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synced 2025-02-28 17:37:07 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -194,6 +194,9 @@ export class EnemyCollection implements RangeCollection<DamageEnemy> {
this.calDamage(noCache, true);
core.status.damage.data = [];
core.status.damage.extraData = [];
core.status.damage.dir = [];
// 怪物伤害
this.list.forEach(v => {
@ -207,12 +210,19 @@ export class EnemyCollection implements RangeCollection<DamageEnemy> {
if (equal(v.damage, 'damage')) {
// 伤害全部相等,绘制在怪物本身所在位置
const { damage, color } = formatDamage(v.damage[0].damage);
const critical = v.calCritical(1)[0]?.[0];
text: damage,
px: 32 * v.x! + 1,
py: 32 * (v.y! + 1) - 1,
color: color
text: critical?.atkDelta.toString() ?? '?',
px: 32 * v.x! + 1,
py: 32 * (v.y! + 1) - 11,
color: '#fff'
} else {
const [min, max] = boundary(v.damage, 'damage');
const delta = max - min;
@ -226,33 +236,16 @@ export class EnemyCollection implements RangeCollection<DamageEnemy> {
// 然后根据位置依次绘制对应位置的伤害
for (const dam of v.damage) {
if (dam.dir === 'none') continue;
const d = ((dam.damage - min) / delta) * 255;
const color = core.arrayToRGB([d, 255 - d, 0]);
if (dam.dir === 'down' || dam.dir === 'up') {
const dir = dam.dir === 'down' ? '↑' : '↓';
text: dir,
px: 32 * v.x! + 16,
32 * v.y! +
16 +
core.utils.scan[dam.dir].y * 16,
color: color,
alpha: 1
} else if (dam.dir === 'left' || dam.dir === 'right') {
const dir = dam.dir === 'left' ? '→' : '←';
text: dir,
32 * v.x! +
16 +
core.utils.scan[dam.dir].x * 16,
py: 32 * v.y! + 16,
color: color,
alpha: 1
x: v.x!,
y: v.y!,
dir: dam.dir,
color: color
@ -385,6 +378,7 @@ export class DamageEnemy<T extends EnemyIds = EnemyIds> {
hpBuff: 0,
enemy: this.enemy
this.progress = 0;
this.needCalculate = true;
this.needCalDamage = true;
@ -398,7 +392,7 @@ export class DamageEnemy<T extends EnemyIds = EnemyIds> {
hero: Partial<HeroStatus> = core.status.hero,
getReal: boolean = true
) {
if (this.progress !== 1) return this.info;
if (this.progress !== 1) return;
this.progress = 2;
const special = this.info.special;
const info = this.info;
@ -451,9 +445,9 @@ export class DamageEnemy<T extends EnemyIds = EnemyIds> {
// 此时已经inject光环,因此直接计算真实属性
const info = this.info;
info.atk *= info.atkBuff / 100 + 1;
info.def *= info.defBuff / 100 + 1;
info.hp *= info.hpBuff / 100 + 1;
info.atk = Math.floor(info.atk * (info.atkBuff / 100 + 1));
info.def = Math.floor(info.def * (info.defBuff / 100 + 1));
info.hp = Math.floor(info.hp * (info.hpBuff / 100 + 1));
this.needCalculate = false;
@ -576,12 +570,11 @@ export class DamageEnemy<T extends EnemyIds = EnemyIds> {
) {
if (onMap && !checkV2(this.x, this.y)) return this.damage!;
if (!this.needCalDamage) return this.damage!;
const info = this.getRealInfo();
const dirs = getNeedCalDir(this.x, this.y, this.floorId, hero);
this.needCalDamage = false;
return (this.damage = this.calEnemyDamage(info, hero, dirs));
return (this.damage = this.calEnemyDamage(hero, dirs));
@ -689,7 +682,6 @@ export class DamageEnemy<T extends EnemyIds = EnemyIds> {
private calEnemyDamage(
enemy: EnemyInfo = this.getRealInfo(),
hero: Partial<HeroStatus> = core.status.hero,
dir: DamageDir | DamageDir[]
): DamageInfo[] {
@ -698,6 +690,11 @@ export class DamageEnemy<T extends EnemyIds = EnemyIds> {
return dirs.map(dir => {
const status = getHeroStatusOf(hero, realStatus);
let enemy: EnemyInfo;
this.calAttribute(status, false);
enemy = this.getRealInfo();
let damage = calDamageWith(enemy, status) ?? Infinity;
let skill = -1;
@ -708,11 +705,20 @@ export class DamageEnemy<T extends EnemyIds = EnemyIds> {
if (!flags[unlock]) continue;
flags[condition] = true;
const status = getHeroStatusOf(hero, realStatus);
// 这几个技能会导致怪物属性也改变,需要重新计算怪物属性
if (needCalSpecial.some(v => enemy.special.includes(v))) {
this.calAttribute(status, false);
enemy = this.getRealInfo();
const id = `${status.atk},${status.def}`;
const d =
id in damageCache
? damageCache[id]
: calDamageWith(enemy, status) ?? Infinity;
if (d < damage) {
damage = d;
skill = i;
@ -721,6 +727,12 @@ export class DamageEnemy<T extends EnemyIds = EnemyIds> {
damageCache[id] = d;
if (needCalSpecial.some(v => enemy.special.includes(v))) {
this.calAttribute(status, false);
let x: number | undefined;
let y: number | undefined;
@ -754,7 +766,7 @@ export class DamageEnemy<T extends EnemyIds = EnemyIds> {
dir: DamageDir | DamageDir[] = 'none',
hero: Partial<HeroStatus> = core.status.hero
): CriticalDamageDelta[][] {
const origin = this.calEnemyDamage(void 0, hero, dir);
const origin = this.calEnemyDamage(hero, dir);
const min = Math.min(...origin.map(v => v.damage));
const seckill = this.getSeckillAtk();
@ -821,7 +833,7 @@ export class DamageEnemy<T extends EnemyIds = EnemyIds> {
if (i !== 0 && damages[i] < damages[i - 1]) {
damage: damages[i],
atkDelta: v - hero.atk!,
atkDelta: Math.ceil(v - hero.atk!),
dir: origin.dir,
delta: damages[i] - min,
dirDelta: damages[i] - origin.damage
@ -830,20 +842,19 @@ export class DamageEnemy<T extends EnemyIds = EnemyIds> {
// 计算下一个临界,借助于之前的计算,可以直接知道下一个临界在哪个范围内
const d = Object.entries(damageCache)
.filter(v => {
return parseFloat(v[0]) <= damage;
return parseFloat(v[0]) < damage;
.map(v => [parseFloat(v[0]), v[1]])
.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
for (let i = 0; i < d.length - 1; i++) {
const [a, dam] = d[i];
const [na, ndam] = d[i + 1];
if (ndam < damage) {
start = a;
start = v;
end = na;
cal = true;
ori = dam;
ori = damage;
@ -882,11 +893,10 @@ export class DamageEnemy<T extends EnemyIds = EnemyIds> {
hero: Partial<HeroStatus> = core.status.hero
): DamageDelta[] {
const damage = this.calEnemyDamage(
void 0,
{ def: (hero.def ?? core.status.hero.def) + num },
const origin = this.calEnemyDamage(void 0, hero, dir);
const origin = this.calEnemyDamage(hero, dir);
const min = Math.min(...origin.map(v => v.damage));
return damage.map((v, i) => {
@ -950,6 +960,10 @@ const skills: [unlock: string, condition: string][] = [
['bladeOn', 'blade'],
['shieldOn', 'shield']
* 需要在每次切换技能时都重新计算怪物属性的特殊属性
const needCalSpecial = [3, 7];
* 获取需要计算怪物伤害的方向
@ -982,10 +996,10 @@ export function getNeedCalDir(
const [tx, ty] = ofDir(x, y, v);
if (tx < 0 || ty < 0 || tx >= width || ty >= height) return false;
const index = `${tx},${ty}` as LocString;
if (!core.canMoveHero(tx, ty, backDir(v), floorId)) return false;
const block = blocks[index];
if (!block) return true;
if (block.event.noPass) return false;
if (!core.canMoveHero(tx, ty, backDir(v), floorId)) return false;
if (block.event.noPass || block.event.cls === 'items') return false;
return true;
@ -37,6 +37,108 @@ control.prototype.checkBlock = function (forceMockery) {
checkMockery(loc, forceMockery);
* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx
control.prototype._drawDamage_draw = function (ctx, onMap) {
if (!core.hasItem('book')) return;
core.plugin.halo.drawHalo(ctx, onMap);
core.setFont(ctx, "14px 'normal'");
core.setTextAlign(ctx, 'center');
core.setTextBaseline(ctx, 'middle');
core.status.damage.extraData.forEach(function (one) {
var px = one.px,
py = one.py;
if (onMap && core.bigmap.v2) {
px -= core.bigmap.posX * 32;
py -= core.bigmap.posY * 32;
if (
px < -32 ||
px > core._PX_ + 32 ||
py < -32 ||
py > core._PY_ + 32
var alpha = core.setAlpha(ctx, one.alpha);
core.fillBoldText(ctx, one.text, px, py, one.color);
core.setAlpha(ctx, alpha);
core.setTextAlign(ctx, 'left');
core.setTextBaseline(ctx, 'alphabetic');
core.status.damage.data.forEach(function (one) {
var px = one.px,
py = one.py;
if (onMap && core.bigmap.v2) {
px -= core.bigmap.posX * 32;
py -= core.bigmap.posY * 32;
if (
px < -32 * 2 ||
px > core._PX_ + 32 ||
py < -32 ||
py > core._PY_ + 32
core.fillBoldText(ctx, one.text, px, py, one.color);
ctx.lineCap = 'round';
ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
core.status.damage.dir.forEach(v => {
let x = v.x;
let y = v.y;
if (onMap && core.bigmap.v2) {
x -= core.bigmap.posX;
y -= core.bigmap.posY;
if (x < -1 || x > 15 || y < 0 || y > 15) return;
let px = x * 32;
let py = y * 32;
if (v.dir === 'down') {
py -= 32;
ctx.moveTo(px + 16, py + 18);
ctx.lineTo(px + 16, py + 32);
ctx.moveTo(px + 10, py + 26);
ctx.lineTo(px + 16, py + 32);
ctx.lineTo(px + 22, py + 26);
} else if (v.dir === 'left') {
px += 32;
ctx.moveTo(px + 14, py + 16);
ctx.lineTo(px, py + 16);
ctx.moveTo(px + 6, py + 10);
ctx.lineTo(px, py + 16);
ctx.lineTo(px + 6, py + 22);
} else if (v.dir === 'up') {
py += 32;
ctx.moveTo(px + 16, py + 14);
ctx.lineTo(px + 16, py);
ctx.moveTo(px + 10, py + 6);
ctx.lineTo(px + 16, py);
ctx.lineTo(px + 22, py + 6);
} else {
px -= 32;
ctx.moveTo(px + 18, py + 16);
ctx.lineTo(px + 32, py + 16);
ctx.moveTo(px + 26, py + 10);
ctx.lineTo(px + 32, py + 16);
ctx.lineTo(px + 26, py + 22);
ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
ctx.lineWidth = 2.5;
ctx.strokeStyle = v.color;
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
control.prototype.moveHero = function (direction, callback) {
// todo: 不使用 core.status.checkBlock
// 如果正在移动,直接return
@ -97,7 +97,16 @@ export function formatDamage(damage: number): DamageString {
return { damage: dam, color: color as Color };
* 判断一个数组的数值是否全部相等
* @param arr 要判断的数组
export function equal(arr: number[]): boolean;
* 判断一个数组的元素的某个属性的数值是否全部相等
* @param arr 要判断的数组
* @param key 要判断的属性名
export function equal<T>(arr: T[], key: keyof T): boolean;
export function equal(arr: any, key?: any) {
if (has(key)) {
@ -113,7 +122,16 @@ export function equal(arr: any, key?: any) {
* 获得一个数组的数值的最大值和最小值
* @param arr 要获得的数组
export function boundary(arr: number[]): [number, number];
* 获得一个数组的元素的某个属性的数值的最大值和最小值
* @param arr 要获得的数组
* @param key 要获得的属性名
export function boundary<T>(arr: T[], key: keyof T): [number, number];
export function boundary(arr: any, key?: any) {
if (has(key)) {
@ -80,6 +80,11 @@ interface DamageStatus {
* 地图伤害或其它在地图上显示的文字
extraData: DamageStatusExtraData[];
* 不同方向伤害不同的信息
dir: DamageDirData[];
interface DamageStatusData {
@ -111,6 +116,13 @@ interface DamageStatusExtraData extends DamageStatusData {
alpha: number;
interface DamageDirData {
x: number;
y: number;
dir: Dir;
color: Color;
interface AutomaticRouteStatus {
* 勇士是否正在移动
Reference in New Issue
Block a user