/// /** * 初始化 start */ 'use strict'; function core() { this._WIDTH_ = 15; this._HEIGHT_ = 15; this._PX_ = this._WIDTH_ * 32; this._PY_ = this._HEIGHT_ * 32; this._HALF_WIDTH_ = Math.floor(this._WIDTH_ / 2); this._HALF_HEIGHT_ = Math.floor(this._HEIGHT_ / 2); this.__SIZE__ = main.mode == 'editor' ? 15 : this._HEIGHT_; this.__PIXELS__ = this.__SIZE__ * 32; this.__HALF_SIZE__ = Math.floor(this.__SIZE__ / 2); this.material = { animates: {}, images: { images: {}, autotile: {}, tilesets: {} }, bgms: {}, sounds: {}, items: {}, enemys: {}, icons: {}, ground: null, grundCanvas: null, groundPattern: null, autotileEdges: {} }; this.timeout = { turnHeroTimeout: null, onDownTimeout: null, sleepTimeout: null }; this.interval = { heroMoveInterval: null, onDownInterval: null }; this.animateFrame = { totalTime: 0, totalTimeStart: 0, globalAnimate: false, globalTime: 0, selectorTime: 0, selectorUp: true, animateTime: 0, moveTime: 0, lastLegTime: 0, leftLeg: true, weather: { time: 0, type: null, level: 1, nodes: [], data: null, fog: null, cloud: null, sun: null }, tip: null, asyncId: {}, lastAsyncId: null }; this.musicStatus = { audioContext: null, // WebAudioContext bgmStatus: false, // 是否播放BGM soundStatus: true, // 是否播放SE playingBgm: null, // 正在播放的BGM pauseTime: 0, // 上次暂停的时间 lastBgm: null, // 上次播放的bgm gainNode: null, playingSounds: {}, // 正在播放的SE userVolume: 1.0, // 用户音量 designVolume: 1.0, //设计音量 bgmSpeed: 100, // 背景音乐速度 bgmUsePitch: null, // 是否同时修改音调 cachedBgms: [], // 缓存BGM内容 cachedBgmCount: 8 // 缓存的bgm数量 }; this.platform = { isOnline: true, // 是否http isPC: true, // 是否是PC isAndroid: false, // 是否是Android isIOS: false, // 是否是iOS string: 'PC', isWeChat: false, // 是否是微信 isQQ: false, // 是否是QQ isChrome: false, // 是否是Chrome supportCopy: false, // 是否支持复制到剪切板 fileInput: null, // FileInput fileReader: null, // 是否支持FileReader successCallback: null, // 读取成功 errorCallback: null // 读取失败 }; // 样式 this.domStyle = { scale: 1.0, ratio: 1.0, availableScale: [], isVertical: false, showStatusBar: true, toolbarBtn: false, hdCanvas: ['damage', 'ui', 'data'] }; this.bigmap = { canvas: ['bg', 'event', 'event2', 'fg', 'damage'], offsetX: 0, // in pixel offsetY: 0, posX: 0, // posY: 0, width: main.mode == 'editor' ? this.__SIZE__ : this._WIDTH_, // map width and height height: main.mode == 'editor' ? this.__SIZE__ : this._HEIGHT_, v2: false, threshold: 512, extend: 10, scale: 1.0, tempCanvas: null, // A temp canvas for drawing cacheCanvas: null // A cache canvas }; this.saves = { saveIndex: null, ids: {}, autosave: { data: null, time: 0, updated: false, storage: true, // 是否把自动存档写入文件a max: 20, // 自动存档最大回退数 now: 0 }, favorite: [], favoriteName: {}, cache: {} }; this.initStatus = { played: false, gameOver: false, // 勇士属性 hero: {}, heroCenter: { px: null, py: null }, // 当前地图 floorId: null, thisMap: null, maps: null, bgmaps: {}, fgmaps: {}, mapBlockObjs: {}, checkBlock: {}, // 每个点的阻激夹域信息 damage: { // 每个点的显伤绘制 posX: 0, posY: 0, data: [], extraData: [] }, lockControl: false, // 勇士移动状态 heroMoving: 0, heroStop: true, // 自动寻路相关 automaticRoute: { autoHeroMove: false, autoStep: 0, movedStep: 0, destStep: 0, destX: null, destY: null, offsetX: null, offsetY: null, autoStepRoutes: [], moveStepBeforeStop: [], lastDirection: null, cursorX: 0, cursorY: 0, moveDirectly: false }, // 按下键的时间:为了判定双击 downTime: null, ctrlDown: false, preview: { enabled: false, prepareDragging: false, dragging: false, px: 0, py: 0 }, // 路线&回放 route: [], replay: { replaying: false, pausing: false, animate: false, // 正在某段动画中 failed: false, toReplay: [], totalList: [], speed: 1.0, steps: 0, save: [] }, // 录像折叠 routeFolding: {}, // event事件 shops: {}, event: { id: null, data: null, selection: null, ui: null, interval: null }, autoEvents: [], textAttribute: { position: 'center', offset: 0, title: [255, 215, 0, 1], background: [0, 0, 0, 0.85], text: [255, 255, 255, 1], titlefont: 22, textfont: 16, bold: false, time: 0, letterSpacing: 0, animateTime: 0 }, globalAttribute: { equipName: main.equipName, borderColor: main.styles.borderColor, statusBarColor: main.styles.statusBarColor, floorChangingStyle: main.styles.floorChangingStyle, selectColor: main.styles.selectColor, font: main.styles.font }, curtainColor: null, // 动画 globalAnimateObjs: [], floorAnimateObjs: [], boxAnimateObjs: [], autotileAnimateObjs: [], globalAnimateStatus: 0, animateObjs: [] }; // 标记的楼层列表,用于数据统计 this.markedFloorIds = {}; this.status = {}; this.dymCanvas = {}; if (main.mode == 'editor') { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--size', this.__SIZE__); document.documentElement.style.setProperty( '--pixel', this.__PIXELS__ + 'px' ); } } /////////// 系统事件相关 /////////// ////// 初始化 ////// core.prototype.init = async function (coreData, callback) { this._forwardFuncs(); for (var key in coreData) core[key] = coreData[key]; this._init_flags(); this._init_platform(); this._init_others(); await this._loadGameProcess(); var b = main.mode == 'editor'; // 初始化画布 for (var name in core.canvas) { if (core.domStyle.hdCanvas.includes(name)) core.maps._setHDCanvasSize( core.canvas[name], b ? core.__PIXELS__ : core._PX_, b ? core.__PIXELS__ : core._PY_ ); else { core.canvas[name].canvas.width = b ? core.__PIXELS__ : core._PX_; core.canvas[name].canvas.height = b ? core.__PIXELS__ : core._PY_; } } core.loader._load(function () { core._afterLoadResources(callback); }); }; core.prototype.initSync = function (coreData, callback) { this._forwardFuncs(); for (var key in coreData) core[key] = coreData[key]; this._init_flags(); this._init_platform(); this._init_others(); this._loadGameProcessSync(); core.loader._load(function () { core._afterLoadResources(callback); }); }; core.prototype._loadGameProcess = async function () { // 加载游戏进程代码 if (main.pluginUseCompress) { await main.loadScript(`project/processG.min.js?v=${main.version}`); } else { if (main.mode === 'play') { await main.loadScript(`src/game/index.ts`, true); } else { await main.loadScript(`src/game/index.esm.ts`, true); } } }; core.prototype._loadGameProcessSync = function () { if (main.useCompress) main.loadMod('project', 'processG', () => 0); else main.loadMod('project', 'processG.min', () => 0); }; core.prototype._init_flags = function () { core.flags = core.clone(core.data.flags); core.values = core.clone(core.data.values); core.firstData = core.clone(core.data.firstData); this._init_sys_flags(); core.dom.versionLabel.innerText = core.firstData.version; core.dom.logoLabel.innerText = core.firstData.title; document.title = core.firstData.title + ' - HTML5魔塔'; (core.firstData.shops || []).forEach(function (t) { core.initStatus.shops[t.id] = t; }); core.maps._initFloors(); // 初始化怪物、道具等 core.material.enemys = core.enemys.getEnemys(); core.material.items = core.items.getItems(); core.material.icons = core.icons.getIcons(); // 初始化自动事件 for (var floorId in core.floors) { var autoEvents = core.floors[floorId].autoEvent || {}; for (var loc in autoEvents) { var locs = loc.split(','), x = parseInt(locs[0]), y = parseInt(locs[1]); for (var index in autoEvents[loc]) { var autoEvent = core.clone(autoEvents[loc][index]); if (autoEvent && autoEvent.condition && autoEvent.data) { autoEvent.floorId = floorId; autoEvent.x = x; autoEvent.y = y; autoEvent.index = index; autoEvent.symbol = floorId + '@' + x + '@' + y + '@' + index; autoEvent.condition = core.replaceValue( autoEvent.condition ); autoEvent.data = core.precompile(autoEvent.data); core.initStatus.autoEvents.push(autoEvent); } } } } // 道具的穿上/脱下,视为自动事件 for (var equipId in core.material.items) { var equip = core.material.items[equipId]; if (equip.cls != 'equips' || !equip.equip) continue; if (!equip.equip.equipEvent && !equip.equip.unequipEvent) continue; var equipFlag = '_equipEvent_' + equipId; var autoEvent1 = { symbol: '_equipEvent_' + equipId, currentFloor: false, multiExecute: true, condition: "core.hasEquip('" + equipId + "') && !core.hasFlag('" + equipFlag + "')", data: core.precompile( [ { type: 'setValue', name: 'flag:' + equipFlag, value: 'true' } ].concat(equip.equip.equipEvent || []) ) }; var autoEvent2 = { symbol: '_unequipEvent_' + equipId, currentFloor: false, multiExecute: true, condition: "!core.hasEquip('" + equipId + "') && core.hasFlag('" + equipFlag + "')", data: core.precompile( [ { type: 'setValue', name: 'flag:' + equipFlag, value: 'null' } ].concat(equip.equip.unequipEvent || []) ) }; core.initStatus.autoEvents.push(autoEvent1); core.initStatus.autoEvents.push(autoEvent2); } core.initStatus.autoEvents.sort(function (e1, e2) { if (e1.floorId == null) return 1; if (e2.floorId == null) return -1; if (e1.priority != e2.priority) return e2.priority - e1.priority; if (e1.floorId != e2.floorId) return ( core.floorIds.indexOf(e1.floorId) - core.floorIds.indexOf(e2.floorId) ); if (e1.x != e2.x) return e1.x - e2.x; if (e1.y != e2.y) return e1.y - e2.y; return e1.index - e2.index; }); }; core.prototype._init_sys_flags = function () { if (core.flags.equipboxButton) core.flags.equipment = true; core.flags.displayEnemyDamage = core.getLocalStorage('enemyDamage', true); core.flags.displayCritical = core.getLocalStorage('critical', true); core.flags.displayExtraDamage = core.getLocalStorage('extraDamage', true); core.flags.enableEnemyPoint = core.getLocalStorage( 'enableEnemyPoint', core.flags.enableEnemyPoint ); core.flags.leftHandPrefer = core.getLocalStorage('leftHandPrefer', false); core.flags.extraDamageType = core.getLocalStorage('extraDamageType', 2); // 行走速度 core.values.moveSpeed = core.getLocalStorage( 'moveSpeed', core.values.moveSpeed || 100 ); core.values.floorChangeTime = core.getLocalStorage( 'floorChangeTime', core.values.floorChangeTime ); if (core.values.floorChangeTime == null) core.values.floorChangeTime = 500; core.flags.enableHDCanvas = core.getLocalStorage( 'enableHDCanvas', !core.platform.isIOS ); }; core.prototype._init_platform = function () { core.platform.isOnline = location.protocol.indexOf('http') == 0; if (!core.platform.isOnline) alert('请勿直接打开html文件!使用启动服务或者APP进行离线游戏。'); window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext || window.mozAudioContext || window.msAudioContext; core.musicStatus.bgmStatus = core.getLocalStorage('bgmStatus', true); core.musicStatus.soundStatus = core.getLocalStorage('soundStatus', true); //新增 userVolume 默认值0.7 core.musicStatus.userVolume = core.getLocalStorage('userVolume', 0.7); try { core.musicStatus.audioContext = new window.AudioContext(); core.musicStatus.gainNode = core.musicStatus.audioContext.createGain(); core.musicStatus.gainNode.gain.value = core.musicStatus.userVolume; core.musicStatus.gainNode.connect( core.musicStatus.audioContext.destination ); } catch (e) { console.log('该浏览器不支持AudioContext'); core.musicStatus.audioContext = null; } ['Android', 'iPhone', 'SymbianOS', 'Windows Phone', 'iPad', 'iPod'].forEach( function (t) { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(t) >= 0) { if (t == 'iPhone' || t == 'iPad' || t == 'iPod') core.platform.isIOS = true; if (t == 'Android') core.platform.isAndroid = true; core.platform.isPC = false; } } ); core.platform.string = core.platform.isPC ? 'PC' : core.platform.isAndroid ? 'Android' : core.platform.isIOS ? 'iOS' : ''; core.platform.supportCopy = document.queryCommandSupported && document.queryCommandSupported('copy'); var chrome = /Chrome\/(\d+)\./i.exec(navigator.userAgent); if (chrome && parseInt(chrome[1]) >= 50) core.platform.isChrome = true; core.platform.isSafari = /Safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Chrome/i.test(navigator.userAgent); core.platform.isQQ = /QQ/i.test(navigator.userAgent); core.platform.isWeChat = /MicroMessenger/i.test(navigator.userAgent); if (window.FileReader) { core.platform.fileReader = new FileReader(); core.platform.fileReader.onload = function () { core.readFileContent(core.platform.fileReader.result); }; core.platform.fileReader.onerror = function () { if (core.platform.errorCallback) core.platform.errorCallback(); }; } core.flags.enableHDCanvas = core.getLocalStorage( 'enableHDCanvas', !core.platform.isIOS ); if (main.mode != 'editor') { core.domStyle.scale = core.getLocalStorage('scale', 1); if (core.flags.enableHDCanvas) core.domStyle.ratio = Math.max( window.devicePixelRatio || 1, core.domStyle.scale ); } }; core.prototype._init_others = function () { // 一些额外的东西 core.material.groundCanvas = document .createElement('canvas') .getContext('2d'); core.material.groundCanvas.canvas.width = core.material.groundCanvas.canvas.height = 32; core.material.groundPattern = core.material.groundCanvas.createPattern( core.material.groundCanvas.canvas, 'repeat' ); core.bigmap.tempCanvas = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d'); core.bigmap.cacheCanvas = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d'); core.loadImage('materials', 'fog', function (name, img) { core.animateFrame.weather.fog = img; }); core.loadImage('materials', 'cloud', function (name, img) { core.animateFrame.weather.cloud = img; }); core.loadImage('materials', 'sun', function (name, img) { core.animateFrame.weather.sun = img; }); core.loadImage('materials', 'keyboard', function (name, img) { core.material.images.keyboard = img; }); // 记录存档编号 core.saves.saveIndex = core.getLocalStorage('saveIndex', 1); core.control.getSaveIndexes(function (indexes) { core.saves.ids = indexes; }); }; core.prototype._afterLoadResources = function (callback) { // 初始化地图 core.control._setRequestAnimationFrame(); // 图片裁剪 (main.splitImages || []).forEach(function (one) { var name = core.getMappedName(one.name); if (!core.material.images.images[name]) { console.warn('找不到图片:' + name + ',无法裁剪'); return; } if (!name.endsWith('.png')) { console.warn('无法裁剪非png格式图片:' + name); return; } var arr = core.splitImage( core.material.images.images[name], one.width, one.height ); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { core.material.images.images[(one.prefix || '') + i + '.png'] = arr[i]; } }); // if (core.plugin._afterLoadResources) core.plugin._afterLoadResources(); core.showStartAnimate(); if (callback) callback(); }; core.prototype._forwardFuncs = function () { for (var i = 0; i < main.loadList.length; ++i) { var name = main.loadList[i]; if (name == 'core') continue; this._forwardFunc(name); } }; core.prototype._forwardFunc = function (name, funcname) { if (funcname == null) { for (funcname in core[name]) { if ( funcname.charAt(0) != '_' && core[name][funcname] instanceof Function ) { this._forwardFunc(name, funcname); } } return; } if (core[funcname]) { console.error( 'ERROR: 无法转发 ' + name + ' 中的函数 ' + funcname + ' 到 core 中!同名函数已存在。' ); return; } var parameterInfo = /^\s*function\s*[\w_$]*\(([\w_,$\s]*)\)\s*\{/.exec( core[name][funcname].toString() ); var parameters = (parameterInfo == null ? '' : parameterInfo[1]) .replace(/\s*/g, '') .replace(/,/g, ', '); // core[funcname] = new Function(parameters, "return core."+name+"."+funcname+"("+parameters+");"); eval( 'core.' + funcname + ' = function (' + parameters + ') {\n\treturn core.' + name + '.' + funcname + '.apply(core.' + name + ', arguments);\n}' ); }; core.prototype.doFunc = function (func, _this) { if (typeof func == 'string') { throw new Error('Parameter func must be a function.'); // func = core.plugin[func]; // _this = core.plugin; } return func.apply(_this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); }; var core = new core();