mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:57:36 +08:00
833 lines
24 KiB
833 lines
24 KiB
* 表格配置项。
* 在这里可以对表格中的各项显示进行配置,包括表格项、提示内容等内容。具体写法照葫芦画瓢即可。
* 本配置项包括:道具、怪物、图块属性、楼层属性等内容。
* 相关文档 _docs/editor.md ~修改表格
var comment_c456ea59_6018_45ef_8bcc_211a24c627dc = {
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"_data": {
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"_docs": "道具ID",
"_data": "道具ID,可于页面底部修改"
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"_leaf": true,
"_type": "select",
"_select": {
"values": [
"_docs": "道具类别",
"_data": "items(宝石、血瓶) constants(永久物品) tools(消耗道具) equips(装备)"
"name": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_string": true,
"_data": "道具名称"
"text": {
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"_type": "textarea",
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"_docs": "道具描述",
"_data": "道具在道具栏中显示的描述"
"hideInToolbox": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "不显示在道具栏",
"equip": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "equip",
"_docs": "道具的装备属性"
"hideInReplay": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "回放不绘制道具栏",
"_data": "此项建议在会频繁连续多次使用的道具开启(如开启技能,或者《镜子》那样的镜像切换等等)"
"itemEffect": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_string": true,
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"_docs": "即捡即用效果",
"_data": "即捡即用类物品的效果,仅对cls为items有效。"
"itemEffectTip": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_string": true,
"_docs": "即捡即用提示",
"_data": "即捡即用类物品在获得时提示的文字,仅对cls为items有效。"
"useItemEvent": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "item",
"_docs": "碰触或使用事件",
"_data": "碰触或使用本道具所执行的事件,对所有cls有效"
"useItemEffect": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_string": true,
"_lint": true,
"_docs": "使用效果",
"_data": "道具效果,仅对cls为tools或constants有效。"
"canUseItemEffect": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_string": true,
"_lint": true,
"_docs": "能否使用或装备",
"_data": "当前能否使用或装备该道具,仅对cls不为items有效。null表示始终不可使用但可装备"
"items_template": { 'cls': 'items', 'name': '新物品', 'canUseItemEffect': 'true' },
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"_type": "object",
"_data": {
"id": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "disable",
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"_data": "怪物ID,可于页面底部修改"
"name": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_string": true,
"_data": "名称"
"description": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_string": true,
"_docs": "怪物描述",
"_data": "可在怪物详细信息页面写的怪物描述,支持颜色、字体大小和样式、粗体斜体等转义方式。"
"displayIdInBook": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_string": true,
"_docs": "手册ID",
"_data": "在怪物手册中映射到的怪物ID。如果此项不为null,则在怪物手册中,将用目标ID来替换该怪物原本的ID。常被运用在同一个怪物的多朝向上。"
"faceIds": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "faceIds",
"_docs": "行走朝向",
"_data": "行走图朝向。在勇士撞上图块时,或图块在移动时,会自动选择最合适的朝向图块(如果存在定义)来进行绘制。"
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"_onconfirm": (function (previous, current) {
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return current[0];
"_docs": "绑定贴图",
"_data": "该怪物绑定的怪物贴图,用法详见文档"
"hp": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_data": "生命值"
"atk": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_data": "攻击力"
"def": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_data": "防御力"
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"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_data": "金币"
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"_type": "textarea",
"_data": "经验"
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"_type": "textarea",
"_data": "加点"
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"_checkboxSet": function () {
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var name = array[index].name;
if (name instanceof Function) name = name({});
c.push(name + "(" + index + ")")
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"prefix": c,
"key": b
"_data": "特殊属性"
"crit": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "致命一击",
"_data": "致命一击"
"charge": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "勇气冲锋",
"_data": "勇气冲锋"
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"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "勇气之刃",
"_data": "勇气之刃"
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"_type": "textarea",
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"_data": "抱团"
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"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "饥渴",
"_data": "饥渴"
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"_type": "textarea",
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"_data": "霜冻"
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"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "冰封光环",
"_data": "冰封光环"
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"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "永夜",
"_data": "永夜"
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"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "极昼",
"_data": "极昼"
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"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "融化",
"_data": "融化"
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"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "冰封之核",
"_data": "冰封之核"
"fireCore": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "火焰之核",
"_data": "火焰之核"
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"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "苍蓝刻",
"_data": "苍蓝刻"
"translation": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "乾坤挪移",
"_data": "乾坤挪移"
"specialHalo": {
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var b = [],
c = [];
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var name = array[index].name;
if (name instanceof Function) name = name({});
c.push(name + "(" + index + ")")
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"prefix": c,
"key": b
"_data": "杀戮光环"
"specialMultiply": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "光环叠加",
"_data": "光环叠加是否为乘算"
"haloRange": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "光环范围",
"_data": "光环范围"
"value": {
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"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "特殊属性数值",
"_data": "特殊属性的数值\n如:领域/阻激/激光怪的伤害值;吸血怪的吸血比例;光环怪增加生命的比例"
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"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "九宫格",
"_data": "领域、阻击、光环或捕捉怪是否九宫格"
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"_type": "textarea",
"_range": "(thiseval==~~thiseval && thiseval>0)||thiseval==null",
"_docs": "领域范围",
"_data": "领域或光环的范围;领域不加默认为1,光环不加则为全图效果"
"notBomb": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "不可炸",
"_data": "该怪物不可被炸"
"n": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_range": "(thiseval==~~thiseval && thiseval>0)||thiseval==null",
"_docs": "连击数",
"_data": "多连击的连击数,净化怪的净化倍率"
"add": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "吸血加到自身",
"_data": "吸血后是否加到自身;光环是否叠加"
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"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_range": "thiseval==~~thiseval||thiseval==null",
"_docs": "退化扣攻",
"_data": "退化时勇士下降的攻击力点数;光环怪增加攻击的比例;反击的比例"
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"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_range": "thiseval==~~thiseval||thiseval==null",
"_docs": "退化扣防",
"_data": "退化时勇士下降的防御力点数;光环怪增加防御的比例;破甲的比例"
"damage": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_range": "thiseval==~~thiseval||thiseval==null",
"_docs": "固伤",
"_data": "战前扣血的点数"
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"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "beforeBattle",
"_docs": "战前事件",
"_data": "和该怪物战斗前触发的事件列表"
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"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "afterBattle",
"_docs": "战后事件",
"_data": "和该怪物战斗后触发的事件列表"
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"_leaf": true,
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"_data": "图块唯一ID,可在页面底部修改"
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"_leaf": true,
"_type": "disable",
"_range": "false",
"_data": "图块数字"
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"_data": "图块类别"
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"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_string": true,
"_data": "图块名称"
"trigger": {
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"values": [
"_docs": "触发器",
"_data": "该图块的默认触发器"
"canPass": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "可通行性",
"script": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
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"_docs": "碰触脚本",
"_data": "触碰到该图块时自动执行的脚本内容;此脚本会在该点的触发器执行前执行"
"event": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "item",
"_docs": "碰触事件",
"_data": "触碰到该图块时自动执行的事件内容;如果存在本事件则不会执行默认触发器"
"cannotOut": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkboxSet",
"_checkboxSet": {
"prefix": ["上: ", "下: ", "<br>左: ", "右: "],
"key": ["up", "down", "left", "right"]
"_docs": "不可出方向",
"_data": "该图块的不可出方向\n对背景层、事件层、前景层上的图块均有效"
"cannotIn": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkboxSet",
"_checkboxSet": {
"prefix": ["上: ", "下: ", "<br>左: ", "右: "],
"key": ["up", "down", "left", "right"]
"_docs": "不可入方向",
"_data": "该图块的不可入方向\n对背景层、事件层、前景层上的图块均有效"
"canBreak": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "可破震",
"_data": "该图块是否可被破墙或地震"
"animate": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "select",
"_select": {
"values": [null, 1, 2, 3, 4],
"_docs": "动画帧数",
"_data": "null代表素材默认帧数"
"doorInfo": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "doorInfo",
"_docs": "门信息",
"_data": "该图块的门信息,仅对animates和npc48生效。"
"faceIds": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "faceIds",
"_docs": "行走图朝向",
"_data": "行走图朝向。在勇士撞上图块时,或图块在移动时,会自动选择最合适的朝向图块(如果存在定义)来进行绘制。"
"bigImage": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "material",
"_directory": "./project/images/:images",
"_transform": (function (one) {
if (one.endsWith('.png')) return one;
return null;
"_onconfirm": (function (previous, current) {
if (current.length == 0) return null;
return current[0];
"_docs": "绑定贴图",
"_data": "该图块绑定的贴图,用法详见文档"
"autotileConnection": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "自动元件连接",
"_data": "此属性对自动元件有效,是一个数组,可以填写一些图块id,从而让自动元件可以与这些图块连接,从而做到自动元件能连门等操作"
// --------------------------- 【楼层属性】相关的表格配置 --------------------------- //
"floors": {
"_type": "object",
"_data": {
"floor": {
"_type": "object",
"_data": {
"floorId": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "disable",
"_range": "false",
"_docs": "楼层ID",
"_data": "文件名和floorId需要保持完全一致,可在页面底部修改"
"title": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "楼层名",
"_data": "楼层中文名,将在切换楼层和浏览地图时显示"
"name": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "状态栏显示",
"_data": "显示在状态栏中的层数"
"width": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "disable",
"_range": "false",
"_docs": "宽度",
"_data": "地图x方向大小,请在表格最下方修改"
"height": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "disable",
"_range": "false",
"_docs": "高度",
"_data": "地图y方向大小,请在表格最下方修改"
"canFlyTo": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "可楼传飞到",
"_data": "该楼能否被楼传器飞到"
"canFlyFrom": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "可楼传飞出",
"_data": "该楼能否用楼传器飞出"
"canUseQuickShop": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "快捷商店",
"_data": "该层是否允许使用快捷商店"
"cannotViewMap": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "不可浏览",
"_data": "该层是否不允许被浏览地图看到;如果勾上则浏览地图会跳过该层"
"cannotMoveDirectly": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "不可瞬移",
"_data": "该层是否不允许瞬间移动;如果勾上则不可在此层进行瞬移"
"underGround": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkbox",
"_docs": "地下层",
"_data": "是否是地下层;如果该项为true则同层传送将传送至上楼梯"
"firstArrive": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "firstArrive",
"_docs": "首次到达事件",
"_data": "第一次到该楼层触发的事件,可以双击进入事件编辑器。"
"eachArrive": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "eachArrive",
"_docs": "每次到达事件",
"_data": "每次到该楼层触发的事件,可以双击进入事件编辑器;该事件会在firstArrive执行后再执行。"
"parallelDo": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_string": true,
"_lint": true,
"_template": "(function (timestamp) {\\n\\t// 在这里写楼层并行脚本,大约每16.6ms执行一次\\n\\t// timestamp: 从游戏开始到当前所经过的毫秒数。\\n\\t\\n})(timestamp);",
"_docs": "并行处理脚本",
"_data": "在该层楼时执行的并行脚本处理。\n可以在这里写上任意需要自动执行的脚本,比如打怪自动开门等。\n详见文档-事件-并行事件处理。"
"upFloor": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "point",
"_range": "thiseval==null||((thiseval instanceof Array) && thiseval.length==2)",
"_docs": "上楼点",
"_data": "该层上楼点,如[2,3]。\n如果此项不为null,则楼层转换时的stair:upFloor,以及楼传器的落点会被替换成该点而不是该层的上楼梯。"
"downFloor": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "point",
"_range": "thiseval==null||((thiseval instanceof Array) && thiseval.length==2)",
"_docs": "下楼点",
"_data": "该层下楼点,如[2,3]。\n如果此项不为null,则楼层转换时的stair:downFloor,以及楼传器的落点会被替换成该点而不是该层的下楼梯。"
"flyPoint": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "point",
"_range": "thiseval==null||((thiseval instanceof Array) && thiseval.length==2)",
"_docs": "楼传落点",
"_data": "该层楼传落点,如[2,3]。\n如果此项不为null,则楼层飞行器强行落到此点,无视上下楼或平面塔属性。"
"defaultGround": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "地面图块",
"_data": "默认地面的图块ID,此项修改后需要刷新才能看到效果。不填则默认是ground"
"images": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "floorImage",
"_docs": "楼层贴图"
"color": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "color",
"_docs": "色调",
"_data": "该层的默认画面色调。本项可不写(代表无色调),如果写需要是一个RGBA数组如[255,0,0,0.3]"
"weather": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_docs": "天气",
"_data": "该层的默认天气。本项可忽略表示晴天,如果写则第一项为\"rain\",\"snow\", \"sun\", \"fog\", \"cloud\“代表对应的天气,第二项为1-10之间的数代表强度。\n如[\"rain\", 8]代表8级雨天。"
"bgm": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "material",
"_directory": "./project/bgms/",
"_transform": (function (one) {
if (one.endsWith('.mp3') || one.endsWith('.ogg') || one.endsWith('.wav') || one.endsWith('.m4a') || one.endsWith('.flac'))
return one;
return null;
"_onconfirm": (function (previous, current) {
if (current.length == 0) return null;
if (current.length == 1) return current[0];
return current;
"_docs": "背景音乐",
"_data": "到达该层后默认播放的BGM"
"ratio": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "textarea",
"_range": "thiseval==~~thiseval && thiseval>=0",
"_docs": "宝石血瓶效果",
"_data": "每一层的宝石/血瓶效果,即获得宝石和血瓶时框内\"ratio\"的值。"
"loc": {
"_type": "object",
"_data": {
"events": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "event",
"_docs": "普通事件",
"_data": "该点的可能事件列表,可以双击进入事件编辑器。"
"autoEvent": {
"_type": "object",
"_leaf": false,
"_action": function (args) {
args.vobj = args.vobj || {};
for (var ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++) {
args.vobj[ii] = args.vobj[ii] || null;
"_data": function (key) {
return {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "autoEvent",
"_data": "自动事件"
"changeFloor": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "changeFloor",
"_docs": "楼层转换",
"_data": "该点楼层转换事件;该事件不能和上面的events同时出现,否则会被覆盖"
"beforeBattle": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "beforeBattle",
"_docs": "战前事件",
"_data": "该点战斗前可能触发的事件列表,可以双击进入事件编辑器。"
"afterBattle": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "afterBattle",
"_docs": "战后事件",
"_data": "该点战斗后可能触发的事件列表,可以双击进入事件编辑器。"
"afterGetItem": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "afterGetItem",
"_docs": "道具后事件",
"_data": "该点获得道具后可能触发的事件列表,可以双击进入事件编辑器。"
"afterOpenDoor": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "event",
"_event": "afterOpenDoor",
"_docs": "开门后事件",
"_data": "该点开完门后可能触发的事件列表,可以双击进入事件编辑器。"
"cannotMove": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkboxSet",
"_checkboxSet": {
"prefix": ["上: ", "下: ", "<br>左: ", "右: "],
"key": ["up", "down", "left", "right"]
"_docs": "不可出方向",
"_data": "该点不可通行出的方向 \n 可以在这里定义该点不能前往哪个方向,可以达到悬崖之类的效果"
"cannotMoveIn": {
"_leaf": true,
"_type": "checkboxSet",
"_checkboxSet": {
"prefix": ["上: ", "下: ", "<br>左: ", "右: "],
"key": ["up", "down", "left", "right"]
"_docs": "不可入方向",
"_data": "该点不可通行入的方向 \n 可以在这里定义从哪个方向前往该点,可以达到悬崖之类的效果"
"floors_template": {
"floorId": "to be covered",
"title": "new floor",
"name": "new floor",
"width": 13,
"height": 13,
"canFlyTo": true,
"canFlyFrom": true,
"canUseQuickShop": true,
"cannotViewMap": false,
"cannotMoveDirectly": false,
"images": [],
"ratio": 1,
"defaultGround": "ground",
"bgm": null,
"upFloor": null,
"downFloor": null,
"color": null,
"weather": null,
"firstArrive": [],
"eachArrive": [],
"parallelDo": "",
"events": {},
"changeFloor": {},
"beforeBattle": {},
"afterBattle": {},
"afterGetItem": {},
"afterOpenDoor": {},
"autoEvent": {},
"cannotMove": {},
"cannotMoveIn": {}
} |