import fss from 'fs'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import Fontmin from 'fontmin'; import * as babel from '@babel/core'; import * as rollup from 'rollup'; import typescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript'; import rollupBabel from '@rollup/plugin-babel'; import terser from '@rollup/plugin-terser'; import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'; import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs'; import { splitResorce } from './resource.js'; import compressing from 'compressing'; const type = process.argv[2]; const map = false; const resorce = type !== 'dev'; const compress = type === 'dist'; (async function () { const timestamp =; // 1. 去除未使用的文件 const data = (() => { const data = fss.readFileSync('./public/project/data.js', 'utf-8'); const json = JSON.parse( data .split(/(\n|\r\n)/) .slice(1) .join('\n') ); return json; })() as { main: Record<string, string[]> }; const main = data.main; try { const data = [ ['./dist/project/floors', '.js', 'floorIds'], ['./dist/project/bgms', '', 'bgms'], ['./dist/project/sounds', '', 'sounds'], ['./dist/project/images', '', 'images'], ['./dist/project/animates', '.animate', 'animates'], ['./dist/project/tilesets', '', 'tilesets'], ['./dist/project/fonts', '.ttf', 'fonts'] ]; await Promise.all( v => { const all = await fs.readdir(`${v[0]}`); const data = main[v[2]].map(vv => vv + v[1]); all.forEach(async vv => { if (!data.includes(vv)) { await fs.rm(`${v[0]}/${vv}`); } }); }) ); if (!map) await fs.remove('./dist/maps/'); // 在线查看什么都看不到,这编辑器难道还需要留着吗? await fs.remove('./dist/_server'); await fs.remove('./dist/editor.html'); await fs.remove('./dist/server.cjs'); await fs.remove('./dist/project/materials/airwall.png'); await fs.remove('./dist/project/materials/ground.png'); await fs.remove('./dist/project/materials/icons_old.png'); } catch {} // 2. 压缩字体 try { // 获取要压缩的文字列表,libs & projects下的所有js文件 let texts = ``; const exclude = `\n \t`; const libs = await fs.readdir('./public/libs'); const project = await fs.readdir('./public/project'); const floors = await fs.readdir('./public/project/floors'); const assets = await fs.readdir('./dist/assets/'); const all = [ => `./public/libs/${v}`), => `./public/project/${v}`), => `./public/project/floors/${v}`), => `./dist/assets/${v}`) ]; for await (const dir of all) { const stat = await fs.stat(dir); if (!stat.isFile()) continue; if (dir.endsWith('.ttf')) continue; const file = await fs.readFile(dir, 'utf-8'); for (let i = 0; i < file.length; i++) { const char = file[i]; if (!texts.includes(char) && !exclude.includes(char)) texts += char; } } // 获取所有字体(直接压缩字体会报错 const fonts = main.fonts; await Promise.all([ => (async () => { const fontmin = new Fontmin(); fontmin .src<string>(`./public/project/fonts/${v}.ttf`) .dest('./dist/project/fonts') .use( Fontmin.glyph({ text: texts }) ); await new Promise(res => { => { if (err) throw err; res(''); }); }); })() ) ]); await Promise.all([ => { return fs.rename( `./dist/project/fonts/${v}.ttf`, `./dist/project/fonts/${v}-${timestamp}.ttf` ); }) ]); } catch (e) { console.log('字体压缩失败'); } // 3. 压缩js插件 try { await fs.remove('./dist/project/plugin.min.js'); const build = await rollup.rollup({ input: 'src/plugin/game/index.js', plugins: [ typescript({ sourceMap: false }), rollupBabel({ babelHelpers: 'bundled', sourceType: 'module' }), terser(), resolve(), commonjs() ] }); await build.write({ format: 'iife', name: 'CorePlugin', file: './dist/project/plugin.min.js' }); await fs.remove('./dist/project/plugin/'); } catch (e) { console.log('压缩插件失败'); } // 4. 压缩main.js try { // 先获取不能压缩的部分 const main = (await fs.readFile('./public/main.js', 'utf-8')) .replace( /this.pluginUseCompress\s*=\s*false\;/, 'this.pluginUseCompress = true;' ) .replace('this.timestamp = 0', `this.timestamp = ${timestamp};`); const endIndex = main.indexOf('// >>>> body end'); const nonCompress = main.slice(0, endIndex); const needCompress = main.slice(endIndex + 17); const compressed = babel.transformSync(needCompress)?.code; await fs.writeFile('./dist/main.js', nonCompress + compressed, 'utf-8'); } catch { console.log('main.js压缩失败'); } // 5. 杂项 try { await fs.copy('./LICENSE', './dist/LICENSE'); } catch {} // 6. 资源分离 if (resorce) { await splitResorce(type); } // 7. 压缩 if (compress) { await fs.ensureDir('./out'); await'./dist', './out/'); // 压缩资源 if (resorce) { const resources = await fs.readdir('./dist-resource'); for await (const index of resources) { await `./dist-resource/${index}`, `./out/${index}.zip` ); } } } })();