///<reference path="../../src/types/core.d.ts" /> var plugins_bb40132b_638b_4a9f_b028_d3fe47acc8d1 = { init: function () { // 只看插件没用,插件是与vite样板高度融合的,所以要看的话就在游戏内的百科全书-关于游戏内点那个开源地址吧 this._afterLoadResources = function () { if (!main.replayChecking && main.mode === 'play') { main.forward(); core.resetSettings(); core.plugin.showMarkedEnemy.value = true; } }; }, sprite: function () { const sprites = {}; // 终于能用es6了(恼 class Sprite { constructor(x, y, w, h, z, reference, name) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = w; this.height = h; this.zIndex = z; this.reference = reference; /** @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */ this.canvas = null; /** @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D} */ this.context = null; this.count = 0; this.name = name; this.key = []; this.init(); } init() { const name = this.name || `_sprite_${Sprite.count}`; this.name = name; if (this.reference === 'window') { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this.canvas = canvas; this.context = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width = this.width; canvas.height = this.height; canvas.style.width = this.width + 'px'; canvas.style.height = this.height + 'px'; canvas.style.position = 'absolute'; canvas.style.top = this.y + 'px'; canvas.style.left = this.x + 'px'; canvas.style.zIndex = this.zIndex.toString(); document.body.appendChild(canvas); } else { this.context = core.createCanvas( name, this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, this.zIndex ); this.canvas = this.context.canvas; this.count = Sprite.count; this.canvas.style.pointerEvents = 'auto'; } Sprite.count++; sprites[this.name] = this; } setCss(css) { css = css.replace('\n', ';').replace(';;', ';'); const effects = css.split(';'); const canvas = this.canvas; effects.forEach(v => { const content = v.split(':'); let name = content[0]; let value = content[1]; name = name .trim() .split('-') .reduce((pre, curr, i, a) => { if (i === 0 && curr !== '') return curr; if (a[0] === '' && i === 1) return curr; return pre + curr.toUpperCase()[0] + curr.slice(1); }, ''); if (name in canvas.style) canvas.style[name] = value; }); return this; } move(x, y, isDelta) { if (x !== undefined && x !== null) this.x = x; if (y !== undefined && y !== null) this.y = y; if (this.reference === 'window') { var ele = this.canvas; ele.style.left = x + (isDelta ? parseFloat(ele.style.left) : 0) + 'px'; ele.style.top = y + (isDelta ? parseFloat(ele.style.top) : 0) + 'px'; } else core.relocateCanvas(this.context, x, y, isDelta); return this; } resize(w, h, styleOnly) { if (w !== undefined && w !== null) this.width = w; if (h !== undefined && h !== null) this.height = h; if (this.reference === 'window') { const ele = this.canvas; ele.style.width = w + 'px'; ele.style.height = h + 'px'; if (!styleOnly) { ele.width = w; ele.height = h; } } else core.resizeCanvas(this.context, w, h, styleOnly); return this; } rotate(angle, cx, cy) { if (this.reference === 'window') { const left = this.x; const top = this.y; this.canvas.style.transformOrigin = cx - left + 'px ' + (cy - top) + 'px'; if (angle === 0) { canvas.style.transform = ''; } else { canvas.style.transform = 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)'; } } else { core.rotateCanvas(this.context, angle, cx, cy); } return this; } destroy() { if (this.reference === 'window') { if (this.canvas) document.body.removeChild(this.canvas); } else { core.deleteCanvas(this.name); } this.key?.forEach(v => document.removeEventListener(v[0], v[1]) ); sprites[this.name] = void 0; } /** * 类似样板registerAction接口,但是是以该sprite的左上角为(0,0)计算的 * @param {keyof HTMLElementEventMap} type * @param {(...param: any[]) => void} handler */ on(type, handler) { if (this.reference !== 'game') throw new ReferenceError( `当sprite的reference为window时,不可使用该函数` ); const mouse = [ 'auxclick', 'click', 'contextmenu', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'mousemove', 'mouseout', 'mouseover' ]; const key = ['keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup']; const touch = [ 'touchstart', 'touchend', 'touchcancel', 'touchmove' ]; if (mouse.includes(type)) { this.addEventListener(type, e => { const px = e.offsetX / core.domStyle.scale, py = e.offsetY / core.domStyle.scale; handler(px, py); }); } else if (type === 'wheel') { this.addEventListener('wheel', e => { handler(e.deltaY, e.deltaX, e.deltaZ); }); } else if (key.includes(type)) { // 键盘事件只能加到document上 const listener = e => { handler( e.key, e.keyCode, e.altKey, e.ctrlKey, e.shiftKey ); }; this.key.push([type, listener]); document.addEventListener(type, listener); } else if (touch.includes(type)) { this.addEventListener(type, e => { /** @type {TouchList} */ const touches = e.touches; const locs = []; for (let i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) { const t = touches[i]; const { x, y } = core.actions._getClickLoc( t.clientX, t.clientY ); const px = x / core.domStyle.scale, py = y / core.domStyle.scale; locs.push([px, py]); } handler(...locs); }); } } addEventListener() { this.canvas.addEventListener.apply(this.canvas, arguments); } removeEventListener() { this.canvas.removeEventListener.apply(this.canvas, arguments); } } this.getSprite = function (name) { const s = sprites[name]; if (!s) throw new ReferenceError(`不能获得不存在的sprite`); return sprites[name]; }; Sprite.count = 0; window.Sprite = Sprite; }, shop: function () { // 【全局商店】相关的功能 // // 打开一个全局商店 // shopId:要打开的商店id;noRoute:是否不计入录像 this.openShop = function (shopId, noRoute) { var shop = core.status.shops[shopId]; // Step 1: 检查能否打开此商店 if (!this.canOpenShop(shopId)) { core.drawTip('该商店尚未开启'); return false; } // Step 3: 检查道具商店 or 公共事件 if (shop.item) { if (core.openItemShop) { core.openItemShop(shopId); } else { core.playSound('操作失败'); core.insertAction( '道具商店插件不存在!请检查是否存在该插件!' ); } return; } return true; }; /// 是否访问过某个快捷商店 this.isShopVisited = function (id) { flags.__shops__ ??= {}; var shops = core.getFlag('__shops__'); if (!shops[id]) shops[id] = {}; return shops[id].visited; }; /// 当前应当显示的快捷商店列表 this.listShopIds = function () { return Object.keys(core.status.shops).filter(id => { return ( core.isShopVisited(id) || !core.status.shops[id].mustEnable ); }); }; /// 是否能够打开某个商店 this.canOpenShop = function (id) { if (this.isShopVisited(id)) return true; var shop = core.status.shops[id]; if (shop.item || shop.commonEvent || shop.mustEnable) return false; return true; }; /// 启用或禁用某个快捷商店 this.setShopVisited = function (id, visited) { if (!core.hasFlag('__shops__')) core.setFlag('__shops__', {}); var shops = core.getFlag('__shops__'); if (!shops[id]) shops[id] = {}; if (visited) shops[id].visited = true; else delete shops[id].visited; }; /// 能否使用快捷商店 this.canUseQuickShop = function () { // 如果返回一个字符串,表示不能,字符串为不能使用的提示 // 返回null代表可以使用 // 检查当前楼层的canUseQuickShop选项是否为false if (core.status.thisMap.canUseQuickShop === false) return '当前楼层不能使用快捷商店。'; return null; }; }, removeMap: function () { // 高层塔砍层插件,删除后不会存入存档,不可浏览地图也不可飞到。 // 推荐用法: // 对于超高层或分区域塔,当在1区时将2区以后的地图删除;1区结束时恢复2区,进二区时删除1区地图,以此类推 // 这样可以大幅减少存档空间,以及加快存读档速度 // 删除楼层 // core.removeMaps("MT1", "MT300") 删除MT1~MT300之间的全部层 // core.removeMaps("MT10") 只删除MT10层 this.removeMaps = function (fromId, toId, force) { toId = toId || fromId; var fromIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(fromId), toIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(toId); if (toIndex < 0) toIndex = core.floorIds.length - 1; flags.__visited__ = flags.__visited__ || {}; flags.__removed__ = flags.__removed__ || []; flags.__disabled__ = flags.__disabled__ || {}; flags.__leaveLoc__ = flags.__leaveLoc__ || {}; flags.__forceDelete__ ??= {}; let deleted = false; for (var i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; ++i) { var floorId = core.floorIds[i]; if (core.status.maps[floorId].deleted) continue; delete flags.__visited__[floorId]; flags.__removed__.push(floorId); delete flags.__disabled__[floorId]; delete flags.__leaveLoc__[floorId]; (core.status.autoEvents || []).forEach(event => { if (event.floorId == floorId && event.currentFloor) { core.autoEventExecuting(event.symbol, false); core.autoEventExecuted(event.symbol, false); } }); core.status.maps[floorId].deleted = true; core.status.maps[floorId].canFlyTo = false; core.status.maps[floorId].canFlyFrom = false; core.status.maps[floorId].cannotViewMap = true; if (force) { core.status.maps[floorId].forceDelete = true; flags.__forceDelete__[floorId] = true; } deleteFlags(floorId); deleted = true; } if (deleted && !main.replayChecking) { core.splitArea(); } }; function deleteFlags(floorId) { delete flags[`jump_${floorId}`]; delete flags[`inte_${floorId}`]; delete flags[`loop_${floorId}`]; delete flags[`melt_${floorId}`]; delete flags[`night_${floorId}`]; } // 恢复楼层 // core.resumeMaps("MT1", "MT300") 恢复MT1~MT300之间的全部层 // core.resumeMaps("MT10") 只恢复MT10层 this.resumeMaps = function (fromId, toId) { toId = toId || fromId; var fromIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(fromId), toIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(toId); if (toIndex < 0) toIndex = core.floorIds.length - 1; flags.__removed__ = flags.__removed__ || []; for (var i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; ++i) { var floorId = core.floorIds[i]; if (!core.status.maps[floorId].deleted) continue; if ( core.status.maps[floorId].forceDelete || flags.__forceDelete__[floorId] ) continue; flags.__removed__ = flags.__removed__.filter(f => { return f != floorId; }); core.status.maps[floorId] = core.loadFloor(floorId); } }; // 分区砍层相关 var inAnyPartition = floorId => { var inPartition = false; (core.floorPartitions || []).forEach(floor => { var fromIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(floor[0]); var toIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(floor[1]); var index = core.floorIds.indexOf(floorId); if (fromIndex < 0 || index < 0) return; if (toIndex < 0) toIndex = core.floorIds.length - 1; if (index >= fromIndex && index <= toIndex) inPartition = true; }); return inPartition; }; // 分区砍层 this.autoRemoveMaps = function (floorId) { if (main.mode != 'play' || !inAnyPartition(floorId)) return; // 根据分区信息自动砍层与恢复 (core.floorPartitions || []).forEach(floor => { var fromIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(floor[0]); var toIndex = core.floorIds.indexOf(floor[1]); var index = core.floorIds.indexOf(floorId); if (fromIndex < 0 || index < 0) return; if (toIndex < 0) toIndex = core.floorIds.length - 1; if (index >= fromIndex && index <= toIndex) { core.resumeMaps( core.floorIds[fromIndex], core.floorIds[toIndex] ); } else { core.removeMaps( core.floorIds[fromIndex], core.floorIds[toIndex] ); } }); }; }, fiveLayers: function () { // 是否启用五图层(增加背景2层和前景2层) 将__enable置为true即会启用;启用后请保存后刷新编辑器 // 背景层2将会覆盖背景层 被事件层覆盖 前景层2将会覆盖前景层 // 另外 请注意加入两个新图层 会让大地图的性能降低一些 // 插件作者:ad var __enable = true; if (!__enable) return; // 创建新图层 function createCanvas(name, zIndex) { if (!name) return; var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.id = name; canvas.className = 'gameCanvas'; // 编辑器模式下设置zIndex会导致加入的图层覆盖优先级过高 if (main.mode != 'editor') canvas.style.zIndex = zIndex || 0; // 将图层插入进游戏内容 document.getElementById('gameDraw').appendChild(canvas); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); core.canvas[name] = ctx; return canvas; } var bg2Canvas = createCanvas('bg2', 20); var fg2Canvas = createCanvas('fg2', 63); // 大地图适配 core.bigmap.canvas = [ 'bg2', 'fg2', 'bg', 'event', 'event2', 'fg', 'damage' ]; core.initStatus.bg2maps = {}; core.initStatus.fg2maps = {}; if (main.mode == 'editor') { /*插入编辑器的图层 不做此步新增图层无法在编辑器显示*/ // 编辑器图层覆盖优先级 eui > efg > fg(前景层) > event2(48*32图块的事件层) > event(事件层) > bg(背景层) // 背景层2(bg2) 插入事件层(event)之前(即bg与event之间) document .getElementById('mapEdit') .insertBefore(bg2Canvas, document.getElementById('event')); // 前景层2(fg2) 插入编辑器前景(efg)之前(即fg之后) document .getElementById('mapEdit') .insertBefore(fg2Canvas, document.getElementById('ebm')); // 原本有三个图层 从4开始添加 var num = 4; // 新增图层存入editor.dom中 editor.dom.bg2c = core.canvas.bg2.canvas; editor.dom.bg2Ctx = core.canvas.bg2; editor.dom.fg2c = core.canvas.fg2.canvas; editor.dom.fg2Ctx = core.canvas.fg2; editor.dom.maps.push('bg2map', 'fg2map'); editor.dom.canvas.push('bg2', 'fg2'); // 创建编辑器上的按钮 var createCanvasBtn = name => { // 电脑端创建按钮 var input = document.createElement('input'); // layerMod4/layerMod5 var id = 'layerMod' + num++; // bg2map/fg2map var value = name + 'map'; input.type = 'radio'; input.name = 'layerMod'; input.id = id; input.value = value; editor.dom[id] = input; input.onchange = () => { editor.uifunctions.setLayerMod(value); }; return input; }; var createCanvasBtn_mobile = name => { // 手机端往选择列表中添加子选项 var input = document.createElement('option'); var id = 'layerMod' + num++; var value = name + 'map'; input.name = 'layerMod'; input.value = value; editor.dom[id] = input; return input; }; if (!editor.isMobile) { var input = createCanvasBtn('bg2'); var input2 = createCanvasBtn('fg2'); // 获取事件层及其父节点 var child = document.getElementById('layerMod'), parent = child.parentNode; // 背景层2插入事件层前 parent.insertBefore(input, child); // 不能直接更改背景层2的innerText 所以创建文本节点 var txt = document.createTextNode('背2'); // 插入事件层前(即新插入的背景层2前) parent.insertBefore(txt, child); // 向最后插入前景层2(即插入前景层后) parent.appendChild(input2); var txt2 = document.createTextNode('前2'); parent.appendChild(txt2); } else { var input = createCanvasBtn_mobile('bg2'); var input2 = createCanvasBtn_mobile('fg2'); // 手机端因为是选项 所以可以直接改innerText input.innerText = '背景2'; input2.innerText = '前景2'; var parent = document.getElementById('layerMod'); parent.insertBefore(input, parent.children[1]); parent.appendChild(input2); } } core.maps._loadFloor_doNotCopy = function () { return [ 'firstArrive', 'eachArrive', 'blocks', 'parallelDo', 'map', 'bgmap', 'fgmap', 'bg2map', 'fg2map', 'events', 'changeFloor', 'afterBattle', 'afterGetItem', 'afterOpenDoor', 'cannotMove' ]; }; ////// 绘制背景和前景层 ////// core.maps._drawBg_draw = function ( floorId, toDrawCtx, cacheCtx, config ) { config.ctx = cacheCtx; core.maps._drawBg_drawBackground(floorId, config); // ------ 调整这两行的顺序来控制是先绘制贴图还是先绘制背景图块;后绘制的覆盖先绘制的。 core.maps._drawFloorImages( floorId, config.ctx, 'bg', null, null, config.onMap ); core.maps._drawBgFgMap(floorId, 'bg', config); if (config.onMap) { core.drawImage( toDrawCtx, cacheCtx.canvas, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0 ); core.clearMap('bg2'); core.clearMap(cacheCtx); } core.maps._drawBgFgMap(floorId, 'bg2', config); if (config.onMap) core.drawImage( 'bg2', cacheCtx.canvas, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0 ); config.ctx = toDrawCtx; }; core.maps._drawFg_draw = function ( floorId, toDrawCtx, cacheCtx, config ) { config.ctx = cacheCtx; // ------ 调整这两行的顺序来控制是先绘制贴图还是先绘制前景图块;后绘制的覆盖先绘制的。 core.maps._drawFloorImages( floorId, config.ctx, 'fg', null, null, config.onMap ); core.maps._drawBgFgMap(floorId, 'fg', config); if (config.onMap) { core.drawImage( toDrawCtx, cacheCtx.canvas, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0 ); core.clearMap('fg2'); core.clearMap(cacheCtx); } core.maps._drawBgFgMap(floorId, 'fg2', config); if (config.onMap) core.drawImage( 'fg2', cacheCtx.canvas, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0, core.bigmap.v2 ? -32 : 0 ); config.ctx = toDrawCtx; }; ////// 移动判定 ////// core.maps._generateMovableArray_arrays = function (floorId) { return { bgArray: this.getBgMapArray(floorId), fgArray: this.getFgMapArray(floorId), eventArray: this.getMapArray(floorId), bg2Array: this._getBgFgMapArray('bg2', floorId), fg2Array: this._getBgFgMapArray('fg2', floorId) }; }; }, itemShop: function () { this.openItemShop = function (itemShopId) { if (!main.replayChecking) { core.plugin.openedShopId = itemShopId; core.plugin.shopOpened.value = true; } }; }, heroFourFrames: function () { // 样板的勇士/跟随者移动时只使用2、4两帧,观感较差。本插件可以将四帧全用上。 // 是否启用本插件 var __enable = true; if (!__enable) return; ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'].forEach(one => { // 指定中间帧动画 core.material.icons.hero[one].midFoot = 2; }); var heroMoving = timestamp => { if (core.status.heroMoving <= 0) return; if ( timestamp - core.animateFrame.moveTime > core.values.moveSpeed ) { core.animateFrame.leftLeg++; core.animateFrame.moveTime = timestamp; } core.drawHero( ['stop', 'leftFoot', 'midFoot', 'rightFoot'][ core.animateFrame.leftLeg % 4 ], 4 * core.status.heroMoving ); }; core.registerAnimationFrame('heroMoving', true, heroMoving); core.events._eventMoveHero_moving = function (step, moveSteps) { var curr = moveSteps[0]; var direction = curr[0], x = core.getHeroLoc('x'), y = core.getHeroLoc('y'); // ------ 前进/后退 var o = direction == 'backward' ? -1 : 1; if (direction == 'forward' || direction == 'backward') direction = core.getHeroLoc('direction'); var faceDirection = direction; if (direction == 'leftup' || direction == 'leftdown') faceDirection = 'left'; if (direction == 'rightup' || direction == 'rightdown') faceDirection = 'right'; core.setHeroLoc('direction', direction); if (curr[1] <= 0) { core.setHeroLoc('direction', faceDirection); moveSteps.shift(); return true; } if (step <= 4) core.drawHero('stop', 4 * o * step); else if (step <= 8) core.drawHero('leftFoot', 4 * o * step); else if (step <= 12) core.drawHero('midFoot', 4 * o * (step - 8)); else if (step <= 16) core.drawHero('rightFoot', 4 * o * (step - 8)); // if (step == 8) { if (step == 8 || step == 16) { core.setHeroLoc( 'x', x + o * core.utils.scan2[direction].x, true ); core.setHeroLoc( 'y', y + o * core.utils.scan2[direction].y, true ); core.updateFollowers(); curr[1]--; if (curr[1] <= 0) moveSteps.shift(); core.setHeroLoc('direction', faceDirection); return step == 16; } return false; }; }, itemDetail: function () { core.control.updateDamage = function (floorId, ctx) { floorId = floorId || core.status.floorId; if (!floorId || core.status.gameOver || main.mode != 'play') return; const onMap = ctx == null; // 没有怪物手册 if (!core.hasItem('book')) return; core.status.damage.posX = core.bigmap.posX; core.status.damage.posY = core.bigmap.posY; if (!onMap) { const width = core.floors[floorId].width, height = core.floors[floorId].height; // 地图过大的缩略图不绘制显伤 if (width * height > core.bigmap.threshold) return; } this._updateDamage_damage(floorId, onMap); this._updateDamage_extraDamage(floorId, onMap); core.getItemDetail(floorId, onMap); // 宝石血瓶详细信息 this.drawDamage(ctx); }; // 获取宝石信息 并绘制 this.getItemDetail = function (floorId, onMap) { if (!core.getFlag('itemDetail')) return; floorId ??= core.status.thisMap.floorId; let diff = {}; const before = core.status.hero; const hero = core.clone(core.status.hero); const handler = { set(target, key, v) { diff[key] = v - (target[key] || 0); if (!diff[key]) diff[key] = void 0; return true; } }; core.status.hero = new Proxy(hero, handler); core.status.maps[floorId].blocks.forEach(function (block) { if (block.event.cls !== 'items' || block.disable) return; const x = block.x, y = block.y; // v2优化,只绘制范围内的部分 if (onMap && core.bigmap.v2) { if ( x < core.bigmap.posX - core.bigmap.extend || x > core.bigmap.posX + core._PX_ + core.bigmap.extend || y < core.bigmap.posY - core.bigmap.extend || y > core.bigmap.posY + core._PY_ + core.bigmap.extend ) { return; } } diff = {}; const id = block.event.id; const item = core.material.items[id]; if (item.cls === 'equips') { // 装备也显示 const diff = core.clone(item.equip.value ?? {}); const per = item.equip.percentage ?? {}; for (const name in per) { diff[name + 'per'] = per[name].toString() + '%'; } drawItemDetail(diff, x, y); return; } // 跟数据统计原理一样 执行效果 前后比较 core.setFlag('__statistics__', true); try { eval(item.itemEffect); } catch (error) {} drawItemDetail(diff, x, y); }); core.status.hero = before; window.hero = before; window.flags = before.flags; }; // 绘制 function drawItemDetail(diff, x, y) { const px = 32 * x + 2, py = 32 * y + 31; let content = ''; // 获得数据和颜色 let i = 0; for (const name in diff) { if (!diff[name]) continue; let color = '#fff'; if (typeof diff[name] === 'number') content = core.formatBigNumber(diff[name], true); else content = diff[name]; switch (name) { case 'atk': case 'atkper': color = '#FF7A7A'; break; case 'def': case 'defper': color = '#00E6F1'; break; case 'mdef': case 'mdefper': color = '#6EFF83'; break; case 'hp': color = '#A4FF00'; break; case 'hpmax': case 'hpmaxper': color = '#F9FF00'; break; case 'mana': color = '#c66'; break; } // 绘制 core.status.damage.data.push({ text: content, px: px, py: py - 10 * i, color: color }); i++; } } }, skills: function () { // 所有的主动技能效果 var ignoreInJump = { event: ['X20007', 'X20001', 'X20006', 'X20014', 'X20010', 'X20007'], bg: [ 'X20037', 'X20038', 'X20039', 'X20045', 'X20047', 'X20053', 'X20054', 'X20055', 'X20067', 'X20068', 'X20075', 'X20076' ] }; /** @type {FloorIds[]} */ const jumpIgnoreFloor = ['MT31', 'snowTown']; // 跳跃 this.jumpSkill = function () { if (core.status.floorId.startsWith('tower')) return core.drawTip('当无法使用该技能'); if ( jumpIgnoreFloor.includes(core.status.floorId) || flags.onChase ) { return core.drawTip('当前楼层无法使用该技能'); } if (!flags.skill2) return; if (!flags['jump_' + core.status.floorId]) flags['jump_' + core.status.floorId] = 0; if ( core.status.floorId == 'MT14' && flags['jump_' + core.status.floorId] == 2 && !flags.MT14Jump ) { if ( !( core.status.hero.loc.x === 77 && core.status.hero.loc.y === 5 && core.status.hero.loc.direction === 'right' ) ) { return core.drawTip('该地图还有一个必跳的地方,你还没有跳'); } else flags.MT14Jump = true; } if (flags['jump_' + core.status.floorId] >= 3) return core.drawTip('当前地图使用次数已用完'); var direction = core.status.hero.loc.direction; var loc = core.status.hero.loc; var checkLoc = {}; switch (direction) { case 'up': checkLoc.x = loc.x; checkLoc.y = loc.y - 1; break; case 'right': checkLoc.x = loc.x + 1; checkLoc.y = loc.y; break; case 'down': checkLoc.x = loc.x; checkLoc.y = loc.y + 1; break; case 'left': checkLoc.x = loc.x - 1; checkLoc.y = loc.y; break; } // 前方是否可通行 或 是怪物 var cls = core.getBlockCls(checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y); var noPass = core.noPass(checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y); var id = core.getBlockId(checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y) || ''; var bgId = core.getBlockByNumber(core.getBgNumber(checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y)) .event.id || ''; // 可以通行 if ( !noPass || cls == 'items' || (id.startsWith('X') && !ignoreInJump.event.includes(id)) || (bgId.startsWith('X') && !ignoreInJump.bg.includes(bgId)) ) return core.drawTip('当前无法使用技能'); // 不是怪物且不可以通行 if (noPass && !(cls == 'enemys' || cls == 'enemy48')) { var toLoc = checkNoPass( direction, checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y, true ); if (!toLoc) return; core.autosave(); if (flags.chapter <= 1) core.status.hero.hp -= 200 * flags.hard; core.updateStatusBar(); flags['jump_' + core.status.floorId]++; if (core.status.hero.hp <= 0) { core.status.hero.hp = 0; core.updateStatusBar(); core.events.lose('你跳死了'); } core.playSound('015-Jump01.ogg'); core.insertAction([ { type: 'jumpHero', loc: [toLoc.x, toLoc.y], time: 500 } ]); } // 是怪物 if (cls == 'enemys' || cls == 'enemy48') { var firstNoPass = checkNoPass( direction, checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y, false ); if (!firstNoPass) return; core.autosave(); if (flags.chapter <= 1) core.status.hero.hp -= 200 * flags.hard; core.updateStatusBar(); flags['jump_' + core.status.floorId]++; if (core.status.hero.hp <= 0) { core.status.hero.hp = 0; core.updateStatusBar(); core.events.lose('你跳死了'); } core.playSound('015-Jump01.ogg'); core.insertAction([ { type: 'jump', from: [checkLoc.x, checkLoc.y], to: [firstNoPass.x, firstNoPass.y], time: 500, keep: true } ]); } // 检查一条线上的不可通过 function checkNoPass(direction, x, y, startNo) { if (!startNo) startNo = false; switch (direction) { case 'up': y--; break; case 'right': x++; break; case 'down': y++; break; case 'left': x--; break; } if ( x > core.status.thisMap.width - 1 || y > core.status.thisMap.height - 1 || x < 0 || y < 0 ) return core.drawTip('当前无法使用技能'); var id = core.getBlockId(x, y) || ''; if (core.getBgNumber(x, y)) var bgId = core.getBlockByNumber(core.getBgNumber(x, y)).event .id || ''; else var bgId = ''; if ( core.noPass(x, y) || core.getBlockCls(x, y) == 'items' || (id.startsWith('X') && !ignoreInJump.event.includes(id)) || (bgId.startsWith('X') && !ignoreInJump.bg.includes(bgId)) || core.getBlockCls(x, y) == 'animates' ) return checkNoPass(direction, x, y, true); if (!startNo) return checkNoPass(direction, x, y, false); return { x: x, y: y }; } }; }, towerBoss: function () { // 智慧boss // 变量们 var stage = 1, hp = 10000, seconds = 0, boomLocs = [], // 随机轰炸 heroHp; // 初始化 this.initTowerBoss = function () { stage = 1; hp = 10000; seconds = 0; heroHp = core.status.hero.hp; core.dynamicChangeHp(0, 10000, 10000); core.autoFixRouteBoss(true); core.insertAction([{ type: 'sleep', time: 1000, noSkip: true }]); setTimeout(core.bossCore, 1000); }; // 录像自动修正 this.autoFixRouteBoss = function (isStart) { var route = core.status.route; if (isStart) { // 开始修正 记录当前录像长度 flags.startFix = route.length - 1; return; } // 结束修正 删除录像 并追加跳过步骤 route.splice(flags.startFix); route.push('choices:0'); delete flags.startFix; }; // 血条 this.healthBar = function (now, total) { var nowLength = (now / total) * 476; // 当前血量下绘制长度 var color = [ 255 * 2 - (now / total) * 2 * 255, (now / total) * 2 * 255, 0, 1 ]; // 根据当前血量计算颜色 // 建画布 if (!core.dymCanvas.healthBar) core.createCanvas('healthBar', 0, 0, 480, 16, 140); else core.clearMap('healthBar'); // 底 core.fillRect('healthBar', 0, 0, 480, 16, '#bbbbbb'); // css特效 var style = document.getElementById('healthBar').getContext('2d'); style.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)'; style.shadowBlur = 5; style.shadowOffsetX = 10; style.shadowOffsetY = 5; style.filter = 'blur(1px)'; // 绘制 core.fillRect('healthBar', 2, 2, nowLength, 12, color); // css特效 style.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; style.shadowOffsetX = 0; style.shadowOffsetY = 0; // 绘制边框 core.strokeRect('healthBar', 1, 1, 478, 14, '#ffffff', 2); // 绘制文字 style.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)'; style.shadowBlur = 3; style.shadowOffsetX = 2; style.shadowOffsetY = 1; style.filter = 'none'; core.fillText( 'healthBar', now + '/' + total, 5, 13.5, '#ffffff', '16px normal' ); }; // 血量变化 this.dynamicChangeHp = function (from, to, total) { var frame = 0, speed = (to - from) / 50, now = from; var interval = window.setInterval(() => { frame++; if (frame == 50) { clearInterval(interval); core.healthBar(to, total); } now += speed; core.healthBar(now, total); }, 20); }; // boss说话跳字 this.skipWord = function (words, x, y, time) { x = x || 0; y = y || 16; time = time || 3000; // 创建画布 if (!core.dymCanvas.words) core.createCanvas('words', x, y, 480, 24, 135); else core.clearMap('words'); if (flags.wordsTimeOut) clearTimeout(flags.wordsTimeOut); core.dynamicCurtain(y, y + 24, time / 3); // css var style = document.getElementById('words').getContext('2d'); style.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)'; style.shadowBlur = 3; style.shadowOffsetX = 2; style.shadowOffsetY = 1; // 一个一个绘制 skip1(0); // 跳字 function skip1(now) { if (parseInt(now) >= words.length) { flags.wordsTimeOut = setTimeout(() => { core.deleteCanvas('words'); core.deleteCanvas('wordsBg'); }, time); return; } var frame = 0, blur = 2, nx = 4 + now * 24; var skip2 = window.setInterval(() => { blur -= 0.4; frame++; core.clearMap('words', nx, 0, 24, 24); style.filter = 'blur(' + blur + 'px)'; core.fillText( 'words', words[now], nx, 20, '#ffffff', '22px normal' ); if (frame == 5) { clearInterval(skip2); skip1(now + 1); } }, 20); } }; // 匀变速下降背景 this.dynamicCurtain = function (from, to, time, width) { width = width || 480; if (!core.dymCanvas.wordsBg) core.createCanvas('wordsBg', 0, from, width, 24, 130); else core.clearMap('wordsBg'); time /= 1000; var ny = from, frame = 0, a = (2 * (to - from)) / Math.pow(time * 50, 2), speed = a * time * 50; var style = document.getElementById('wordsBg').getContext('2d'); style.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)'; var wordsInterval = window.setInterval(() => { frame++; speed -= a; ny += speed; core.clearMap('wordsBg'); style.shadowBlur = 8; style.shadowOffsetY = 2; core.fillRect( 'wordsBg', 0, 0, width, ny - from, [180, 180, 180, 0.7] ); style.shadowBlur = 3; style.shadowOffsetY = 0; core.strokeRect( 'wordsBg', 1, 1, width - 2, ny - from - 2, [255, 255, 255, 0.7], 2 ); if (frame >= time * 50) { clearInterval(wordsInterval); core.clearMap('wordsBg'); style.shadowBlur = 8; style.shadowOffsetY = 2; core.fillRect( 'wordsBg', 0, 0, width, to - from, [180, 180, 180, 0.7] ); style.shadowBlur = 3; style.shadowOffsetY = 0; core.strokeRect( 'wordsBg', 1, 1, width - 2, ny - from - 2, [255, 255, 255, 0.7], 2 ); } }, 20); }; // 攻击boss this.attackBoss = function () { // 每秒钟地面随机出现伤害图块 踩上去攻击boss 500血 if (flags.canAttack) return; if (Math.random() < 0.8) return; if (hp > 3500) { var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13 + 1), ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13 + 1); } else if (hp > 2000) { var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11 + 2), ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11 + 2); } else if (hp > 1000) { var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9 + 3), ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9 + 3); } else { var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7 + 4), ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7 + 4); } // 在地图上显示 flags.canAttack = true; if (!core.dymCanvas.attackBoss) core.createCanvas('attackBoss', 0, 0, 480, 480, 35); else core.clearMap('attackBoss'); var style = document.getElementById('attackBoss').getContext('2d'); var frame1 = 0, blur = 3, scale = 2, speed = 0.04, a = 0.0008; var atkAnimate = window.setInterval(() => { core.clearMap('attackBoss'); frame1++; speed -= a; scale -= speed; blur -= 0.06; style.filter = 'blur(' + blur + 'px)'; core.strokeCircle( 'attackBoss', nx * 32 + 16, ny * 32 + 16, 16 * scale, [255, 150, 150, 0.7], 4 ); core.fillCircle( 'attackBoss', nx * 32 + 16, ny * 32 + 16, 3 * scale, [255, 150, 150, 0.7] ); if (frame1 == 50) { clearInterval(atkAnimate); core.clearMap('attactkBoss'); style.filter = 'none'; core.strokeCircle( 'attackBoss', nx * 32 + 16, ny * 32 + 16, 16, [255, 150, 150, 0.7], 4 ); core.fillCircle( 'attackBoss', nx * 32 + 16, ny * 32 + 16, 3, [255, 150, 150, 0.7] ); } }, 20); // 实时检测勇士位置 var frame2 = 0; var atkBoss = window.setInterval(() => { frame2++; var x = core.status.hero.loc.x, y = core.status.hero.loc.y; // 2秒超时 if (frame2 > 100) { setTimeout(() => { delete flags.canAttack; }, 4000); clearInterval(atkBoss); core.deleteCanvas('attackBoss'); return; } if (nx == x && ny == y) { setTimeout(() => { delete flags.canAttack; }, 4000); core.dynamicChangeHp(hp, hp - 500, 10000); hp -= 500; clearInterval(atkBoss); core.deleteCanvas('attackBoss'); if (hp > 3500) core.drawAnimate('hand', 7, 1); else if (hp > 2000) core.drawAnimate('hand', 7, 2); else if (hp > 1000) core.drawAnimate('hand', 7, 3); else core.drawAnimate('hand', 7, 4); return; } }, 20); }; // 核心函数 this.bossCore = function () { var interval = window.setInterval(() => { if (stage == 1) { if (seconds == 8) core.skipWord('智慧之神:果然,你和别人不一样。'); if (seconds == 12) core.skipWord('智慧之神:你知道去躲避那些攻击。'); if (seconds == 16) core.skipWord( '智慧之神:之前的那些人总会一头撞上我的攻击,悲剧收场。' ); if (seconds == 20) core.skipWord('提示:踩在红圈上可以对智慧之神造成伤害'); if (seconds > 10) core.attackBoss(); if (seconds % 10 == 0) core.intelligentArrow(); if (seconds % 7 == 0 && seconds != 0) core.intelligentDoor(); if (seconds > 20 && seconds % 13 == 0) core.icyMomentem(); } if (stage == 1 && hp <= 7000) { stage++; seconds = 0; core.skipWord('智慧之神:不错小伙子'); core.pauseBgm(); } if (stage == 2) { if (seconds == 4) core.skipWord('智慧之神:你的确拥有智慧。'); if (seconds == 8) core.skipWord('智慧之神:或许你就是那个未来的救星。'); if (seconds == 12) core.skipWord('智慧之神:不过,这场战斗才刚刚开始'); if (seconds == 25) core.skipWord('提示:方形区域均为危险区域'); if (seconds == 15) setTimeout(() => { core.playSound('thunder.mp3'); }, 500); if (seconds == 16) core.startStage2(); if (seconds > 20) core.attackBoss(); if (seconds % 4 == 0 && seconds > 20) core.randomThunder(); if (seconds > 30 && seconds % 12 == 0) core.ballThunder(); } if (hp <= 3500 && stage == 2) { stage++; seconds = 0; core.skipWord('智慧之神:不得不说小伙子'); core.pauseBgm(); } if (stage >= 3) { if (seconds == 4) core.skipWord('智慧之神:拥有智慧就是不一样。'); if (seconds == 8) core.skipWord('智慧之神:不过,你还得再过我一关!'); if (seconds == 12) core.startStage3(); if (seconds == 15) { flags.booming = true; core.randomBoom(); } if (seconds > 20) core.attackBoss(); if (seconds > 20 && seconds % 10 == 0) core.chainThunder(); if (hp == 2000 && stage == 3) { stage++; flags.booming = false; core.skipWord('智慧之神:还没有结束!'); core.startStage4(); setTimeout(() => { flags.booming = true; core.randomBoom(); }, 5000); } if (hp == 1000 && stage == 4) { stage++; flags.booming = false; core.skipWord('智慧之神:还没有结束!!!!!!'); core.startStage5(); setTimeout(() => { flags.booming = true; core.randomBoom(); }, 5000); } } if (hp == 0) { clearInterval(interval); clearInterval(flags.boom); core.status.hero.hp = heroHp; core.autoFixRouteBoss(false); delete flags.__bgm__; core.pauseBgm(); core.insertAction([ '\t[智慧之神,E557]\b[down,7,4]看来你真的会成为那个拯救未来的人。', '\t[智慧之神,E557]\b[down,7,4]记住,拥有智慧便可以掌控万物。', '\t[低级智人]\b[up,hero]智慧?智慧到底是什么?', '\t[智慧之神,E557]\b[down,7,4]最终,你会知道答案的。', '\t[智慧之神,E557]\b[down,7,4]继续向东前进吧,那里能找到你想要的答案。', { type: 'openDoor', loc: [13, 6], floorId: 'MT19' }, '\t[智慧之神,E557]\b[down,7,4]我这就把你送出去', { type: 'setValue', name: 'flag:boss1', value: 'true' }, { type: 'changeFloor', floorId: 'MT20', loc: [7, 9] }, { type: 'forbidSave' }, { type: 'showStatusBar' }, { type: 'function', function: '() => {\ncore.deleteAllCanvas();\n}' } ]); } seconds++; }, 1000); }; // ------ 第一阶段 10000~7000血 ------ // // 技能1 智慧之箭 1000伤害 this.intelligentArrow = function (fromSelf) { // 坐标 var loc = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13 + 1); var direction = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'horizon' : 'vertical'; // 执行次数 if (!fromSelf) { var times = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 8) + 4; var nowTime = 1; var times1 = window.setInterval(() => { core.intelligentArrow(true); nowTime++; if (nowTime >= times) { clearInterval(times1); } }, 200); } // 防重复 if (core.dymCanvas['inteArrow' + loc + direction]) return core.intelligentArrow(true); // 危险区域 if (!core.dymCanvas.danger1) core.createCanvas('danger1', 0, 0, 480, 480, 35); if (direction == 'horizon') { for (var nx = 1; nx < 14; nx++) { core.fillRect( 'danger1', nx * 32 + 2, loc * 32 + 2, 28, 28, [255, 0, 0, 0.6] ); } } else { for (var ny = 1; ny < 14; ny++) { core.fillRect( 'danger1', loc * 32 + 2, ny * 32 + 2, 28, 28, [255, 0, 0, 0.6] ); } } // 箭 if (!core.dymCanvas['inteArrow' + loc + direction]) core.createCanvas( 'inteArrow' + loc + direction, 0, 0, 544, 544, 65 ); core.clearMap('inteArrow' + loc + direction); if (direction == 'horizon') core.drawImage( 'inteArrow' + loc + direction, 'arrow.png', 448, loc * 32, 102, 32 ); else core.drawImage( 'inteArrow' + loc + direction, 'arrow.png', 0, 0, 259, 75, loc * 32 - 32, 480, 102, 32, Math.PI / 2 ); // 动画与伤害函数 setTimeout(() => { core.playSound('arrow.mp3'); core.deleteCanvas('danger1'); // 动画效果 var nloc = 0, speed = 0; var damaged = {}; var skill1 = window.setInterval(() => { speed -= 1; nloc += speed; if (direction == 'horizon') core.relocateCanvas( 'inteArrow' + loc + direction, nloc, 0 ); else core.relocateCanvas( 'inteArrow' + loc + direction, 0, nloc ); if (nloc < -480) { core.deleteCanvas('inteArrow' + loc + direction); clearInterval(skill1); } // 伤害判定 if (!damaged[loc + direction]) { var x = core.status.hero.loc.x, y = core.status.hero.loc.y; if (direction == 'horizon') { if ( y == loc && Math.floor((480 + nloc) / 32) == x ) { damaged[loc + direction] = true; core.drawHeroAnimate('hand'); core.status.hero.hp -= 1000; core.addPop(x * 32 + 16, y * 32 + 16, -1000); core.updateStatusBar(); if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) { clearInterval(skill1); core.status.hero.hp = 0; core.updateStatusBar(); core.events.lose(); return; } } } else { if ( x == loc && Math.floor((480 + nloc) / 32) == y ) { damaged[loc + direction] = true; core.drawHeroAnimate('hand'); core.status.hero.hp -= 1000; core.addPop(x * 32 + 16, y * 32 + 16, -1000); core.updateStatusBar(); if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) { clearInterval(skill1); core.status.hero.hp = 0; core.updateStatusBar(); core.events.lose(); return; } } } } }, 20); }, 3000); }; // 技能2 智慧之门 随机传送 this.intelligentDoor = function () { if (Math.random() < 0.5) return; // 随机位置 var toX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1, toY = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1; // 在勇士身上绘制动画 core.drawHeroAnimate('magicAtk'); // 在目标位置绘制动画 if (!core.dymCanvas['door' + toX + '_' + toY]) core.createCanvas('door' + toX + '_' + toY, 0, 0, 480, 480, 35); else core.clearMap('door' + toX + '_' + toY); var style = document .getElementById('door' + toX + '_' + toY) .getContext('2d'); var frame = 0, width = 0, a = 0.0128, speed = 0.64; // 动画 var skill2 = window.setInterval(() => { frame++; if (frame < 40) return; if (frame == 100) { clearInterval(skill2); // 执行传送 core.insertAction([{ type: 'changePos', loc: [toX, toY] }]); // 删除传送门 setTimeout(() => { core.deleteCanvas('door' + toX + '_' + toY); }, 2000); return; } width += speed * 2; speed -= a; core.clearMap('door' + toX + '_' + toY); style.shadowColor = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'; style.shadowBlur = 7; style.filter = 'blur(5px)'; core.fillRect( 'door' + toX + '_' + toY, toX * 32, toY * 32 - 24, width, 48, [255, 255, 255, 0.7] ); style.shadowColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; style.filter = 'blur(3px)'; core.strokeRect( 'door' + toX + '_' + toY, toX * 32, toY * 32 - 24, width, 48, [255, 255, 255, 0.7], 3 ); }, 20); }; // 技能3 万冰之势 全屏随机转换滑冰 如果转换时在滑冰上造成5000点伤害 this.icyMomentem = function () { if (flags.haveIce) return; if (Math.random() < 0.5) return; var times = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); // 防卡 就setInterval吧 var locs = [], now = 0; flags.haveIce = true; if (!core.dymCanvas.icyMomentem) core.createCanvas('icyMomentem', 0, 0, 480, 480, 35); else core.clearMap('icyMomentem'); var skill3 = window.setInterval(() => { var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1, ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1; if (!locs.includes([nx, ny])) { locs.push([nx, ny]); core.fillRect( 'icyMomentem', locs[now][0] * 32 + 2, locs[now][1] * 32 + 2, 28, 28, [150, 150, 255, 0.6] ); } if (now == times) { clearInterval(skill3); skill3Effect(); } now++; }, 20); // 动画和伤害函数 function skill3Effect() { // 防卡 setInterval var index = 0; var effect = window.setInterval(() => { var x = core.status.hero.loc.x, y = core.status.hero.loc.y; core.clearMap( 'icyMomentem', locs[index][0] * 32, locs[index][1] * 32, 32, 32 ); core.setBgFgBlock( 'bg', 167, locs[index][0], locs[index][1] ); core.drawAnimate('ice', locs[index][0], locs[index][1]); if (x == locs[index][0] && y == locs[index][1]) { core.drawHeroAnimate('hand'); core.status.hero.hp -= 5000; core.addPop(x * 32 + 16, y * 32 + 16, -5000); core.updateStatusBar(); if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) { core.status.hero.hp = 0; core.updateStatusBar(); core.events.lose(); clearInterval(effect); return; } } if (index >= locs.length - 1) { clearInterval(effect); setTimeout(() => { deleteIce(locs); }, 5000); } index++; }, 50); } // 删除函数 function deleteIce(locs) { // 照样 setInterval var index = 0; var deleteIce = window.setInterval(() => { core.setBgFgBlock('bg', 0, locs[index][0], locs[index][1]); index++; if (index >= locs.length) { clearInterval(deleteIce); core.deleteCanvas('icyMomentem'); setTimeout(() => { delete flags.haveIce; }, 5000); } }, 50); } }; // ------ 第二阶段 7000~3500 ------ // // 开始第二阶段 this.startStage2 = function () { // 闪烁 core.createCanvas('flash', 0, 0, 480, 480, 160); var alpha = 0; var frame = 0; var start1 = window.setInterval(() => { core.clearMap('flash'); frame++; if (frame <= 8) alpha += 0.125; else alpha -= 0.01; core.fillRect('flash', 0, 0, 480, 480, [255, 255, 255, alpha]); if (alpha == 0) { clearInterval(start1); core.deleteCanvas('flash'); } if (frame == 8) { changeWeather(); } }); // 切换天气 function changeWeather() { core.setWeather(); core.setWeather('rain', 10); core.setWeather('fog', 8); // 色调也得换 core.setCurtain([0, 0, 0, 0.3]); // bgm core.playBgm('towerBoss2.mp3'); } }; // ----- 打雷相关 ----- // // 随机打雷 this.randomThunder = function () { var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1, y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1, power = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6); // 绘制危险区域 if (!core.dymCanvas.thunderDanger) core.createCanvas('thunderDanger', 0, 0, 480, 480, 35); else core.clearMap('thunderDanger'); // 3*3范围 for (var nx = x - 1; nx <= x + 1; nx++) { for (var ny = y - 1; ny <= y + 1; ny++) { core.fillRect( 'thunderDanger', nx * 32 + 2, ny * 32 + 2, 28, 28, [255, 255, 255, 0.6] ); } } core.deleteCanvas('flash'); setTimeout(() => { core.playSound('thunder.mp3'); }, 500); setTimeout(() => { core.deleteCanvas('thunderDanger'); core.drawThunder(x, y, power); }, 1000); }; // 绘制 this.drawThunder = function (x, y, power) { var route = core.getThunderRoute(x * 32 + 16, y * 32 + 16, power); // 开始绘制 if (!core.dymCanvas.thunder) core.createCanvas('thunder', 0, 0, 480, 480, 65); else core.clearMap('thunder'); var style = core.dymCanvas.thunder; style.shadowColor = 'rgba(220, 220, 255, 1)'; style.shadowBlur = power; style.filter = 'blur(2.5px)'; for (var num in route) { // 一个个绘制 for (var i = 0; i < route[num].length - 1; i++) { var now = route[num][i], next = route[num][i + 1]; core.drawLine( 'thunder', now[0], now[1], next[0], next[1], '#ffffff', 2.5 ); } } // 伤害 core.getThunderDamage(x, y, power); // 闪一下 var frame1 = 0, alpha = 0.5; if (!core.dymCanvas.flash) core.createCanvas('flash', 0, 0, 480, 480, 160); else core.clearMap('flash'); var thunderFlash = window.setInterval(() => { alpha -= 0.05; frame1++; core.clearMap('flash'); core.fillRect('flash', 0, 0, 480, 480, [255, 255, 255, alpha]); if (frame1 >= 10) { clearInterval(thunderFlash); core.deleteCanvas('flash'); // 删除闪电 setTimeout(() => { core.deleteCanvas('thunder'); }, 700); } }, 20); }; // 获得雷电路径 this.getThunderRoute = function (x, y, power) { var route = []; for (var num = 0; num < power; num++) { var nx = x, ny = y; route[num] = []; for (var i = 0; ny >= 0; i++) { if (i > 0) { nx += Math.random() * 30 - 15; ny -= Math.random() * 80 + 30; } else { nx += Math.random() * 16 - 8; ny += Math.random() * 16 - 8; } route[num].push([nx, ny]); } } return route; }; // 打雷伤害判定 this.getThunderDamage = function (x, y, power) { var hx = core.status.hero.loc.x, hy = core.status.hero.loc.y; if (Math.abs(hx - x) <= 1 && Math.abs(hy - y) <= 1) { core.status.hero.hp -= 3000 * power; core.addPop(x * 32 + 16, y * 32 + 16, -3000 * power); core.updateStatusBar(); if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) { core.status.hero.hp = 0; core.updateStatusBar(); core.events.lose(); return; } } }; // ----- 打雷 END ----- // // 球形闪电 横竖 this.ballThunder = function () { // 随机数量 var times = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 12) + 6; var now = 0, locs = []; // setInterval执行 var ballThunder = window.setInterval(() => { // 画布 if (!core.dymCanvas['ballThunder' + now]) core.createCanvas('ballThunder' + now, 0, 0, 480, 480, 35); else core.clearMap('ballThunder' + now); var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1, ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1; // 添加位置 绘制危险区域 if (!locs.includes([nx, ny])) { locs.push([nx, ny]); // 横竖都要画 for (var mx = 1; mx < 14; mx++) { core.fillRect( 'ballThunder' + now, mx * 32 + 2, ny * 32 + 2, 28, 28, [190, 190, 255, 0.6] ); } for (var my = 1; my < 14; my++) { core.fillRect( 'ballThunder' + now, nx * 32 + 2, my * 32 + 2, 28, 28, [190, 190, 255, 0.6] ); } } now++; if (now >= times) { clearInterval(ballThunder); setTimeout(() => { thunderAnimate(locs); }, 1000); } }, 200); // 动画 伤害 function thunderAnimate(locs) { var frame = 0; // 画布 if (!core.dymCanvas.ballAnimate) core.createCanvas('ballAnimate', 0, 0, 480, 480, 65); else core.clearMap('ballAnimate'); var style = core.dymCanvas.ballAnimate; style.shadowColor = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'; var damaged = []; var animate = window.setInterval(() => { core.clearMap('ballAnimate'); for (var i = 0; i < locs.length; i++) { style.shadowBlur = 16 * Math.random(); // 错开执行动画 if (frame - 10 * i > 0) { var now = frame - 10 * i; if (now == 1) core.playSound('electron.mp3'); // 动画 var nx = locs[i][0] * 32 + 16, ny = locs[i][1] * 32 + 16; if (now <= 2) { core.fillCircle( 'ballAnimate', nx, ny, 16 + 3 * now, [255, 255, 255, 0.9] ); } else { // 上 core.fillCircle( 'ballAnimate', nx, ny - 4 * now, 7 + 2 * Math.random(), [255, 255, 255, 0.7] ); // 下 core.fillCircle( 'ballAnimate', nx, ny + 4 * now, 7 + 2 * Math.random(), [255, 255, 255, 0.7] ); // 左 core.fillCircle( 'ballAnimate', nx - 4 * now, ny, 7 + 2 * Math.random(), [255, 255, 255, 0.7] ); // 右 core.fillCircle( 'ballAnimate', nx + 4 * now, ny, 7 + 2 * Math.random(), [255, 255, 255, 0.7] ); } // 清除危险区域 core.clearMap( 'ballThunder' + i, nx - 16, ny - 16 - 4 * now, 32, 32 ); core.clearMap( 'ballThunder' + i, nx - 16, ny - 16 + 4 * now, 32, 32 ); core.clearMap( 'ballThunder' + i, nx - 16 - 4 * now, ny - 16, 32, 32 ); core.clearMap( 'ballThunder' + i, nx - 16 + 4 * now, ny - 16, 32, 32 ); // 伤害 if (!damaged[i]) { var x = core.status.hero.loc.x, y = core.status.hero.loc.y; if ( ((Math.floor((nx - 16 - 4 * now) / 32) == x || Math.floor((nx - 16 + 4 * now) / 32) == x) && locs[i][1] == y) || ((Math.floor((ny - 16 - 4 * now) / 32) == y || Math.floor((ny - 16 + 4 * now) / 32) == y) && locs[i][0] == x) ) { damaged[i] = true; core.status.hero.hp -= 3000; core.addPop( x * 32 + 16, y * 32 + 16, -3000 ); core.updateStatusBar(); core.playSound('electron.mp3'); if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) { core.status.hero.hp = 0; core.updateStatusBar(); core.events.lose(); clearInterval(animate); return; } } } // 结束 if (i == locs.length - 1 && now > 120) { clearInterval(animate); } } } frame++; }, 20); } }; // ------ 第三阶段 3500~0 ------ // this.startStage3 = function () { // 闪烁 core.createCanvas('flash', 0, 0, 480, 480, 160); var alpha = 0; var frame = 0; var start1 = window.setInterval(() => { core.clearMap('flash'); frame++; if (frame <= 8) alpha += 0.125; else alpha -= 0.01; core.fillRect('flash', 0, 0, 480, 480, [255, 255, 255, alpha]); if (alpha == 0) { clearInterval(start1); core.deleteCanvas('flash'); } if (frame == 8) { core.playSound('thunder.mp3'); changeTerra(); core.insertAction([{ type: 'changePos', loc: [7, 7] }]); } }); // 改变地形 function changeTerra() { for (var nx = 0; nx < 15; nx++) { for (var ny = 0; ny < 15; ny++) { if (nx == 0 || nx == 14 || ny == 0 || ny == 14) { core.removeBlock(nx, ny); } if ( (nx == 1 || nx == 13 || ny == 1 || ny == 13) && nx != 0 && nx != 14 && ny != 0 && ny != 14 ) { core.setBlock(527, nx, ny); } } } core.createCanvas('tower7', 0, 0, 480, 480, 15); // 画贴图 core.drawImage( 'tower7', 'tower7.jpeg', 360, 0, 32, 480, 0, 0, 32, 480 ); core.drawImage( 'tower7', 'tower7.jpeg', 840, 0, 32, 480, 448, 0, 32, 480 ); core.drawImage( 'tower7', 'tower7.jpeg', 392, 0, 416, 32, 32, 0, 416, 32 ); core.drawImage( 'tower7', 'tower7.jpeg', 392, 448, 416, 32, 32, 448, 416, 32 ); core.setBlock('E557', 7, 2); core.playBgm('towerBoss3.mp3'); } }; // 进入第四阶段 this.startStage4 = function () { // 闪烁 core.createCanvas('flash', 0, 0, 480, 480, 160); var alpha = 0; var frame = 0; var start1 = window.setInterval(() => { core.clearMap('flash'); frame++; if (frame <= 8) alpha += 0.125; else alpha -= 0.01; core.fillRect('flash', 0, 0, 480, 480, [255, 255, 255, alpha]); if (alpha == 0) { clearInterval(start1); core.deleteCanvas('flash'); } if (frame == 8) { core.playSound('thunder.mp3'); changeTerra(); core.insertAction([{ type: 'changePos', loc: [7, 7] }]); } }); // 改变地形 function changeTerra() { for (var nx = 1; nx < 14; nx++) { for (var ny = 1; ny < 14; ny++) { if (nx == 1 || nx == 13 || ny == 1 || ny == 13) { core.removeBlock(nx, ny); } if ( (nx == 2 || nx == 12 || ny == 2 || ny == 12) && nx != 1 && nx != 13 && ny != 1 && ny != 13 ) { core.setBlock(527, nx, ny); } } } core.createCanvas('tower7', 0, 0, 480, 480, 15); // 画贴图 core.drawImage( 'tower7', 'tower7.jpeg', 360, 0, 64, 480, 0, 0, 64, 480 ); core.drawImage( 'tower7', 'tower7.jpeg', 776, 0, 64, 480, 416, 0, 64, 480 ); core.drawImage( 'tower7', 'tower7.jpeg', 424, 0, 352, 64, 64, 0, 352, 64 ); core.drawImage( 'tower7', 'tower7.jpeg', 424, 416, 352, 64, 64, 416, 352, 64 ); core.setBlock('E557', 7, 3); } }; // 进入第五阶段 this.startStage5 = function () { // 闪烁 core.createCanvas('flash', 0, 0, 480, 480, 160); var alpha = 0; var frame = 0; var start1 = window.setInterval(() => { core.clearMap('flash'); frame++; if (frame <= 8) alpha += 0.125; else alpha -= 0.01; core.fillRect('flash', 0, 0, 480, 480, [255, 255, 255, alpha]); if (alpha == 0) { clearInterval(start1); core.deleteCanvas('flash'); } if (frame == 8) { core.playSound('thunder.mp3'); changeTerra(); core.insertAction([{ type: 'changePos', loc: [7, 7] }]); } }); // 改变地形 function changeTerra() { for (var nx = 2; nx < 13; nx++) { for (var ny = 2; ny < 13; ny++) { if (nx == 2 || nx == 12 || ny == 2 || ny == 12) { core.removeBlock(nx, ny); } if ( (nx == 3 || nx == 11 || ny == 3 || ny == 11) && nx != 2 && nx != 12 && ny != 2 && ny != 12 ) { core.setBlock(527, nx, ny); } } } core.createCanvas('tower7', 0, 0, 480, 480, 15); // 画贴图 core.drawImage( 'tower7', 'tower7.jpeg', 360, 0, 96, 480, 0, 0, 96, 480 ); core.drawImage( 'tower7', 'tower7.jpeg', 744, 0, 96, 480, 384, 0, 96, 480 ); core.drawImage( 'tower7', 'tower7.jpeg', 456, 0, 288, 96, 96, 0, 288, 96 ); core.drawImage( 'tower7', 'tower7.jpeg', 456, 384, 288, 96, 96, 384, 288, 96 ); core.setBlock('E557', 7, 4); } }; // 链状闪电 随机连接 碰到勇士则受伤 this.chainThunder = function () { // 随机次数 var times = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6) + 3; // 画布 if (!core.dymCanvas.chainDanger) core.createCanvas('chainDanger', 0, 0, 480, 480, 35); else core.clearMap('chainDanger'); // setInterval执行 var locs = [], now = 0; var chain = window.setInterval(() => { if (hp > 2000) { var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11) + 2, ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11) + 2; } else if (hp > 1000) { var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 3, ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 3; } else { var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) + 4, ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) + 4; } if (!locs.includes([nx, ny])) { locs.push([nx, ny]); } else return; // 危险线 if (now > 0) { core.drawLine( 'chainDanger', locs[now - 1][0] * 32 + 16, locs[now - 1][1] * 32 + 16, nx * 32 + 16, ny * 32 + 16, [220, 100, 255, 0.6], 3 ); } if (now >= times) { clearInterval(chain); setTimeout(() => { core.getChainRoute(locs); core.deleteCanvas('chainDanger'); }, 1000); } now++; }, 100); }; // 链状闪电 动画 this.chainAnimate = function (route) { if (!route) return core.chainThunder(); // 画布 if (!core.dymCanvas.chain) core.createCanvas('chain', 0, 0, 480, 480, 65); else core.clearMap('chain'); var style = core.dymCanvas.chain; style.shadowBlur = 3; style.shadowColor = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'; style.filter = 'blur(2px)'; // 当然还是setInterval var frame = 0, now = 0; var animate = window.setInterval(() => { if (now >= route.length - 1) { clearInterval(animate); setTimeout(() => { core.deleteCanvas('chain'); }, 1000); return; } frame++; if (frame % 2 != 0) return; core.drawLine( 'chain', route[now][0], route[now][1], route[now + 1][0], route[now + 1][1], '#ffffff', 3 ); // 节点 if (now == 0) { core.fillCircle( 'chain', route[0][0], route[0][1], 7, '#ffffff' ); } if ( (route[now + 1][0] - 16) % 32 == 0 && (route[now + 1][1] - 16) % 32 == 0 ) { core.fillCircle( 'chain', route[now + 1][0], route[now + 1][1], 7, '#ffffff' ); } // 判断伤害 core.lineDamage( route[now][0], route[now][1], route[now + 1][0], route[now + 1][1], 4000 ); now++; }, 20); }; // 链状闪电 获得闪电路径 this.getChainRoute = function (locs) { // 照样用setInterval var now = 0, routes = []; var route = window.setInterval(() => { var nx = locs[now][0] * 32 + 16, ny = locs[now][1] * 32 + 16; var tx = locs[now + 1][0] * 32 + 16, ty = locs[now + 1][1] * 32 + 16; var dx = tx - nx, dy = ty - ny; var angle = Math.atan(dy / dx); if (dy < 0 && dx < 0) angle += Math.PI; if (dx < 0 && dy > 0) angle += Math.PI; // 循环 + 随机 var times = 0; while (true) { times++; nx += Math.random() * 50 * Math.cos(angle); ny += Math.random() * 50 * Math.sin(angle); routes.push([nx, ny]); if ( Math.sqrt( Math.pow(ny - ty, 2) + Math.pow(nx - tx, 2) ) <= 100 ) { routes.push([tx, ty]); break; } if (times >= 20) { clearInterval(route); routes = null; return; } } now++; if (now >= locs.length - 1) { clearInterval(route); core.chainAnimate(routes); } }, 2); }; // 随机轰炸 this.randomBoom = function () { // 停止轰炸 if (!flags.booming) { clearInterval(flags.boom); return; } // 根据阶段数 分攻击速率 和范围 var boomTime; var range; if (hp > 2000) { boomTime = 500; range = 11; } else if (hp > 1000) { boomTime = 400; range = 9; } else { boomTime = 300; range = 7; } // setInterval flags.boom = window.setInterval(() => { var nx = Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + (15 - range) / 2, ny = Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + (15 - range) / 2; boomLocs.push([nx, ny, 0]); if (!flags.booming) clearInterval(flags.boom); }, boomTime); // 动画要在这里调用 core.boomingAnimate(); }; // 随机轰炸 动画 this.boomingAnimate = function () { // 直接setInterval if (!core.dymCanvas.boom) core.createCanvas('boom', 0, 0, 480, 480, 65); else core.clearMap('boom'); var boomAnimate = window.setInterval(() => { if (boomLocs.length == 0) return; if (!flags.booming && boomLocs.length == 0) { clearInterval(boomAnimate); return; } core.clearMap('boom'); boomLocs.forEach((loc, index) => { loc[2]++; var x = loc[0] * 32 + 16, y = loc[1] * 32 + 16; if (loc[2] >= 20) { var alpha = 1, radius = 12; } else { var radius = 0.12 * Math.pow(20 - loc[2], 2) + 12, alpha = Math.max(1, 2 - loc[2] * 0.1); } var angle = (loc[2] * Math.PI) / 50; // 开始绘制 core.fillCircle('boom', x, y, 3, [255, 50, 50, alpha]); core.strokeCircle( 'boom', x, y, radius, [255, 50, 50, alpha], 2 ); // 旋转的线 core.drawLine( 'boom', x + radius * Math.cos(angle), y + radius * Math.sin(angle), x + (radius + 15) * Math.cos(angle), y + (radius + 15) * Math.sin(angle), [255, 50, 50, alpha], 1 ); angle += Math.PI; core.drawLine( 'boom', x + radius * Math.cos(angle), y + radius * Math.sin(angle), x + (radius + 15) * Math.cos(angle), y + (radius + 15) * Math.sin(angle), [255, 50, 50, alpha], 1 ); // 炸弹 下落 if (loc[2] > 70) { var h = y - (20 * (85 - loc[2]) + 2.8 * Math.pow(85 - loc[2], 2)); core.drawImage( 'boom', 'boom.png', x - 18, h - 80, 36, 80 ); } if (loc[2] == 85) { core.drawAnimate( 'explosion1', (x - 16) / 32, (y - 16) / 32 ); boomLocs.splice(index, 1); if (boomLocs.length == 0) core.deleteCanvas('boom'); // 伤害判定 var hx = core.status.hero.loc.x, hy = core.status.hero.loc.y; if (loc[0] == hx && loc[1] == hy) { core.status.hero.hp -= 3000; core.addPop(x * 32 + 16, y * 32 + 16, -3000); core.updateStatusBar(); if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) { core.status.hero.hp = 0; core.updateStatusBar(); core.events.lose(); clearInterval(boomAnimate); flags.booming = false; return; } } } }); }, 20); }; // 直线型伤害判定 this.lineDamage = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, damage) { // 获得勇士坐标 var x = core.status.hero.loc.x, y = core.status.hero.loc.y; // 是否可能碰到勇士 if ( (x1 < x * 32 - 12 && x2 < x * 32 - 12) || (x1 > x * 32 + 12 && x2 > x * 32 + 12) || (y1 < y * 32 - 16 && y2 < y * 32 - 16) || (y1 > y * 32 + 16 && y2 > y * 32 + 16) ) return; // 对角线的端点是否在直线异侧 勇士视为24 * 32 for (var time = 1; time <= 2; time++) { // 左下右上 if (time == 1) { var loc1 = [x * 32 - 12, y * 32 + 16], loc2 = [x * 32 + 12, y * 32 - 16]; // 直线方程 y == (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1) + y1 var n1 = ((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) * (loc1[0] - x1) + y1 - loc1[1], n2 = ((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) * (loc2[0] - x1) + y1 - loc2[1]; if (n1 * n2 <= 0) { core.status.hero.hp -= damage; core.addPop(x * 32 + 16, y * 32 + 16, -damage); core.updateStatusBar(); core.playSound('electron.mp3'); if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) { core.status.hero.hp = 0; core.updateStatusBar(); core.events.lose(); return; } return; } } else { // 左上右下 var loc1 = [x * 32 - 12, y * 32 - 16], loc2 = [x * 32 + 12, y * 32 + 16]; // 直线方程 y == (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1) + y1 var n1 = ((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) * (loc1[0] - x1) + y1 - loc1[1], n2 = ((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) * (loc2[0] - x1) + y1 - loc2[1]; if (n1 * n2 <= 0) { core.status.hero.hp -= damage; core.addPop(x * 32 + 16, y * 32 + 16, -damage); core.updateStatusBar(); core.playSound('electron.mp3'); if (core.status.hero.hp < 0) { core.status.hero.hp = 0; core.updateStatusBar(); core.events.lose(); return; } return; } } } }; }, popupDamage: function () { // 伤害弹出 // 复写阻激夹域检测 control.prototype.checkBlock = function (forceMockery) { var x = core.getHeroLoc('x'), y = core.getHeroLoc('y'), loc = x + ',' + y; var damage = core.status.checkBlock.damage[loc]; if (damage) { if (!main.replayChecking) core.addPop( (x - core.bigmap.offsetX / 32) * 32 + 12, (y - core.bigmap.offsetY / 32) * 32 + 20, -damage.toString() ); core.status.hero.hp -= damage; var text = Object.keys(core.status.checkBlock.type[loc] || {}).join( ',' ) || '伤害'; core.drawTip('受到' + text + damage + '点'); core.drawHeroAnimate('zone'); this._checkBlock_disableQuickShop(); core.status.hero.statistics.extraDamage += damage; if (core.status.hero.hp <= 0) { core.status.hero.hp = 0; core.updateStatusBar(); core.events.lose(); return; } else { core.updateStatusBar(); } } this._checkBlock_repulse(core.status.checkBlock.repulse[loc]); checkMockery(loc, forceMockery); }; control.prototype.moveHero = function (direction, callback) { // 如果正在移动,直接return if (core.status.heroMoving != 0) return; if (core.isset(direction)) core.setHeroLoc('direction', direction); const nx = core.nextX(); const ny = core.nextY(); if (core.status.checkBlock.mockery[`${nx},${ny}`]) { core.autosave(); } if (callback) return this.moveAction(callback); this._moveHero_moving(); }; /** * 电摇嘲讽 * @param {LocString} loc * @param {boolean} force */ function checkMockery(loc, force) { if (core.status.lockControl && !force) return; const mockery = core.status.checkBlock.mockery[loc]; if (mockery) { mockery.sort((a, b) => a[0] === b[0] ? a[1] - b[1] : a[0] - b[0] ); const action = []; const [tx, ty] = mockery[0]; let { x, y } = core.status.hero.loc; const dir = x > tx ? 'left' : x < tx ? 'right' : y > ty ? 'up' : 'down'; const { x: dx, y: dy } = core.utils.scan[dir]; action.push({ type: 'changePos', direction: dir }); const blocks = core.getMapBlocksObj(); while (1) { x += dx; y += dy; const block = blocks[`${x},${y}`]; if (block) { block.event.cls === ''; if ( [ 'animates', 'autotile', 'tileset', 'npcs', 'npc48' ].includes(block.event.cls) ) { action.push( { type: 'hide', loc: [[x, y]], remove: true, time: 0 }, { type: 'function', function: `function() { core.removeGlobalAnimate(${x}, ${y}) }` }, { type: 'animate', name: 'hand', loc: [x, y], async: true } ); } if (block.event.cls.startsWith('enemy')) { action.push({ type: 'moveAction' }); } } action.push({ type: 'moveAction' }); if (x === tx && y === ty) break; } action.push({ type: 'function', function: `function() { core.checkBlock(true); }` }); action.push({ type: 'stopAsync' }); core.insertAction(action); } } }, hotReload: function () { if (main.mode !== 'play' || main.replayChecking) return; /** * 发送请求 * @param {string} url * @param {string} type * @param {string} data * @returns {Promise<string>} */ async function post(url, type, data) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open(type, url); xhr.send(data); const res = await new Promise(res => { xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status !== 200) { console.error(`hot reload: http ${xhr.status}`); res('@error'); } else res('success'); }; xhr.onerror = () => { res('@error'); console.error(`hot reload: error on connection`); }; }); if (res === 'success') return xhr.response; else return '@error'; } /** * 热重载css * @param {string} data */ function reloadCss(data) { const css = document.getElementById('mota-css'); css.remove(); const link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.href = data; link.id = 'mota-css'; document.head.appendChild(link); console.log(`css hot reload: ${data}`); } /** * 热重载楼层 * @param {string} data */ async function reloadFloor(data) { // 如果被砍层了直接忽略 if ( core.status.maps[data].deleted || core.status.maps[data].forceDelete ) return; // 首先重新加载main.floors对应的楼层 await import(`/project/floors/${data}.js?v=${Date.now()}`); // 然后写入core.floors并解析 core.floors[data] = main.floors[data]; const floor = core.loadFloor(data); if (core.isPlaying()) { core.status.maps[data] = floor; delete core.status.mapBlockObjs[data]; core.extractBlocks(data); if (data === core.status.floorId) { core.drawMap(data); let weather = core.getFlag('__weather__', null); if (!weather && core.status.thisMap.weather) weather = core.status.thisMap.weather; if (weather) core.setWeather(weather[0], weather[1]); else core.setWeather(); } core.updateStatusBar(true, true); } console.log(`floor hot reload: ${data}`); } /** * 热重载脚本编辑及插件编写 * @param {string} data */ async function reloadScript(data) { if (data === 'plugins') { // 插件编写比较好办 const before = plugins_bb40132b_638b_4a9f_b028_d3fe47acc8d1; // 这里不能用动态导入,因为动态导入会变成模块,变量就不是全局的了 const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = `/project/plugins.js?v=${Date.now()}`; document.body.appendChild(script); await new Promise(res => { script.onload = () => res('success'); }); const after = plugins_bb40132b_638b_4a9f_b028_d3fe47acc8d1; // 找到差异的函数 for (const id in before) { const fn = before[id]; if (typeof fn !== 'function') continue; if (fn.toString() !== after[id]?.toString()) { try { core.plugin[id] = after[id]; core.plugin[id].call(core.plugin); core.updateStatusBar(true, true); console.log(`plugin hot reload: ${id}`); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } } } else if (data === 'functions') { // 脚本编辑略微麻烦点 const before = functions_d6ad677b_427a_4623_b50f_a445a3b0ef8a; // 这里不能用动态导入,因为动态导入会变成模块,变量就不是全局的了 const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = `/project/functions.js?v=${Date.now()}`; document.body.appendChild(script); await new Promise(res => { script.onload = () => res('success'); }); const after = functions_d6ad677b_427a_4623_b50f_a445a3b0ef8a; // 找到差异的函数 for (const mod in before) { const fns = before[mod]; for (const id in fns) { const fn = fns[id]; if (typeof fn !== 'function' || id === 'hasSpecial') continue; const now = after[mod][id]; if (fn.toString() !== now.toString()) { try { if (mod === 'events') { core.events.eventdata[id] = now; } else if (mod === 'enemys') { core.enemys.enemydata[id] = now; } else if (mod === 'actions') { core.actions.actionsdata[id] = now; } else if (mod === 'control') { core.control.controldata[id] = now; } else if (mod === 'ui') { core.ui.uidata[id] = now; } core.updateStatusBar(true, true); console.log( `function hot reload: ${mod}.${id}` ); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } } } } } /** * 属性热重载,包括全塔属性等 * @param {string} data */ async function reloadData(data) { const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = `/project/${data}.js?v=${Date.now()}`; document.body.appendChild(script); await new Promise(res => { script.onload = () => res('success'); }); let after; if (data === 'data') after = data_a1e2fb4a_e986_4524_b0da_9b7ba7c0874d; if (data === 'enemys') after = enemys_fcae963b_31c9_42b4_b48c_bb48d09f3f80; if (data === 'icons') after = icons_4665ee12_3a1f_44a4_bea3_0fccba634dc1; if (data === 'items') after = items_296f5d02_12fd_4166_a7c1_b5e830c9ee3a; if (data === 'maps') after = maps_90f36752_8815_4be8_b32b_d7fad1d0542e; if (data === 'events') after = events_c12a15a8_c380_4b28_8144_256cba95f760; if (data === 'enemys') { core.enemys.enemys = after; for (var enemyId in after) { core.enemys.enemys[enemyId].id = enemyId; } core.material.enemys = core.getEnemys(); } else if (data === 'icons') { core.icons.icons = after; core.material.icons = core.getIcons(); } else if (data === 'items') { core.items.items = after; for (var itemId in after) { core.items.items[itemId].id = itemId; } core.material.items = core.getItems(); } else if (data === 'maps') { core.maps.blocksInfo = after; core.status.mapBlockObjs = {}; core.status.number2block = {}; Object.values(core.status.maps).forEach(v => delete v.blocks); core.extractBlocks(); core.setWeather( core.animateFrame.weather.type, core.animateFrame.weather.level ); core.drawMap(); } else if (data === 'events') { core.events.commonEvent = after.commonEvent; } else if (data === 'data') { location.reload(); } core.updateStatusBar(true, true); console.log(`data hot reload: ${data}`); } // 初始化 (async function () { const data = await post('/reload', 'POST', 'test'); if (data === '@error') { console.log(`未检测到node服务,热重载插件将无法使用`); } else { console.log(`热重载插件加载成功`); // reload setInterval(async () => { const res = await post('/reload', 'POST'); if (res === '@error') return; if (res === 'true') location.reload(); else return; }, 1000); // hot reload setInterval(async () => { const res = await post('/hotReload', 'POST'); const data = res.split('@@'); data.forEach(v => { if (v === '') return; const [type, file] = v.split(':'); if (type === 'css') reloadCss(file); if (type === 'data') reloadData(file); if (type === 'floor') reloadFloor(file); if (type === 'script') reloadScript(file); }); }, 1000); } })(); }, uiChange: function () { if (main.replayChecking) return; function updateVueStatusBar() { if (main.replayChecking) return; core.plugin.statusBarStatus.value = !core.plugin.statusBarStatus.value; core.checkMarkedEnemy(); } ui.prototype.drawBook = function () { if (!core.isReplaying()) return (core.plugin.bookOpened.value = true); }; ui.prototype._drawToolbox = function () { if (!core.isReplaying()) return (core.plugin.toolOpened.value = true); }; ui.prototype._drawEquipbox = function () { if (!core.isReplaying()) return (core.plugin.equipOpened.value = true); }; ui.prototype.drawFly = function () { if (!core.isReplaying()) return (core.plugin.flyOpened.value = true); }; control.prototype.updateStatusBar_update = function () { core.control.updateNextFrame = false; if (!core.isPlaying() || core.hasFlag('__statistics__')) return; core.control.controldata.updateStatusBar(); if (!core.control.noAutoEvents) core.checkAutoEvents(); core.control._updateStatusBar_setToolboxIcon(); core.clearRouteFolding(); core.control.noAutoEvents = true; // 更新vue状态栏 updateVueStatusBar(); }; control.prototype.showStatusBar = function () { if (main.mode == 'editor') return; core.removeFlag('hideStatusBar'); core.plugin.showStatusBar.value = true; core.dom.tools.hard.style.display = 'block'; core.dom.toolBar.style.display = 'block'; }; control.prototype.hideStatusBar = function (showToolbox) { if (main.mode == 'editor') return; // 如果原本就是隐藏的,则先显示 if (!core.domStyle.showStatusBar) this.showStatusBar(); if (core.isReplaying()) showToolbox = true; core.plugin.showStatusBar.value = false; var toolItems = core.dom.tools; core.setFlag('hideStatusBar', true); core.setFlag('showToolbox', showToolbox || null); if ( (!core.domStyle.isVertical && !core.flags.extendToolbar) || !showToolbox ) { for (var i = 0; i < toolItems.length; ++i) toolItems[i].style.display = 'none'; } if (!core.domStyle.isVertical && !core.flags.extendToolbar) { core.dom.toolBar.style.display = 'none'; } }; this.showChapter = function (chapter) { if (core.isReplaying()) return; core.plugin.chapterContent.value = chapter; core.plugin.chapterShowed.value = true; }; this.openSkill = function () { if (core.isReplaying()) return; core.plugin.skillOpened.value = true; }; }, remainEnemy: function () { /** * 检查漏怪 * @param {FloorIds[]} floorIds */ this.checkRemainEnemy = function (floorIds) { /** * @type {Record<FloorIds, {loc: LocArr, id: EnemyIds}[]>} */ const enemy = {}; floorIds.forEach(v => { core.extractBlocks(v); const blocks = core.status.maps[v].blocks; blocks.forEach(block => { if (!block.event.cls.startsWith('enemy') || block.disable) return; /** * @type {EnemyIds} */ const id = block.event.id; enemy[v] ??= []; const info = enemy[v]; info.push({ loc: [block.x, block.y], id }); }); }); return enemy; }; /** * 获取剩余怪物字符串 * @param {FloorIds[]} floorIds */ this.getRemainEnemyString = function (floorIds) { const enemy = this.checkRemainEnemy(floorIds); const str = []; let now = []; for (const floor in enemy) { /** * @type {{loc: LocArr, id: EnemyIds}[]} */ const all = enemy[floor]; /** * @type {Record<EnemyIds, number>} */ const remain = {}; all.forEach(v => { const id = v.id; remain[id] ??= 0; remain[id]++; }); const title = core.status.maps[floor].title; for (const id in remain) { const name = core.material.enemys[id].name; now.push(`${title}(${floor}): ${name} * ${remain[id]}`); if (now.length === 10) { str.push(now.join('\n')); now = []; } } } if (now.length > 0) { str.push(now.join('\n')); str[0] = `当前剩余怪物:\n${str[0]}`; } return str; }; }, replay: function () { const replayableSettings = ['autoSkill']; // 注册修改设置的录像操作 core.registerReplayAction('settings', name => { if (!name.startsWith('set:')) return false; const [, setting, value] = name.split(':'); const v = eval(value); if (typeof v !== 'boolean') return false; if (!replayableSettings.includes(setting)) return false; flags[setting] = v; core.replay(); return true; }); core.registerReplayAction('upgradeSkill', name => { if (!name.startsWith('skill:')) return false; const skill = parseInt(name.slice(6)); core.upgradeSkill(skill); core.replay(); return true; }); core.registerReplayAction('study', name => { if (!name.startsWith('study:')) return false; const [num, x, y] = name .slice(6) .split(',') .map(v => parseInt(v)); if (!core.canStudySkill(num)) return false; const id = core.getBlockId(x, y); const enemy = core.getEnemyInfo(id, void 0, x, y); if (!enemy.special.includes(num)) return false; core.studySkill(enemy, num); core.replay(); return true; }); // 商店 let shopOpened = false; let openedShopId = ''; core.registerReplayAction('openShop', name => { if (!name.startsWith('openShop:')) return false; openedShopId = name.slice(9); shopOpened = true; core.replay(); return true; }); core.registerReplayAction('buy', name => { if (!name.startsWith('buy:') && !name.startsWith('sell:')) return false; if (!shopOpened) return false; if (!openedShopId) return false; const [type, id, num] = name .split(':') .map(v => (/^\d+$/.test(v) ? parseInt(v) : v)); const shop = core.status.shops[id]; const item = shop.choices.find(v => v.id === id); if (!item) return false; flags.itemShop ??= {}; flags.itemShop[openedShopId] ??= {}; flags.itemShop[openedShopId][id] ??= 0; if (num > item.number - flags.itemShop[openedShopId][id]) { return false; } let cost = 0; if (type === 'buy') { cost = item.money * num; } else { cost = -item.sell * num; } if (cost > core.status.hero.money) return false; core.status.hero.money -= cost; flags.itemShop[openedShopId][id] += type === 'buy' ? num : -num; core.replay(); return true; }); core.registerReplayAction('closeShop', name => { if (name !== 'closeShop') return false; if (!shopOpened) return false; shopOpened = false; openedShopId = ''; core.replay(); return true; }); }, skillTree: function () { /** * @type {number[]} */ let levels = []; /** * @type {Record<Chapter, Skill[]>} */ const skills = { chapter1: [ { index: 0, title: '力量', desc: [ '力量就是根本!可以通过智慧增加力量,每级增加2点攻击。' ], consume: '10 * level + 10', front: [], loc: [1, 2], max: 10, effect: ['攻击 + ${level * 2}'] }, { index: 1, title: '致命一击', desc: ['爆发出全部力量攻击敌人,每级增加5点额外攻击。'], consume: '30 * level + 30', front: [[0, 5]], loc: [2, 1], max: 10, effect: ['额外攻击 + ${level * 5}'] }, { index: 2, title: '断灭之刃', desc: [ '<span style="color: gold">主动技能,快捷键1</span>,', '开启后会在战斗时会额外增加一定量的攻击,但同时减少一定量的防御。' ], consume: '200 * level + 400', front: [[1, 5]], loc: [4, 1], max: 5, effect: ['增加${level * 10}%攻击,减少${level * 10}%防御'] }, { index: 3, title: '坚韧', desc: ['由智慧转化出坚韧!每级增加2点防御'], consume: '10 * level + 10', front: [], loc: [1, 4], max: 10, effect: ['防御 + ${level * 2}'] }, { index: 4, title: '回春', desc: ['让智慧化为治愈之泉水!每级增加1点生命回复'], consume: '20 * level + 20', front: [[3, 5]], loc: [2, 5], max: 25, effect: ['生命回复 + ${level}'] }, { index: 5, title: '治愈之泉', desc: [ '让生命变得更多一些吧!每吃50瓶血瓶就增加当前生命回复10%的生命回复' ], consume: '1500', front: [[4, 25]], loc: [4, 5], max: 1, effect: ['50瓶血10%生命回复'] }, { index: 6, title: '坚固之盾', desc: ['让护甲更加坚硬一些吧!每级增加10点防御'], consume: '50 + level * 50', front: [[3, 5]], loc: [2, 3], max: 10, effect: ['防御 + ${level * 10}'] }, { index: 7, title: '无上之盾', desc: [ '<span style="color: #dd4">第一章终极技能</span>,战斗时智慧会充当等量护盾' ], consume: '2500', front: [ [6, 10], [5, 1], [2, 2] ], loc: [5, 3], max: 1, effect: ['战斗时智慧会充当护盾'] } ], chapter2: [ { index: 8, title: '锋利', desc: ['让剑变得更加锋利!每级使攻击增加1%(buff式增加)'], consume: 'level > 5 ? 50 * level ** 2 : 250 * level + 250', front: [], loc: [1, 2], max: 15, effect: ['攻击增加${level}%'] }, { index: 9, title: '坚硬', desc: [ '让盾牌变得更加坚固!每级使防御增加1%(buff式增加)' ], consume: 'level > 5 ? 50 * level ** 2 : 250 * level + 250', front: [], loc: [1, 4], max: 15, effect: ['防御增加${level}%'] }, { index: 10, title: '铸剑为盾', desc: [ '<span style="color: gold">主动技能,快捷键3</span>,', '减少一定的攻击,增加一定的防御' ], consume: '500 * level + 1000', front: [[9, 5]], loc: [2, 5], max: 5, effect: [ '增加${level * 10}%的防御,减少${level * 10}%的攻击' ] }, { index: 11, title: '学习', desc: [ '<span style="color: gold">主动技能</span>,可以消耗500智慧学习一个怪物的技能,', '持续5场战斗,每学习一次消耗的智慧点增加250,每次升级使持续的战斗次数增加3次。更多信息可在学习后在百科全书查看。' ], consume: '2500 * level ** 2 + 2500', front: [ [8, 10], [12, 5] ], loc: [4, 1], max: 6, effect: ['学习怪物技能,持续${level * 3 + 2}场战斗'] }, { index: 12, title: '聪慧', desc: [ '使主角变得更加聪明,每级使绿宝石增加的智慧点上升5%' ], consume: 'level > 5 ? 100 * level ** 2 : 250 * level + 1250', front: [ [8, 10], [9, 10] ], loc: [3, 3], max: 20, effect: ['增加${level * 5}%绿宝石效果'] }, { index: 13, title: '治愈', desc: [ '使主角能够更好地回复生命,每级使血瓶的加血量增加2%' ], consume: 'level > 5 ? 100 * level ** 2 : 250 * level + 1250', front: [[10, 3]], loc: [4, 5], max: 20, effect: ['增加${level * 2}%的血瓶回血量'] }, { index: 14, title: '胜利之号', desc: [ '<span style="color: #dd4">第二章终极技能</span>,', '每打一个怪物,勇士在本楼层对怪物造成的伤害便增加1%' ], consume: '15000', front: [ [13, 10], [12, 10], [11, 3] ], loc: [5, 3], max: 1, effect: ['每打一个怪,勇士造成的伤害增加1%'] } ] }; core.plugin.skills = skills; this.getSkillFromIndex = function (index) { for (const [, skill] of Object.entries(skills)) { const s = skill.find(v => v.index === index); if (s) return s; } }; /** * 获取技能等级 * @param {number} skill */ this.getSkillLevel = function (skill) { return (levels[skill] ??= 0); }; this.getSkillConsume = function (skill) { return eval( this.getSkillFromIndex(skill).consume.replace( /level(:\d+)?/g, (str, $1) => { if ($1) return `core.getSkillLevel(${$1})`; else return `core.getSkillLevel(${skill})`; } ) ); }; this.openTree = function () { if (main.replayChecking) return; core.plugin.skillTreeOpened.value = true; }; /** * 能否升级某个技能 * @param {number} skill */ function canUpgrade(skill) { const consume = core.getSkillConsume(skill); if (consume > core.status.hero.mdef) return false; const level = core.getSkillLevel(skill); const s = core.getSkillFromIndex(skill); if (level === s.max) return false; const front = s.front; for (const [skill, level] of front) { if (core.getSkillLevel(skill) < level) return false; } return true; } /** * 实际升级效果 * @param {number} skill */ this.upgradeSkill = function (skill) { if (!canUpgrade(skill)) return false; switch (skill) { case 0: // 力量 +2攻击 core.status.hero.atk += 2; break; case 1: // 致命一击 +5额外攻击 core.status.hero.mana += 5; break; case 2: // 断灭之刃 core.setFlag('bladeOn', true); break; case 3: // 坚韧 +2防御 core.status.hero.def += 2; break; case 4: // 回春 +1回复 core.status.hero.hpmax += 1; break; case 5: // 治愈之泉 core.setFlag('spring', true); break; case 6: // 坚固之盾 +10防御 core.status.hero.def += 10; break; case 7: // 无上之盾 core.setFlag('superSheild', true); break; case 8: // 锋利 +1%攻击 core.addBuff('atk', 0.01); break; case 9: // 锋利 +1%防御 core.addBuff('def', 0.01); break; case 10: // 铸剑为盾 core.setFlag('shieldOn', true); break; case 11: // 学习 core.setItem('I565', 1); break; } const consume = core.getSkillConsume(skill); core.status.hero.mdef -= consume; levels[skill]++; core.updateStatusBar(); return true; }; this.saveSkillTree = function () { return levels.slice(); }; this.loadSkillTree = function (data) { levels = data ?? []; }; }, loopMap: function () { const list = (this.loopMapList = ['tower6']); /** * 设置循环地图的偏移量 * @param {number} offset 横向偏移量 * @param {FloorIds} floorId */ this.setLoopMap = function (offset, floorId) { const floor = core.status.maps[floorId]; if (offset < 9) { moveMap(floor.width - 17, floorId); } if (offset > floor.width - 9) { moveMap(17 - floor.width, floorId); } }; /** * 当勇士移动时自动设置循环地图 * @param {FloorIds} floorId */ this.autoSetLoopMap = function (floorId) { this.setLoopMap(core.status.hero.loc.x, floorId); }; this.checkLoopMap = function () { if (isLoopMap(core.status.floorId)) { this.autoSetLoopMap(core.status.floorId); } }; /** * 移动地图 * @param {number} delta * @param {FloorIds} floorId */ function moveMap(delta, floorId) { core.extractBlocks(floorId); const floor = core.status.maps[floorId]; core.setHeroLoc('x', core.status.hero.loc.x + delta); flags[`loop_${floorId}`] += delta; flags[`loop_${floorId}`] %= floor.width; const origin = floor.blocks.slice(); for (let i = 0; i < origin.length; i++) { core.removeBlockByIndex(0, floorId); core.removeGlobalAnimate(origin[i].x, origin[i].y); } origin.forEach(v => { let to = v.x + delta; if (to >= floor.width) to -= floor.width; if (to < 0) to += floor.width; core.setBlock(v.id, to, v.y, floorId, true); core.setMapBlockDisabled(floorId, to, v.y, false); }); core.drawMap(); core.drawHero(); } function isLoopMap(floorId) { return list.includes(floorId); } events.prototype._sys_changeFloor = function (data, callback) { data = data.event.data; let heroLoc = {}; if (isLoopMap(data.floorId)) { const floor = core.status.maps[data.floorId]; flags[`loop_${data.floorId}`] ??= 0; let tx = data.loc[0] + flags[`loop_${data.floorId}`]; tx %= floor.width; if (tx < 0) tx += floor.width; heroLoc = { x: tx, y: data.loc[1] }; } else if (data.loc) heroLoc = { x: data.loc[0], y: data.loc[1] }; if (data.direction) heroLoc.direction = data.direction; if (core.status.event.id != 'action') core.status.event.id = null; core.changeFloor( data.floorId, data.stair, heroLoc, data.time, function () { core.replay(); if (callback) callback(); } ); }; events.prototype.trigger = function (x, y, callback) { var _executeCallback = function () { // 因为trigger之后还有可能触发其他同步脚本(比如阻激夹域检测) // 所以这里强制callback被异步触发 if (callback) { setTimeout(callback, 1); // +1是为了录像检测系统 } return; }; if (core.status.gameOver) return _executeCallback(); if (core.status.event.id == 'action') { core.insertAction( { type: 'function', function: 'function () { core.events._trigger_inAction(' + x + ',' + y + '); }', async: true }, null, null, null, true ); return _executeCallback(); } if (core.status.event.id) return _executeCallback(); let block = core.getBlock(x, y); const id = core.status.floorId; const loop = isLoopMap(id); if (loop && flags[`loop_${id}`] !== 0) { if (block && block.event.trigger === 'changeFloor') { delete block.event.trigger; core.maps._addInfo(block); } else { const floor = core.status.maps[id]; let tx = x - flags[`loop_${id}`]; tx %= floor.width; if (tx < 0) tx += floor.width; const c = core.floors[id].changeFloor[`${tx},${y}`]; if (c) { const b = { event: {}, x: tx, y }; b.event.data = c; b.event.trigger = 'changeFloor'; block = b; } } } if (block == null) return _executeCallback(); // 执行该点的脚本 if (block.event.script) { core.clearRouteFolding(); try { eval(block.event.script); } catch (ee) { console.error(ee); } } // 碰触事件 if (block.event.event) { core.clearRouteFolding(); core.insertAction(block.event.event, block.x, block.y); // 不再执行该点的系统事件 return _executeCallback(); } if (block.event.trigger && block.event.trigger != 'null') { var noPass = block.event.noPass, trigger = block.event.trigger; if (noPass) core.clearAutomaticRouteNode(x, y); // 转换楼层能否穿透 if ( trigger == 'changeFloor' && !noPass && this._trigger_ignoreChangeFloor(block) && !loop ) return _executeCallback(); core.status.automaticRoute.moveDirectly = false; this.doSystemEvent(trigger, block); } return _executeCallback(); }; maps.prototype._getBgFgMapArray = function (name, floorId, noCache) { floorId = floorId || core.status.floorId; if (!floorId) return []; var width = core.floors[floorId].width; var height = core.floors[floorId].height; if (!noCache && core.status[name + 'maps'][floorId]) return core.status[name + 'maps'][floorId]; var arr = main.mode == 'editor' && !(window.editor && editor.uievent && editor.uievent.isOpen) ? core.cloneArray(editor[name + 'map']) : null; if (arr == null) arr = core.cloneArray(core.floors[floorId][name + 'map'] || []); if (isLoopMap(floorId) && window.flags) { flags[`loop_${floorId}`] ??= 0; arr.forEach(v => { core.slide(v, flags[`loop_${floorId}`] % width); }); } for (var y = 0; y < height; ++y) { if (arr[y] == null) arr[y] = Array(width).fill(0); } (core.getFlag('__' + name + 'v__', {})[floorId] || []).forEach( function (one) { arr[one[1]][one[0]] = one[2] || 0; } ); (core.getFlag('__' + name + 'd__', {})[floorId] || []).forEach( function (one) { arr[one[1]][one[0]] = 0; } ); if (main.mode == 'editor') { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { arr[y][x] = arr[y][x].idnum || arr[y][x] || 0; } } } if (core.status[name + 'maps']) core.status[name + 'maps'][floorId] = arr; return arr; }; }, study: function () { // 负责勇士技能:学习 const values = { 1: ['crit'], 6: ['n'], 7: ['hungry'], 8: ['together'], 10: ['courage'], 11: ['charge'] }; const cannotStudy = [9, 12, 14, 15, 24]; this.canStudySkill = function (number) { const s = (core.status.hero.special ??= { num: [], last: [] }); if (core.getSkillLevel(11) === 0) return false; if (s.num.length >= 1) return false; if (s.num.includes(number)) return false; if (cannotStudy.includes(number)) return false; return true; }; this.studySkill = function (enemy, number) { core.status.hero.special ??= { num: [], last: [] }; const s = core.status.hero.special; const specials = core.getSpecials(); let special = specials[number - 1][1]; if (special instanceof Function) special = special(enemy); if (!this.canStudySkill(number)) { if (!main.replayChecking) { core.tip('error', `无法学习${special}`); } return; } s.num.push(number); s.last.push(core.getSkillLevel(11) * 3 + 2); const value = values[number] ?? []; for (const key of value) { s[key] = enemy[key]; } }; this.forgetStudiedSkill = function (num, i) { const s = core.status.hero.special; const index = i !== void 0 && i !== null ? i : s.num.indexOf(num); if (index === -1) return; s.num.splice(index, 1); s.last.splice(index, 1); const value = values[number] ?? []; for (const key of value) { delete s[key]; } }; this.declineStudiedSkill = function () { const s = (core.status.hero.special ??= { num: [], last: [] }); s.last = s.last.map(v => v - 1); }; this.checkStudiedSkill = function () { const s = core.status.hero.special; for (let i = 0; i < s.last.length; i++) { if (s.last[i] <= 0) { this.forgetStudiedSkill(void 0, i); i--; } } }; }, haloRange: function () { /** * 绘制光环范围 * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx * @param {boolean} onMap */ this.drawHalo = function (ctx, onMap) { if (main.replayChecking) return; if (!core.getLocalStorage('showHalo', true)) return; const halo = core.status.checkBlock.halo; ctx.save(); for (const [loc, range] of Object.entries(halo)) { const [x, y] = loc.split(',').map(v => parseInt(v)); for (const r of range) { const [type, value, color, border] = r.split(':'); if (type === 'square') { // 正方形光环 const n = parseInt(value); const r = Math.floor(n / 2); let left = x - r, right = x + r, top = y - r, bottom = y + r; if (onMap && core.bigmap.v2) { left -= core.bigmap.posX; top -= core.bigmap.posY; right -= core.bigmap.posX; bottom -= core.bigmap.posY; if ( right < -1 || left > core._PX_ / 32 + 1 || top < -1 || bottom > core._PY_ / 32 + 1 ) { continue; } } ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.strokeStyle = border ?? color; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.globalAlpha = 0.1; ctx.fillRect(left * 32, top * 32, n * 32, n * 32); ctx.globalAlpha = 0.6; ctx.strokeRect(left * 32, top * 32, n * 32, n * 32); } } } ctx.restore(); }; }, hero: function () { /** * 获取勇士在某一点的属性 * @param {keyof HeroStatus | 'all'} name * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {FloorIds} floorId */ this.getHeroStatusOn = function (name, x, y, floorId) { return this.getRealStatusOf(core.status.hero, name, x, y, floorId); }; this.getHeroStatusOf = function (status, name, x, y, floorId) { return getRealStatus(status, name, x, y, floorId); }; function getRealStatus(status, name, x, y, floorId) { if (name instanceof Array) { return Object.fromEntries( name.map(v => [ v, v !== 'all' && getRealStatus(status, v, x, y, floorId) ]) ); } if (name === 'all') { return Object.fromEntries( Object.keys(core.status.hero).map(v => [ v, v !== 'all' && getRealStatus(status, v, x, y, floorId) ]) ); } let s = status?.[name] ?? core.status.hero[name]; if (s === null || s === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError( `Wrong hero status property name is delivered: ${name}` ); } x ??= core.status.hero.loc.x; y ??= core.status.hero.loc.y; floorId ??= core.status.floorId; // 永夜、极昼 if (name === 'atk' || name === 'def') { s += window.flags?.[`night_${floorId}`] ?? 0; } // 技能 if (flags.bladeOn && flags.blade) { const level = core.getSkillLevel(2); if (name === 'atk') { s *= 1 + 0.1 * level; } if (name === 'def') { s *= 1 - 0.1 * level; } } if (flags.shield && flags.shieldOn) { const level = core.getSkillLevel(10); if (name === 'atk') { s *= 1 - 0.1 * level; } if (name === 'def') { s *= 1 + 0.1 * level; } } // buff if (typeof s === 'number') s *= core.getBuff(name); // 取整 if (typeof s === 'number') s = Math.floor(s); return s; } }, pluginUtils: function () { /** * 滑动数组 * @param {any[]} arr * @param {number} delta */ this.slide = function (arr, delta) { if (delta === 0) return arr; delta %= arr.length; if (delta > 0) { arr.unshift(...arr.splice(arr.length - delta, delta)); return arr; } if (delta < 0) { arr.push(...arr.splice(0, -delta)); return arr; } }; this.backDir = function (dir) { return { up: 'down', down: 'up', left: 'right', right: 'left' }[dir]; }; this.has = function (v) { return v !== null && v !== void 0; }; } };