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import { message } from 'ant-design-vue';
import { MessageApi } from 'ant-design-vue/lib/message';
import { isNil } from 'lodash-es';
import { Animation, sleep, TimingFn } from 'mutate-animate';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { EVENT_KEY_CODE_MAP } from './keyCodes';
import axios from 'axios';
import { decompressFromBase64 } from 'lz-string';
import { parseColor } from './webgl/utils';
type CanParseCss = keyof {
[P in keyof CSSStyleDeclaration as CSSStyleDeclaration[P] extends string
? P extends string
? P
: never
: never]: CSSStyleDeclaration[P];
export default function init() {
return {
* 判定一个值是否不是undefined或null
* @param value 要判断的值
export function has<T>(value: T): value is NonNullable<T> {
return !isNil(value);
* 根据伤害大小获取颜色
* @param damage 伤害大小
export function getDamageColor(damage: number): Color {
if (typeof damage !== 'number') return '#f00';
if (damage === 0) return '#2f2';
if (damage < 0) return '#7f7';
if (damage < core.status.hero.hp / 3) return '#fff';
if (damage < (core.status.hero.hp * 2) / 3) return '#ff4';
if (damage < core.status.hero.hp) return '#f93';
return '#f22';
* 设置画布的长宽
* @param canvas 画布
* @param w 宽度
* @param h 高度
export function setCanvasSize(
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement,
w: number,
h: number
): void {
canvas.width = w;
canvas.height = h;
canvas.style.width = `${w}px`;
canvas.style.height = `${h}px`;
* 获取事件中的keycode对应的键
* @param key 要获取的键
export function keycode(key: number) {
return EVENT_KEY_CODE_MAP[key];
* 解析css字符串为CSSStyleDeclaration对象
* @param css 要解析的css字符串
export function parseCss(css: string): Partial<Record<CanParseCss, string>> {
const str = css.replace(/[\n\s\t]*/g, '').replace(/;*/g, ';');
const styles = str.split(';');
const res: Partial<Record<CanParseCss, string>> = {};
for (const one of styles) {
const [key, data] = one.split(':');
const cssKey = key.replace(/\-([a-z])/g, (str, $1) =>
) as CanParseCss;
res[cssKey] = data;
return res;
* 使用打字机效果显示一段文字
* @param str 要打出的字符串
* @param time 打出总用时,默认1秒,当第四个参数是true时,该项为每个字的平均时间
* @param timing 打出时的速率曲线,默认为线性变化
* @param avr 是否将第二个参数视为每个字的平均时间
* @returns 文字的响应式变量
export function type(
str: string,
time: number = 1000,
timing: TimingFn = n => n,
avr: boolean = false
): Ref<string> {
const toShow = eval('`' + str + '`') as string;
if (typeof toShow !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Error str type in typing!');
if (toShow.startsWith('!!html')) return ref(toShow);
if (avr) time *= toShow.length;
const ani = new Animation();
const content = ref('');
const all = toShow.length;
const fn = (time: number) => {
if (!has(time)) return;
const now = ani.x;
content.value = toShow.slice(0, Math.floor(now));
if (Math.floor(now) === all) {
content.value = toShow;
ani.mode(timing).time(time).move(all, 0);
setTimeout(() => ani.ticker.destroy(), time + 100);
return content;
export function tip(
type: Exclude<keyof MessageApi, 'open' | 'config' | 'destroy'>,
text: string
) {
content: text,
class: 'antdv-message'
* 设置文字分段换行等
* @param str 文字
export function splitText(str: string[]) {
return str
.map((v, i, a) => {
if (/^\d+\./.test(v)) return `${' '.repeat(12)}${v}`;
else if (
(has(a[i - 1]) && v !== '<br>' && a[i - 1] === '<br>') ||
i === 0
) {
return `${' '.repeat(8)}${v}`;
} else return v;
* 在下一帧执行某个函数
* @param cb 执行的函数
export function nextFrame(cb: (time: number) => void) {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
* 下载一个画布对应的图片
* @param canvas 画布
* @param name 图片名称
export function downloadCanvasImage(
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement,
name: string
): void {
const data = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
download(data, name);
* 下载一个文件
* @param content 下载的内容
* @param name 文件名称
export function download(content: string, name: string) {
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.download = `${name}.png`;
a.href = content;
* 间隔一段时间调用一个函数
* @param funcs 函数列表
* @param interval 调用间隔
export async function doByInterval(
funcs: (() => void)[],
interval: number,
awaitFirst: boolean = false
) {
if (awaitFirst) {
await sleep(interval);
for await (const fn of funcs) {
await sleep(interval);
* 更改一个本地存储
* @param name 要更改的信息
* @param fn 更改时执行的函数
* @param defaultValue 如果不存在时获取的默认值
export function changeLocalStorage<T>(
name: string,
fn: (data: T) => T,
defaultValue?: T
) {
const now = core.getLocalStorage(name, defaultValue);
const to = fn(now);
core.setLocalStorage(name, to);
export async function swapChapter(chapter: number, hard: number) {
const h = hard === 2 ? 'hard' : 'easy';
const save = await axios.get(
responseType: 'text',
responseEncoding: 'utf-8'
const data = JSON.parse(decompressFromBase64(save.data));
core.loadData(data.data, () => {
export function ensureArray<T>(arr: T): T extends any[] ? T : T[] {
// @ts-ignore
return arr instanceof Array ? arr : [arr];
export function pColor(color: string) {
const arr = parseColor(color);
arr[3] ??= 1;
return `rgba(${arr.join(',')})` as Color;
export function deleteWith<T>(arr: T[], ele: T): T[] {
const index = arr.indexOf(ele);
if (index === -1) return arr;
arr.splice(index, 1);
return arr;
export function spliceBy<T>(arr: T[], from: T): T[] {
const index = arr.indexOf(from);
if (index === -1) return arr;
return arr;
export async function triggerFullscreen(full: boolean) {
const { maxGameScale } = core.plugin.utils;
if (!!document.fullscreenElement && !full) {
await document.exitFullscreen();
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (full && !document.fullscreenElement) {
await document.body.requestFullscreen();
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
* 根据布尔值数组转换成一个二进制数
* @param arr 要转换的布尔值数组
export function generateBinary(arr: boolean[]) {
let num = 0;
arr.forEach((v, i) => {
if (v) {
num += 1 << i;
return num;
* 获得某个状态的中文名
* @param name 要获取的属性名
export function getStatusLabel(name: string) {
return (
name: '名称',
lv: '等级',
hpmax: '生命回复',
hp: '生命',
manamax: '魔力上限',
mana: '额外攻击',
atk: '攻击',
def: '防御',
mdef: '智慧',
money: '金币',
exp: '经验',
point: '加点',
steps: '步数',
up: '升级',
none: '无'
}[name] || name