
336 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

import { message } from 'ant-design-vue';
import { MessageApi } from 'ant-design-vue/lib/message';
import { isNil } from 'lodash-es';
import { Animation, sleep, TimingFn } from 'mutate-animate';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { EVENT_KEY_CODE_MAP } from './keyCodes';
import axios from 'axios';
import { decompressFromBase64 } from 'lz-string';
import { parseColor } from './webgl/utils';
type CanParseCss = keyof {
[P in keyof CSSStyleDeclaration as CSSStyleDeclaration[P] extends string
? P extends string
? P
: never
: never]: CSSStyleDeclaration[P];
export default function init() {
return {
* 判定一个值是否不是undefined或null
* @param value 要判断的值
export function has<T>(value: T): value is NonNullable<T> {
return !isNil(value);
* 根据伤害大小获取颜色
* @param damage 伤害大小
export function getDamageColor(damage: number): Color {
if (typeof damage !== 'number') return '#f00';
if (damage === 0) return '#2f2';
if (damage < 0) return '#7f7';
if (damage < core.status.hero.hp / 3) return '#fff';
if (damage < (core.status.hero.hp * 2) / 3) return '#ff4';
if (damage < core.status.hero.hp) return '#f93';
return '#f22';
* 设置画布的长宽
* @param canvas 画布
* @param w 宽度
* @param h 高度
export function setCanvasSize(
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement,
w: number,
h: number
): void {
canvas.width = w;
canvas.height = h; = `${w}px`; = `${h}px`;
* 获取事件中的keycode对应的键
* @param key 要获取的键
export function keycode(key: number) {
return EVENT_KEY_CODE_MAP[key];
* 解析css字符串为CSSStyleDeclaration对象
* @param css 要解析的css字符串
export function parseCss(css: string): Partial<Record<CanParseCss, string>> {
const str = css.replace(/[\n\s\t]*/g, '').replace(/;*/g, ';');
const styles = str.split(';');
const res: Partial<Record<CanParseCss, string>> = {};
for (const one of styles) {
const [key, data] = one.split(':');
const cssKey = key.replace(/\-([a-z])/g, (str, $1) =>
) as CanParseCss;
res[cssKey] = data;
return res;
* 使用打字机效果显示一段文字
* @param str 要打出的字符串
* @param time 打出总用时默认1秒当第四个参数是true时该项为每个字的平均时间
* @param timing 打出时的速率曲线,默认为线性变化
* @param avr 是否将第二个参数视为每个字的平均时间
* @returns 文字的响应式变量
export function type(
str: string,
time: number = 1000,
timing: TimingFn = n => n,
avr: boolean = false
): Ref<string> {
const toShow = eval('`' + str + '`') as string;
if (typeof toShow !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Error str type in typing!');
if (toShow.startsWith('!!html')) return ref(toShow);
if (avr) time *= toShow.length;
const ani = new Animation();
const content = ref('');
const all = toShow.length;
const fn = (time: number) => {
if (!has(time)) return;
const now = ani.x;
content.value = toShow.slice(0, Math.floor(now));
if (Math.floor(now) === all) {
content.value = toShow;
ani.mode(timing).time(time).move(all, 0);
setTimeout(() => ani.ticker.destroy(), time + 100);
return content;
export function tip(
type: Exclude<keyof MessageApi, 'open' | 'config' | 'destroy'>,
text: string
) {
content: text,
class: 'antdv-message'
* 设置文字分段换行等
* @param str 文字
export function splitText(str: string[]) {
return str
.map((v, i, a) => {
if (/^\d+\./.test(v)) return `${'&nbsp;'.repeat(12)}${v}`;
else if (
(has(a[i - 1]) && v !== '<br>' && a[i - 1] === '<br>') ||
i === 0
) {
return `${'&nbsp;'.repeat(8)}${v}`;
} else return v;
* 在下一帧执行某个函数
* @param cb 执行的函数
export function nextFrame(cb: (time: number) => void) {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
* 下载一个画布对应的图片
* @param canvas 画布
* @param name 图片名称
export function downloadCanvasImage(
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement,
name: string
): void {
const data = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
download(data, name);
* 下载一个文件
* @param content 下载的内容
* @param name 文件名称
export function download(content: string, name: string) {
const a = document.createElement('a'); = `${name}.png`;
a.href = content;
* 间隔一段时间调用一个函数
* @param funcs 函数列表
* @param interval 调用间隔
export async function doByInterval(
funcs: (() => void)[],
interval: number,
awaitFirst: boolean = false
) {
if (awaitFirst) {
await sleep(interval);
for await (const fn of funcs) {
await sleep(interval);
* 更改一个本地存储
* @param name 要更改的信息
* @param fn 更改时执行的函数
* @param defaultValue 如果不存在时获取的默认值
export function changeLocalStorage<T>(
name: string,
fn: (data: T) => T,
defaultValue?: T
) {
const now = core.getLocalStorage(name, defaultValue);
const to = fn(now);
core.setLocalStorage(name, to);
export async function swapChapter(chapter: number, hard: number) {
const h = hard === 2 ? 'hard' : 'easy';
const save = await axios.get(
responseType: 'text',
responseEncoding: 'utf-8'
const data = JSON.parse(decompressFromBase64(;
core.loadData(, () => {
export function ensureArray<T>(arr: T): T extends any[] ? T : T[] {
// @ts-ignore
return arr instanceof Array ? arr : [arr];
export function pColor(color: string) {
const arr = parseColor(color);
arr[3] ??= 1;
return `rgba(${arr.join(',')})` as Color;
export function deleteWith<T>(arr: T[], ele: T): T[] {
const index = arr.indexOf(ele);
if (index === -1) return arr;
arr.splice(index, 1);
return arr;
export function spliceBy<T>(arr: T[], from: T): T[] {
const index = arr.indexOf(from);
if (index === -1) return arr;
return arr;
export async function triggerFullscreen(full: boolean) {
const { maxGameScale } = core.plugin.utils;
if (!!document.fullscreenElement && !full) {
await document.exitFullscreen();
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (full && !document.fullscreenElement) {
await document.body.requestFullscreen();
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
* 根据布尔值数组转换成一个二进制数
* @param arr 要转换的布尔值数组
export function generateBinary(arr: boolean[]) {
let num = 0;
arr.forEach((v, i) => {
if (v) {
num += 1 << i;
return num;
* 获得某个状态的中文名
* @param name 要获取的属性名
export function getStatusLabel(name: string) {
return (
name: '名称',
lv: '等级',
hpmax: '生命回复',
hp: '生命',
manamax: '魔力上限',
mana: '额外攻击',
atk: '攻击',
def: '防御',
mdef: '智慧',
money: '金币',
exp: '经验',
point: '加点',
steps: '步数',
up: '升级',
none: '无'
}[name] || name