import { has } from '../utils'; export default function init() { return { splitArea, getMapDrawData }; } type BFSFromString = `${FloorIds},${number},${number},${Dir}`; type BFSToString = `${FloorIds},${number},${number}`; interface MapBFSResult { maps: FloorIds[]; link: Record; } interface MapDrawData { locs: Partial>; line: [number, number, number, number][]; width: number; height: number; } let area: Record = {}; const bfsCache: Partial> = {}; /** * 键的格式:FloorIds,interval,border */ const drawCache: Record = {}; const arrow: Partial> = { leftPortal: 'left', rightPortal: 'right', upPortal: 'up', downPortal: 'down' }; /** * 切分地图区域 */ export function splitArea() { const used: FloorIds[] = []; for (const id of core.floorIds) { if (used.includes(id) || core.status.maps[id].deleted) continue; const data = getMapData(id, true); used.push(; if (data.maps.length > 0) { const title = core.status.maps[id].title; area[title] = data.maps; } } } export function getArea() { return area; } /** * 获取地图绘制信息 * @param floorId 中心楼层 * @param interval 地图间距 * @param border 边框宽度 * @param noCache 是否不使用缓存 */ export function getMapDrawData( floorId: FloorIds, interval: number = 5, border: number = 1, noCache: boolean = false ): MapDrawData { const id = `${floorId},${interval},${border}`; if (drawCache[id] && !noCache) return drawCache[id]; const { link, maps } = getMapData(floorId, noCache); const locs: Partial> = {}; const line: [number, number, number, number][] = []; const center = core.status.maps[floorId]; let left = -center.width / 2, right = center.width / 2, top = -center.height / 2, bottom = center.height / 2; for (const [from, to] of Object.entries(link)) { const [fromId, fxs, fys, dir] = from.split(',') as [ FloorIds, string, string, Dir ]; const [toId, txs, tys] = to.split(',') as [FloorIds, string, string]; const fromMap = core.status.maps[fromId]; const toMap = core.status.maps[toId]; const fx = parseInt(fxs), fy = parseInt(fys), tx = parseInt(txs), ty = parseInt(tys); const fw = fromMap.width, fh = fromMap.height; const tw = toMap.width, th = toMap.height; locs[fromId] ??= [0, 0]; const [fromX, fromY] = locs[fromId]!; if (!locs[toId]) { const dx = core.utils.scan[dir].x, dy = core.utils.scan[dir].y; const toX = fromX + (fx - fw / 2) - (tx - tw / 2) + (border * 2 + interval) * dx, toY = fromY + (fy - fh / 2) - (ty - th / 2) + (border * 2 + interval) * dy; // 地图位置和连线位置 locs[toId] = [toX, toY]; } const [toX, toY] = locs[toId]!; line.push([ fromX + (fx - fw / 2 + 0.5), fromY + (fy - fh / 2 + 0.5), toX + (tx - tw / 2 + 0.5), toY + (ty - th / 2 + 0.5) ]); // 计算地图总长宽 const l = toX - tw / 2, r = toX + tw / 2, t = toY - th / 2, b = toY + th / 2; if (l < left) left = l; if (r > right) right = r; if (t < top) top = t; if (b > bottom) bottom = b; } // 移动位置,居中 Object.values(locs).forEach(v => { v[0] -= left; v[1] -= top; }); line.forEach(v => { v[0] -= left; v[2] -= left; v[1] -= top; v[3] -= top; }); left -= 5; right += 5; top -= 5; bottom += 5; const res = { locs, line, width: right - left, height: bottom - top }; return (drawCache[id] = res); } /** * 广度优先搜索地图信息 * @param floorId 中心楼层id * @param noCache 是否不使用缓存 */ export function getMapData( floorId: FloorIds, noCache: boolean = false ): MapBFSResult { if (has(bfsCache[floorId]) && !noCache) return bfsCache[floorId]!; const queue = [floorId]; const used: Partial> = { [floorId]: true }; const floors = [floorId]; const link: Record = {}; while (queue.length > 0) { const now = queue.shift()!; const change = core.floors[now].changeFloor; const blocks = core.getMapBlocksObj(now); for (const [loc, ev] of Object.entries(change)) { const target = ev.floorId as FloorIds; if (target.startsWith(':')) continue; const block = blocks[loc as LocString]; const id =; if (id in arrow) { if (!used[target]) { const from = `${now},${loc},${arrow[id]}` as BFSFromString; const to = `${target},${ev.loc![0]},${ ev.loc![1] }` as BFSToString; link[from] = to; queue.push(target); floors.push(target); } } } used[now] = true; } const res = { maps: floors, link }; return (bfsCache[floorId] = res); } /** * 绘制小地图 * @param ctx 画布 * @param floorId 中心楼层 * @param interval 楼层间距 * @param border 边框粗细 * @param noCache 是否不使用缓存 */ export function drawFlyMap( ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, floorId: FloorIds, offset: [number, number], size: [number, number], scale: number = 3, interval: number = 5, border: number = 1, noCache: boolean = false ) { const data = getMapDrawData(floorId, interval, border, noCache); const [ox, oy] = offset; const [width, height] = size; const canvas = ctx.canvas; canvas.width = data.width * devicePixelRatio * scale; canvas.height = data.height * devicePixelRatio * scale; ctx.lineWidth = border * devicePixelRatio * scale; ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff'; ctx.scale(scale, scale); // 绘制连线 data.line.forEach(([x1, y1, x2, y2]) => { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ctx.stroke(); }); for (const [id, [x, y]] of Object.entries(data.locs) as [ FloorIds, LocArr ][]) { drawThumbnail(ctx, id, scale, [x, y], offset, size); } } function drawThumbnail( ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, floorId: FloorIds, scale: number, pos: [number, number], offset: [number, number], size: [number, number] ) { const [x, y] = pos; const [ox, oy] = offset; const [width, height] = size; const map = core.status.maps[floorId]; if ( ox + x * scale + (map.width * scale) / 2 < 0 || ox + x * scale - (map.width * scale) / 2 > width || oy + y * scale + (map.height * scale) / 2 < 0 || oy + y * scale - (map.height * scale) / 2 > height ) { return; } }