
This commit is contained in:
unanmed 2023-07-31 20:50:40 +08:00
parent d47ee01b40
commit 62e8f91436
4 changed files with 64 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -76,3 +76,4 @@ dam4.png ---- 存档 59
[] 玩家可以设置字体大小
[] 完全删除 functions.js
[] 优化插件加载系统
[] 优化 Scroll 组件

View File

@ -21,6 +21,15 @@ interface BookDetailInfo {
export const detailInfo: BookDetailInfo = {};
export const specials = Object.fromEntries(
core.getSpecials().map(v => {
return [v[0], v.slice(1)];
) as Record<
EnemySpecialDeclaration extends [number, ...infer F] ? F : never
* @param enemy
@ -51,7 +60,6 @@ export function getDefDamage(
addDef: number = 0,
addAtk: number = 0
) {
// todo: 删除 getDamageInfo
const ratio = core.status.thisMap.ratio;
const res: [number, number][] = [];
@ -95,7 +103,6 @@ export function getCriticalDamage(
addAtk: number = 0,
addDef: number = 0
): [number, number][] {
// todo: 删除 getDamageInfo
const ratio = core.status.thisMap.ratio;
const res: [number, number][] = [];

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import { cloneDeep, debounce } from 'lodash-es';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { getDamageColor } from '../utils';
import { ToShowEnemy, detailInfo, specials } from './book';
import { DamageEnemy } from '../game/enemy/damage';
export const showFixed = ref(false);
@ -11,14 +13,15 @@ const show = debounce((ev: MouseEvent) => {
if (!flags.mouseLoc) return;
flags.clientLoc = [ev.clientX, ev.clientY];
const [mx, my] = getLocFromMouseLoc(...flags.mouseLoc);
const e = core.getBlockId(mx, my);
if (e !== lastId) showFixed.value = false;
if (!e || !core.getClsFromId(e)?.startsWith('enemy')) return;
const e = core.status.thisMap.enemy.list.find(v => {
v.x === mx && v.y === my;
lastId = e as EnemyIds;
const enemy = core.material.enemys[e as EnemyIds];
const detail = getDetailedEnemy(enemy, mx, my);
core.plugin.bookDetailEnemy = detail;
if (!e) return;
lastId = e.id;
const detail = getDetailedEnemy(e);
detailInfo.enemy = detail;
showFixed.value = true;
}, 200);
@ -47,47 +50,54 @@ export function getLocFromMouseLoc(x: number, y: number): LocArr {
return [mx, my];
export function getDetailedEnemy<I extends EnemyIds>(
enemy: Enemy<I>,
x: number,
y: number,
export function getDetailedEnemy(
enemy: DamageEnemy,
floorId: FloorIds = core.status.floorId
): DetailedEnemy<I> {
): ToShowEnemy {
// todo: 删除 getDamageInfo
// todo: 不使用 nextCriticals
const ratio = core.status.maps[floorId].ratio;
const enemyInfo = Object.assign(
core.getEnemyInfo(enemy, void 0, x, y, floorId),
core.getDamageInfo(enemy, void 0, x, y, floorId) ?? {}
const dam = enemy.calEnemyDamage(core.status.hero, 'none')[0].damage;
const cri = enemy.calCritical(1, 'none')[0]?.[0];
const critical = core.formatBigNumber(cri?.atkDelta);
const criticalDam = core.formatBigNumber(cri?.delta);
const defDam = core.formatBigNumber(
enemy.calDefDamage(ratio, 'none')[0].damage
const critical = core.nextCriticals(enemy, 1, x, y, floorId);
const defDamage = core.getDefDamage(enemy, ratio, x, y, floorId);
const specialText = core.getSpecialText(enemyInfo);
let toShowSpecial = cloneDeep(specialText);
if (toShowSpecial.length > 2) {
toShowSpecial = toShowSpecial.slice(0, 2).concat(['...']);
const specialColor = core.getSpecialColor(enemyInfo);
let toShowColor = cloneDeep(specialColor);
if (toShowColor.length > 2) {
toShowColor = toShowColor.slice(0, 2).concat(['#fff']);
if (toShowSpecial.length === 0) {
toShowSpecial = ['无属性'];
toShowColor = ['#fff'];
const damageColor = getDamageColor(enemyInfo.damage);
const detail: DetailedEnemy<I> = Object.assign(enemyInfo, {
critical: critical[0]?.[0] ?? '???',
criticalDamage: critical[0]?.[1] ?? '???',
const damage = core.formatBigNumber(dam);
const fromFunc = (
func: string | ((enemy: Enemy) => string),
enemy: Enemy
) => {
return typeof func === 'string' ? func : func(enemy);
const special: [string, string, string][] = enemy.enemy.special.map(vv => {
const s = specials[vv];
return [
fromFunc(s[0], enemy.enemy),
fromFunc(s[1], enemy.enemy),
s[2] as string
const showSpecial =
special.length > 2
? special.slice(0, 2).concat(['...', '', '#fff'])
: special.slice();
const damageColor = getDamageColor(dam) as string;
const detail: ToShowEnemy = {
onMapEnemy: [enemy],
return detail;

View File

@ -47,21 +47,12 @@ import BookDetail from './bookDetail.vue';
import { LeftOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue';
import { KeyCode } from '../plugin/keyCodes';
import { noClosePanel } from '../plugin/uiController';
import { ToShowEnemy, detailInfo } from '../plugin/ui/book';
import { ToShowEnemy, detailInfo, specials } from '../plugin/ui/book';
const floorId =
// @ts-ignore
core.floorIds[core.status.event?.ui?.index] ?? core.status.floorId;
const specials = Object.fromEntries(
core.getSpecials().map(v => {
return [v[0], v.slice(1)];
) as Record<
EnemySpecialDeclaration extends [number, ...infer F] ? F : never
const enemy = core.getCurrentEnemys(floorId);
const toShow: ToShowEnemy[] = enemy.map(v => {
const cri = v.enemy.calCritical(1, 'none')[0];