][2], 440, 180, "#ffffff", "20px normal");
style.shadowBlur = 2;
if (skills[0][3])
core.drawTextContent("skills", skills[0][4], { left: 90, maxWidth: 300, fontSize: 16, top: 10 });
if (skills[1][3])
core.drawTextContent("skills", skills[1][4], { left: 90, maxWidth: 300, fontSize: 16, top: 90 });
// 操作 都是直接退出
this.actionInSkills = function () {
core.insertAction({ "type": "break" });
// 开启
this.openSkills = function () {
// 插入事件
"type": "while",
"condition": "true",
"data": [
{ "type": "function", "function": "() => { core.plugin.drawSkills(); }" },
{ "type": "wait" },
{ "type": "function", "function": "() => { core.plugin.actionInSkills(); }" }
"type": "function",
"function": "() => { core.deleteCanvas('skills');}"
"equipBox": function () {
// 注:///// *** 裹起来的区域: 该区域内参数可以随意更改调整ui绘制 不会影响总体布局
// 请尽量修改该区域而不是其他区域 修改的时候最好可以对照现有ui修改
///// *** 道具类型
// cls对应name
var itemClsName = {
"constants": "永久道具",
"tools": "消耗道具",
// 一页最大放的道具数量 将把整个道具左栏分成num份 每份是一个道具项
var itemNum = 12;
///// ***
// 背景设置
this.drawBoxBackground = function (ctx) {
core.setTextAlign(ctx, "left");
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo || {};
///// *** 背景设置
var max = core.__PIXELS__;
var x = 2,
y = x,
w = max - x * 2,
h = w;
var borderWidth = 2,
borderRadius = 5, // radius:圆角矩形的圆角半径
borderStyle = "#fff";
var backgroundColor = "gray";
// 设置背景不透明度(0.85)
var backgroundAlpha = 0.85;
///// ***
var start_x = x + borderWidth / 2,
start_y = y + borderWidth / 2,
width = max - start_x * 2,
height = max - start_y * 2;
// 渐变色背景的一个例子(黑色渐变白色):
// 有关渐变色的具体知识请网上搜索canvas createGradient了解
var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(x, y, x + w, y);
grd.addColorStop(0, "#555555");
grd.addColorStop(1, "#cccccc");
backgroundColor = grd;
// 使用图片背景要注释掉下面的strokeRect和fillRoundRect
// 图片背景的一个例子:
core.drawImage(ctx, "xxx.png", x, y, w, h);
core.strokeRect(ctx, x, y, w, h, borderStyle, borderWidth);
core.setAlpha(ctx, backgroundAlpha);
core.strokeRoundRect(ctx, x, y, w, h, borderRadius, borderStyle, borderWidth);
core.fillRoundRect(ctx, start_x, start_y, width, height, borderRadius, backgroundColor);
core.setAlpha(ctx, 1);
///// *** 左栏配置
var leftbar_height = height;
// 左边栏宽度(width*0.6) 本身仅为坐标使用 需要与底下的rightbar_width(width*0.4)同时更改
var leftbar_width = width * 0.6;
///// ***
// xxx_right参数 代表最右侧坐标
var leftbar_right = start_x + leftbar_width - borderWidth / 2;
var leftbar_bottom = start_y + leftbar_height;
var leftbar_x = start_x;
var leftbar_y = start_y;
///// *** 道具栏配置
var boxName_color = "#fff";
var boxName_fontSize = 15;
var boxName_font = core.ui._buildFont(boxName_fontSize, true);
var arrow_x = 10 + start_x;
var arrow_y = 10 + start_y;
var arrow_width = 20;
var arrow_style = "white";
// 暂时只能是1 否则不太行 等待新样板(2.7.3)之后对drawArrow做优化
var arrow_lineWidth = 1;
// 右箭头
var rightArrow_right = leftbar_right - 10;
// 道具内栏顶部坐标 本质是通过该项 控制(道具栏顶部文字和箭头)与道具内栏顶部的间隔
var itembar_top = arrow_y + 15;
///// ***
var itembar_right = rightArrow_right;
var boxName = core.status.event.id == "toolbox" ? "\r[yellow]道具栏\r | 装备栏" : "道具栏 | \r[yellow]装备栏\r";
core.drawArrow(ctx, arrow_x + arrow_width, arrow_y, arrow_x, arrow_y, arrow_style, arrow_lineWidth);
core.drawArrow(ctx, rightArrow_right - arrow_width, arrow_y, rightArrow_right, arrow_y, arrow_style, arrow_lineWidth);
core.setTextAlign(ctx, "center");
core.setTextBaseline(ctx, "middle");
var changeBox = () => {
var id = core.status.event.id;
if (id == "toolbox") core.openEquipbox();
else core.openToolbox();
core.fillText(ctx, boxName, (leftbar_right + leftbar_x) / 2, arrow_y + 2, boxName_color, boxName_font);
///// *** 底栏按钮
var pageBtn_radius = 8;
// xxx_left 最左侧坐标
var pageBtn_left = leftbar_x + 3;
var pageBtn_right = leftbar_right - 3;
// xxx_bottom 最底部坐标
var pageBtn_bottom = leftbar_bottom - 2;
var pageBtn_borderStyle = "#fff";
var pageBtn_borderWidth = 2;
var pageText_color = "#fff";
// 底部按钮与上面的道具内栏的间隔大小
var bottomSpace = 8;
///// ***
core.drawItemListbox_setPageBtn(ctx, pageBtn_left, pageBtn_right, pageBtn_bottom, pageBtn_radius, pageBtn_borderStyle, pageBtn_borderWidth);
var page = info.page || 1;
var pageFontSize = pageBtn_radius * 2 - 4;
var pageFont = core.ui._buildFont(pageFontSize);
var num = itemNum;
if (core.status.event.id == "equipbox") num -= 5;
var maxPage = info.maxPage;
var pageText = page + " / " + maxPage;
core.setTextAlign(ctx, "center");
core.setTextBaseline(ctx, "bottom");
core.fillText(ctx, pageText, (leftbar_x + leftbar_right) / 2, pageBtn_bottom, pageText_color, pageFont);
core.addUIEventListener(start_x, start_y, leftbar_right - start_x, arrow_y - start_y + 13, changeBox);
var itembar_height = Math.ceil(pageBtn_bottom - pageBtn_radius * 2 - pageBtn_borderWidth / 2 - bottomSpace - itembar_top);
var oneItemHeight = (itembar_height - 4) / itemNum;
return {
x: start_x,
y: start_y,
width: width,
height: height,
leftbar_right: leftbar_right,
obj: {
x: arrow_x,
y: itembar_top,
width: itembar_right - arrow_x,
height: itembar_height,
oneItemHeight: oneItemHeight
this.drawItemListbox = function (ctx, obj) {
ctx = ctx || core.canvas.ui;
var itembar_x = obj.x,
itembar_y = obj.y,
itembar_width = obj.width,
itembar_height = obj.height,
itemNum = obj.itemNum,
oneItemHeight = obj.oneItemHeight;
var itembar_right = itembar_x + itembar_width;
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo || {};
var obj = {};
var page = info.page || 1,
index = info.index,
select = info.select || {};
///// *** 道具栏内栏配置
var itembar_style = "black";
var itembar_alpha = 0.7;
// 一个竖屏下减少道具显示的例子:
// if (core.domStyle.isVertical) itemNum = 10;
// 每个道具项的上下空隙占总高度的比例
var itembar_marginHeightRatio = 0.2;
// 左右间隔空隙
var item_marginLeft = 2;
var item_x = itembar_x + 2,
item_y = itembar_y + 2,
item_right = itembar_right - 2,
itemName_color = "#fff";
// 修改此项以更换闪烁光标
var item_selector = "winskin.png";
///// ***
core.setAlpha(ctx, itembar_alpha);
core.fillRect(ctx, itembar_x, itembar_y, itembar_width, itembar_height, itembar_style);
core.setAlpha(ctx, 1);
var pageItems = core.setPageItems(page);
var marginHeight = itembar_marginHeightRatio * oneItemHeight;
core.setTextBaseline(ctx, "middle");
var originColor = itemName_color;
for (var i = 0; i < pageItems.length; i++) {
itemName_color = originColor;
var item = pageItems[i];
// 设置某个的字体颜色的一个例子
// if (item.id == "xxx") itemName_color = "green";
core.drawItemListbox_drawItem(ctx, item_x, item_right, item_y, oneItemHeight, item_marginLeft, marginHeight, itemName_color, pageItems[i]);
if (index == i + 1) core.ui._drawWindowSelector(item_selector, item_x + 1, item_y - 1, item_right - item_x - 2, oneItemHeight - 2);
item_y += oneItemHeight;
this.drawToolboxRightbar = function (ctx, obj) {
ctx = ctx || core.canvas.ui;
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo || {};
var page = info.page || 1,
index = info.index || 1,
select = info.select || {};
var start_x = obj.x,
start_y = obj.y,
width = obj.width,
height = obj.height;
var toolboxRight = start_x + width,
toolboxBottom = start_y + height;
///// *** 侧边栏(rightbar)背景设置(物品介绍)
var rightbar_width = width * 0.4;
var rightbar_height = height;
var rightbar_lineWidth = 2;
var rightbar_lineStyle = "#fff";
///// ***
var rightbar_x = toolboxRight - rightbar_width - rightbar_lineWidth / 2;
var rightbar_y = start_y;
core.drawLine(ctx, rightbar_x, rightbar_y, rightbar_x, rightbar_y + rightbar_height, rightbar_lineStyle, rightbar_lineWidth);
// 获取道具id(有可能为null)
var itemId = select.id;
var item = core.material.items[itemId];
///// *** 侧边栏物品Icon信息
var iconRect_y = rightbar_y + 10;
// space:间距
// 这里布局设定iconRect与侧边栏左边框 itemName与工具栏右边框 itemRect与itemName的间距均为space
var space = 15;
var iconRect_x = rightbar_x + space;
var iconRect_radius = 2,
iconRect_width = 32,
iconRect_height = 32,
iconRect_style = "#fff",
iconRect_lineWidth = 2;
///// ***
var iconRect_bottom = iconRect_y + iconRect_height,
iconRect_right = iconRect_x + iconRect_width;
///// *** 侧边栏各项信息
var itemTextFontSize = 15,
itemText_x = iconRect_x - 4,
itemText_y = Math.floor(start_y + rightbar_height * 0.25), // 坐标取整防止模糊
itemClsFontSize = 15,
itemClsFont = core.ui._buildFont(itemClsFontSize),
itemClsColor = "#fff",
itemCls_x = itemText_x - itemClsFontSize / 2,
itemCls_middle = (iconRect_bottom + itemText_y) / 2, //_middle代表文字的中心y坐标
itemNameFontSize = 18,
itemNameColor = "#fff",
itemNameFont = core.ui._buildFont(itemNameFontSize, true);
var itemName_x = iconRect_right + space;
var itemName_middle = iconRect_y + iconRect_height / 2 + iconRect_lineWidth;
// 修改这里可以编辑未选中道具时的默认值
var defaultItem = {
cls: "constants",
name: "未知道具",
text: "没有道具最永久"
var defaultEquip = {
cls: "equips",
name: "未知装备",
text: "一无所有,又何尝不是一种装备",
equip: {
type: "装备"
///// ***
var originItem = item;
if (core.status.event.id == "equipbox") item = item || defaultEquip;
item = item || defaultItem;
var itemCls = item.cls,
itemName = item.name,
itemText = item.text;
/* 一个根据道具id修改道具名字(右栏)的例子
* if (item.id == "xxx") itemNameColor = "red";
var itemClsName = core.getItemClsName(item);
var itemNameMaxWidth = rightbar_width - iconRect_width - iconRect_lineWidth * 2 - space * 2;
core.strokeRoundRect(ctx, iconRect_x, iconRect_y, iconRect_width, iconRect_height, iconRect_radius, iconRect_style, iconRect_lineWidth);
if (item.id)
core.drawIcon(ctx, item.id, iconRect_x + iconRect_lineWidth / 2, iconRect_y + iconRect_lineWidth / 2, iconRect_width - iconRect_lineWidth, iconRect_height - iconRect_lineWidth);
core.setTextAlign(ctx, "left");
core.setTextBaseline(ctx, "middle");
core.fillText(ctx, itemName, itemName_x, itemName_middle, itemNameColor, itemNameFont, itemNameMaxWidth);
core.fillText(ctx, "【" + itemClsName + "】", itemCls_x, itemCls_middle, itemClsColor, itemClsFont);
var statusText = "";
if (core.status.event.id == "equipbox") {
var type = item.equip.type;
if (typeof type == "string") type = core.getEquipTypeByName(type);
var compare = core.compareEquipment(item.id, core.getEquip(type));
if (info.select.action == "unload") compare = core.compareEquipment(null, item.id);
// --- 变化值...
for (var name in core.status.hero) {
if (typeof core.status.hero[name] != 'number') continue;
var nowValue = core.getRealStatus(name);
// 查询新值
var newValue = Math.floor((core.getStatus(name) + (compare.value[name] || 0)) *
(core.getBuff(name) * 100 + (compare.percentage[name] || 0)) / 100);
if (nowValue == newValue) continue;
var color = newValue > nowValue ? '#00FF00' : '#FF0000';
nowValue = core.formatBigNumber(nowValue);
newValue = core.formatBigNumber(newValue);
statusText += core.getStatusLabel(name) + " " + nowValue + "->\r[" + color + "]" + newValue + "\r\n";
itemText = statusText + itemText;
core.drawTextContent(ctx, itemText, {
left: itemText_x,
top: itemText_y,
bold: false,
color: "white",
align: "left",
fontSize: itemTextFontSize,
maxWidth: rightbar_width - (itemText_x - rightbar_x) * 2 + itemTextFontSize / 2
///// *** 退出按钮设置
var btnRadius = 10;
var btnBorderWidth = 2;
var btnRight = toolboxRight - 2;
var btnBottom = toolboxBottom - 2;
var btnBorderStyle = "#fff";
///// ***
// 获取圆心位置
var btn_x = btnRight - btnRadius - btnBorderWidth / 2;
btn_y = btnBottom - btnRadius - btnBorderWidth / 2;
core.drawToolbox_setExitBtn(ctx, btn_x, btn_y, btnRadius, btnBorderStyle, btnBorderWidth);
///// *** 使用按钮设置
var useBtnHeight = btnRadius * 2;
// 这里不设置useBtnWidth而是根据各项数据自动得出width
var useBtnRadius = useBtnHeight / 2;
var useBtn_x = rightbar_x + 4,
useBtn_y = btnBottom - useBtnHeight;
var useBtnBorderStyle = "#fff";
var useBtnBorderWidth = btnBorderWidth;
///// ***
core.drawToolbox_setUseBtn(ctx, useBtn_x, useBtn_y, useBtnRadius, useBtnHeight, useBtnBorderStyle, useBtnBorderWidth);
this.drawEquipbox_drawOthers = function (ctx, obj) {
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
///// *** 装备格设置
var equipList_lineWidth = 2;
var equipList_boxSize = 32;
var equipList_borderWidth = 2;
var equipList_borderStyle = "#fff";
var equipList_nameColor = "#fff";
///// ***
var equipList_x = obj.x + 4,
equipList_bottom = obj.obj.y - equipList_lineWidth,
equipList_y = equipList_bottom - obj.obj.oneItemHeight * reduceItem - 2,
equipList_height = equipList_bottom - equipList_y;
var equipList_right = obj.leftbar_right,
equipList_width = equipList_right - equipList_x;
core.drawLine(ctx, obj.x, equipList_bottom + equipList_lineWidth / 2, equipList_right, equipList_bottom + equipList_lineWidth / 2, equipList_borderStyle, equipList_lineWidth);
var toDrawList = core.status.globalAttribute.equipName,
len = toDrawList.length;
///// *** 装备格设置
var maxItem = 4;
var box_width = 32,
box_height = 32,
box_borderStyle = "#fff",
box_selectBorderStyle = "gold", // 选中的装备格的颜色
box_borderWidth = 2;
var boxName_fontSize = 14,
boxName_space = 2,
boxName_color = "#fff"; // 装备格名称与上面的装备格框的距离
var maxLine = Math.ceil(len / maxItem);
///// ***
var l = Math.sqrt(len)
if (Math.pow(l) == len && len != 4) {
if (l <= maxItem) maxItem = l;
maxItem = Math.min(toDrawList.length, maxItem);
info.equips = maxItem;
var boxName_font = core.ui._buildFont(boxName_fontSize);
// 总宽高减去所有装备格宽高得到空隙大小
var oneBoxWidth = box_width + box_borderWidth * 2;
var oneBoxHeight = box_height + boxName_fontSize + boxName_space + 2 * box_borderWidth;
var space_y = (equipList_height - maxLine * oneBoxHeight) / (1 + maxLine),
space_x = (equipList_width - maxItem * oneBoxWidth) / (1 + maxItem);
var box_x = equipList_x + space_x,
box_y = equipList_y + space_y;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var id = core.getEquip(i),
name = toDrawList[i];
var selectBorder = false;
if (core.status.thisUIEventInfo.select.type == i) selectBorder = true;
var borderStyle = selectBorder ? box_selectBorderStyle : box_borderStyle;
core.drawEquipbox_drawOne(ctx, name, id, box_x, box_y, box_width, box_height, boxName_space, boxName_font, boxName_color, borderStyle, box_borderWidth);
var todo = new Function("core.clickOneEquipbox('" + id + "'," + i + ")");
core.addUIEventListener(box_x - box_borderWidth / 2, box_y - box_borderWidth / 2, oneBoxWidth, oneBoxHeight, todo);
box_x += space_x + oneBoxWidth;
if ((i + 1) % maxItem == 0) {
box_x = equipList_x + space_x;
box_y += space_y + oneBoxHeight;
this.drawToolbox = function (ctx) {
ctx = ctx || core.canvas.ui;
core.status.thisEventClickArea = [];
var info = core.drawBoxBackground(ctx);
info.itemNum = itemNum;
core.drawItemListbox(ctx, info.obj);
core.drawToolboxRightbar(ctx, info);
core.setTextBaseline(ctx, "alphabetic");
var reduceItem = 4;
this.drawEquipbox = function (ctx) {
ctx = ctx || core.canvas.ui;
core.status.thisEventClickArea = [];
var info = core.drawBoxBackground(ctx);
info.itemNum = itemNum - reduceItem;
info.obj.y += info.obj.oneItemHeight * reduceItem;
info.obj.height -= info.obj.oneItemHeight * reduceItem;
core.drawItemListbox(ctx, info.obj);
core.drawEquipbox_drawOthers(ctx, info);
core.drawToolboxRightbar(ctx, info);
core.setTextBaseline(ctx, "alphabetic");
this.drawEquipbox_drawOne = function (ctx, name, id, x, y, width, height, space, font, color, style, lineWidth) {
if (id) core.drawIcon(ctx, id, x + lineWidth / 2, y + lineWidth / 2, width, height);
core.strokeRect(ctx, x, y, width + lineWidth, height + lineWidth, style, lineWidth);
core.setTextAlign(ctx, "center");
core.setTextBaseline(ctx, "top");
var tx = (x + x + lineWidth / 2 + width) / 2,
ty = y + height + lineWidth / 2 * 3 + space;
core.fillText(ctx, name, tx, ty, color, font);
core.setTextBaseline(ctx, "alphabetic");
this.drawItemListbox_drawItem = function (ctx, left, right, top, height, marginLeft, marginHeight, style, id) {
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
var nowClick = info.index;
var item = core.material.items[id] || {};
var name = item.name || "???";
var num = core.itemCount(id) || 0;
var fontSize = Math.floor(height - marginHeight * 2);
core.setTextAlign(ctx, "right");
var numText = "x" + num;
core.fillText(ctx, numText, right - marginLeft, top + height / 2, style, core.ui._buildFont(fontSize));
if (name != "???") core.drawIcon(ctx, id, left + marginLeft, top + marginHeight, fontSize, fontSize);
var text_x = left + marginLeft + fontSize + 2;
var maxWidth = right - core.calWidth(ctx, numText) - text_x;
core.setTextAlign(ctx, "left");
core.fillText(ctx, name, text_x, top + height / 2, style, core.ui._buildFont(fontSize), maxWidth);
var todo = new Function("var id = '" + id + "';\ncore.clickItemFunc(id)");
core.addUIEventListener(left, top, right - left, height, todo);
this.setPageItems = function (page) {
var num = itemNum;
if (core.status.event.id == "equipbox") num -= reduceItem;
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
if (!info) return;
page = page || info.page;
var items = core.getToolboxItems(core.status.event.id == "toolbox" ? "all" : "equips");
info.allItems = items;
var maxPage = Math.ceil(items.length / num);
info.maxPage = maxPage;
var pageItems = items.slice((page - 1) * num, page * num);
info.pageItems = pageItems;
info.maxItem = pageItems.length;
if (items.length == 0 && pageItems.length == 0) info.index = null;
if (pageItems.length == 0 && info.page > 1) {
info.page = Math.max(1, info.page - 1);
return core.setPageItems(info.page);
return pageItems;
this.drawToolbox_setExitBtn = function (ctx, x, y, r, style, lineWidth) {
core.strokeCircle(ctx, x, y, r, style, lineWidth);
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
var textSize = Math.sqrt(2) * r;
core.fillText(ctx, "x", x, y, style, core.ui._buildFont(textSize), textSize);
core.setTextAlign(ctx, "start");
core.setTextBaseline(ctx, "top");
var todo = () => {
core.addUIEventListener(x - r, y - r, r * 2, r * 2, todo);
this.drawToolbox_setUseBtn = function (ctx, x, y, r, h, style, lineWidth) {
core.setTextAlign(ctx, "left");
core.setTextBaseline(ctx, "top");
var fontSize = h - 4;
var font = core.ui._buildFont(fontSize);
var text = core.status.event.id == "toolbox" ? "使用" : "装备";
if (core.status.thisUIEventInfo.select.action == "unload") text = "卸下";
var w = core.calWidth(ctx, text, font) + 2 * r + lineWidth / 2;
core.strokeRoundRect(ctx, x, y, w, h, r, style, lineWidth);
core.fillText(ctx, text, x + r, y + lineWidth / 2 + 2, style, font);
var todo = () => {
core.addUIEventListener(x, y, w, h, todo);
this.drawItemListbox_setPageBtn = function (ctx, left, right, bottom, r, style, lineWidth) {
var offset = lineWidth / 2 + r;
var x = left + offset;
var y = bottom - offset;
var pos = Math.sqrt(2) / 2 * (r - lineWidth / 2);
core.fillPolygon(ctx, [
[x - pos, y],
[x + pos - 2, y - pos],
[x + pos - 2, y + pos]
], style);
core.strokeCircle(ctx, x, y, r, style, lineWidth);
var todo = () => {
core.addUIEventListener(x - r - 2, y - r - 2, r * 2 + 4, r * 2 + 4, todo);
x = right - offset;
core.fillPolygon(ctx, [
[x + pos, y],
[x - pos + 2, y - pos],
[x - pos + 2, y + pos]
], style);
core.strokeCircle(ctx, x, y, r, style, lineWidth);
var todo = () => {
core.addUIEventListener(x - r - 2, y - r - 2, r * 2 + 4, r * 2 + 4, todo);
this.clickItemFunc = function (id) {
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
if (!info) return;
if (info.select.id == id) return core.useSelectItemInBox();
info.select = {};
info.select.id = id;
this.clickOneEquipbox = function (id, type) {
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
if (!info) return;
if (info.select.id == id && info.select.type == type) core.useSelectItemInBox();
else core.status.thisUIEventInfo.select = {
id: id,
type: type,
action: "unload"
return core.refreshBox();
core.ui.getToolboxItems = function (cls) {
var list = Object.keys(core.status.hero.items[cls] || {});
if (cls == "all") {
for (var name in core.status.hero.items) {
if (name == "equips") continue;
list = list.concat(Object.keys(core.status.hero.items[name]));
return list.filter((id) => {
return !core.material.items[id].hideInToolbox;
if (this.uidata.getToolboxItems) {
return this.uidata.getToolboxItems(cls);
return list.filter((id) => {
return !core.material.items[id].hideInToolbox;
this.useSelectItemInBox = function () {
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
if (!info) return;
if (!info.select.id) return;
var id = info.select.id;
if (core.status.event.id == "toolbox") {
// core.closePanel();
} else if (core.status.event.id == "equipbox") {
var action = info.select.action || "load";
info.index = 1;
if (action == "load") {
var type = core.getEquipTypeById(id);
core.loadEquip(id, () => {
core.status.route.push("equip:" + id);
info.select.type = type;
} else {
var type = info.select.type;
core.unloadEquip(type, () => {
core.status.route.push("unEquip:" + type);
this.setIndexAndSelect = function (toChange) {
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
if (!info) return;
var index = info.index || 1;
var items = info.pageItems;
if (info.select.type) {
var type = info.select.type;
id = core.getEquip(type);
info.index = null;
info.select = {
id: id,
action: "unload",
type: type
} else {
info.select.type = null;
if (toChange == "index") info.index = items.indexOf(info.select.id) + 1;
else {
var id = info.pageItems[index - 1];
info.select.id = id;
this.addItemListboxPage = function (num) {
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
if (!info) return;
var maxPage = info.maxPage || 1;
info.page = info.page || 1;
info.page += num;
if (info.page <= 0) info.page = maxPage;
if (info.page > maxPage) info.page = 1;
info.index = 1;
this.addItemListboxIndex = function (num) {
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
if (!info) return;
var maxItem = info.maxItem || 0;
info.index = info.index || 0;
info.index += num;
if (info.index <= 0) info.index = 1;
if (info.index > maxItem) info.index = maxItem;
this.addEquipboxType = function (num) {
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
var type = info.select.type;
if (type == null && num > 0) info.select.type = 0;
else info.select.type = type + num;
var max = core.status.globalAttribute.equipName.length;
if (info.select.type >= max) {
info.select = {};
return core.addItemListboxPage(0);
} else {
var m = Math.abs(info.select.type);
if (info.select.type < 0) info.select.type = max - m;
core.actions._keyDownToolbox = function (keycode) {
if (!core.status.thisEventClickArea) return;
if (keycode == 37) { // left
if (keycode == 38) { // up
if (keycode == 39) { // right
if (keycode == 40) { // down
////// 工具栏界面时,放开某个键的操作 //////
core.actions._keyUpToolbox = function (keycode) {
if (keycode == 81) {
if (core.isReplaying())
if (keycode == 84 || keycode == 27 || keycode == 88) {
if (keycode == 13 || keycode == 32 || keycode == 67) {
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
if (info.select) {
core.actions._keyDownEquipbox = function (keycode) {
if (!core.status.thisEventClickArea) return;
if (keycode == 37) { // left
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
if (info.index != null) return core.addItemListboxPage(-1);
return core.addEquipboxType(-1);
if (keycode == 38) { // up
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
if (info.index == 1) {
info.select.type = core.status.globalAttribute.equipName.length - 1;
return core.refreshBox();
if (info.index) return core.addItemListboxIndex(-1);
return core.addEquipboxType(-1 * info.equips);
if (keycode == 39) { // right
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
if (info.index != null) return core.addItemListboxPage(1);
return core.addEquipboxType(1);
if (keycode == 40) { // down
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
if (info.index) return core.addItemListboxIndex(1);
return core.addEquipboxType(info.equips);
core.actions._keyUpEquipbox = function (keycode, altKey) {
if (altKey && keycode >= 48 && keycode <= 57) {
core.items.quickSaveEquip(keycode - 48);
if (keycode == 84) {
if (core.isReplaying())
if (keycode == 81 || keycode == 27 || keycode == 88) {
if (keycode == 13 || keycode == 32 || keycode == 67) {
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
if (info.select) core.useSelectItemInBox();
core.registerAction("ondown", "inEventClickAction", (x, y, px, py) => {
if (!core.status.thisEventClickArea) return false;
// console.log(px + "," + py);
var info = core.status.thisEventClickArea;
for (var i = 0; i < info.length; i++) {
var obj = info[i];
if (px >= obj.x && px <= obj.x + obj.width && py > obj.y && py < obj.y + obj.height) {
if (obj.todo) obj.todo();
return true;
}, 51);
core.registerAction("onclick", "stopClick", () => {
if (core.status.thisEventClickArea) return true;
}, 51);
this.addUIEventListener = function (x, y, width, height, todo) {
if (!core.status.thisEventClickArea) return;
var obj = {
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height,
todo: todo
this.initThisEventInfo = function () {
core.status.thisUIEventInfo = {
page: 1,
select: {}
core.status.thisEventClickArea = [];
this.refreshBox = function () {
if (!core.status.event.id) return;
if (core.status.event.id == "toolbox") core.drawToolbox();
else core.drawEquipbox();
core.ui.closePanel = function () {
if (core.status.hero && core.status.hero.flags) {
// 清除全部临时变量
Object.keys(core.status.hero.flags).forEach((name) => {
if (name.startsWith("@temp@") || /^arg\d+$/.test(name)) {
delete core.status.hero.flags[name];
core.status.event.data = null;
core.status.event.id = null;
core.status.event.selection = null;
core.status.event.ui = null;
core.status.event.interval = null;
core.status.thisUIEventInfo = null;
core.status.thisEventClickArea = null
this.getItemClsName = function (item) {
if (item == null) return itemClsName;
if (item.cls == "equips") {
if (typeof item.equip.type == "string") return item.equip.type;
var type = core.getEquipTypeById(item.id);
return core.status.globalAttribute.equipName[type];
} else return itemClsName[item.cls] || item.cls;
core.events.openToolbox = function (fromUserAction) {
if (core.isReplaying()) return;
if (!this._checkStatus('toolbox', fromUserAction)) return;
core.events.openEquipbox = function (fromUserAction) {
if (core.isReplaying()) return;
if (!this._checkStatus('equipbox', fromUserAction)) return;
core.control._replay_toolbox = function () {
if (!core.isPlaying() || !core.isReplaying()) return;
if (!core.status.replay.pausing) return core.drawTip("请先暂停录像");
if (core.isMoving() || core.status.replay.animate || core.status.event.id)
return core.drawTip("请等待当前事件的处理结束");
core.status.event.id = 'toolbox';
core.control._replay_equipbox = function () {
if (!core.isPlaying() || !core.isReplaying()) return;
if (!core.status.replay.pausing) return core.drawTip("请先暂停录像");
if (core.isMoving() || core.status.replay.animate || core.status.event.id)
return core.drawTip("请等待当前事件的处理结束");
core.status.event.id = 'equipbox';
core.control._replayAction_item = function (action) {
if (action.indexOf("item:") != 0) return false;
var itemId = action.substring(5);
if (!core.canUseItem(itemId)) return false;
if (core.material.items[itemId].hideInReplay || core.status.replay.speed == 24) {
core.useItem(itemId, false, core.replay);
return true;
core.status.event.id = "toolbox";
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
var items = core.getToolboxItems("all");
var index = items.indexOf(itemId) + 1;
info.page = Math.ceil(index / info.maxItem);
info.index = index % info.maxItem || info.maxItem;
setTimeout(() => {
core.useItem(itemId, false, core.replay);
}, core.control.__replay_getTimeout());
return true;
core.control._replayAction_equip = function (action) {
if (action.indexOf("equip:") != 0) return false;
var itemId = action.substring(6);
var items = core.getToolboxItems('equips');
var index = items.indexOf(itemId) + 1;
if (index < 1) return false;
if (core.material.items[itemId].hideInReplay || core.status.replay.speed == 24) {
core.loadEquip(itemId, core.replay);
return true;
core.status.event.id = "equipbox";
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
info.page = Math.ceil(index / info.maxItem);
info.index = index % info.maxItem || info.maxItem;
setTimeout(() => {
core.loadEquip(itemId, core.replay);
}, core.control.__replay_getTimeout());
return true;
core.control._replayAction_unEquip = function (action) {
if (action.indexOf("unEquip:") != 0) return false;
var equipType = parseInt(action.substring(8));
if (!core.isset(equipType)) return false;
if (core.status.replay.speed == 24) {
core.unloadEquip(equipType, core.replay);
return true;
core.status.event.id = "equipbox";
var info = core.status.thisUIEventInfo;
info.select.type = equipType;
setTimeout(() => {
core.unloadEquip(equipType, core.replay);
}, core.control.__replay_getTimeout());
return true;
core.registerReplayAction("item", core.control._replayAction_item);
core.registerReplayAction("equip", core.control._replayAction_equip);
core.registerReplayAction("unEquip", core.control._replayAction_unEquip);
"chase": function () {
// 山野追逐战
// 初始变量
// 视野路线 x, y, frame
var route = [
[10, 10, 0],
[0, 10, 100],
[0, 10, 200],
[49, 0, 500],
[49, 0, 550],
[45, 0, 640],
[40, 0, 760],
[40, 0, 820],
[41, 0, 850],
[37, 0, 950],
[31, 0, 1000],
[29, 0, 1020],
[29, 0, 1210],
[25, 0, 1270],
[12, 0, 1330],
[0, 0, 1470],
[0, 0, 2000],
[113, 0, 2500],
[109, 0, 2580],
[104, 0, 2600],
[104, 0, 2830],
[92, 0, 3000],
[84, 0, 3120],
[74, 0, 3300],
[65, 0, 3480],
[58, 0, 3600],
[47, 0, 3800],
[36, 0, 4000],
[0, 0, 4600],
// 效果函数
var funcs = [
[0, wolfRun],
[550, shake1],
var parrallels = [para1, para2]; // 并行脚本
var speed = 0; // 速度
var index = 0; // 当前要到达的索引
var fIndex = 0; // 函数索引
var frame = 0; // 帧数
var acc = 0; // 加速度
var currX = route[0][1] * 32; // 当前x轴
var inBlack = false;
var x = core.getHeroLoc('x');
var y = core.getHeroLoc('y'); // 勇士坐标
// 初始化,删除门和道具
this.initChase = function () {
speed = 0; // 速度
index = 0; // 当前要到达的索引
fIndex = 0; // 函数索引
frame = 0; // 帧数
acc = 0; // 加速度
currX = route[0][1] * 32; // 当前x轴
inBlack = false;
x = core.getHeroLoc('x');
y = core.getHeroLoc('y'); // 勇士坐标
// 循环删除
for (var i = 13; i < 16; i++) {
var floorId = "MT" + i;
// 不可瞬移
core.status.maps[floorId].cannotMoveDirectly = true;
for (var j = 0; j < core.status.maps[floorId].blocks.length; j++) {
var block = core.status.maps[floorId].blocks[j];
var cls = block.event.cls,
id = block.event.id;
if ((cls == "animates" || cls == "items") && !id.endsWith("Portal")) {
core.removeBlock(block.x, block.y, floorId);
// 函数们
function wolfRun () {
core.moveBlock(23, 17, ['down', 'down', 'down', 'down', 'down', 'down'], 80);
setTimeout(() => {
core.setBlock(508, 23, 23);
core.moveBlock(23, 23, ['left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left',
'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left',
], 80, true);
}, 500);
// MT15函数1
function shake1 () {
core.vibrate("vertical", 1000, 25, 2);
for (var tx = 53; tx < 58; tx++) {
for (var ty = 3; ty < 8; ty++) {
core.setBlock(336, tx, ty);
core.drawAnimate("explosion3", 55, 5);
core.drawAnimate("stone", 55, 5);
setTimeout(() => {
core.setBlock(336, 58, 9);
core.setBlock(336, 59, 9);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 58, 9);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 59, 9);
}, 250);
setTimeout(() => {
core.setBlock(336, 53, 8);
core.setBlock(336, 52, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 53, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 52, 8);
}, 360);
setTimeout(() => {
core.setBlock(336, 51, 7);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 51, 7);
}, 750);
setTimeout(() => {
core.vibrate("vertical", 6000, 25, 1);
core.setBlock(336, 47, 7);
core.setBlock(336, 49, 9);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 49, 9);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 47, 7);
}, 1000);
// 并行1
function para1 () {
if (core.status.floorId != "MT15") return;
if (x == 45 && y == 8 && !flags.p11) {
core.setBlock(336, 45, 9);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 45, 9);
flags.p11 = true;
if (x == 45 && y == 6 && !flags.p12) {
core.setBlock(336, 44, 6);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 44, 6);
flags.p12 = true;
if (x == 45 && y == 4 && !flags.p13) {
core.setBlock(336, 44, 4);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 44, 4);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 48, 6);
core.removeBlock(48, 6);
flags.p13 = true;
if (x == 41 && y == 3 && !flags.p14) {
core.setBlock(336, 41, 4);
core.setBlock(336, 32, 6);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 41, 4);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 32, 6);
flags.p14 = true;
if (x == 35 && y == 3 && !flags.p15) {
core.drawAnimate("explosion3", 37, 7);
core.vibrate("vertical", 1000, 25, 10);
for (var tx = 36; tx < 42; tx++) {
for (var ty = 4; ty < 11; ty++) {
core.setBlock(336, tx, ty);
flags.p15 = true;
if (x == 31 && y == 5 && !flags.p16) {
core.vibrate("vertical", 10000, 25, 1);
core.removeBlock(34, 8);
core.removeBlock(33, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 34, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 33, 8);
flags.p16 = true;
if (x == 33 && y == 7 && !flags.p17) {
core.setBlock(336, 32, 9);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 32, 9);
flags.p17 = true;
if ((x == 33 || x == 34 || x == 35) && y == 9 && !flags.p18) {
core.removeBlock(32, 9);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 32, 9);
flags.p18 = true;
if (x > 18 && x < 31 && y == 11 && !flags["p19" + x]) {
core.setBlock(336, x + 1, 11);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", x + 1, 11);
flags["p19" + x] = true;
// 并行2
function para2 () {
if (core.status.floorId != "MT14") return;
if (x == 126 && y == 7 && !flags.p21) {
core.setBlock(336, 126, 6);
core.setBlock(336, 124, 6);
core.setBlock(336, 124, 9);
core.setBlock(336, 126, 9);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 126, 6);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 124, 6);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 124, 9);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 126, 9);
flags.p21 = true;
if (x == 123 && y == 7 && !flags.p22) {
core.setBlock(508, 127, 7);
core.jumpBlock(127, 7, 112, 7, 500, true);
setTimeout(() => { core.setBlock(509, 112, 7); }, 520);
core.setBlock(336, 121, 6);
core.setBlock(336, 122, 6);
core.setBlock(336, 120, 8);
core.setBlock(336, 121, 8);
core.setBlock(336, 122, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 121, 6);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 122, 6);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 120, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 121, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 122, 8);
flags.p22 = true;
if (x == 110 && y == 10 && !flags.p23) {
core.setBlock(336, 109, 11);
core.removeBlock(112, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 109, 11);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 112, 8);
{ "type": "moveHero", "time": 400, "steps": ["backward:1"] },
flags.p23 = true;
if (x == 112 && y == 8 && !flags.p24 && flags.p23) {
core.jumpBlock(112, 7, 110, 4, 500, true);
setTimeout(() => { core.setBlock(506, 110, 4); }, 540);
flags.p24 = true;
if (x == 118 && y == 7 && !flags.p25) {
core.setBlock(336, 117, 6);
core.setBlock(336, 116, 6);
core.setBlock(336, 115, 6);
core.setBlock(336, 114, 6);
core.setBlock(336, 117, 8);
core.setBlock(336, 116, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 117, 6);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 116, 6);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 115, 6);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 114, 6);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 116, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 117, 8);
flags.p25 = true;
if (x == 112 && y == 7 && !flags.p26) {
core.setBlock(336, 112, 8);
core.setBlock(336, 113, 7);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 112, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 113, 7);
flags.p26 = true;
if (x == 115 && y == 7 && !flags.p39) {
for (var tx = 111; tx <= 115; tx++) {
core.setBlock(336, tx, 10);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", tx, 10);
core.setBlock(336, 112, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 112, 8);
flags.p39 = true;
if (x == 110 && y == 7 && !flags.p27) {
core.jumpBlock(97, 4, 120, -3, 2000);
for (var tx = 109; tx <= 120; tx++) {
for (var ty = 3; ty <= 11; ty++) {
if (ty == 7) continue;
core.setBlock(336, tx, ty);
core.vibrate("vertical", 3000, 25, 10);
core.drawAnimate("explosion2", 119, 7);
[{ "type": "autoText", "text": "\t[原始人]\b[down,hero]卧槽!!吓死我了!!", "time": 600 },]);
core.removeBlock(105, 7);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 105, 7);
flags.p27 = true;
if (x == 97 && y == 3 && !flags.p28) {
core.setBlock(336, 95, 3);
core.setBlock(336, 93, 6);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 95, 3);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 93, 6);
flags.p28 = true;
if (x == 88 && y == 6 && !flags.p29) {
core.setBlock(336, 87, 4);
core.setBlock(336, 88, 5);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 87, 4);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 88, 5);
flags.p29 = true;
if (x == 86 && y == 6 && !flags.p30) {
core.setBlock(336, 84, 6);
core.setBlock(336, 85, 5);
core.setBlock(336, 86, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 84, 6);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 85, 5);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 86, 8);
flags.p30 = true;
if (x == 81 && y == 9 && !flags.p31) {
core.setBlock(336, 81, 8);
core.setBlock(336, 82, 11);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 81, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 82, 11);
flags.p31 = true;
if (x == 72 && y == 11 && !flags.p32) {
core.setBlock(336, 73, 8);
core.setBlock(336, 72, 4);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 73, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 72, 4);
flags.p32 = true;
if (x == 72 && y == 7 && !flags.p33) {
for (var tx = 74; tx < 86; tx++) {
for (var ty = 3; ty < 12; ty++) {
core.setBlock(336, tx, ty);
core.drawAnimate("explosion2", 79, 7);
core.vibrate("vertical", 4000, 25, 15);
setTimeout(() => { core.vibrate(10000, null, 4) });
flags.p33 = true;
if (x == 68 && y == 5 && !flags.p34) {
core.setBlock(336, 68, 4);
core.setBlock(336, 67, 6);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 68, 4);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 67, 6);
flags.p34 = true;
if (x == 67 && y == 10 && !flags.p35) {
for (var tx = 65; tx <= 72; tx++) {
for (var ty = 3; ty <= 9; ty++) {
core.setBlock(336, tx, ty);
core.setBlock(336, 72, 10);
core.setBlock(336, 72, 11);
core.drawAnimate("explosion3", 69, 5);
core.vibrate("vertical", 2000, 25, 7);
flags.p35 = true;
if (x == 64 && y == 11 && !flags.p36) {
core.setBlock(336, 63, 9);
core.setBlock(336, 60, 8);
core.setBlock(336, 56, 11);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 63, 9);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 60, 8);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", 56, 11);
flags.p36 = true;
if (x == 57 && y == 9 && !flags.p37) {
for (tx = 58; tx <= 64; tx++) {
for (var ty = 3; ty <= 11; ty++) {
core.setBlock(336, tx, ty);
core.drawAnimate("explosion2", 61, 7);
core.vibrate("vertical", 3000, 25, 12);
setTimeout(() => { core.vibrate(20000, null, 4); }, 3000);
flags.p37 = true;
if (x <= 48 && !flags["p38" + x] && x >= 21) {
for (var ty = 3; ty <= 11; ty++) {
core.setBlock(336, x + 4, ty);
core.drawAnimate("explosion1", x + 4, ty);
flags["p38" + x] = true;
if (x == 21 && flags.p37) {
// 开始追逐
this.startChase = function () {
flags.__lockViewport__ = true;
flags.chase = true;
speed = 0; // 速度
index = 0; // 当前要到达的索引
fIndex = 0; // 函数索引
frame = 0; // 帧数
acc = 0; // 加速度
currX = route[0][1] * 32; // 当前x轴
inBlack = false;
x = core.getHeroLoc('x');
y = core.getHeroLoc('y'); // 勇士坐标
core.values.moveSpeed = 100;
core.playBgm("escape.mp3", 43.5);
// 视野变化 useAcc:是否匀变速
this.changeChaseView = function (useAcc) {
if (flags.haveLost) return;
var floorId = core.status.floorId;
if (frame >= 3600) useAcc = false;
// 刚进MT15时
if (floorId === "MT15" && !inBlack) {
frame = 500;
index = 3;
fIndex = 1;
speed = 0;
acc = 0;
currX = 32 * 49;
inBlack = true;
core.setGameCanvasTranslate("hero", 224, 0);
flags.startShake = true;
{ "type": "sleep", "time": 500, "noSkip": true },
var interval = setInterval(() => {
if (index >= route.length - 1) clearInterval(interval);
}, 15000);
core.vibrate("vertical", 1000, 25);
setTimeout(() => {
[{ "type": "autoText", "text": "\t[原始人]\b[down,hero]糟糕,还地震了!", "time": 1500 },
{ "type": "autoText", "text": "\t[原始人]\b[down,hero]快跑!", "time": 1000 },
flags.startShake = false;
}, 500);
// 超范围失败
if (x * 32 > currX + 480 + 64) {
flags.haveLost = true;
// 刚进MT14
if (floorId == "MT14" && !flags.first14) {
frame = 2500;
index = 17;
fIndex = 2;
speed = 0;
acc = 0;
currX = 117 * 32;
core.vibrate("vertical", 10000, 25, 2);
core.setGameCanvasTranslate("hero", 224, 0);
flags.first14 = true;
// 停止运行
if (index >= route.length) return;
// 切换索引
if (frame > route[index][2]) {
if (index == 3 && floorId == "MT16") {
if (index >= route.length) {
// 碰到狼就死
if (floorId == "MT16") {
if (x >= 6) {
if (x > 25 - (frame - 29) / 5) {
flags.haveLost = true;
// 执行函数
if (frame == funcs[fIndex][0]) {
// 并行
for (var i in parrallels) {
if (useAcc) speed += acc;
currX += speed;
if (floorId == "MT16") core.setViewport(currX, 320);
else core.setViewport(currX, 0);
x = core.getHeroLoc('x');
y = core.getHeroLoc('y');
// 路线索引切换
this.changeChaseIndex = function (useAcc) {
var fromR = route[index - 1],
toR = route[index];
var dt = toR[2] - fromR[2],
dx = (toR[0] - fromR[0]) * 32;
if (dx == 0) {
acc = 0;
speed = 0;
if (useAcc) {
acc = (2 * (dx - speed * dt)) / (dt * dt);
} else {
speed = dx / dt;
// 黑边
this.blackEdge = function () {
core.createCanvas("edge", 0, 0, 480, 480, 100);
var f = 0;
var h = 0,
s = 2.56;
// 初始动画
function start () {
core.fillRect("edge", 0, 0, 480, h);
core.fillRect("edge", 0, 480, 480, -h);
s -= 0.0512;
h += s;
if (f == 50) clearInterval(interval);
var interval = setInterval(start, 20);
// 结束追逐
this.endChase = function () {
flags.chase = false;
flags.__lockViewport__ = false;
// 黑边消失
var f = 0;
var h = 64,
s = 0;
var interval = setInterval(() => {
core.fillRect("edge", 0, 0, 480, h);
core.fillRect("edge", 0, 480, 480, -h);
s += 0.0512;
h -= s;
if (f == 50) {
flags.finishChase = true;