import fs, { Stats } from 'fs-extra'; import JSZip from 'jszip'; import { formatSize, uniqueSymbol } from './utils.js'; // 资源拆分模块,可以加快在线加载速度 type ResourceType = | 'text' | 'buffer' | 'image' | 'material' | 'audio' | 'json' | 'zip'; interface CompressedLoadListItem { type: ResourceType; name: string; usage: string; } type CompressedLoadList = Record<string, CompressedLoadListItem[]>; interface MainData { main: { images: string[]; tilesets: string[]; animates: string[]; sounds: string[]; fonts: string[]; }; } /** 单包大小,2M */ const SPLIT_SIZE = 2 ** 20 * 2; export async function splitResource() { const splitResult: CompressedLoadList = {}; let now: CompressedLoadListItem[] = []; let totalSize: number = 0; let nowZip: JSZip = new JSZip(); await fs.ensureDir('./dist/resource/'); await fs.emptyDir('./dist/resource'); const pushItem = async ( type: ResourceType, name: string, usage: string, file: Stats, content: any ) => { totalSize += file.size; if (totalSize > SPLIT_SIZE) { if (file.size > SPLIT_SIZE) { const symbol = uniqueSymbol() + `.h5data`; console.warn( `file ${type}/${name}(${formatSize( file.size )}) is larger than split limit (${formatSize( SPLIT_SIZE )}), single zip will be generated.` ); splitResult['resource/' + symbol] = [{ type, name, usage }]; const zip = new JSZip(); addZippedFile(zip, type, name, content); await writeZip(zip, `./dist/resource/${symbol}`, file.size); totalSize -= file.size; return; } else { const symbol = uniqueSymbol() + `.h5data`; splitResult['resource/' + symbol] = now; await writeZip( nowZip, `./dist/resource/${symbol}`, totalSize - file.size ); nowZip = new JSZip(); totalSize = 0; now = []; await pushItem(type, name, usage, file, content); } } else { now.push({ type, name, usage }); addZippedFile(nowZip, type, name, content); } }; const writeZip = (zip: JSZip, name: string, size: number) => { return new Promise<void>(res => { zip.generateNodeStream({ type: 'nodebuffer', streamFiles: true }) .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(name)) .once('finish', function () { console.log( `Generated ${name}. Unzipped size: ${formatSize(size)}` ); res(); }); }); }; const addZippedFile = ( zip: JSZip, type: ResourceType, name: string, content: any ) => { zip.file(`${type}/${name}`, content); }; const file = await fs.readFile('./dist/project/data.js', 'utf-8'); const data = JSON.parse(file.split('\n').slice(1).join('')) as MainData; // images for (const image of data.main.images) { const path = `./dist/project/images/${image}`; const stat = await fs.stat(path); await pushItem('image', image, 'image', stat, await fs.readFile(path)); } // tileset for (const tileset of data.main.tilesets) { const path = `./dist/project/tilesets/${tileset}`; const stat = await fs.stat(path); await pushItem( 'image', tileset, 'tileset', stat, await fs.readFile(path) ); } // animates for (const ani of data.main.animates) { const path = `./dist/project/animates/${ani}.animate`; const stat = await fs.stat(path); await pushItem( 'text', ani + '.animate', 'animate', stat, await fs.readFile(path, 'utf-8') ); } // sounds for (const sound of data.main.sounds) { const path = `./dist/project/sounds/${sound}`; const stat = await fs.stat(path); await pushItem('audio', sound, 'sound', stat, await fs.readFile(path)); } // fonts for (const font of data.main.fonts) { const path = `./dist/project/fonts/${font}.ttf`; const stat = await fs.stat(path); await pushItem( 'buffer', font + '.ttf', 'font', stat, await fs.readFile(path) ); } // autotiles const autotiles = await fs.readdir('./dist/project/autotiles'); for (const a of autotiles) { const path = `./dist/project/autotiles/${a}`; const stat = await fs.stat(path); await pushItem('image', a, 'autotile', stat, await fs.readFile(path)); } // materials const materials = await fs.readdir('./dist/project/materials'); for (const m of materials) { const path = `./dist/project/materials/${m}`; const stat = await fs.stat(path); await pushItem( 'material', m, 'material', stat, await fs.readFile(path) ); } const symbol = uniqueSymbol() + `.h5data`; splitResult['resource/' + symbol] = now; await writeZip(nowZip, `./dist/resource/${symbol}`, totalSize); // 添加资源映射 await fs.writeFile( './dist/loadList.json', JSON.stringify(splitResult), 'utf-8' ); // 删除原资源 await fs.emptyDir('./dist/project/images'); await fs.emptyDir('./dist/project/tilesets'); await fs.emptyDir('./dist/project/animates'); await fs.emptyDir('./dist/project/fonts'); await fs.emptyDir('./dist/project/materials'); await fs.emptyDir('./dist/project/sounds'); await fs.emptyDir('./dist/project/autotiles'); // 然后加入填充内容 await fs.copy( './script/template/.h5data', './dist/project/images/images.h5data' ); await fs.copy( './script/template/.h5data', './dist/project/tilesets/tilesets.h5data' ); await fs.copy( './script/template/.h5data', './dist/project/animates/animates.h5data' ); await fs.copy( './script/template/.h5data', './dist/project/fonts/fonts.h5data' ); await fs.copy( './script/template/.h5data', './dist/project/materials/materials.h5data' ); await fs.copy( './script/template/.h5data', './dist/project/sounds/sounds.h5data' ); await fs.copy( './script/template/.h5data', './dist/project/autotiles/autotiles.h5data' ); }