import type { AudioPlayer } from '@/core/audio/audio'; import type { BgmController } from '@/core/audio/bgm'; import type { SoundController, SoundEffect } from '@/core/audio/sound'; import type { Disposable } from '@/core/common/disposable'; import type { EventEmitter, IndexedEventEmitter } from '@/core/common/eventEmitter'; import type { loading } from './game'; import type { Resource, ResourceStore, ResourceType, ZippedResource } from '@/core/loader/resource'; import type { Hotkey } from '@/core/main/custom/hotkey'; import type { Keyboard } from '@/core/main/custom/keyboard'; import type { CustomToolbar } from '@/core/main/custom/toolbar'; import type { Focus, GameUi, UiController } from '@/core/main/custom/ui'; import type { gameListener, hook } from './game'; import type { MotaSetting, SettingDisplayer, SettingStorage } from '@/core/main/setting'; import type { GameStorage } from '@/core/main/storage'; import type { DamageEnemy, EnemyCollection } from './enemy/damage'; import type { specials } from './enemy/special'; import type { Range } from '@/plugin/game/range'; import type { KeyCode } from '@/plugin/keyCodes'; import type { Ref } from 'vue'; interface ClassInterface { // 渲染进程与游戏进程通用 EventEmitter: typeof EventEmitter; IndexedEventEmitter: typeof IndexedEventEmitter; Disposable: typeof Disposable; // 定义于渲染进程,录像中会进行polyfill,但是不执行任何内容 GameStorage: typeof GameStorage; MotaSetting: typeof MotaSetting; SettingDisplayer: typeof SettingDisplayer; Resource: typeof Resource; ZippedResource: typeof ZippedResource; ResourceStore: typeof ResourceStore; Focus: typeof Focus; GameUi: typeof GameUi; UiController: typeof UiController; Hotkey: typeof Hotkey; Keyboard: typeof Keyboard; CustomToolbar: typeof CustomToolbar; AudioPlayer: typeof AudioPlayer; SoundEffect: typeof SoundEffect; SoundController: typeof SoundController; BgmController: typeof BgmController; // todo: 放到插件 ShaderEffect: typeof ShaderEffect; // 定义于游戏进程,渲染进程依然可用 Range: typeof Range; EnemyCollection: typeof EnemyCollection; DamageEnemy: typeof DamageEnemy; } interface FunctionInterface { // 定义于渲染进程,录像中会进行polyfill,但是不执行任何内容 readyAllResource(): void; // 定义于游戏进程,渲染进程依然可用 // todo } interface VariableInterface { // 定义于渲染进程,录像中会进行polyfill loading: typeof loading; hook: typeof hook; gameListener: typeof gameListener; mainSetting: MotaSetting; gameKey: Hotkey; mainUi: UiController; fixedUi: UiController; KeyCode: typeof KeyCode; // isMobile: boolean; bgm: BgmController; sound: SoundController; resource: ResourceStore>; zipResource: ResourceStore<'zip'>; settingStorage: GameStorage; status: Ref; // 定义于游戏进程,渲染进程依然可用 haloSpecials: number[]; enemySpecials: typeof specials; } interface ModuleInterface {} interface SystemInterfaceMap { class: ClassInterface; fn: FunctionInterface; var: VariableInterface; module: ModuleInterface; } type InterfaceType = keyof SystemInterfaceMap; interface PluginInterface { // 渲染进程定义的插件 pop_r: typeof import('../plugin/pop'); use_r: typeof import('../plugin/use'); // animate: typeof import('../plugin/animateController'); // utils: typeof import('../plugin/utils'); // status: typeof import('../plugin/ui/statusBar'); fly_r: typeof import('../plugin/ui/fly'); chase_r: typeof import('../plugin/chase/chase'); // webglUtils: typeof import('../plugin/webgl/utils'); shadow_r: typeof import('../plugin/shadow/shadow'); gameShadow_r: typeof import('../plugin/shadow/gameShadow'); // achievement: typeof import('../plugin/ui/achievement'); completion_r: typeof import('../plugin/completion'); // path: typeof import('../plugin/fx/path'); gameCanvas_r: typeof import('../plugin/fx/gameCanvas'); // noise: typeof import('../plugin/fx/noise'); smooth_r: typeof import('../plugin/fx/smoothView'); frag_r: typeof import('../plugin/fx/frag'); // 游戏进程定义的插件 utils_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/utils'); loopMap_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/loopMap'); shop_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/shop'); replay_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/replay'); skillTree_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/skillTree'); removeMap_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/removeMap'); remainEnemy_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/enemy/remainEnemy'); chase_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/chase'); skill_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/skill'); towerBoss_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/towerBoss'); heroFourFrames_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/fx/heroFourFrames'); rewrite_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/fx/rewrite'); itemDetail_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/fx/itemDetail'); checkBlock_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/enemy/checkblock'); halo_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/fx/halo'); study_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/study'); } interface PackageInterface { axios: typeof import('axios'); 'chart.js': typeof import('chart.js'); jszip: typeof import('jszip'); lodash: typeof import('lodash-es'); 'lz-string': typeof import('lz-string'); 'mutate-animate': typeof import('mutate-animate'); vue: typeof import('vue'); } export interface IMota { rewrite: typeof rewrite; r: typeof r; rf: typeof rf; /** 样板插件接口 */ Plugin: IPlugin; /** * 样板使用的第三方库接口,可以直接获取到库的原有接口。 * 接口在渲染进程中引入,在游戏进程中不会polyfill,因此在游戏进程中使用时, * 应先使用main.replayChecking进行检查,保证该值不存在时才进行使用,否则会引起录像出错 */ Package: IPackage; /** * 获取一个样板接口 * @param type 要获取的接口类型 * @param key 接口名称 */ require( type: T, key: K ): SystemInterfaceMap[T][K]; /** * 获取一个样板接口 * @param type 要获取的接口类型 * @param key 接口名称 */ require(type: InterfaceType, key: string): any; /** * 获取一种接口的所有内容 * @param type 要获取的接口类型 */ requireAll(type: T): SystemInterfaceMap[T]; /** * 注册一个样板接口 * @param type 要注册的接口类型 * @param key 接口名称 * @param data 接口内容 */ register( type: T, key: K, data: SystemInterfaceMap[T][K] ): void; /** * 注册一个样板接口 * @param type 要注册的接口类型 * @param key 接口名称 * @param data 接口内容 */ register(type: InterfaceType, key: string, data: any): void; } export interface IPlugin { inited: boolean; /** * 初始化所有插件 */ init(): void; /** * 获取到一个插件的内容 * @param plugin 要获取的插件 */ require(plugin: K): PluginInterface[K]; /** * 获取到一个插件的内容 * @param plugin 要获取的插件 */ require(plugin: string): any; /** * 获取所有插件 */ requireAll(): PluginInterface & { [x: string]: any }; /** * 注册一个插件 * @param plugin 要注册的插件名 * @param data 插件内容 * @param init 插件的初始化函数,可选,初始化函数接受两个参数,分别是plugin和data,表示插件名称和内容 */ register( plugin: K, data: PluginInterface[K], init?: (plugin: K, data: PluginInterface[K]) => void ): void; /** * 注册一个插件 * @param plugin 要注册的插件名 * @param init 插件的初始化函数,初始化函数接受一个参数,表示插件名称,要求返回插件内容 */ register( plugin: K, init: (plugin: K) => PluginInterface[K] ): void; /** * 注册一个插件 * @param plugin 要注册的插件名 * @param data 插件内容 * @param init 插件的初始化函数,可选,初始化函数接受两个参数,分别是plugin和data,表示插件名称和内容 */ register( plugin: K, data: D, init?: (plugin: K, data: D) => void ): void; /** * 注册一个插件 * @param plugin 要注册的插件名 * @param init 插件的初始化函数,初始化函数接受一个参数,表示插件名称,要求返回插件内容 */ register(plugin: K, init: (plugin: K) => any): void; } export interface IPackage { /** * 获取样板使用的第三方库 * @param name 要获取的第三方库 */ require(name: K): PackageInterface[K]; /** * 获取样板使用的所有第三方库 */ requireAll(): PackageInterface; register( name: K, data: PackageInterface[K] ): void; } interface IPluginData { /** 插件类型,content表示直接注册了内容,function表示注册了初始化函数,内容从其返回值获取 */ type: 'content' | 'function'; data: any; init?: (plugin: string, data?: any) => any; } class MPlugin { private static plugins: Record = {}; private static pluginData: Record = {}; static inited = false; constructor() { throw new Error(`System plugin class cannot be constructed.`); } static init() { for (const [key, data] of Object.entries(this.plugins)) { if (data.type === 'content') { data.init?.(key,; } else { = data.init!(key); } this.pluginData[key] =; } this.inited = true; } static require(key: string) { if (!this.inited) { throw new Error(`Cannot access plugin '${key}' before initialize.`); } if (!(key in this.plugins)) { throw new Error(`Cannot resolve plugin require: key='${key}'`); } return this.plugins[key].data; } static requireAll(): PluginInterface { return this.pluginData as PluginInterface; } static register(key: string, data: any, init?: any) { if (typeof data === 'function') { this.plugins[key] = { type: 'function', init: data, data: void 0 }; } else { this.plugins[key] = { type: 'content', data, init }; } } } class MPackage { // @ts-ignore private static packages: PackageInterface = {}; constructor() { throw new Error(`System package class cannot be constructed.`); } static require( name: K ): PackageInterface[K] { return this.packages[name]; } static requireAll() { return this.packages; } static register( name: K, data: PackageInterface[K] ) { this.packages[name] = data; } } /** * 样板接口系统,通过 Mota 获取到样板的核心功能,不可实例化 */ class Mota { private static classes: Record = {}; private static functions: Record = {}; private static variables: Record = {}; private static modules: Record = {}; static rewrite = rewrite; static r = r; static rf = rf; static Plugin = MPlugin; static Package = MPackage; constructor() { throw new Error(`System interface class cannot be constructed.`); } static require(type: InterfaceType, key: string): any { const data = this.getByType(type)[key]; if (!!data) return data; else { throw new Error( `Cannot resolve require: type='${type}',key='${key}'` ); } } static requireAll(type: T): SystemInterfaceMap[T] { return this.getByType(type) as SystemInterfaceMap[T]; } static register(type: InterfaceType, key: string, data: any) { const obj = this.getByType(type); if (key in obj) { console.warn( `重复的样板接口注册: type='${type}', key='${key}',已将其覆盖` ); } obj[key] = data; } private static getByType(type: InterfaceType) { return type === 'class' ? this.classes : type === 'fn' ? this.functions : type === 'var' ? this.variables : this.modules; } } type RewriteType = 'full' | 'front' | 'add'; type _F = F extends (...params: infer P) => infer R ? [P, R] : never; type _Func = (...params: any) => any; /** * 全量复写或在函数前添加内容 * @param base 函数所在对象 * @param key 函数名称,即函数在base中叫什么 * @param type 复写类型,full表示全量复写,front表示在原函数之前添加内容 * @param re 复写函数,类型为full时表示将原函数完全覆盖,为front时表示将该函数添加到原函数之前 * @param bind 原函数的调用对象,默认为base * @param rebind 复写函数的调用对象,默认为base */ function rewrite< O, K extends SelectKey, R extends 'full' | 'front', T = O >( base: O, key: K, type: R, re: ( this: T, ...params: [..._F[0], ...any[]] ) => R extends 'full' ? _F[1] : void, bind?: any, rebind?: T ): (this: T, ...params: [..._F[0], ...any[]]) => _F[1]; /** * 在函数后追加内容 * @param base 函数所在对象 * @param key 函数名称,即函数在base中叫什么 * @param type 复写类型,add表示在函数后追加 * @param re 复写函数,类型为add时表示在原函数后面追加复写函数,会在第一个参数中传入原函数的返回值, * 并要求复写函数必须有返回值,作为复写的最终返回值。 * @param bind 原函数的调用对象,默认为`base` * @param rebind 复写函数的调用对象,默认为`base` */ function rewrite, T = O>( base: O, key: K, type: 'add', re: ( this: T, ...params: [_F[1], ..._F[0], ...any[]] ) => _F[1], bind?: any, rebind?: T ): (this: T, ...params: [..._F[0], ...any[]]) => _F[1]; function rewrite, T = O>( base: O, key: K, type: RewriteType, re: (this: T, ...params: [..._F[0], ...any[]]) => _F[1], bind?: any, rebind?: T ): (this: T, ...params: [..._F[0], ...any[]]) => _F[1] { const func = base[key]; if (typeof func !== 'function') { throw new Error( `Cannot rewrite variable with type of '${typeof func}'.` ); } if (type === 'full') { // @ts-ignore return (base[key] = re.bind(rebind ?? base)); } else if (type === 'add') { const origin = base[key]; function res(this: T, ...params: [..._F[0], ...any[]]) { const v = (origin as _Func).call(bind ?? base, ...params); // @ts-ignore const ret = ?? base, v, ...params); return ret; } // @ts-ignore return (base[key] = res); } else { const origin = base[key]; function res(this: T, ...params: [..._F[0], ...any[]]) { // @ts-ignore ?? base, ...params); const ret = (origin as _Func).call(bind ?? base, ...params); return ret; } // @ts-ignore return (base[key] = res); } } /** * 在渲染进程包裹下执行一段代码,该段代码不会在录像验证中执行,因此里面的内容一定不会引起录像报错 * 一般特效,或者是ui显示、内容显示、交互监听等内容应当在渲染进程包裹下执行 * @param fn 要执行的函数,传入一个参数,表示所有的第三方库,也就是`Mota.Package.requireAll()`的内容 * @param thisArg 函数的执行上下文,即函数中`this`指向 */ function r( fn: (this: T, packages: PackageInterface) => void, thisArg?: T ) { if (!main.replayChecking) as T, MPackage.requireAll()); } /** * 将一个函数包裹成渲染进程函数,执行这个函数时将直接在渲染进程下执行。该函数与 {@link r} 函数的关系, * 与`call`和`bind`的关系类似。 * ```ts * const fn = rf((x) => x * x); * console.log(fn(2)); // 在正常游玩中会输出 4,但是录像验证中会输出undefined,因为录像验证中不会执行渲染进程函数 * ``` * @param fn 要执行的函数 * @param thisArg 函数执行时的上下文,即this指向 * @returns 经过渲染进程包裹的函数,直接调用即是在渲染进程下执行的 */ function rf any, T>( fn: F, thisArg?: T ): (this: T, ...params: Parameters) => ReturnType | undefined { // @ts-ignore if (main.replayChecking) return () => {}; else { return (...params) => { return, ...params); }; } } declare global { interface Window { Mota: IMota; } } window.Mota = Mota;