import { slide } from './utils'; const list = ['tower6']; /** * 设置循环地图的偏移量 * @param offset 横向偏移量 */ function setLoopMap(offset: number, floorId: FloorIds) { const floor = core.status.maps[floorId]; if (offset < 9) { moveMap(floor.width - 17, floorId); } if (offset > floor.width - 9) { moveMap(17 - floor.width, floorId); } } /** * 当勇士移动时自动设置循环地图 */ function autoSetLoopMap(floorId: FloorIds) { setLoopMap(core.status.hero.loc.x, floorId); } export function checkLoopMap() { if (isLoopMap(core.status.floorId)) { autoSetLoopMap(core.status.floorId); } } /** * 移动地图 */ function moveMap(delta: number, floorId: FloorIds) { core.extractBlocks(floorId); const floor = core.status.maps[floorId]; core.setHeroLoc('x', core.status.hero.loc.x + delta); flags[`loop_${floorId}`] += delta; flags[`loop_${floorId}`] %= floor.width; const origin = floor.blocks.slice(); for (let i = 0; i < origin.length; i++) { core.removeBlockByIndex(0, floorId); core.removeGlobalAnimate(origin[i].x, origin[i].y); } origin.forEach(v => { let to = v.x + delta; if (to >= floor.width) to -= floor.width; if (to < 0) to += floor.width; core.setBlock(, to, v.y, floorId, true); core.setMapBlockDisabled(floorId, to, v.y, false); }); core.drawMap(); core.drawHero(); } function isLoopMap(floorId: FloorIds) { return list.includes(floorId); } export function init() { events.prototype._sys_changeFloor = function ( data: any, callback: () => void ) { data =; let heroLoc: Partial = {}; if (isLoopMap(data.floorId)) { const floor = core.status.maps[data.floorId as FloorIds] as Floor; flags[`loop_${data.floorId}`] ??= 0; let tx = data.loc[0] + flags[`loop_${data.floorId}`]; tx %= floor.width; if (tx < 0) tx += floor.width; heroLoc = { x: tx, y: data.loc[1] }; } else if (data.loc) heroLoc = { x: data.loc[0], y: data.loc[1] }; if (data.direction) heroLoc.direction = data.direction; // @ts-ignore if ( != 'action') = null; core.changeFloor( data.floorId, data.stair, heroLoc, data.time, function () { core.replay(); if (callback) callback(); } ); }; events.prototype.trigger = function ( x: number, y: number, callback: () => void ) { var _executeCallback = function () { // 因为trigger之后还有可能触发其他同步脚本(比如阻激夹域检测) // 所以这里强制callback被异步触发 if (callback) { setTimeout(callback, 1); // +1是为了录像检测系统 } return; }; if (core.status.gameOver) return _executeCallback(); if ( == 'action') { core.insertAction( { type: 'function', function: 'function () {' + x + ',' + y + '); }', async: true }, void 0, void 0, void 0, true ); return _executeCallback(); } if ( return _executeCallback(); let block = core.getBlock(x, y); const id = core.status.floorId; const loop = isLoopMap(id); if (loop && flags[`loop_${id}`] !== 0) { if (block && block.event.trigger === 'changeFloor') { delete block.event.trigger; // @ts-ignore core.maps._addInfo(block); } else { const floor = core.status.maps[id]; let tx = x - flags[`loop_${id}`]; tx %= floor.width; if (tx < 0) tx += floor.width; const c = core.floors[id].changeFloor[`${tx},${y}`]; if (c) { const b: DeepPartial = { event: {}, x: tx, y }; b.event!.data = c; b.event!.trigger = 'changeFloor'; block = b as Block; } } } if (block == null) return _executeCallback(); // 执行该点的脚本 if (block.event.script) { core.clearRouteFolding(); try { eval(block.event.script); } catch (ee) { console.error(ee); } } // 碰触事件 if (block.event.event) { core.clearRouteFolding(); core.insertAction(block.event.event, block.x, block.y); // 不再执行该点的系统事件 return _executeCallback(); } if (block.event.trigger && block.event.trigger !== 'null') { var noPass = block.event.noPass, trigger = block.event.trigger; if (noPass) core.clearAutomaticRouteNode(x, y); // 转换楼层能否穿透 if ( trigger == 'changeFloor' && !noPass && this._trigger_ignoreChangeFloor(block) && !loop ) return _executeCallback(); // @ts-ignore core.status.automaticRoute.moveDirectly = false; this.doSystemEvent(trigger, block); } return _executeCallback(); }; maps.prototype._getBgFgMapArray = function ( name: string, floorId: FloorIds, noCache: boolean ) { floorId = floorId || core.status.floorId; if (!floorId) return []; var width = core.floors[floorId].width; var height = core.floors[floorId].height; // @ts-ignore if (!noCache && core.status[name + 'maps'][floorId]) // @ts-ignore return core.status[name + 'maps'][floorId]; var arr: number[][] = main.mode == 'editor' && // @ts-ignore !(window.editor && editor.uievent && editor.uievent.isOpen) ? // @ts-ignore core.cloneArray(editor[name + 'map']) : null; if (arr == null) // @ts-ignore arr = core.cloneArray(core.floors[floorId][name + 'map'] || []); if (isLoopMap(floorId) && window.flags) { flags[`loop_${floorId}`] ??= 0; arr.forEach(v => { slide(v, flags[`loop_${floorId}`] % width); }); } for (var y = 0; y < height; ++y) { if (arr[y] == null) arr[y] = Array(width).fill(0); } // @ts-ignore (core.getFlag('__' + name + 'v__', {})[floorId] || []).forEach( // @ts-ignore function (one) { arr[one[1]][one[0]] = one[2] || 0; } ); // @ts-ignore (core.getFlag('__' + name + 'd__', {})[floorId] || []).forEach( // @ts-ignore function (one) { arr[one[1]][one[0]] = 0; } ); if (main.mode == 'editor') { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { // @ts-ignore arr[y][x] = arr[y][x].idnum || arr[y][x] || 0; } } } // @ts-ignore if (core.status[name + 'maps']) // @ts-ignore core.status[name + 'maps'][floorId] = arr; return arr; }; }