import { EventEmitter } from '@/core/common/eventEmitter'; import { deleteWith, has } from '@/plugin/utils'; import { Component, nextTick, reactive, shallowReactive } from 'vue'; import { fixedUi } from '../init/ui'; import { GameStorage } from '../storage'; import type { CustomToolbarComponent, MiscToolbar, SettableItemData, ToolbarItemBase, ToolbarItemMap, ToolbarItemType } from '../init/toolbar'; import { isMobile } from '@/plugin/use'; interface CustomToolbarEvent { add: (item: ValueOf) => void; delete: (item: ValueOf) => void; set: (id: string, data: Partial) => void; emit: (id: string, item: ValueOf) => void; posChange: (bar: CustomToolbar) => void; } interface ToolbarSaveData { x: number; y: number; w: number; h: number; items: ValueOf[]; } type ToolItemEmitFn = ( this: CustomToolbar, id: string, item: ToolbarItemMap[T] ) => boolean; interface RegisteredCustomToolInfo { name: string; onEmit: ToolItemEmitFn; show: CustomToolbarComponent; editor: CustomToolbarComponent; onCreate: (item: any) => ToolbarItemBase; } type MiscEmitFn = ( id: string, toolbar: CustomToolbar, item: MiscToolbar ) => void; type ActivedFn = (info: MiscInfo) => boolean; interface MiscInfo { id: string; name: string; emit: MiscEmitFn; display: () => Component; activable?: boolean; actived?: ActivedFn; } interface Misc { info: Record; /** * 注册一个杂项工具 * @param id 杂项工具的id * @param name 这个工具的名称 * @param emit 触发这个杂项工具时执行的函数 * @param display 这个工具的显示组件 * @param activable 是否是可以被激活的工具,例如打开小地图后显示为激活状态 */ register( this: Misc, id: string, name: string, emit: MiscEmitFn, display: () => Component ): void; /** * 为一类杂项工具设置激活信息 * @param id 杂项工具的id * @param activable 是否可激活 * @param actived 获取当前是否激活的函数 */ bindActivable(id: string, activable: boolean, actived?: ActivedFn): void; /** * 刷新所有或指定的包含杂项工具的工具栏 * @param id 指定包含这个杂项工具的工具栏刷新,例如填drag,则只会刷新包含drag杂项工具的工具栏 */ requestRefresh(id?: string): void; } const toolbarStorage = new GameStorage>( GameStorage.fromAuthor('AncTe', 'toolbar') ); const misc: Misc = { info: {}, register(id, name, emit, display) {[id] = { id, name, emit, display }; }, bindActivable(id, activable, actived) {[id].activable = activable;[id].actived = actived; }, requestRefresh(id) { if (id) { CustomToolbar.list.forEach(v => { if ( v.items.some(v => { return v.type === 'misc' && v.items?.includes(id); }) ) { v.refresh(); } }); } else { CustomToolbar.list.forEach(v => { if (v.items.some(v => v.type === 'misc')) { v.refresh(); } }); } } }; export class CustomToolbar extends EventEmitter { static num: number = 0; static list: CustomToolbar[] = shallowReactive([]); static info: Record = {}; static misc: Misc = misc; items: ValueOf[] = reactive([]); num: number = CustomToolbar.num++; id: string; // ----- size x: number = 300; y: number = 300; width: number = 300; height: number = 70; // ----- other assistKey: number = 0; showIds: number[] = []; constructor(id: string, noshow: boolean = false) { super(); = id; // 按比例设置初始大小 const setting = Mota.require('var', 'mainSetting'); const scale = setting.getValue('ui.toolbarScale', 100) / 100; this.width *= scale; this.height *= scale; this.x *= scale; this.y *= scale; if (!noshow); CustomToolbar.list.push(this); } /** * 添加一个自定义项 * @param item 要添加的自定义工具栏项 */ add(item: ToolbarItemMap[K]) { const index = this.items.findIndex(v => ===; if (index !== -1) { console.warn(`添加了id重复的自定义工具,已将其覆盖`); this.items[index] = item; } else { this.items.push(item); } this.emit('add', item); return this; } /** * 删除一个自定义项 * @param id 要删除的项的id */ delete(id: string) { const index = this.items.findIndex(v => === id); if (index === -1) return; const item = this.items[index]; this.items.splice(index, 1); this.emit('delete', item); return this; } /** * 设置一个项 * @param id 要设置的项的id * @param item 要设置的属性内容 */ set( id: string, item: Partial> ) { const toSet = this.items.find(v => === id); if (!toSet) return; Object.assign(toSet, item); this.emit('set', id, item); return this; } /** * 触发一个自定义工具 * @param id 要触发的自定义工具的id */ emitTool(id: string) { const item = this.items.find(v => === id); if (!item) return this; this.emit('emit', id, item); const info =[item.type]; if (!info) { console.warn(`触发了未知的自定义工具类型:'${item.type}'`); return this; } const success =, id, item); if (!success) { console.warn(`触发自定义工具失败,id:'${id}',type:${item.type}`); } return this; } /** * 强制刷新这个自定义工具栏的所有显示 */ refresh(reopen: boolean = false) { if (reopen && this.showIds.length > 0) { this.closeAll(); nextTick(() => {; }); } else { const items = this.items.splice(0); nextTick(() => { this.items.push(...items); }); } return this; } setPos(x?: number, y?: number) { has(x) && (this.x = x); has(y) && (this.y = y); this.emit('posChange', this); } setSize(width?: number, height?: number) { has(width) && (this.width = width); has(height) && (this.height = height); this.emit('posChange', this); } /** * 显示这个自定义工具栏,可以显示多个,且内容互通 * @param multi 是否允许显示多个,不填时,如果已经存在这个工具栏,那么将不会显示 */ show(multi: boolean = false) { if ( !multi && this.showIds.some(v => fixedUi.stack.some(vv => vv.num === v)) ) { return -1; } const id ='toolbar', { bar: this }); this.showIds.push(id); return id; } /** * 关闭一个以此实例为基础显示的自定义工具栏 * @param id 要关闭的id */ close(id: number) { fixedUi.close(id); deleteWith(this.showIds, id); } /** * 关闭这个自定义工具栏的所有显示 */ closeAll() { this.showIds.forEach(v => fixedUi.close(v)); this.showIds = []; } static get(id: string) { return this.list.find(v => === id); } /** * 注册一类自定义工具 * @param type 要注册的自定义工具类型 * @param name 该类型的中文名 * @param onEmit 当触发这个自定义工具的时候执行的函数 * @param show 这个自定义工具在自定义工具栏的显示组件 * @param editor 这个自定义工具在编辑时编辑组件 * @param onCreate 当这个自定义工具在编辑器中被添加时,执行的初始化脚本 */ static register( type: K, name: string, onEmit: ToolItemEmitFn, show: CustomToolbarComponent, editor: CustomToolbarComponent, onCreate: (item: any) => ToolbarItemMap[K] ) { if (type in { console.warn(`已存在名为'${type}'的自定义工具类型,已将其覆盖!`); } const info: RegisteredCustomToolInfo = { name, onEmit: onEmit as ToolItemEmitFn, show: show as CustomToolbarComponent, editor: editor as CustomToolbarComponent, // @ts-ignore onCreate };[type] = info; } static save() { toolbarStorage.clear(); const setting = Mota.require('var', 'mainSetting'); const scale = setting.getValue('ui.toolbarScale', 100) / 100; this.list.forEach(v => { const toSave: ToolbarSaveData = { x: v.x, y: v.y, w: v.width / scale, h: v.height / scale, items: [] }; v.items.forEach(v => { toSave.items.push(v); }); toolbarStorage.setValue(, toSave); }); toolbarStorage.write(); } static load() {; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries( { const bar = this.get(key) ?? new CustomToolbar(key); bar.x = value.x; bar.y = value.y; bar.width = value.w; bar.height = value.h; for (const item of value.items) { bar.add(item); } } } static refreshAll(reopen: boolean = false): void { CustomToolbar.list.forEach(v => v.refresh(reopen)); } static showAll(): number[] { return =>; } static closeAll() { this.list.forEach(v => v.closeAll()); } } Mota.require('var', 'loading').once('coreInit', () => { CustomToolbar.load(); CustomToolbar.closeAll(); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', e => {; }); window.addEventListener('blur', () => {; }); }); Mota.require('var', 'hook').on('reset', () => { CustomToolbar.showAll(); }); Mota.require('var', 'hook').once('reset', () => { const mainStorage = GameStorage.for(GameStorage.fromGame('main'));; if (!mainStorage.getValue('played', false)) { mainStorage.setValue('played', true); let defaultsTool = CustomToolbar.list.find(v => === '@defaults'); const hasDefaults = !!defaultsTool; if (!defaultsTool) { defaultsTool = new CustomToolbar('@defaults', true); } defaultsTool.closeAll(); defaultsTool.items = reactive([]); defaultsTool.add({ id: '@defaults_misc', type: 'misc', folded: false, noDefaultAction: true, items: [ 'book', 'fly', 'save', 'load', 'toolbox', 'equipbox', 'shop', 'virtualKey', 'setting', 'undo', 'redo', 'danmaku', 'minimap' ] }); // 计算位置,显示在游戏画面下方 if (!hasDefaults) { const game = core.dom.gameDraw; const bottom = game.offsetTop + game.offsetHeight; const left = game.offsetLeft; const width = game.offsetWidth; if (isMobile) { // 手机端显示在最下方 defaultsTool.setPos(16, bottom); defaultsTool.setSize(window.innerWidth - 32, 85); } else { // 电脑显示在屏幕右方 defaultsTool.setPos(left, bottom); defaultsTool.setSize(width, 70); } };; } });