import { EventEmitter } from '../common/eventEmitter'; import { logger } from '../common/logger'; import { MotaOffscreenCanvas2D } from '../fx/canvas2d'; import { SizedCanvasImageSource } from './preset/misc'; // 经过测试( // 得出结论,ImageBitmap和Canvas的绘制性能不如Image,于是直接画Image就行,所以缓存基本上就是存Image type ImageMapKeys = Exclude; type ImageMap = Record; const i = (img: ImageMapKeys) => { return core.material.images[img]; }; const imageMap: Partial = {}; Mota.require('var', 'loading').once('loaded', () => { [ 'enemys', 'enemy48', 'npcs', 'npc48', 'terrains', 'items', 'animates' ].forEach(v => (imageMap[v as ImageMapKeys] = i(v as ImageMapKeys))); }); interface AutotileCache { parent?: Set>; frame: number; cache: Record; } type AutotileCaches = Record, AutotileCache>; interface TextureRequire { tileset: Record; material: Record; autotile: AutotileCaches; images: Record; } interface RenderableDataBase { /** 图块的总帧数 */ frame: number; /** 对应图块属性的动画帧数,-1表示没有设定,0表示第一帧 */ animate: number; /** 是否是大怪物 */ bigImage: boolean; render: [x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number][]; } export interface RenderableData extends RenderableDataBase { image: SizedCanvasImageSource; autotile: false; } export interface AutotileRenderable extends RenderableDataBase { image: Record; autotile: true; bigImage: false; } interface TextureCacheEvent {} class TextureCache extends EventEmitter { tileset!: Record; material: Record; autotile!: AutotileCaches; images!: Record; idNumberMap!: IdToNumber; /** 渲染信息 */ renderable: Map = new Map(); /** 自动元件额外连接信息,用于对非自身图块进行连接 */ autoConn: Map> = new Map(); /** 行走图朝向绑定 */ characterDirection: Record = { down: 0, left: 1, right: 2, up: 3, leftup: 1, leftdown: 1, rightup: 2, rightdown: 2 }; /** 行走图转向顺序 */ characterTurn: Dir[] = ['up', 'right', 'down', 'left']; characterTurn2: Dir2[] = ['leftup', 'rightup', 'rightdown', 'leftdown']; constructor() { super(); this.material = imageMap as Record; Mota.require('var', 'loading').once('loaded', () => { const map = maps_90f36752_8815_4be8_b32b_d7fad1d0542e; // @ts-ignore this.idNumberMap = {}; for (const [key, { id }] of Object.entries(map)) { // @ts-ignore this.idNumberMap[id] = parseInt(key) as AllNumbers; } this.tileset = core.material.images.tilesets; this.autotile = splitAutotiles(this.idNumberMap); this.images = core.material.images.images; this.calRenderable(); this.calAutotileConnections(); }); } /** * 获取纹理 * @param type 纹理类型 * @param key 纹理名称 */ require( type: T, key: K ): TextureRequire[T][K] { return this[type][key]; } /** * 计算每个图块的可渲染信息 */ private calRenderable() { const map = maps_90f36752_8815_4be8_b32b_d7fad1d0542e; for (const [key, data] of Object.entries(map)) { this.calRenderableByNum(parseInt(key)); } } /** * 根据图块数字计算出它的渲染信息 * @param num 图块数字 */ calRenderableByNum( num: number ): RenderableData | AutotileRenderable | null { const map = maps_90f36752_8815_4be8_b32b_d7fad1d0542e; const enemys = enemys_fcae963b_31c9_42b4_b48c_bb48d09f3f80; const icons = icons_4665ee12_3a1f_44a4_bea3_0fccba634dc1; /** 特判空图块与空气墙 */ if (num === 0 || num === 17) return null; // 额外素材 if (num >= 10000) { const offset = core.getTilesetOffset(num); if (!offset) return null; const { image, x, y } = offset; const data: RenderableData = { image: this.tileset[image], frame: 1, render: [[x * 32, y * 32, 32, 32]], animate: 0, autotile: false, bigImage: false }; this.renderable.set(num, data); return data; } const data = map[num as Exclude]; // 地狱般的分支if if (data) { let { cls, faceIds, bigImage, id, animate } = data; if (cls === 'enemys' || cls === 'enemy48') { // 怪物需要特殊处理,因为它的大怪物信息不在 maps 里面 ({ bigImage, faceIds } = enemys[id as EnemyIds]); } if (bigImage) { const image = core.material.images.images[bigImage]; if (!image) { logger.warn( 10, `Cannot resolve big image of enemy '${id}'.` ); return null; } let line = 0; if (faceIds) { const arr = ['down', 'left', 'right', 'up']; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (faceIds[arr[i] as Dir] === id) { line = i; break; } } } const totalLines = image.width / image.height >= 2 ? 1 : 4; const w = Math.round(image.width / 4); const h = Math.round(image.height / totalLines); const y = h * line; const data: RenderableData = { image, frame: 4, render: [ [0, y, w, h], [w, y, w, h], [w * 2, y, w, h], [w * 3, y, w, h] ], animate: (animate ?? 0) - 1, autotile: false, bigImage: true }; this.renderable.set(num, data); return data; } // enemy48和npc48都应该视为大怪物 if (cls === 'enemy48' || cls === 'npc48') { const img = core.material.images[cls]; // @ts-ignore const line = icons[cls][id]; const w = 32; const h = 48; const y = h * line; const data: RenderableData = { image: img, frame: 4, render: [ [0, y, w, h], [w, y, w, h], [w * 2, y, w, h], [w * 3, y, w, h] ], animate: (animate ?? 0) - 1, autotile: false, bigImage: true }; this.renderable.set(num, data); return data; } // 自动元件 if (cls === 'autotile') { const auto = this.autotile[num as AllNumbersOf<'autotile'>]; const cell = 32; const render: [number, number, number, number][] = []; if (auto.frame >= 1) { render.push([0, 0, cell, cell]); } if (auto.frame >= 3) { render.push( [cell, 0, cell, cell], [cell * 2, 0, cell, cell] ); } if (auto.frame >= 4) { render.push([cell * 3, 0, cell, cell]); } const data: AutotileRenderable = { image: auto.cache, frame: auto.frame, render, autotile: true, bigImage: false, animate: (animate ?? 0) - 1 }; this.renderable.set(num, data); return data; } else { const image = core.material.images[ cls as Exclude ]; const frame = core.getAnimateFrames(cls); const cell = 32; // @ts-ignore const offset = (icons[cls][id] as number) * cell; const render: [number, number, number, number][] = [ [0, offset, cell, cell] ]; if (frame === 2) { render.push([cell, offset, cell, cell]); } if (frame === 4) { render.push( [cell, offset, cell, cell], [cell * 2, offset, cell, cell], [cell * 3, offset, cell, cell] ); } const data: RenderableData = { image, frame: frame, render, autotile: false, bigImage: false, animate: (animate ?? 0) - 1 }; this.renderable.set(num, data); return data; } } else { logger.warn( 11, `Cannot resolve material ${num}. Material not exists.` ); return null; } } /** * 获取一个图块的渲染信息,自动元件会特别标明autotile属性 * @param num 图块数字 */ getRenderable(num: number) { return this.renderable.get(num) ?? this.calRenderableByNum(num); } /** * 计算自动元件的额外连接 */ private calAutotileConnections() { const icons = icons_4665ee12_3a1f_44a4_bea3_0fccba634dc1; const maps = maps_90f36752_8815_4be8_b32b_d7fad1d0542e; Object.keys(icons.autotile).forEach(v => { const num = this.idNumberMap[v as AllIdsOf<'autotile'>]; const data = maps[num]; const { autotileConnection } = data; if (!autotileConnection) return; const list = new Set(); autotileConnection.forEach(v => { if (typeof v === 'number') { list.add(v); } else { list.add(this.idNumberMap[v]); } }); this.autoConn.set(num, list); }); } /** * 获取自动元件的额外连接情况 * @param num 自动元件的图块数字 */ getAutotileConnections(num: number) { return this.autoConn.get(num); } } export const texture = new TextureCache(); // 3x4 与 2x3 的自动元件信息 // 将自动元件按 16x16 切分后,数组分别表示 左上 右上 右下 左下 所在图块位置 const bigAutotile: Record = {}; const smallAutotile: Record = {}; function getAutotileIndices() { // 应当从 0 - 255 进行枚举 // 二进制从高位到低位依次是 左上 上 右上 右 右下 下 左下 左 // 有兴趣可以研究下这个算法 const get = ( target: Record, mode: 1 | 2 ) => { const h = mode === 1 ? 4 : 2; const v = mode === 1 ? 24 : 8; const luo = mode === 1 ? 12 : 8; // leftup origin const ruo = mode === 1 ? 17 : 11; // rightup origin const ldo = mode === 1 ? 42 : 20; // leftdown origin const rdo = mode === 1 ? 47 : 23; // rightdown origin const luc = mode === 1 ? 4 : 2; // leftup corner const ruc = mode === 1 ? 5 : 3; // rightup corner const rdc = mode === 1 ? 11 : 7; // rightdown corner const ldc = mode === 1 ? 10 : 6; // leftdown corner for (let i = 0; i <= 0b11111111; i++) { let lu = luo; // leftup let ru = ruo; // rightup let ld = ldo; // leftdown let rd = rdo; // rightdown // 先看四个方向,最后看斜角方向 if (i & 0b00000001) { lu += h; ld += h; if (i & 0b00010000) { ru += h / 2; rd += h / 2; } } if (i & 0b00000100) { ld -= v; rd -= v; if (i & 0b01000000) { lu -= v / 2; ru -= v / 2; } } if (i & 0b00010000) { ru -= h; rd -= h; if (i & 0b00000001) { lu -= h / 2; ld -= h / 2; } } if (i & 0b01000000) { lu += v; ru += v; if (i & 0b00000100) { ld += v / 2; rd += v / 2; } } // 斜角 if ((i & 0b11000001) === 0b01000001) { lu = luc; } if ((i & 0b01110000) === 0b01010000) { ru = ruc; } if ((i & 0b00011100) === 0b00010100) { rd = rdc; } if ((i & 0b00000111) === 0b00000101) { ld = ldc; } target[i] = [lu, ru, rd, ld]; } }; get(bigAutotile, 1); get(smallAutotile, 2); } getAutotileIndices(); function getRepeatMap() { // 实际上3x4与2x3的重复映射是一致的,因此只需要计算一个就行了 // 这里使用2x3的进行计算 const calculated: Record = {}; const repeatMap: Record = {}; for (const [num, [lu, ru, rd, ld]] of Object.entries(smallAutotile)) { const n = lu + ru * 24 + rd * 24 ** 2 + ld * 24 ** 3; calculated[num] = n; for (const [num2, n2] of Object.entries(calculated)) { if (n2 === n) { repeatMap[Number(num)] = Number(num2); break; } } } return repeatMap; } function splitAutotiles(map: IdToNumber): AutotileCaches { const cache: Partial = {}; /** 重复映射,由于自动元件只有48种,其余的208种是重复的,因此需要获取重复映射 */ const repeatMap: Record = getRepeatMap(); /** 每个自动元件左上角32*32的内容,用于判断父子关系 */ const masterMap: Partial, string>> = {}; for (const [key, img] of Object.entries(core.material.images.autotile)) { const auto = map[key as AllIdsOf<'autotile'>]; // 判断自动元件类型 let mode: 1 | 2 = 1; let frame = 1; if (img.width === 384) { frame = 4; } else if (img.width === 192) { mode = 2; frame = 3; } else if (img.width === 64) { mode = 2; } cache[auto] = { frame, cache: {} }; // 父子关系,截取本图块的左上角存入map const master = new MotaOffscreenCanvas2D(); master.setHD(false); master.setAntiAliasing(false); master.withGameScale(false); master.size(32, 32); master.ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 32, 32, 0, 0, 32, 32); masterMap[auto] = master.canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); // 自动图块的绘制信息 for (let i = 0; i <= 0b11111111; i++) { const re = repeatMap[i]; if (re) { const cached = cache[auto]!.cache[re]; if (cached) { cache[auto]!.cache[i] = cached; continue; } } const data = (mode === 1 ? bigAutotile : smallAutotile)[i]; const row = mode === 1 ? 6 : 4; const info: [number, number][] = => [ (v % row) * 16, Math.floor(v / row) * 16 ]); const canvas = new MotaOffscreenCanvas2D(); canvas.setHD(false); canvas.setAntiAliasing(false); canvas.withGameScale(false); canvas.size(32 * frame, 32); const ctx = canvas.ctx; for (let i = 0; i < frame; i++) { const dx = 32 * i; const sx1 = info[0][0] + (i * row * 32) / 2; const sx2 = info[1][0] + (i * row * 32) / 2; const sx3 = info[2][0] + (i * row * 32) / 2; const sx4 = info[3][0] + (i * row * 32) / 2; const sy1 = info[0][1]; const sy2 = info[1][1]; const sy3 = info[2][1]; const sy4 = info[3][1]; ctx.drawImage(img, sx1, sy1, 16, 16, dx, 0, 16, 16); ctx.drawImage(img, sx2, sy2, 16, 16, dx + 16, 0, 16, 16); ctx.drawImage(img, sx3, sy3, 16, 16, dx + 16, 16, 16, 16); ctx.drawImage(img, sx4, sy4, 16, 16, dx, 16, 16, 16); } cache[auto]!.cache[i] = canvas.canvas; } } // 进行父子关系判断 for (const [key, img] of Object.entries(core.material.images.autotile)) { const auto = map[key as AllIdsOf<'autotile'>]; // 只针对3*4的图块进行,截取第一行中间的,然后判断 const judge = new MotaOffscreenCanvas2D(); judge.setHD(false); judge.setAntiAliasing(false); judge.withGameScale(false); judge.size(32, 32); judge.ctx.drawImage(img, 32, 0, 32, 32, 0, 0, 32, 32); const data = judge.canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); for (const [key, data2] of Object.entries(masterMap)) { const auto2 = map[key as AllIdsOf<'autotile'>]; if (data === data2) { cache[auto]!.parent ??= new Set(); cache[auto]!.parent!.add(auto2); } } } return cache as AutotileCaches; }