feat: 图块移动

This commit is contained in:
unanmed 2024-08-20 00:01:59 +08:00
parent e0b54ecabb
commit fdc08406b9
3 changed files with 127 additions and 256 deletions

View File

@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
import { Ticker } from 'mutate-animate';
import { MotaCanvas2D } from '../fx/canvas2d';
import { EventEmitter } from '../common/eventEmitter';
import { debounce } from 'lodash-es';
// 重写样板的勇士绘制
const canvas = MotaCanvas2D.for('@hero', false);
Mota.require('var', 'loading').once('coreInit', () => {
canvas.size(480, 480);
canvas.pos(0, 0);
canvas.css(`z-index: 40`);
const DIR_INDEX: Record<Dir, number> = {
down: 0,
left: 1,
right: 2,
up: 3
interface HeroDrawItem {
id: AllIds | 'hero';
image: HTMLCanvasElement;
interface HeroDrawing extends HeroDrawItem {
x: number;
y: number;
dir: Dir;
interface HeroRendererEvent {
beforeDraw: () => void;
afterDraw: () => void;
const resetMoving = debounce((render: HeroRenderer) => {
render.moving = 0;
}, 500);
export class HeroRenderer extends EventEmitter<HeroRendererEvent> {
followers: HeroDrawItem[] = [];
hero!: HeroDrawItem;
/** 移动状态 */
moving: number = 0;
/** 移动过程中的偏移 */
offset: number = 0;
/** 勇士绘制时的alpha通道 */
alpha: number = 1;
ticker: Ticker = new Ticker();
/** 是否是后退状态 */
private back: boolean = false;
/** 是否正在移动 */
private isMoving: boolean = false;
/** 上一次换腿(?的时间 */
private lastMoving: number = 0;
constructor() {
Mota.require('var', 'loading').once('coreInit', () => {
this.ticker.add(time => {
if (core.status.heroMoving < 0 || !this.isMoving) return;
if (time - this.lastMoving > core.values.moveSpeed) {
this.lastMoving = time;
this.moving %= 4;
setHero() {
const image = core.material.images.hero;
const canvas = new MotaCanvas2D();
canvas.size(image.width, image.height);
canvas.ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
this.hero = {
id: 'hero',
image: canvas.canvas
draw() {
if (!core.isPlaying()) return;
const { ctx, canvas: can } = canvas;
const { x, y, direction: dir } = core.status.hero.loc;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, can.width, can.height);
ctx.globalAlpha = this.alpha;
const data: HeroDrawing[] = [];
data.push({ ...this.hero, x, y, dir });
core.status.hero.followers.forEach((v, i) => {
const { id, image } = this.followers[i];
data.push({ x: v.x, y: v.y, dir: v.direction, id, image });
const { offsetX: ox, offsetY: oy } = core.bigmap;
const sgn = this.back ? -1 : 1;
const offset = this.offset * sgn;
const frame = this.isMoving ? this.moving % 4 : 0;
data.forEach(v => {
// hero offset x
const hox = offset * core.utils.scan[v.dir].x;
const hoy = offset * core.utils.scan[v.dir].y;
const cx = v.x * 32 + 16 - ox + hox;
const cy = v.y * 32 + 16 - oy + hoy;
const { width, height } = v.image;
const pw = width / 4;
const ph = height / 4;
const line = DIR_INDEX[v.dir];
const px = cx - pw / 2;
const py = cy - ph + 16;
const sx = frame * pw;
const sy = line * ph;
ctx.drawImage(v.image, sx, sy, pw, ph, px, py, pw, ph);
move(moving: boolean) {
this.isMoving = moving;
if (!moving) {
* 退
backward(back: boolean) {
this.back = back;
* alpha
setAlpha(alpha: number) {
this.alpha = alpha;
const render = new HeroRenderer();
export { render as heroRender };

View File

@ -233,12 +233,13 @@ export class HeroRenderer
moveAs(x: number, y: number, time: number, fn: TimingFn<3>) {
if (this.status !== 'stop') return;
if (!this.renderable) return;
moveAs(x: number, y: number, time: number, fn: TimingFn<3>): Promise<void> {
if (this.status !== 'stop') return Promise.reject();
if (!this.renderable) return Promise.reject();
this.status = 'moving-as';
let nowZIndex = fn(0)[2];
let startTime = Date.now();
return new Promise(res => {
() => {
if (!this.renderable) return;
@ -258,13 +259,15 @@ export class HeroRenderer
() => {
this.status = 'stop';
if (!this.renderable) return;
if (!this.renderable) return res();
this.renderable.animate = 0;
this.renderable.x = x;
this.renderable.y = y;
@ -309,3 +312,9 @@ adapter.recieve('move', (item, dir: Dir) => {
adapter.recieve('endMove', item => {
return item.endMove();
(item, x: number, y: number, time: number, fn: TimingFn<3>) => {
return item.moveAs(x, y, time, fn);

View File

@ -639,12 +639,7 @@ interface MovingStepFunction {
relative?: boolean;
type MovingStep = MovingStepFunction | MovingStepLinearSwap;
interface MovingBlock {
steps: MovingStep[];
/** 当前正在执行哪一步 */
index: number;
/** 当前横坐标 */
x: number;
/** 当前纵坐标 */
@ -695,8 +690,6 @@ export class Layer extends Container {
/** 分块信息 */
block: BlockCacher<LayerCacheItem> = new BlockCacher(0, 0, core._WIDTH_, 4);
/** 正在移动的图块 */
moving: MovingBlock[] = [];
/** 大怪物渲染信息 */
bigImages: Map<number, LayerMovingRenderable> = new Map();
// todo: 是否需要桶排?
@ -706,6 +699,8 @@ export class Layer extends Container {
needUpdateMoving: boolean = false;
private extend: Map<string, ILayerRenderExtends> = new Map();
/** 正在移动的图块的渲染信息 */
private moving: Set<LayerMovingRenderable> = new Set();
constructor() {
super('absolute', false);
@ -1142,25 +1137,7 @@ export class Layer extends Container {
updateMovingRenderable() {
this.movingRenderable = [];
this.moving.forEach(v => {
if (!v.render.autotile) {
x: v.x,
y: v.y,
zIndex: v.nowZ
} else {
x: v.x,
y: v.y,
zIndex: v.nowZ,
image: v.render.image[0b00000000],
autotile: false
for (const ex of this.extend.values()) {
ex.onMovingUpdate?.(this, this.movingRenderable);
@ -1202,12 +1179,7 @@ export class Layer extends Container {
const { ctx } = this.backMap;
const mat = camera.mat;
const a = mat[0];
const b = mat[1];
const c = mat[3];
const d = mat[4];
const e = mat[6];
const f = mat[7];
const [a, b, , c, d, , e, f] = mat;
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.translate(core._PX_ / 2, core._PY_ / 2);
ctx.transform(a, b, c, d, e, f);
@ -1322,12 +1294,7 @@ export class Layer extends Container {
const mat = camera.mat;
const a = mat[0];
const b = mat[1];
const c = mat[3];
const d = mat[4];
const e = mat[6];
const f = mat[7];
const [a, b, , c, d, , e, f] = mat;
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.translate(core._PX_ / 2, core._PY_ / 2);
ctx.transform(a, b, c, d, e, f);
@ -1336,7 +1303,7 @@ export class Layer extends Container {
const r = (max1 * max2) ** 2;
this.movingRenderable.forEach(v => {
const { x, y, image, frame: blockFrame, render, animate } = v;
const { x, y, image, render, animate } = v;
const ff = frame % 4;
const i = animate === -1 ? ff : animate;
const [sx, sy, w, h] = render[i];
@ -1376,7 +1343,31 @@ export class Layer extends Container {
x: number,
y: number,
time?: number
): Promise<void>;
): Promise<void> {
const block = this.renderData[index];
const fx = index % this.width;
const fy = Math.floor(index / this.width);
if (type === 'swap' || time === 0) {
this.putRenderData([0], 1, fx, fy);
this.putRenderData([block], 1, x, y);
return Promise.resolve();
} else {
if (!time) return Promise.reject();
const dx = x - fx;
const dy = y - fy;
return this.moveAs(
progress => {
return [dx * progress, dy * progress, Math.floor(dy + fy)];
* @param index
@ -1388,22 +1379,68 @@ export class Layer extends Container {
* @param time
* @param relative
index: number,
type: 'fn',
x: number,
y: number,
fn: TimingFn<3>,
time?: number,
relative?: boolean
): Promise<void>;
index: number,
type: 'linear' | 'swap' | 'fn',
x: number | TimingFn<3>,
y?: number,
time?: number | boolean
time: number,
relative: boolean = true
): Promise<void> {
// todo
return Promise.resolve();
const block = this.renderData[index];
const fx = index % this.width;
const fy = Math.floor(index / this.width);
const renderable = texture.getRenderable(block);
if (!renderable) return Promise.reject();
const image = renderable.autotile
? renderable.image[0]
: renderable.image;
const moving: LayerMovingRenderable = {
x: fx,
y: fy,
zIndex: fy,
image: image,
autotile: false,
frame: renderable.frame,
bigImage: renderable.bigImage,
animate: -1,
render: renderable.render
// 删除原始位置的图块
this.putRenderData([0], 1, fx, fy);
let nowZ = fy;
const startTime = Date.now();
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
() => {
const now = Date.now();
const progress = (now - startTime) / time;
const [nx, ny, nz] = fn(progress);
const tx = relative ? nx + fx : nx;
const ty = relative ? ny + fy : ny;
moving.x = tx;
moving.y = ty;
moving.zIndex = nz;
if (nz !== nowZ) {
(a, b) => a.zIndex - b.zIndex
() => {
this.putRenderData([block], 1, x, y);
destroy(): void {