"use strict"; function events() { this._init(); } ////// 初始化 ////// events.prototype._init = function () { this.eventdata = functions_d6ad677b_427a_4623_b50f_a445a3b0ef8a.events; this.commonEvent = events_c12a15a8_c380_4b28_8144_256cba95f760.commonEvent; this.systemEvents = {}; this.actions = {}; }; // ------ 初始化,开始和结束 ------ // /// 初始化游戏 events.prototype.resetGame = function (hero, hard, floorId, maps, values) { this.eventdata.resetGame(hero, hard, floorId, maps, values); }; ////// 游戏开始事件 ////// events.prototype.startGame = function (hard, seed, route, callback) { main.dom.levelChooseButtons.style.display = "none"; main.dom.startButtonGroup.style.display = "none"; hard = hard || ""; if (main.mode != "play") return; // 无动画的开始游戏 if (core.flags.startUsingCanvas || route != null) { core.dom.startPanel.style.display = "none"; this._startGame_start(hard, seed, route, callback); } else { core.hideStartAnimate(function () { core.events._startGame_start(hard, seed, route, callback); }); } }; events.prototype._startGame_start = function (hard, seed, route, callback) { core.resetGame( core.firstData.hero, hard, null, core.cloneArray(core.initStatus.maps) ); core.setHeroLoc("x", -1); core.setHeroLoc("y", -1); if (seed != null && seed > 0) { core.setFlag("__seed__", seed); core.setFlag("__rand__", seed); } else core.utils.__init_seed(); core.clearStatusBar(); var todo = []; if (core.flags.startUsingCanvas) { core.hideStatusBar(); core.dom.musicBtn.style.display = "block"; core.push(todo, core.firstData.startCanvas); } core.push(todo, { type: "function", function: "function() { core.events._startGame_setHard(); }", }); core.push(todo, core.firstData.startText); this.insertAction(todo, null, null, function () { core.events._startGame_afterStart(callback); }); if (route != null) core.startReplay(route); }; events.prototype._startGame_setHard = function () { // 根据难度设置flag:hard // 这一段应当在startCanvas之后,startText之前做 var hardValue = 0; var hardColor = "red"; main.levelChoose.forEach(function (one) { if (one.name == core.status.hard) { hardValue = one.hard; hardColor = core.arrayToRGBA(one.color || [255, 0, 0, 1]); core.insertAction(one.action); } }); core.setFlag("hard", hardValue || 0); core.setFlag("__hardColor__", hardColor); }; events.prototype._startGame_afterStart = function (callback) { core.ui.closePanel(); core.changeFloor( core.firstData.floorId, null, core.firstData.hero.loc, null, function () { // 插入一个空事件避免直接回放录像出错 core.insertAction([]); if (callback) callback(); } ); this._startGame_upload(); }; events.prototype._startGame_upload = function () { // Upload var formData = new FormData(); formData.append("type", "people"); formData.append("name", core.firstData.name); formData.append("version", core.firstData.version); formData.append("platform", core.platform.string); formData.append("hard", core.encodeBase64(core.status.hard)); formData.append("hardCode", core.getFlag("hard", 0)); formData.append("base64", 1); core.utils.http("POST", "/games/upload.php", formData); }; ////// 游戏获胜事件 ////// events.prototype.win = function (reason, norank, noexit) { if (!noexit) core.status.gameOver = true; return this.eventdata.win(reason, norank, noexit); }; ////// 游戏失败事件 ////// events.prototype.lose = function (reason) { if (core.isReplaying()) return core.control._replay_error(reason, function () { core.lose(reason); }); core.status.gameOver = true; return this.eventdata.lose(reason); }; ////// 游戏结束 ////// events.prototype.gameOver = function (ending, fromReplay, norank) { if (!core.status.extraEvent) { core.clearMap("all"); core.deleteAllCanvas(); core.dom.gif2.innerHTML = ""; core.setWeather(); } core.ui.closePanel(); if (main.isCompetition && ending != null) { if (ending == "") ending = "恭喜通关"; ending += "[比赛]"; } var reason = null; if (fromReplay) reason = "录像回放完毕!"; else if (core.hasFlag("debug")) reason = "\t[系统提示]调试模式下无法上传成绩"; if (reason != null) core.drawText(reason, core.restart); else this._gameOver_confirmUpload(ending, norank); }; events.prototype._gameOver_confirmUpload = function (ending, norank) { core.ui.closePanel(); if (ending == null) { this._gameOver_confirmDownload(ending); return; } core.ui.drawConfirmBox( "你想记录你的ID和成绩吗?", function () { if (main.isCompetition) { core.events._gameOver_doUpload("", ending, norank); } else { var id = core.getCookie("id") || ""; var hint = "请输入你的ID:\n(登录状态下输入数字用户编号可成为蓝名成绩并计入用户通关数)"; if (id) hint = "请输入你的ID:\n(输入数字用户编号" + id + "可成为蓝名成绩并计入用户通关数)"; core.myprompt(hint, id, function (username) { core.events._gameOver_doUpload(username, ending, norank); }); } }, function () { if (main.isCompetition) core.events._gameOver_confirmDownload(ending); else core.events._gameOver_doUpload(null, ending, norank); } ); }; events.prototype._gameOver_doUpload = function (username, ending, norank) { var hp = core.status.hero.hp; if (username == null) hp = 1; core.ui.closePanel(); // upload var formData = new FormData(); formData.append("type", "score"); formData.append("name", core.firstData.name); formData.append("version", core.firstData.version); formData.append("platform", core.platform.string); formData.append("hard", core.encodeBase64(core.status.hard)); formData.append("username", core.encodeBase64(username || "")); formData.append("ending", core.encodeBase64(ending)); formData.append("lv", core.status.hero.lv); formData.append("hp", Math.min(hp, Math.pow(2, 63))); formData.append("atk", core.status.hero.atk); formData.append("def", core.status.hero.def); formData.append("mdef", core.status.hero.mdef); formData.append("money", core.status.hero.money); formData.append("experience", core.status.hero.exp); formData.append("steps", core.status.hero.steps); formData.append("norank", norank ? 1 : 0); formData.append("seed", core.getFlag("__seed__")); formData.append( "totalTime", Math.floor(core.status.hero.statistics.totalTime / 1000) ); formData.append("route", core.encodeRoute(core.status.route)); formData.append("base64", 1); if (main.isCompetition) core.http("POST", "/games/competition/upload.php", formData); else core.http("POST", "/games/upload.php", formData); core.events._gameOver_confirmDownload(ending); }; events.prototype._gameOver_confirmDownload = function (ending) { core.ui.closePanel(); core.ui.drawConfirmBox( "你想下载录像吗?", function () { var obj = { name: core.firstData.name, version: core.firstData.version, hard: core.status.hard, seed: core.getFlag("__seed__"), route: core.encodeRoute(core.status.route), }; core.download( core.firstData.name + "_" + core.formatDate2(new Date()) + ".h5route", LZString.compressToBase64(JSON.stringify(obj)) ); core.events._gameOver_askRate(ending); }, function () { core.events._gameOver_askRate(ending); } ); }; events.prototype._gameOver_askRate = function (ending) { core.ui.closePanel(); // 继续接下来的事件 if (core.status.extraEvent) { core.status.event = core.status.extraEvent; delete core.status.extraEvent; core.lockControl(); core.doAction(); return; } if (ending == null) { if (!core.hasSave(0)) { core.ui.closePanel(); core.restart(); return; } core.status.event.selection = 0; core.ui.drawConfirmBox( "你想读取自动存档么?", function () { core.ui.closePanel(); core.doSL("autoSave", "load"); }, function () { core.ui.closePanel(); core.restart(); } ); return; } core.ui.drawConfirmBox( "恭喜通关!你想查看榜单、评论,\n以及评分和标色投票吗?", function () { if (core.platform.isPC) { window.open("/tower/?name=" + core.firstData.name, "_blank"); core.restart(); } else { window.location.href = "/tower/?name=" + core.firstData.name; } }, function () { core.restart(); } ); }; ////// 重新开始游戏;此函数将回到标题页面 ////// events.prototype.restart = function () { core.showStartAnimate(); core.playBgm(main.startBgm); core.resumeBgm(); }; ////// 询问是否需要重新开始 ////// events.prototype.confirmRestart = function () { core.playSound("打开界面"); core.status.event.selection = 1; core.ui.drawConfirmBox( "你确定要返回标题页面吗?", function () { core.playSound("确定"); core.ui.closePanel(); core.restart(); }, function () { core.playSound("取消"); core.ui.closePanel(); } ); }; // ------ 系统事件的处理 ------ // ////// 注册一个系统事件 ////// // type为事件名,func为事件的处理函数,可接受(data, callback)参数 events.prototype.registerSystemEvent = function (type, func) { this.systemEvents[type] = func; }; ////// 注销一个系统事件 ////// events.prototype.unregisterSystemEvent = function (type) { delete this.systemEvents[type]; }; ////// 执行一个系统事件 ////// events.prototype.doSystemEvent = function (type, data, callback) { core.clearRouteFolding(); if (this.systemEvents[type]) { try { return core.doFunc(this.systemEvents[type], this, data, callback); } catch (e) { console.error(e); console.error("ERROR in systemEvents[" + type + "]"); } } if (this["_sys_" + type]) return this["_sys_" + type](data, callback); console.error("未知的系统事件: " + type + "!"); if (callback) callback(); }; ////// 触发(x,y)点的事件 ////// events.prototype.trigger = function (x, y, callback) { var _executeCallback = function () { // 因为trigger之后还有可能触发其他同步脚本(比如阻激夹域检测) // 所以这里强制callback被异步触发 if (callback) { setTimeout(callback, 1); // +1是为了录像检测系统 } return; }; if (core.status.gameOver) return _executeCallback(); if (core.status.event.id == "action") { core.insertAction( { type: "function", function: "function () { core.events._trigger_inAction(" + x + "," + y + "); }", async: true, }, null, null, null, true ); return _executeCallback(); } if (core.status.event.id) return _executeCallback(); var block = core.getBlock(x, y); if (block == null) return _executeCallback(); // 执行该点的脚本 if (block.event.script) { core.clearRouteFolding(); try { eval(block.event.script); } catch (ee) { console.error(ee); } } // 碰触事件 if (block.event.event) { core.clearRouteFolding(); core.insertAction(block.event.event, block.x, block.y); // 不再执行该点的系统事件 return _executeCallback(); } if (block.event.trigger && block.event.trigger != "null") { var noPass = block.event.noPass, trigger = block.event.trigger; if (noPass) core.clearAutomaticRouteNode(x, y); // 转换楼层能否穿透 if ( trigger == "changeFloor" && !noPass && this._trigger_ignoreChangeFloor(block) ) return _executeCallback(); core.status.automaticRoute.moveDirectly = false; this.doSystemEvent(trigger, block); } return _executeCallback(); }; events.prototype._trigger_inAction = function (x, y) { if (core.status.gameOver || core.status.event.id != "action") return; var block = core.getBlock(x, y); if (block == null) return core.doAction(); // 执行该点的脚本 try { eval(block.event.script); } catch (ee) { console.error(ee); } // 碰触事件 if (block.event.event) { core.clearRouteFolding(); core.insertAction(block.event.event, block.x, block.y); // 不再执行该点的系统事件 return core.doAction(); } if (block.event.trigger && block.event.trigger != "null") { this.setEvents(null, x, y); if (block.event.trigger == "action") { this.insertAction(block.event.data); } else { this.doSystemEvent(block.event.trigger, block, core.doAction); return; } } return core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._trigger_ignoreChangeFloor = function (block) { var able = core.flags.ignoreChangeFloor; if (block.event.data && block.event.data.ignoreChangeFloor != null) able = block.event.data.ignoreChangeFloor; if (able) { if (core.isReplaying()) { if (core.status.replay.toReplay[0] == "no") { core.status.replay.toReplay.shift(); core.status.route.push("no"); return true; } } else if ( core.status.automaticRoute.autoHeroMove || core.status.automaticRoute.autoStep < core.status.automaticRoute.autoStepRoutes.length ) { core.status.route.push("no"); return true; } } return false; }; events.prototype._sys_battle = function (data, callback) { // 检查是否需要改变朝向 /* if (data.x == core.nextX() && data.y == core.nextY()) { var dir = core.turnDirection(":back"); var id = data.event.id, toId = (data.event.faceIds || {})[dir]; if (toId && id != toId) { var number = core.getNumberById(toId); if (number > 0) core.setBlock(number, data.x, data.y); } } */ // 检查战前事件 var beforeBattle = []; core.push( beforeBattle, core.floors[core.status.floorId].beforeBattle[data.x + "," + data.y] ); core.push( beforeBattle, (core.material.enemys[data.event.id] || {}).beforeBattle ); if (beforeBattle.length > 0) { core.push(beforeBattle, [{ type: "battle", x: data.x, y: data.y }]); core.clearContinueAutomaticRoute(); // 自动存档 var inAction = core.status.event.id == "action"; if (inAction) { core.insertAction(beforeBattle, data.x, data.y); core.doAction(); } else { core.autosave(true); core.insertAction(beforeBattle, data.x, data.y, callback); } } else { this.battle(data.event.id, data.x, data.y, false, callback); } }; ////// 战斗 ////// events.prototype.battle = function (id, x, y, force, callback) { core.saveAndStopAutomaticRoute(); id = id || core.getBlockId(x, y); if (!id) return core.clearContinueAutomaticRoute(callback); // 非强制战斗 if (!core.enemys.canBattle(id, x, y) && !force && !core.status.event.id) { core.stopSound(); core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip("你打不过此怪物!", id); return core.clearContinueAutomaticRoute(callback); } // 自动存档 if (!core.status.event.id) core.autosave(true); // 战前事件 if (!this.beforeBattle(id, x, y)) return core.clearContinueAutomaticRoute(callback); // 战后事件 this.afterBattle(id, x, y); if (callback) callback(); }; ////// 战斗前触发的事件 ////// events.prototype.beforeBattle = function (enemyId, x, y) { return this.eventdata.beforeBattle(enemyId, x, y); }; ////// 战斗结束后触发的事件 ////// events.prototype.afterBattle = function (enemyId, x, y) { return this.eventdata.afterBattle(enemyId, x, y); }; events.prototype._sys_openDoor = function (data, callback) { this.openDoor(data.x, data.y, true, function () { core.replay(); if (callback) callback(); }); }; ////// 开门 ////// events.prototype.openDoor = function (x, y, needKey, callback) { var block = core.getBlock(x, y); core.saveAndStopAutomaticRoute(); if (!this._openDoor_check(block, x, y, needKey)) { var locked = core.status.lockControl; core.waitHeroToStop(function () { if (!locked) core.unlockControl(); if (callback) callback(); }); return; } if (core.status.replay.speed == 24) { core.status.replay.animate = true; core.removeBlock(x, y); setTimeout(function () { core.status.replay.animate = false; core.events.afterOpenDoor(block.event.id, x, y); if (callback) callback(); }, 1); // +1是为了录像检测系统 } else { this._openDoor_animate(block, x, y, callback); } }; events.prototype._openDoor_check = function (block, x, y, needKey) { var clearAndReturn = function () { core.clearContinueAutomaticRoute(); return false; }; if (block == null || block.event == null) return clearAndReturn(); var id = block.event.id; // 是否存在门或暗墙 if ( core.material.icons.animates[id] == null && core.material.icons.npc48[id] == null ) { return clearAndReturn(); } if (id == "steelDoor" && core.flags.steelDoorWithoutKey) needKey = false; var doorInfo = block.event.doorInfo; if (doorInfo == null) return clearAndReturn(); // Check all keys var keyInfo = doorInfo.keys || {}; if (needKey) { for (var keyName in keyInfo) { var keyValue = keyInfo[keyName]; if (keyName.endsWith(":o")) keyName = keyName.substring(0, keyName.length - 2); // --- 如果是一个不存在的道具,则直接认为无法开启 if (!core.material.items[keyName]) { core.stopSound(); core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip("无法开启此门"); return clearAndReturn(); } if (core.itemCount(keyName) < keyValue) { core.stopSound(); core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip( "你的" + ((core.material.items[keyName] || {}).name || "钥匙") + "不足!", null, true ); return false; } } if (!core.status.event.id) core.autosave(true); for (var keyName in keyInfo) { if (!keyName.endsWith(":o")) core.removeItem(keyName, keyInfo[keyName]); } } core.playSound(doorInfo.openSound); return true; }; events.prototype._openDoor_animate = function (block, x, y, callback) { var blockInfo = core.getBlockInfo(block); blockInfo.opacity = block.opacity; blockInfo.filter = block.filter; var speed = (block.event.doorInfo.time || 160) / 4; var locked = core.status.lockControl; core.lockControl(); core.status.replay.animate = true; core.removeBlock(x, y); blockInfo.posX = 0; core.maps._drawBlockInfo(blockInfo, x, y); var cb = function () { core.maps._removeBlockFromMap(core.status.floorId, block); if (!locked) core.unlockControl(); core.status.replay.animate = false; core.events.afterOpenDoor(block.event.id, x, y); if (callback) callback(); }; var animate = window.setInterval( function () { blockInfo.posX++; if (blockInfo.posX == 4) { clearInterval(animate); delete core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate]; cb(); return; } core.maps._drawBlockInfo(blockInfo, x, y); }, core.status.replay.speed == 24 ? 1 : speed / Math.max(core.status.replay.speed, 1) ); core.animateFrame.lastAsyncId = animate; core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate] = cb; }; ////// 开一个门后触发的事件 ////// events.prototype.afterOpenDoor = function (doorId, x, y) { return this.eventdata.afterOpenDoor(doorId, x, y); }; events.prototype._sys_getItem = function (data, callback) { this.getItem(data.event.id, 1, data.x, data.y, false, callback); }; ////// 获得某个物品 ////// events.prototype.getItem = function (id, num, x, y, isGentleClick, callback) { if (num == null) num = 1; var itemCls = core.material.items[id].cls; core.removeBlock(x, y); core.items.getItemEffect(id, num); var text = "获得 " + core.material.items[id].name; if (num > 1) text += "x" + num; if (itemCls === "items" && num == 1) text += core.items.getItemEffectTip(id); core.drawTip(text, id); // --- 首次获得道具的提示 if (!core.hasFlag("__itemHint__")) core.setFlag("__itemHint__", []); var itemHint = core.getFlag("__itemHint__"); if ( core.flags.itemFirstText && itemHint.indexOf(id) < 0 && itemCls != "items" ) { var hint = core.material.items[id].text || "该道具暂无描述"; try { hint = core.replaceText(hint); } catch (e) {} if (!core.status.event.id || core.status.event.id == "action") { core.insertAction( "\t[" + core.material.items[id].name + "," + id + "]" + hint + "\n" + (id.endsWith("Key") ? "(钥匙类道具,遇到对应的门时自动打开)" : itemCls == "tools" ? "(消耗类道具,请按T在道具栏使用)" : itemCls == "constants" ? "(永久类道具,请按T在道具栏使用)" : itemCls == "equips" ? "(装备类道具,请按Q在装备栏进行装备)" : "") ); } itemHint.push(id); } this.afterGetItem(id, x, y, isGentleClick); if (callback) callback(); }; events.prototype.afterGetItem = function (id, x, y, isGentleClick) { this.eventdata.afterGetItem(id, x, y, isGentleClick); }; ////// 获得面前的物品(轻按) ////// events.prototype.getNextItem = function (noRoute) { if (core.isMoving() || !core.flags.enableGentleClick) return false; if (this._canGetNextItem()) return this._getNextItem(null, noRoute); var directions = ["up", "down", "left", "right"].filter(function (dir) { return core.events._canGetNextItem(dir); }); return directions.length > 0 ? this._getNextItem(directions[0], noRoute) : false; }; events.prototype._canGetNextItem = function (direction) { direction = direction || core.getHeroLoc("direction"); if (!core.canMoveHero(null, null, direction)) return; var nx = core.getHeroLoc("x") + core.utils.scan[direction].x; var ny = core.getHeroLoc("y") + core.utils.scan[direction].y; var block = core.getBlock(nx, ny); return ( block != null && !block.event.script && !block.event.event && block.event.trigger == "getItem" ); }; events.prototype._getNextItem = function (direction, noRoute) { direction = direction || core.getHeroLoc("direction"); var nx = core.getHeroLoc("x") + core.utils.scan[direction].x; var ny = core.getHeroLoc("y") + core.utils.scan[direction].y; if (!noRoute) core.status.route.push("getNext"); this.getItem(core.getBlockId(nx, ny), 1, nx, ny, true); return true; }; events.prototype._sys_changeFloor = function (data, callback) { data = data.event.data; var heroLoc = {}; if (data.loc) heroLoc = { x: data.loc[0], y: data.loc[1] }; if (data.direction) heroLoc.direction = data.direction; if (core.status.event.id != "action") core.status.event.id = null; core.changeFloor(data.floorId, data.stair, heroLoc, data.time, function () { core.replay(); if (callback) callback(); }); }; ////// 楼层切换 ////// events.prototype.changeFloor = function ( floorId, stair, heroLoc, time, callback ) { var info = this._changeFloor_getInfo(floorId, stair, heroLoc, time); if (info == null) { if (callback) callback(); return; } floorId = info.floorId; info.locked = core.status.lockControl; core.dom.floorNameLabel.innerText = core.status.maps[floorId].title; core.lockControl(); core.stopAutomaticRoute(); core.clearContinueAutomaticRoute(); core.status.replay.animate = true; clearInterval(core.interval.onDownInterval); core.interval.onDownInterval = "tmp"; this._changeFloor_beforeChange(info, callback); }; events.prototype._changeFloor_getInfo = function ( floorId, stair, heroLoc, time ) { floorId = floorId || core.status.floorId; if (floorId == ":before") { var index = core.floorIds.indexOf(core.status.floorId); if (index > 0) floorId = core.floorIds[index - 1]; else floorId = core.status.floorId; } else if (floorId == ":next") { var index = core.floorIds.indexOf(core.status.floorId); if (index < core.floorIds.length - 1) floorId = core.floorIds[index + 1]; else floorId = core.status.floorId; } else if (floorId == ":now") { floorId = core.status.floorId; } if (!core.status.maps[floorId]) { console.error("不存在的楼层:" + floorId); return null; } if (main.mode != "play" || core.isReplaying()) time = 0; if (time == null) time = core.values.floorChangeTime; time /= 20; return { floorId: floorId, time: time, heroLoc: core.clone(this._changeFloor_getHeroLoc(floorId, stair, heroLoc)), }; }; events.prototype._changeFloor_getHeroLoc = function (floorId, stair, heroLoc) { if (!heroLoc) heroLoc = core.clone(core.status.hero.loc); if (stair) { // --- 对称 if (stair == ":now") heroLoc = core.clone(core.status.hero.loc); else if (stair == ":symmetry") { heroLoc.x = core.bigmap.width - 1 - core.getHeroLoc("x"); heroLoc.y = core.bigmap.height - 1 - core.getHeroLoc("y"); } else if (stair == ":symmetry_x") heroLoc.x = core.bigmap.width - 1 - core.getHeroLoc("x"); else if (stair == ":symmetry_y") heroLoc.y = core.bigmap.height - 1 - core.getHeroLoc("y"); // 检查该层地图的 upFloor & downFloor & flyPoint else if (core.status.maps[floorId][stair]) { heroLoc.x = core.status.maps[floorId][stair][0]; heroLoc.y = core.status.maps[floorId][stair][1]; } else { core.extractBlocks(floorId); var blocks = core.status.maps[floorId].blocks; for (var i in blocks) { if (!blocks[i].disable && blocks[i].event.id === stair) { heroLoc.x = blocks[i].x; heroLoc.y = blocks[i].y; break; } } } } ["x", "y", "direction"].forEach(function (name) { if (heroLoc[name] == null) heroLoc[name] = core.getHeroLoc(name); }); return heroLoc; }; events.prototype._changeFloor_beforeChange = function (info, callback) { this._changeFloor_playSound(); // 需要 setTimeout 执行,不然会出错 window.setTimeout(function () { if (info.time == 0) core.events._changeFloor_changing(info, callback); else core.showWithAnimate(core.dom.floorMsgGroup, info.time / 2, function () { core.events._changeFloor_changing(info, callback); }); }, 25); }; events.prototype._changeFloor_playSound = function () { // 播放换层音效 if (core.hasFlag("__fromLoad__")) // 是否是读档造成的切换 core.playSound("读档"); else if (core.hasFlag("__isFlying__")) // 是否是楼传造成的切换 core.playSound("飞行器"); else core.playSound("上下楼"); }; events.prototype._changeFloor_changing = function (info, callback) { this.changingFloor(info.floorId, info.heroLoc); // 回归视角 var __lockViewport__ = flags.__lockViewport__; core.setFlag("__lockViewport__", null); core.drawHero(); core.setFlag("__lockViewport__", __lockViewport__); if (info.time == 0) this._changeFloor_afterChange(info, callback); else core.hideWithAnimate(core.dom.floorMsgGroup, info.time / 4, function () { core.events._changeFloor_afterChange(info, callback); }); }; events.prototype._changeFloor_afterChange = function (info, callback) { if (!info.locked) core.unlockControl(); core.status.replay.animate = false; core.events.afterChangeFloor(info.floorId); if (callback) callback(); }; events.prototype.changingFloor = function (floorId, heroLoc) { this.eventdata.changingFloor(floorId, heroLoc); }; ////// 转换楼层结束的事件 ////// events.prototype.afterChangeFloor = function (floorId) { if (main.mode != "play") return; return this.eventdata.afterChangeFloor(floorId); }; ////// 是否到达过某个楼层 ////// events.prototype.hasVisitedFloor = function (floorId) { if (!core.hasFlag("__visited__")) core.setFlag("__visited__", {}); return core.getFlag("__visited__")[floorId] || false; }; ////// 到达某楼层 ////// events.prototype.visitFloor = function (floorId) { if (!core.hasFlag("__visited__")) core.setFlag("__visited__", {}); core.getFlag("__visited__")[floorId] = true; }; events.prototype._sys_pushBox = function (data, callback) { this.pushBox(data); if (callback) callback(); }; ////// 推箱子 ////// events.prototype.pushBox = function (data) { if (data.event.id != "box" && data.event.id != "boxed") return; // 判断还能否前进,看看是否存在事件 var direction = core.getHeroLoc("direction"), nx = data.x + core.utils.scan[direction].x, ny = data.y + core.utils.scan[direction].y; // 检测能否推上去 if (!core.canMoveHero()) return; var canGoDeadZone = core.flags.canGoDeadZone; core.flags.canGoDeadZone = true; if (!core.canMoveHero(data.x, data.y, direction)) { core.flags.canGoDeadZone = canGoDeadZone; return; } core.flags.canGoDeadZone = canGoDeadZone; var nextId = core.getBlockId(nx, ny); if (nextId != null && nextId != "flower") return; core.setBlock(nextId == null ? "box" : "boxed", nx, ny); if (data.event.id == "box") core.removeBlock(data.x, data.y); else core.setBlock("flower", data.x, data.y); // 勇士前进一格,然后触发推箱子后事件 core.insertAction([ { type: "moveAction" }, { type: "function", function: "function() { core.afterPushBox(); }" }, ]); }; ////// 推箱子后的事件 ////// events.prototype.afterPushBox = function () { return this.eventdata.afterPushBox(); }; events.prototype._sys_ski = function (data, callback) { core.insertAction(["V2.6后,请将滑冰放在背景层!"], data.x, data.y); if (callback) callback(); }; /// 当前是否在冰上 events.prototype.onSki = function (number) { if (number == null) number = core.getBgNumber(); var block = core.getBlockByNumber(number); return block && block.event && block.event.trigger == "ski"; }; events.prototype._sys_action = function (data, callback) { var ev = core.clone(data.event.data), ex = data.x, ey = data.y; // 检查是否需要改变朝向 if (ex == core.nextX() && ey == core.nextY()) { var dir = core.turnDirection(":back"); var id = data.event.id, toId = (data.event.faceIds || {})[dir]; if (toId && id != toId) { var number = core.getNumberById(toId); if (number > 0) core.setBlock(number, ex, ey); } } this.insertAction(ev, ex, ey, callback); }; events.prototype._sys_custom = function (data, callback) { core.insertAction( [ "请使用\r[yellow]core.registerSystemEvent('custom', func)\r来处理自己添加的系统触发器!", ], data.x, data.y, callback ); }; // ------ 自定义事件的处理 ------ // ////// 注册一个自定义事件 ////// // type为事件名,func为事件的处理函数,可接受(data, x, y, prefix)参数 // data为事件内容,x和y为当前点坐标(可为null),prefix为当前点前缀 events.prototype.registerEvent = function (type, func) { this.actions[type] = func; }; ////// 注销一个自定义事件 events.prototype.unregisterEvent = function (type) { delete this.actions[type]; }; ////// 执行一个自定义事件 events.prototype.doEvent = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var type = data.type; if (this.actions[type]) { try { return core.doFunc(this.actions[type], this, data, x, y, prefix); } catch (e) { console.error(e); console.error("ERROR in actions[" + type + "]"); } } if (this["_action_" + type]) return this["_action_" + type](data, x, y, prefix); core.insertAction("未知的自定义事件: " + type + "!"); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype.setEvents = function (list, x, y, callback) { var data = core.status.event.data || {}; if (list) { var l = core.clone(list); if (!(l instanceof Array)) l = [l]; l.push({ type: "_label" }); data.list = [{ todo: l, total: core.clone(l), condition: "false" }]; // 结束所有正在执行的自动事件 if (list.length == 0) { core.status.autoEvents.forEach(function (autoEvent) { core.autoEventExecuting(autoEvent.symbol, false); }); } } if (x != null) data.x = x; if (y != null) data.y = y; if (callback) data.callback = callback; if (!data.appendingEvents) data.appendingEvents = []; if (!data.locStack) data.locStack = []; core.status.event.id = "action"; core.status.event.data = data; }; ////// 开始执行一系列自定义事件 ////// events.prototype.startEvents = function (list, x, y, callback) { if (!list) return; if (!(list instanceof Array)) { list = [list]; } this.setEvents(list, x, y, callback); // 停止勇士 core.waitHeroToStop(function () { core.lockControl(); core.doAction(); }); }; ////// 执行当前自定义事件列表中的下一个事件 ////// events.prototype.doAction = function () { // 清空boxAnimate和UI层 clearInterval(core.status.event.interval); clearTimeout(core.status.event.interval); clearInterval(core.status.event.animateUI); core.status.event.interval = null; delete core.status.event.aniamteUI; if (core.status.gameOver || core.status.replay.failed) return; // 判定是否执行完毕 if (this._doAction_finishEvents()) return; core.clearUI(); var floorId = core.status.event.data.floorId || core.status.floorId; // 当前点坐标和前缀 var x = core.status.event.data.x, y = core.status.event.data.y; var prefix = [floorId || ":f", x != null ? x : "x", y != null ? y : "y"].join( "@" ); var current = core.status.event.data.list[0]; if (this._popEvents(current, prefix)) return; // 当前要执行的事件 var data = current.todo.shift(); core.status.event.data.current = data; if (typeof data == "string") data = { type: "text", text: data }; // 该事件块已经被禁用 if (data._disabled) return core.doAction(); data.floorId = data.floorId || floorId; core.status.event.data.type = data.type; this.doEvent(data, x, y, prefix); return; }; events.prototype._doAction_finishEvents = function () { if (core.status.event.id != "action") return true; // 事件处理完毕 if (core.status.event.data.list.length == 0) { // 检测并执行延迟自动事件 if (core.status.event.data.appendingEvents.length > 0) { this.setEvents(core.status.event.data.appendingEvents.shift()); return false; } var callback = core.status.event.data.callback; core.ui.closePanel(); if (callback) callback(); core.replay(); return true; } return false; }; events.prototype._popEvents = function (current, prefix) { if (current.todo.length == 0) { // current list is empty if (core.calValue(current.condition, prefix)) { // check condition current.todo = core.clone(current.total); } else { core.status.event.data.list.shift(); // remove stack } core.doAction(); return true; } return false; }; ////// 往当前事件列表之前或之后添加一个或多个事件 ////// events.prototype.insertAction = function (action, x, y, callback, addToLast) { if (core.hasFlag("__statistics__")) return; if (core.status.gameOver) return; if (!action) return; core.clearRouteFolding(); action = this.precompile(action); if (core.status.event.id != "action") { this.startEvents(action, x, y, callback); } else { if (addToLast) { var list = core.status.event.data.list[0].todo; var index = 0; for (var index = 0; index < list.length; index++) { if (list[index].type == "_label") { list.splice(index, 0, action); break; } } } else core.unshift(core.status.event.data.list[0].todo, action); this.setEvents(null, x, y, callback); } }; ////// 往当前事件列表之前或之后添加一个公共事件 ////// events.prototype.insertCommonEvent = function ( name, args, x, y, callback, addToLast ) { var commonEvent = this.getCommonEvent(name); if (!commonEvent) { if (callback) callback(); return; } // 设置参数 core.setFlag("arg0", name); if (args instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { try { if (args[i] != null) core.setFlag("arg" + (i + 1), args[i]); } catch (ee) { console.error(ee); } } } this.insertAction( { type: "dowhile", condition: "false", data: commonEvent }, x, y, callback, addToLast ); }; ////// 获得一个公共事件 ////// events.prototype.getCommonEvent = function (name) { if (!name || typeof name !== "string") return null; return this.commonEvent[name] || null; }; ////// 恢复一个事件 ////// events.prototype.recoverEvents = function (data) { if (data) { core.ui.closePanel(); core.lockControl(); core.status.event.id = "action"; core.status.event.data = data; setTimeout(function () { core.doAction(); }, 30); return true; } return false; }; ////// 检测自动事件 ////// events.prototype.checkAutoEvents = function () { // 只有在无操作或事件流中才能执行自动事件! if ( !core.isPlaying() || (core.status.lockControl && core.status.event.id != "action") ) return; if (core.hasFlag("__doNotCheckAutoEvents__")) return; var todo = [], delay = []; core.status.autoEvents.forEach(function (autoEvent) { var symbol = autoEvent.symbol, x = autoEvent.x, y = autoEvent.y, floorId = autoEvent.floorId; // 不在当前楼层 or 已经执行过 or 已被分区 or 正在执行中 if (autoEvent.currentFloor && floorId != core.status.floorId) return; if (!autoEvent.multiExecute && core.autoEventExecuted(symbol)) return; if ((flags.__removed__ || []).indexOf(floorId) >= 0) return; if (core.autoEventExecuting(symbol)) return; var prefix = floorId + "@" + x + "@" + y; try { if (!core.calValue(autoEvent.condition, prefix)) return; } catch (e) { return; } core.autoEventExecuting(symbol, true); core.autoEventExecuted(symbol, true); var event; if (x == null && y == null) { event = [ // 用do-while(0)包一层防止break影响事件流 { type: "dowhile", condition: "false", data: autoEvent.data }, { type: "function", function: "function() { core.autoEventExecuting('" + symbol + "', false); }", }, ]; } else { event = [ { type: "function", function: "function() { core.pushEventLoc(" + x + ", " + y + ", '" + floorId + "' ); }", }, // 用do-while(0)包一层防止break影响事件流 { type: "dowhile", condition: "false", data: autoEvent.data }, { type: "function", function: "function() { core.popEventLoc(); core.autoEventExecuting('" + symbol + "', false); }", }, ]; } if (autoEvent.delayExecute) delay.push(event); else core.push(todo, event); }); if (todo.length == 0 && delay.length == 0) return; if (core.status.event.id == "action" || todo.length > 0) { core.insertAction(todo); core.push(core.status.event.data.appendingEvents, delay); } else { core.insertAction(delay[0]); if (delay.length > 0) { core.insertAction(delay.slice(1)); } } }; events.prototype.autoEventExecuting = function (symbol, value) { var aei = core.getFlag("__aei__", []); if (value == null) return aei.indexOf(symbol) >= 0; else { aei = aei.filter(function (one) { return one != symbol; }); if (value) aei.push(symbol); core.setFlag("__aei__", aei); } }; events.prototype.autoEventExecuted = function (symbol, value) { var aed = core.getFlag("__aed__", []); if (value == null) return aed.indexOf(symbol) >= 0; else { aed = aed.filter(function (one) { return one != symbol; }); if (value) aed.push(symbol); core.setFlag("__aed__", aed); } }; events.prototype.pushEventLoc = function (x, y, floorId) { if (core.status.event.id != "action") return; core.status.event.data.locStack.push({ x: core.status.event.data.x, y: core.status.event.data.y, floorId: core.status.event.data.floorId, }); core.status.event.data.x = x; core.status.event.data.y = y; core.status.event.data.floorId = floorId; }; events.prototype.popEventLoc = function () { if (core.status.event.id != "action") return; var loc = core.status.event.data.locStack.shift(); if (loc) { core.status.event.data.x = loc.x; core.status.event.data.y = loc.y; core.status.event.data.floorId = loc.floorId; } }; events.prototype.precompile = function (data) { var array = this.__precompile_getArray(); if (typeof data == "string") { return this.__precompile_text(data); } if (data instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { data[i] = this.precompile(data[i]); } return data; } if (data && data.type) { if (this["_precompile_" + data.type]) { data = this["_precompile_" + data.type](data); } if (array.texts.indexOf(data.type) >= 0) { data.text = this.__precompile_text(data.text); } if (array.locs.indexOf(data.type) >= 0) { data.loc = this.__precompile_array(data.loc); } if (array.values.indexOf(data.type) >= 0) { data.value = core.replaceValue(data.value); } if (array.uievents.indexOf(data.type) >= 0) { data.x = core.replaceValue(data.x); data.y = core.replaceValue(data.y); data.width = core.replaceValue(data.width); data.height = core.replaceValue(data.height); } if (data.type in array.others) { array.others[data.type].forEach(function (field) { data[field] = core.replaceValue(data[field]); }); } } return data; }; events.prototype.__precompile_getArray = function () { var texts = [ "text", "autoText", "scrollText", "tip", "textImage", "input", "input2", "choices", "confirm", "fillText", "fillBoldText", "drawTextContent", ]; var locs = [ "show", "hide", "setBlock", "setBlockOpacity", "showFloorImg", "hideFloorImg", "showBgFgMap", "hideBgFgMap", "setBgFgBlock", "animate", "setViewport", "move", "jumoHero", "changeFloor", "changePos", "showTextImage", "showGif", "openDoor", "closeDoor", "battle", "trigger", "insert", "setEnemyOnPoint", "resetEnemyOnPoint", ]; var values = [ "setValue", "setEnemy", "setEnemyOnPoint", "setEquip", "setFloor", "setGlobalValue", ]; var uievents = [ "clearMap", "fillText", "fillBoldText", "fillRect", "strokeRect", "fillEllipse", "strokeEllipse", "fillArc", "strokeArc", "drawIcon", "drawSelector", "drawBackground", ]; var others = { fillEllipse: ["a", "b", "angle"], strokeEllipse: ["a", "b", "angle"], fillRect: ["radius", "angle"], strokeRect: ["radius", "angle"], fillArc: ["r", "start", "end"], strokeArc: ["r", "start", "end"], drawLine: ["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"], drawArrow: ["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"], drawImage: ["x", "y", "w", "h", "x1", "y1", "w1", "h1", "angle"], drawTextContent: ["left", "top"], }; return { texts: texts, locs: locs, values: values, uievents: uievents, others: others, }; }; events.prototype.__precompile_text = function (text) { if (typeof text != "string") return text; return text.replace(/\${(.*?)}/g, function (word, value) { return "${" + core.replaceValue(value) + "}"; }); }; events.prototype.__precompile_array = function (value) { if (typeof value == "string") { value = core.replaceValue(value); return value; } if (value instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) { value[i] = this.__precompile_array(value[i]); } } return value; }; // ------ 样板提供的的自定义事件 ------ // events.prototype.__action_checkReplaying = function () { if (core.isReplaying()) { core.doAction(); return true; } return false; }; events.prototype.__action_getLoc = function (loc, x, y, prefix) { if (loc) { x = core.calValue(loc[0], prefix); y = core.calValue(loc[1], prefix); } return [x, y]; }; events.prototype.__action_getHeroLoc = function (loc, prefix) { return this.__action_getLoc( loc, core.getHeroLoc("x"), core.getHeroLoc("y"), prefix ); }; events.prototype.__action_getLoc2D = function (loc, x, y, prefix) { if (!(loc && loc[0] instanceof Array)) loc = [this.__action_getLoc(loc, x, y, prefix)]; return loc; }; events.prototype.__action_doAsyncFunc = function (isAsync, func) { var parameters = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); if (isAsync) { func.apply(this, parameters); core.doAction(); } else { func.apply(this, parameters.concat(core.doAction)); } }; events.prototype._action_text = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (this.__action_checkReplaying()) return; data.text = core.replaceText(data.text, prefix); var ctx = data.code ? "__text__" + data.code : null; data.ctx = ctx; if (core.getContextByName(ctx) && !data.showAll) { core.ui._animateUI("hide", ctx, function () { core.ui.drawTextBox(data.text, data); core.ui._animateUI("show", ctx, function () { if (data.async) core.doAction(); }); }); return; } core.ui.drawTextBox(data.text, data); if (!data.showAll) { core.ui._animateUI("show", ctx, function () { if (data.async) core.doAction(); }); } }; events.prototype._action_moveTextBox = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (this.__action_checkReplaying()) return; this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.moveTextBox, data.code, this.__action_getLoc(data.loc, x, y, prefix), data.relative, data.moveMode, data.time ); }; events.prototype._action_clearTextBox = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (this.__action_checkReplaying()) return; core.clearTextBox(data.code, core.doAction); }; events.prototype._action_autoText = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (this.__action_checkReplaying()) return; data.text = core.replaceText(data.text, prefix); core.ui.drawTextBox(data.text); setTimeout(core.doAction, data.time || 3000); }; events.prototype._action_scrollText = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (this.__action_checkReplaying()) return; data.text = core.replaceText(data.text, prefix); this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.drawScrollText, data.text, data.time || 5000, data.lineHeight || 1.4 ); }; events.prototype._action_comment = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action__label = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_setText = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.setTextAttribute(data); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_tip = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.drawTip(core.replaceText(data.text, prefix), data.icon); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_show = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.loc = this.__action_getLoc2D(data.loc, x, y, prefix); if (data.time > 0 && data.floorId == core.status.floorId) { this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.animateBlock, data.loc, "show", data.time ); } else { data.loc.forEach(function (t) { core.showBlock(t[0], t[1], data.floorId); }); core.doAction(); } }; events.prototype._action_hide = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.loc = this.__action_getLoc2D(data.loc, x, y, prefix); if (data.time > 0 && data.floorId == core.status.floorId) { this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.animateBlock, data.loc, data.remove ? "remove" : "hide", data.time ); } else { data.loc.forEach(function (t) { if (data.remove) core.removeBlock(t[0], t[1], data.floorId); else core.hideBlock(t[0], t[1], data.floorId); }); core.doAction(); } }; events.prototype._action_setBlock = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.loc = this.__action_getLoc2D(data.loc, x, y, prefix); data.time = data.time || 0; data.floorId = data.floorId || core.status.floorId; if (data.time > 0 && data.floorId == core.status.floorId) { this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.animateSetBlocks, data.number, data.loc, data.floorId, data.time ); } else { data.loc.forEach(function (loc) { core.setBlock(data.number, loc[0], loc[1], data.floorId); }); core.doAction(); } }; events.prototype._action_setBlockOpacity = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.loc = this.__action_getLoc2D(data.loc, x, y, prefix); if (data.time > 0 && data.floorId == core.status.floorId) { this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.animateBlock, data.loc, data.opacity, data.time ); } else { data.loc.forEach(function (t) { core.setBlockOpacity(data.opacity, t[0], t[1], data.floorId); }); core.doAction(); } }; events.prototype._action_setBlockFilter = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.loc = this.__action_getLoc2D(data.loc, x, y, prefix); data.loc.forEach(function (t) { core.setBlockFilter(data, t[0], t[1], data.floorId); }); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_turnBlock = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.loc = this.__action_getLoc2D(data.loc, x, y, prefix); data.loc.forEach(function (t) { core.turnBlock(data.direction, t[0], t[1], data.floorId); }); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_showFloorImg = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.maps.showFloorImage( this.__action_getLoc2D(data.loc, x, y, prefix), data.floorId, core.doAction ); }; events.prototype._action_hideFloorImg = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.maps.hideFloorImage( this.__action_getLoc2D(data.loc, x, y, prefix), data.floorId, core.doAction ); }; events.prototype._action_showBgFgMap = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.maps.showBgFgMap( data.name, this.__action_getLoc2D(data.loc, x, y, prefix), data.floorId, core.doAction ); }; events.prototype._action_hideBgFgMap = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.maps.hideBgFgMap( data.name, this.__action_getLoc2D(data.loc, x, y, prefix), data.floorId, core.doAction ); }; events.prototype._action_setBgFgBlock = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.loc = this.__action_getLoc2D(data.loc, x, y, prefix); data.loc.forEach(function (t) { core.setBgFgBlock(data.name, data.number, t[0], t[1], data.floorId); }); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_follow = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.follow(data.name); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_unfollow = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.unfollow(data.name); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_animate = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (data.loc == "hero") { this.__action_doAsyncFunc(data.async, core.drawHeroAnimate, data.name); } else { data.loc = this.__action_getLoc(data.loc, x, y, prefix); this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.drawAnimate, data.name, data.loc[0], data.loc[1], data.alignWindow ); } }; events.prototype._action_stopAnimate = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.stopAnimate(null, data.doCallback); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_setViewport = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (data.dxy != null) { data.loc = [ core.bigmap.offsetX / 32 + (core.calValue(data.dxy[0], prefix) || 0), core.bigmap.offsetY / 32 + (core.calValue(data.dxy[1], prefix) || 0), ]; } else if (data.loc == null) { data.loc = [ core.getHeroLoc("x") - core._HALF_WIDTH_, core.getHeroLoc("y") - core._HALF_HEIGHT_, ]; } else { data.loc = this.__action_getLoc(data.loc, x, y, prefix); } this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.moveViewport, data.loc[0], data.loc[1], data.moveMode, data.time ); }; events.prototype._action_lockViewport = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.setFlag("__lockViewport__", data.lock || null); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_move = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var loc = this.__action_getLoc(data.loc, x, y, prefix); this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.moveBlock, loc[0], loc[1], data.steps, data.time, data.keep ); }; events.prototype._action_moveAction = function (data, x, y, prefix) { // 检查下一个点是否可通行 if (core.canMoveHero()) { var nx = core.nextX(), ny = core.nextY(); // 检查noPass决定是撞击还是移动 if (core.noPass(nx, ny)) { core.insertAction([{ type: "trigger", loc: [nx, ny] }]); } else { // 先移动一格,然后尝试触发事件 core.insertAction([ { type: "moveHero", steps: ["forward"] }, { type: "function", function: "function() { core.moveOneStep(core.doAction); }", async: true, }, { type: "_label" }, ]); } } core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_moveHero = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.eventMoveHero, data.steps, data.time ); }; events.prototype._action_jump = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var from = this.__action_getLoc(data.from, x, y, prefix), to; if (data.dxy) { to = [ from[0] + (core.calValue(data.dxy[0], prefix) || 0), from[1] + (core.calValue(data.dxy[1], prefix) || 0), ]; } else { to = this.__action_getLoc(data.to, x, y, prefix); } this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.jumpBlock, from[0], from[1], to[0], to[1], data.time, data.keep ); }; events.prototype._precompile_jump = function (data) { data.from = this.__precompile_array(data.from); data.to = this.__precompile_array(data.to); data.dxy = this.__precompile_array(data.dxy); return data; }; events.prototype._action_jumpHero = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var loc; if (data.dxy) { loc = [ core.getHeroLoc("x") + (core.calValue(data.dxy[0], prefix) || 0), core.getHeroLoc("y") + (core.calValue(data.dxy[1], prefix) || 0), ]; } else { loc = this.__action_getHeroLoc(data.loc, prefix); } this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.jumpHero, loc[0], loc[1], data.time ); }; events.prototype._action_changeFloor = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var loc = this.__action_getHeroLoc(data.loc, prefix); var heroLoc = { x: loc[0], y: loc[1], direction: data.direction }; core.changeFloor(data.floorId, data.stair, heroLoc, data.time, core.doAction); }; events.prototype._action_changePos = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.clearMap("hero"); if (!data.loc && data.direction) { core.setHeroLoc("direction", core.turnDirection(data.direction), true); core.drawHero(); return core.doAction(); } var loc = this.__action_getHeroLoc(data.loc, prefix); core.setHeroLoc("x", loc[0]); core.setHeroLoc("y", loc[1]); if (data.direction) core.setHeroLoc("direction", core.turnDirection(data.direction)); core.drawHero(); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_showImage = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (core.isReplaying()) data.time = 0; this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async || data.time == 0, core.showImage, data.code, data.image + (data.reverse || ""), data.sloc, data.loc, data.opacity, data.time ); }; events.prototype._precompile_showImage = function (data) { data.sloc = this.__precompile_array(data.sloc); data.loc = this.__precompile_array(data.loc); return data; }; events.prototype._action_showTextImage = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var loc = this.__action_getLoc(data.loc, 0, 0, prefix); if (core.isReplaying()) data.time = 0; data.text = core.replaceText(data.text, prefix); var __tmpName = (Math.random() + "_" + Math.random()).replace(/\./g, "") + ".png"; core.material.images.images[__tmpName] = core.ui.textImage(data.text); this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async || data.time == 0, core.showImage, data.code, __tmpName + (data.reverse || ""), null, loc, data.opacity, data.time ); delete core.material.images.images[__tmpName]; }; events.prototype._action_hideImage = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (core.isReplaying()) data.time = 0; this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async || data.time == 0, core.hideImage, data.code, data.time ); }; events.prototype._action_showGif = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var loc = this.__action_getLoc(data.loc, 0, 0, prefix); this.showGif(data.name, loc[0], loc[1]); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_moveImage = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (this.__action_checkReplaying()) return; this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.moveImage, data.code, data.to, data.opacity, data.moveMode, data.time ); }; events.prototype._precompile_moveImage = function (data) { data.to = this.__precompile_array(data.to); return data; }; events.prototype._action_rotateImage = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (this.__action_checkReplaying()) return; this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.rotateImage, data.code, data.center, data.angle, data.moveMode, data.time ); }; events.prototype._precompile_rotateImage = function (data) { data.center = this.__precompile_array(data.center); return data; }; events.prototype._action_scaleImage = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (this.__action_checkReplaying()) return; this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.scaleImage, data.code, data.center, data.scale, data.moveMode, data.time ); }; events.prototype._precompile_scaleImage = function (data) { data.center = this.__precompile_array(data.center); return data; }; events.prototype._action_setCurtain = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (data.async) { core.setCurtain( data.color || core.status.thisMap.color, data.time, data.moveMode ); if (data.color == null || data.keep) core.setFlag("__color__", data.color || null); core.doAction(); } else { core.setCurtain( data.color || core.status.thisMap.color, data.time, data.moveMode, function () { if (data.color == null || data.keep) core.setFlag("__color__", data.color || null); core.doAction(); } ); } }; events.prototype._action_screenFlash = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.screenFlash, data.color, data.time, data.times, data.moveMode ); }; events.prototype._action_setWeather = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.setWeather(data.name, data.level); if ( data.keep && ["rain", "snow", "sun", "fog", "cloud"].indexOf(data.name) >= 0 ) core.setFlag("__weather__", [data.name, data.level]); else core.removeFlag("__weather__"); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_openDoor = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var loc = this.__action_getLoc(data.loc, x, y, prefix); var floorId = data.floorId; if (floorId == core.status.floorId) { this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.openDoor, loc[0], loc[1], data.needKey ); } else { core.removeBlock(loc[0], loc[1], floorId); core.doAction(); } }; events.prototype._action_closeDoor = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var loc = this.__action_getLoc(data.loc, x, y, prefix); this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.closeDoor, loc[0], loc[1], data.id ); }; events.prototype._action_useItem = function (data, x, y, prefix) { // 考虑到可能覆盖楼传事件的问题,这里不对fly进行检查。 if (data.id != "book" && core.canUseItem(data.id)) { core.useItem(data.id, true, core.doAction); } else { core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip( "当前无法使用" + ((core.material.items[data.id] || {}).name || "未知道具") ); core.doAction(); } }; events.prototype._action_loadEquip = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.loadEquip(data.id); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_unloadEquip = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.unloadEquip(data.pos); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_openShop = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.setShopVisited(data.id, true); if (data.open) core.openShop(data.id, true); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_disableShop = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.setShopVisited(data.id, false); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_battle = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (data.id) { this.battle(data.id, null, null, true, core.doAction); } else { if (data.floorId != core.status.floorId) { core.doAction(); return; } var loc = this.__action_getLoc(data.loc, x, y, prefix); this.battle(null, loc[0], loc[1], true, core.doAction); } }; events.prototype._action_trigger = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var loc = this.__action_getLoc(data.loc, x, y, prefix); this._trigger_inAction(loc[0], loc[1]); }; events.prototype._action_insert = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (data.name) { // 公共事件 core.insertCommonEvent(data.name, data.args); } else { // 设置参数 if (data.args instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < data.args.length; ++i) { try { if (data.args[i] != null) core.setFlag("arg" + (i + 1), data.args[i]); } catch (ee) { console.error(ee); } } } var loc = this.__action_getLoc(data.loc, x, y, prefix); core.setFlag("arg0", loc); var floorId = data.floorId; var which = data.which || "events"; var event = (core.floors[floorId][which] || [])[loc[0] + "," + loc[1]]; if (event) this.insertAction(event.data || event); } core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_playBgm = function (data, x, y, prefix) { //core.playBgm(data.name, data.startTime || 0); core.setFlag("__bgm__", data.keep ? data.name : null); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_pauseBgm = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.pauseBgm(); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_resumeBgm = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.resumeBgm(data.resume); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_loadBgm = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.loadBgm(data.name); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_freeBgm = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.freeBgm(data.name); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_playSound = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (data.stop) core.stopSound(); if (data.sync) { core.playSound(data.name, data.pitch, core.doAction); } else { core.playSound(data.name, data.pitch); core.doAction(); } }; events.prototype._action_stopSound = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.stopSound(); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_setVolume = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.value = core.clamp(parseInt(data.value) / 100, 0, 1); core.setFlag("__volume__", data.value); this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.setVolume, data.value, data.time || 0 ); }; events.prototype._action_setBgmSpeed = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.setBgmSpeed(data.value, data.pitch || false); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_setValue = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.setValue(data.name, data.operator, data.value, prefix); if (!data.norefresh) { if (core.status.hero.hp <= 0) { core.status.hero.hp = 0; core.updateStatusBar(); core.events.lose(); } else { core.updateStatusBar(); } } core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_addValue = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.operator = "+="; this._action_setValue(data, x, y, prefix); }; events.prototype._action_setEnemy = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.setEnemy( data.id, data.name, data.value, data.operator, prefix, data.norefresh ); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_setEnemyOnPoint = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var loc = this.__action_getLoc2D(data.loc, x, y, prefix); loc.forEach(function (one) { core.setEnemyOnPoint( one[0], one[1], data.floorId, data.name, data.value, data.operator, prefix, data.norefresh ); }); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_resetEnemyOnPoint = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var loc = this.__action_getLoc2D(data.loc, x, y, prefix); loc.forEach(function (one) { core.resetEnemyOnPoint(one[0], one[1], data.floorId, data.norefresh); }); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._precompile_moveEnemyOnPoint = function (data) { data.from = this.__precompile_array(data.from); data.to = this.__precompile_array(data.to); data.dxy = this.__precompile_array(data.dxy); return data; }; events.prototype._action_moveEnemyOnPoint = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var from = this.__action_getLoc(data.from, x, y, prefix), to; if (data.dxy) { to = [ from[0] + (core.calValue(data.dxy[0], prefix) || 0), from[1] + (core.calValue(data.dxy[1], prefix) || 0), ]; } else { to = this.__action_getLoc(data.to, x, y, prefix); } this.moveEnemyOnPoint( from[0], from[1], to[0], to[1], data.floorId, data.norefresh ); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_setEquip = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.setEquip( data.id, data.valueType, data.name, data.value, data.operator, prefix ); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_setFloor = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.setFloorInfo(data.name, data.value, data.floorId, prefix); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_setGlobalAttribute = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.setGlobalAttribute(data.name, data.value); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_setGlobalValue = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.values[data.name] = data.value; core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_setGlobalFlag = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.setGlobalFlag(data.name, data.value); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_setNameMap = function (data, x, y, floorId) { this.setNameMap(data.name, data.value); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_setHeroIcon = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.setHeroIcon(data.name, data.noDraw); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_input = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_getInput( core.replaceText(data.text, prefix), false, function (value) { value = parseInt(value) || 0; // 允许负整数 core.status.route.push("input:" + value); core.setFlag("input", value); core.doAction(); } ); }; events.prototype._action_input2 = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_getInput( core.replaceText(data.text, prefix), true, function (value) { value = value || ""; core.status.route.push("input2:" + core.encodeBase64(value)); core.setFlag("input", value); core.doAction(); } ); }; events.prototype.__action_getInput = function (hint, isText, callback) { var value, prefix = isText ? "input2:" : "input:"; if (core.isReplaying()) { var action = core.status.replay.toReplay.shift(); try { if (action.indexOf(prefix) != 0) { console.warn("警告!当前需要一个 " + prefix + " 项,实际为 " + action); core.status.replay.toReplay.unshift(action); return callback(isText ? "" : 0); } if (isText) value = core.decodeBase64(action.substring(7)); else value = parseInt(action.substring(6)); callback(value); } catch (e) { core.control._replay_error(action); return; } } else { core.myprompt(core.replaceText(hint), null, callback); } }; events.prototype._action_if = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (core.calValue(data.condition, prefix)) core.events.insertAction(data["true"]); else core.events.insertAction(data["false"]); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._precompile_if = function (data) { data.condition = core.replaceValue(data.condition); data["true"] = this.precompile(data["true"]); data["false"] = this.precompile(data["false"]); return data; }; events.prototype._action_switch = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var key = core.calValue(data.condition, prefix); var list = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.caseList.length; i++) { if (data.caseList[i]._disabled) continue; var condition = data.caseList[i]["case"]; if (condition == "default" || core.calValue(condition, prefix) === key) { core.push(list, data.caseList[i].action); if (!data.caseList[i].nobreak) break; } } core.insertAction(list); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._precompile_switch = function (data) { data.condition = core.replaceValue(data.condition); for (var i = 0; i < data.caseList.length; i++) { data.caseList[i]["case"] = core.replaceValue(data.caseList[i]["case"]); data.caseList[i].action = this.precompile(data.caseList[i].action); } return data; }; events.prototype._action_choices = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.choices = data.choices.filter(function (x) { if (x._disabled) return false; if (x.condition == null || x.condition == "") return true; try { return core.calValue(x.condition, prefix); } catch (e) { return true; } }); if (data.choices.length == 0) return this.doAction(); if (core.isReplaying()) { var action = core.status.replay.toReplay.shift(); if ( action.indexOf("choices:") == 0 && !(action == "choices:none" && !data.timeout) ) { var index = action.substring(8); if (!this.__action_choices_replaying(data, index)) { core.control._replay_error(action); return; } } else { // 容错录像 if (main.replayChecking) { // 录像验证系统中选最后一项 if (action != "choices:none") core.status.replay.toReplay.unshift(action); // 首先归还刚才读出的下一步操作 core.events.__action_choices_replaying(data, -1); } else { // 正常游戏中弹窗选择 core.myprompt( "录像回放出错!当前需要执行选择项但录像中未记录。\n如需修复请输入您要选的项(从0起),点击取消将不会修复。", 0, function (value) { if (value == null) { core.control._replay_error(action); return; } if (action != "choices:none") core.status.replay.toReplay.unshift(action); // 首先归还刚才读出的下一步操作 core.events.__action_choices_replaying( data, ((parseInt(value) || 0) + data.choices.length) % data.choices.length ); } ); } } } else { if (data.timeout) { core.status.event.interval = setTimeout(function () { core.status.route.push("choices:none"); core.setFlag("timeout", 0); core.doAction(); }, data.timeout); } core.status.event.timeout = new Date().getTime() + (data.timeout || 0); } for (var i = 0; i < data.choices.length; i++) { if (typeof data.choices[i] === "string") data.choices[i] = { text: data.choices[i] }; data.choices[i].text = core.replaceText(data.choices[i].text, prefix); } core.ui.drawChoices( core.replaceText(data.text, prefix), data.choices, data.width ); }; events.prototype.__action_choices_replaying = function (data, index) { var selection = index; if (index != "none") { selection = parseInt(index); if (isNaN(selection)) return false; if (selection < 0) selection += data.choices.length; if (selection < 0) return false; if (selection % 100 > 50) selection += data.choices.length; if (selection % 100 > data.choices.length) return false; var timeout = Math.floor(selection / 100) || 0; core.setFlag("timeout", timeout); selection %= 100; } else core.setFlag("timeout", 0); core.status.event.selection = selection; setTimeout( function () { core.status.route.push("choices:" + index); if (selection != "none") { // 检查 var choice = data.choices[selection]; if ( choice.need != null && choice.need != "" && !core.calValue(choice.need) ) { // 无法选择此项 core.control._replay_error("无法选择项:" + index); return; } else { core.insertAction(choice.action); } } core.doAction(); }, core.status.replay.speed == 24 ? 1 : 750 / Math.max(1, core.status.replay.speed) ); return true; }; events.prototype._precompile_choices = function (data) { if (!(data.choices instanceof Array)) return data; for (var i = 0; i < data.choices.length; ++i) { data.choices[i].condition = core.replaceValue(data.choices[i].condition); data.choices[i].text = this.__precompile_text(data.choices[i].text); data.choices[i].action = this.precompile(data.choices[i].action); } return data; }; events.prototype._action_confirm = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.text = core.replaceText(data.text, prefix); core.status.event.ui = { text: data.text, yes: data.yes, no: data.no }; if (core.isReplaying()) { var action = core.status.replay.toReplay.shift(); if ( action.indexOf("choices:") == 0 && !(action == "choices:none" && !data.timeout) ) { var index = action.substring(8); if ( index == "none" || ((index = parseInt(index)) >= 0 && index % 100 < 2) ) { this.__action_confirm_replaying(data, index); } else { core.control._replay_error(action); return; } } else { // 录像中未记录选了哪个,则选默认值,而不是直接报错 if (action != "choices:none") core.status.replay.toReplay.unshift(action); this.__action_confirm_replaying(data, data["default"] ? 0 : 1); } } else { core.status.event.selection = data["default"] ? 0 : 1; if (data.timeout) { core.status.event.interval = setTimeout(function () { core.status.route.push("choices:none"); core.setFlag("timeout", 0); core.doAction(); }, data.timeout); } core.status.event.timeout = new Date().getTime() + (data.timeout || 0); } core.ui.drawConfirmBox(data.text); }; events.prototype.__action_confirm_replaying = function (data, index) { if (index != "none") { var timeout = Math.floor(index / 100) || 0; core.setFlag("timeout", timeout); index %= 100; } else core.setFlag("timeout", 0); core.status.event.selection = index; setTimeout( function () { core.status.route.push("choices:" + index); if (index != "none") { if (index == 0) core.insertAction(data.yes); else core.insertAction(data.no); } core.doAction(); }, core.status.replay.speed == 24 ? 1 : 750 / Math.max(1, core.status.replay.speed) ); }; events.prototype._precompile_confirm = function (data) { data.yes = this.precompile(data.yes); data.no = this.precompile(data.no); return data; }; events.prototype._action_for = function (data, x, y, prefix) { // Only support temp:A if (!/^temp:[A-Z]$/.test(data.name)) { core.insertAction("循环遍历事件只支持临时变量!"); return core.doAction(); } var from = core.calValue(data.from); var to = core.calValue(data.to); var step = core.calValue(data.step); if ( typeof from != "number" || typeof to != "number" || typeof step != "number" ) { core.insertAction( "循环遍历事件要求【起始点】【终止点】【每步】仅能是数字!" ); return core.doAction(); } // 首次判定 if ((step > 0 && from > to) || (step < 0 && from < to)) { core.doAction(); return; } var letter = data.name.substring(5); core.setFlag("@temp@" + letter, from); var toName = "@temp@for-to@" + letter; var stepName = "@temp@for-step@" + letter; core.setFlag(toName, data.to); core.setFlag(stepName, data.step); var condition = "(function () {" + "var to = core.calValue(core.getFlag('" + toName + "'));" + "var step = core.calValue(core.getFlag('" + stepName + "'));" + "if (typeof step != 'number' || typeof to != 'number') return false;" + "if (step == 0) return true;" + "var currentValue = core.getFlag('@temp@" + letter + "');" + "currentValue += step;" + "core.setFlag('@temp@" + letter + "', currentValue);" + "if (step > 0) { return currentValue <= to; }" + "else { return currentValue >= to; }" + "})()"; return this._action_dowhile( { condition: condition, data: data.data }, x, y, prefix ); }; events.prototype._precompile_for = function (data) { data.from = core.replaceValue(data.from); data.to = core.replaceValue(data.to); data.step = core.replaceValue(data.step); data.data = this.precompile(data.data); return data; }; events.prototype._action_forEach = function (data, x, y, prefix) { // Only support temp:A if (!/^temp:[A-Z]$/.test(data.name)) { core.insertAction(["循环遍历事件只支持临时变量!"]); return core.doAction(); } var listName = "@temp@forEach@" + data.name.substring(5); core.setFlag(listName, core.clone(data.list)); var condition = "(function () {" + "var list = core.getFlag('" + listName + "', []);" + "if (list.length == 0) return false;" + "core.setFlag('@temp@'+'" + data.name.substring(5) + "', list.shift());" + "return true;" + "})()"; return this._action_while( { condition: condition, data: data.data }, x, y, prefix ); }; events.prototype._precompile_forEach = function (data) { data.data = this.precompile(data.data); return data; }; events.prototype._action_while = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (core.calValue(data.condition, prefix)) { var list = core.clone(data.data); if (!(list instanceof Array)) list = [list]; list.push({ type: "_label" }); core.unshift(core.status.event.data.list, { todo: list, total: core.clone(list), condition: data.condition, }); } core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._precompile_while = function (data) { data.condition = core.replaceValue(data.condition); data.data = this.precompile(data.data); return data; }; events.prototype._action_dowhile = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var list = core.clone(data.data); if (!(list instanceof Array)) list = [list]; list.push({ type: "_label" }); core.unshift(core.status.event.data.list, { todo: list, total: core.clone(list), condition: data.condition, }); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._precompile_dowhile = function (data) { data.condition = core.replaceValue(data.condition); data.data = this.precompile(data.data); return data; }; events.prototype._action_break = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var n = data.n || 1; while (n--) { if (core.status.event.data.list.length > 1) core.status.event.data.list.shift(); } core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_continue = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var n = data.n || 1; while (n-- > 1) { if (core.status.event.data.list.length > 1) core.status.event.data.list.shift(); } if (core.status.event.data.list.length > 1) { if (core.calValue(core.status.event.data.list[0].condition, prefix)) { core.status.event.data.list[0].todo = core.clone( core.status.event.data.list[0].total ); } else { core.status.event.data.list.shift(); } } core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_win = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.win(core.replaceText(data.reason, prefix), data.norank, data.noexit); }; events.prototype._action_lose = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.lose(core.replaceText(data.reason, prefix)); }; events.prototype._action_restart = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.restart(); }; events.prototype._action_function = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var func = data["function"]; try { if (typeof func == "string" && func.indexOf("function") == 0) { eval("(" + func + ")()"); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } if (!data.async) core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_update = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.updateStatusBar(data.doNotCheckAutoEvents, true); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_showStatusBar = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.showStatusBar(); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_hideStatusBar = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.hideStatusBar(data.toolbox); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_showHero = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.opacity = 1; return this._action_setHeroOpacity(data, x, y, prefix); }; events.prototype._action_hideHero = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.opacity = 0; return this._action_setHeroOpacity(data, x, y, prefix); }; events.prototype._action_setHeroOpacity = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.time = data.time || 0; if (data.opacity == null) data.opacity = 1; if (data.time > 0) { this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.setHeroOpacity, data.opacity, data.moveMode, data.time ); } else { core.setFlag("__heroOpacity__", data.opacity); core.drawHero(); core.doAction(); } }; events.prototype._action_vibrate = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doAsyncFunc( data.async, core.vibrate, data.direction, data.time, data.speed, data.power ); }; events.prototype._action_sleep = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.timeout.sleepTimeout = setTimeout( function () { core.timeout.sleepTimeout = null; core.doAction(); }, core.isReplaying() ? Math.min(data.time, 20) : data.time ); }; events.prototype._action_wait = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (core.isReplaying()) { var code = core.status.replay.toReplay.shift(); if ( code.indexOf("input:") == 0 && !(code == "input:none" && !data.timeout) ) { if (code == "input:none") { core.status.route.push("input:none"); core.setFlag("type", -1); core.setFlag("timeout", 0); this.__action_wait_afterGet(data); return core.doAction(); } else { var value = parseInt(code.substring(6)); core.status.route.push("input:" + value); this.__action_wait_getValue(value); if (this.__action_wait_afterGet(data) || !data.forceChild) return core.doAction(); } } core.control._replay_error(code); return; } else if (data.timeout) { core.status.event.interval = setTimeout(function () { core.status.route.push("input:none"); core.setFlag("type", -1); core.setFlag("timeout", 0); core.events.__action_wait_afterGet(data); core.doAction(); }, data.timeout); } core.status.event.timeout = new Date().getTime() + (data.timeout || 0); }; events.prototype.__action_wait_getValue = function (value) { core.setFlag("timeout", Math.floor(value / 1e8) || 0); value %= 1e8; if (value >= 1000000) { core.setFlag("type", 1); var px = parseInt((value - 1000000) / 1000), py = value % 1000; core.setFlag("px", px); core.setFlag("py", py); core.setFlag("x", parseInt(px / 32)); core.setFlag("y", parseInt(py / 32)); } else if (value >= 10000) { core.setFlag("type", 1); var x = parseInt((value - 10000) / 100), y = value % 100; core.setFlag("px", 32 * x + 16); core.setFlag("py", 32 * y + 16); core.setFlag("x", x); core.setFlag("y", y); } else if (value > 0) { core.setFlag("type", 0); core.setFlag("keycode", value); } }; events.prototype.__action_wait_afterGet = function (data) { if (!data.data) return false; var todo = []; var stop = false; var found = false; data.data.forEach(function (one) { if (one._disabled || stop) return; if (one["case"] == "keyboard" && core.getFlag("type") == 0) { (one.keycode + "").split(",").forEach(function (keycode) { if (core.getFlag("keycode", 0) == keycode) { found = true; core.push(todo, one.action); if (one["break"]) stop = true; } }); } if ( one["case"] == "mouse" && one.px instanceof Array && one.py instanceof Array && core.getFlag("type") == 1 ) { var pxmin = core.calValue(one.px[0]); var pxmax = core.calValue(one.px[1]); var pymin = core.calValue(one.py[0]); var pymax = core.calValue(one.py[1]); var px = core.getFlag("px", 0), py = core.getFlag("py", 0); if (px >= pxmin && px <= pxmax && py >= pymin && py <= pymax) { found = true; core.push(todo, one.action); if (one["break"]) stop = true; } } if (one["case"] == "condition") { var condition = false; try { condition = core.calValue(one.condition); } catch (e) {} if (condition) { found = true; core.push(todo, one.action); if (one["break"]) stop = true; } } if (one["case"] == "timeout" && core.getFlag("type") == -1) { found = true; core.push(todo, one.action); if (one["break"]) stop = true; } }); if (found) { core.insertAction(todo); return true; } return false; }; events.prototype._precompile_wait = function (data) { if (data.data) { data.data.forEach(function (v) { if (v.px != null) v.px = this.__precompile_array(v.px); if (v.py != null) v.py = this.__precompile_array(v.py); if (v.condition != null) v.condition = this.__precompile_array(v.condition); v.action = this.precompile(v.action); }, this); } return data; }; events.prototype._action_waitAsync = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var test = window.setInterval(function () { if ( !core.hasAsync() && (data.excludeAnimates || core.isReplaying() || core.getPlayingAnimates().length == 0) && (!data.includeSounds || core.isReplaying() || core.getPlayingSounds().length == 0) ) { clearInterval(test); core.doAction(); } }, 50 / core.status.replay.speed); }; events.prototype._action_stopAsync = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.stopAsync(); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_callBook = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (core.isReplaying() || !core.hasItem("book")) { core.doAction(); } else { var e = core.clone(core.status.event.data); core.ui.closePanel(); core.openBook(); core.status.event.interval = e; } }; events.prototype._action_callSave = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (core.isReplaying() || core.hasFlag("__events__")) { core.removeFlag("__events__"); core.doAction(); } else { var e = core.clone(core.status.event.data); core.ui.closePanel(); var forbidSave = core.hasFlag("__forbidSave__"); core.removeFlag("__forbidSave__"); core.save(); if (forbidSave) core.setFlag("__forbidSave__", true); core.status.event.interval = e; } }; events.prototype._action_autoSave = function (data, x, y, prefix) { var forbidSave = core.hasFlag("__forbidSave__"); core.removeFlag("__forbidSave__"); core.autosave(data.removeLast); if (forbidSave) core.setFlag("__forbidSave__", true); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_forbidSave = function (data, x, y, prefix) { core.setFlag("__forbidSave__", data.forbid || null); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_callLoad = function (data, x, y, prefix) { if (this.__action_checkReplaying()) return; var e = core.clone(core.status.event.data); core.ui.closePanel(); core.load(); core.status.event.interval = e; }; events.prototype._action_exit = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.setEvents([]); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._action_previewUI = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.insertAction(data.action); core.doAction(); }; events.prototype._precompile_previewUI = function (data) { data.action = this.precompile(data.action); return data; }; events.prototype.__action_doUIEvent = function (data) { this.__action_doUIEvent_doOne(data); var current = core.status.event.data.list[0]; while (current.todo.length > 0) { data = current.todo[0]; if (this.__action_doUIEvent_doOne(current.todo[0])) current.todo.shift(); else break; } core.doAction(); }; events.prototype.__action_doUIEvent_doOne = function (data) { if (core.ui["_uievent_" + data.type]) { core.ui["_uievent_" + data.type](data); return true; } return false; }; events.prototype._action_clearMap = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_fillText = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.text = core.replaceText(data.text, prefix); this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_fillBoldText = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.text = core.replaceText(data.text, prefix); this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_fillRect = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_fillPolygon = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._precompile_fillPolygon = function (data) { data.nodes = this.__precompile_array(data.nodes); return data; }; events.prototype._action_strokeRect = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_strokePolygon = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._precompile_strokePolygon = function (data) { data.nodes = this.__precompile_array(data.nodes); return data; }; events.prototype._action_fillEllipse = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_strokeEllipse = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_fillArc = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_strokeArc = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_drawLine = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_drawArrow = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_setAttribute = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_setFilter = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_drawImage = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_drawIcon = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_drawSelector = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_drawBackground = function (data, x, y, prefix) { this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; events.prototype._action_drawTextContent = function (data, x, y, prefix) { data.text = core.replaceText(data.text, prefix); this.__action_doUIEvent(data); }; // ------ 点击状态栏图标所进行的一些操作 ------ // ////// 判断当前能否进入某个事件 ////// events.prototype._checkStatus = function (name, fromUserAction, checkItem) { if (fromUserAction && core.status.event.id == name) { core.ui.closePanel(); return false; } if (fromUserAction && core.status.lockControl) return false; if (checkItem && !core.hasItem(name)) { core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip("你没有" + core.material.items[name].name, name); return false; } if (core.isMoving()) { core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip("请先停止勇士行动"); return false; } core.lockControl(); core.status.event.id = name; return true; }; ////// 点击怪物手册时的打开操作 ////// events.prototype.openBook = function (fromUserAction) { if (core.isReplaying()) return; // 如果能恢复事件(从callBook事件触发) if ( core.status.event.id == "book" && core.events.recoverEvents(core.status.event.interval) ) return; // 当前是book,且从“浏览地图”打开 if (core.status.event.id == "book" && core.status.event.ui) { core.status.boxAnimateObjs = []; core.ui._drawViewMaps(core.status.event.ui); return; } // 从“浏览地图”页面打开 if (core.status.event.id == "viewMaps") { fromUserAction = false; core.status.event.ui = core.status.event.data; } if (!this._checkStatus("book", fromUserAction, true)) return; core.playSound("打开界面"); core.useItem("book", true); }; ////// 点击楼层传送器时的打开操作 ////// events.prototype.useFly = function (fromUserAction) { if (core.isReplaying()) return; // 从“浏览地图”页面:尝试直接传送到该层 if (core.status.event.id == "viewMaps") { if (!core.hasItem("fly")) { core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip("你没有" + core.material.items["fly"].name, "fly"); } else if ( !core.canUseItem("fly") || (core.flags.flyNearStair && !core.nearStair()) ) { core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip("无法传送到当前层", "fly"); } else { core.flyTo(core.status.event.data.floorId); } return; } if (!this._checkStatus("fly", fromUserAction, true)) return; if (core.flags.flyNearStair && !core.nearStair()) { core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip( "只有在楼梯边才能使用" + core.material.items["fly"].name, "fly" ); core.unlockControl(); core.status.event.data = null; core.status.event.id = null; return; } if (!core.canUseItem("fly")) { core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip(core.material.items["fly"].name + "好像失效了", "fly"); core.unlockControl(); core.status.event.data = null; core.status.event.id = null; return; } core.playSound("打开界面"); core.useItem("fly", true); return; }; events.prototype.flyTo = function (toId, callback) { return this.eventdata.flyTo(toId, callback); }; ////// 点击装备栏时的打开操作 ////// events.prototype.openEquipbox = function (fromUserAction) { if (core.isReplaying()) return; if (!this._checkStatus("equipbox", fromUserAction)) return; core.playSound("打开界面"); core.ui._drawEquipbox(); }; ////// 点击工具栏时的打开操作 ////// events.prototype.openToolbox = function (fromUserAction) { if (core.isReplaying()) return; if (!this._checkStatus("toolbox", fromUserAction)) return; core.playSound("打开界面"); core.ui._drawToolbox(); }; ////// 点击快捷商店按钮时的打开操作 ////// events.prototype.openQuickShop = function (fromUserAction) { if (core.isReplaying()) return; if (Object.keys(core.status.shops).length == 0) { core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip("本游戏没有快捷商店!"); return; } // --- 如果只有一个商店,则直接打开之 if (Object.keys(core.status.shops).length == 1) { var shopId = Object.keys(core.status.shops)[0]; if (core.status.event.id != null) return; if (!core.canOpenShop(shopId)) { core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip("当前无法打开快捷商店!"); return; } var message = core.canUseQuickShop(shopId); if (message != null) { core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip(message); return; } core.openShop(shopId, false); return; } if (!this._checkStatus("selectShop", fromUserAction)) return; core.ui._drawQuickShop(); }; events.prototype.openKeyBoard = function (fromUserAction) { if (core.isReplaying()) return; if (!this._checkStatus("keyBoard", fromUserAction)) return; core.ui._drawKeyBoard(); }; ////// 点击保存按钮时的打开操作 ////// events.prototype.save = function (fromUserAction) { if (core.isReplaying()) return; if (core.hasFlag("__forbidSave__")) { core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip("当前禁止存档"); return; } if ( core.status.event.id == "save" && core.events.recoverEvents(core.status.event.interval) ) return; if (!this._checkStatus("save", fromUserAction)) return; var saveIndex = core.saves.saveIndex; var page = parseInt((saveIndex - 1) / 5), offset = saveIndex - 5 * page; core.playSound("打开界面"); core.ui._drawSLPanel(10 * page + offset); }; ////// 点击读取按钮时的打开操作 ////// events.prototype.load = function (fromUserAction) { if (core.isReplaying()) return; var saveIndex = core.saves.saveIndex; var page = parseInt((saveIndex - 1) / 5), offset = saveIndex - 5 * page; // 游戏开始前读档 if (!core.isPlaying()) { core.dom.startPanel.style.display = "none"; core.clearStatus(); core.clearMap("all"); core.status.event = { id: "load", data: null }; core.status.lockControl = true; core.playSound("打开界面"); core.ui._drawSLPanel(10 * page + offset); return; } if ( core.status.event.id == "load" && core.events.recoverEvents(core.status.event.interval) ) return; if (!this._checkStatus("load", fromUserAction)) return; core.playSound("打开界面"); core.ui._drawSLPanel(10 * page + offset); }; ////// 点击设置按钮时的操作 ////// events.prototype.openSettings = function (fromUserAction) { if (core.isReplaying()) return; if (!this._checkStatus("settings", fromUserAction)) return; core.playSound("打开界面"); core.ui._drawSettings(); }; // ------ 一些事件的具体执行过程 ------ // events.prototype.hasAsync = function () { return Object.keys(core.animateFrame.asyncId).length > 0; }; ////// 立刻停止所有异步事件 ////// events.prototype.stopAsync = function () { var callbacks = []; for (var id in core.animateFrame.asyncId) { clearInterval(id); callbacks.push(core.animateFrame.asyncId[id]); } core.animateFrame.asyncId = {}; callbacks.forEach(function (cb) { if (cb && cb instanceof Function) cb(); }); }; events.prototype.hasAsyncAnimate = function () { return (core.status.animateObjs || []).length > 0; }; ////// 跟随 ////// events.prototype.follow = function (name) { name = core.getMappedName(name); if (core.material.images.images[name]) { core.status.hero.followers.push({ name: name }); core.gatherFollowers(); core.clearMap("hero"); core.drawHero(); } core.clearRouteFolding(); }; ////// 取消跟随 ////// events.prototype.unfollow = function (name) { if (!name) { core.status.hero.followers = []; } else { name = core.getMappedName(name); for (var i = 0; i < core.status.hero.followers.length; i++) { if (core.status.hero.followers[i].name == name) { core.status.hero.followers.splice(i, 1); break; } } } core.gatherFollowers(); core.clearMap("hero"); core.drawHero(); core.clearRouteFolding(); }; events.prototype._updateValueByOperator = function ( value, originValue, operator ) { switch (operator) { case "+=": value = originValue + value; break; case "-=": value = originValue - value; break; case "*=": value = originValue * value; break; case "/=": value = originValue / value; break; case "**=": value = Math.pow(originValue, value); break; case "//=": value = Math.trunc(originValue / value); break; case "%=": value = originValue % value; break; case "min=": value = Math.min(originValue, value); break; case "max=": value = Math.max(originValue, value); break; default: break; } return value; }; ////// 数值操作 ////// events.prototype.setValue = function (name, operator, value, prefix) { value = this._updateValueByOperator( core.calValue(value, prefix), core.calValue(name, prefix), operator ); this._setValue_setStatus(name, value); this._setValue_setBuff(name, value); this._setValue_setItem(name, value); this._setValue_setFlag(name, value); this._setValue_setSwitch(name, value, prefix); this._setValue_setTemp(name, value, prefix); this._setValue_setGlobal(name, value); }; events.prototype._setValue_setStatus = function (name, value) { if (name.indexOf("status:") !== 0) return; core.setStatus(name.substring(7), value); }; events.prototype._setValue_setBuff = function (name, value) { if (name.indexOf("buff:") !== 0) return; core.setBuff(name.substring(5), value); }; events.prototype._setValue_setItem = function (name, value) { if (name.indexOf("item:") !== 0) return; var itemId = name.substring(5), count = core.itemCount(itemId); if (value > count) core.getItem(itemId, value - count); else core.setItem(itemId, value); }; events.prototype._setValue_setFlag = function (name, value) { if (name.indexOf("flag:") !== 0) return; core.setFlag(name.substring(5), value); }; events.prototype._setValue_setSwitch = function (name, value, prefix) { if (name.indexOf("switch:") !== 0) return; core.setFlag((prefix || ":f@x@y") + "@" + name.substring(7), value); }; events.prototype._setValue_setTemp = function (name, value) { if (name.indexOf("temp:") !== 0) return; core.setFlag("@temp@" + name.substring(5), value); }; events.prototype._setValue_setGlobal = function (name, value) { if (name.indexOf("global:") !== 0) return; core.setGlobal(name.substring(7), value); }; ////// 设置一个怪物属性 ////// events.prototype.setEnemy = function ( id, name, value, operator, prefix, norefresh ) { if (!core.hasFlag("enemyInfo")) { core.setFlag("enemyInfo", {}); } var enemyInfo = core.getFlag("enemyInfo"); if (!enemyInfo[id]) enemyInfo[id] = {}; if (typeof value === "string" && name == "name") value = value.replace(/\r/g, "\\r"); value = this._updateValueByOperator( core.calValue(value, prefix), (core.material.enemys[id] || {})[name], operator ); enemyInfo[id][name] = value; (core.material.enemys[id] || {})[name] = core.clone(value); if (!norefresh) core.updateStatusBar(); }; ////// 设置某个点上的怪物属性 ////// events.prototype.setEnemyOnPoint = function ( x, y, floorId, name, value, operator, prefix, norefresh ) { floorId = floorId || core.status.floorId; var block = core.getBlock(x, y, floorId); if (block == null) return; if (block.event.cls.indexOf("enemy") != 0) return; var enemy = core.material.enemys[block.event.id]; if (enemy == null) return; if (typeof value === "string" && name == "name") value = value.replaceAll(/\r/g, "\\r"); value = this._updateValueByOperator( core.calValue(value, prefix), core.getEnemyValue(enemy, name, x, y, floorId), operator ); flags.enemyOnPoint = flags.enemyOnPoint || {}; flags.enemyOnPoint[floorId] = flags.enemyOnPoint[floorId] || {}; flags.enemyOnPoint[floorId][x + "," + y] = flags.enemyOnPoint[floorId][x + "," + y] || {}; flags.enemyOnPoint[floorId][x + "," + y][name] = value; if (!norefresh) core.updateStatusBar(); }; ////// 重置某个点上的怪物属性 ////// events.prototype.resetEnemyOnPoint = function (x, y, floorId, norefresh) { delete ((flags.enemyOnPoint || {})[floorId || core.status.floorId] || {})[ x + "," + y ]; if (!norefresh) core.updateStatusBar(); }; ////// 将某个点上已经设置的怪物属性移动到其他点 ////// events.prototype.moveEnemyOnPoint = function ( fromX, fromY, toX, toY, floorId, norefresh ) { floorId = floorId || core.status.floorId; if (((flags.enemyOnPoint || {})[floorId] || {})[fromX + "," + fromY]) { flags.enemyOnPoint[floorId][toX + "," + toY] = flags.enemyOnPoint[floorId][fromX + "," + fromY]; delete flags.enemyOnPoint[floorId][fromX + "," + fromY]; if (!norefresh) core.updateStatusBar(); } }; ////// 设置楼层属性 ////// events.prototype.setFloorInfo = function (name, value, floorId, prefix) { floorId = floorId || core.status.floorId; core.status.maps[floorId][name] = value; core.updateStatusBar(); }; ////// 设置全塔属性 ////// events.prototype.setGlobalAttribute = function (name, value) { if (typeof value == "string") { if ( (value.charAt(0) == '"' && value.charAt(value.length - 1) == '"') || (value.charAt(0) == "'" && value.charAt(value.length - 1) == "'") ) value = value.substring(1, value.length - 1); // --- 检查 [] if (value.charAt(0) == "[" && value.charAt(value.length - 1) == "]") value = eval(value); // --- 检查颜色 if (/^[0-9 ]+,[0-9 ]+,[0-9 ]+(,[0-9. ]+)?$/.test(value)) { value = "rgba(" + value + ")"; } } core.status.globalAttribute[name] = value; core.setFlag("globalAttribute", core.status.globalAttribute); core.resize(); }; ////// 设置全局开关 ////// events.prototype.setGlobalFlag = function (name, value) { var flags = core.getFlag("globalFlags", {}); if (name.startsWith("s:")) { name = name.substring(2); var statusBarItems = core.flags.statusBarItems.filter(function (v) { return v != name; }); if (value) statusBarItems.push(name); core.flags.statusBarItems = statusBarItems; flags.statusBarItems = core.clone(statusBarItems); } else { flags[name] = core.flags[name] = value; } core.setFlag("globalFlags", flags); core.resize(); if (name == "blurFg") core.redrawMap(); }; ////// 设置文件别名 ////// events.prototype.setNameMap = function (name, value) { if (!core.hasFlag("__nameMap__")) core.setFlag("__nameMap__", {}); flags.__nameMap__[name] = value; }; ////// 设置剧情文本的属性 ////// events.prototype.setTextAttribute = function (data) { if (!core.isPlaying()) return; [ "position", "offset", "align", "bold", "titlefont", "textfont", "lineHeight", "time", "letterSpacing", "animateTime", ].forEach(function (t) { if (data[t] != null) core.status.textAttribute[t] = data[t]; }); ["background", "title", "text"].forEach(function (t) { if (data[t] instanceof Array && data[t].length >= 3) { if (data[t].length == 3) data[t].push(1); core.status.textAttribute[t] = data[t]; } if (t == "background") { var name = core.getMappedName(data[t]); var img = core.material.images.images[name]; if (img && img.width == 192 && img.height == 128) { core.status.textAttribute[t] = name; } } }); if (main.mode == "play") core.setFlag("textAttribute", core.status.textAttribute); }; events.prototype.moveTextBox = function ( code, loc, relative, moveMode, time, callback ) { var ctx = core.getContextByName("__text__" + code); if (!ctx) { if (callback) callback(); return; } var sx = parseInt(ctx.canvas.getAttribute("_text_left")) || 0; var sy = parseInt(ctx.canvas.getAttribute("_text_top")) || 0; var dx = relative ? loc[0] : loc[0] - sx; var dy = relative ? loc[1] : loc[1] - sy; var ox = parseInt(ctx.canvas.getAttribute("_left")) || 0; var oy = parseInt(ctx.canvas.getAttribute("_top")) || 0; if (!time) { core.relocateCanvas(ctx, ox + dx, oy + dy); ctx.canvas.setAttribute("_text_left", loc[0]); ctx.canvas.setAttribute("_text_top", loc[1]); if (callback) callback(); return; } var moveInfo = { sx: sx, sy: sy, dx: dx, dy: dy, ox: ox, oy: oy, moveMode: moveMode, time: time / Math.max(core.status.replay.speed, 1), }; this._moveTextBox_moving(ctx, moveInfo, callback); }; events.prototype._moveTextBox_moving = function (ctx, moveInfo, callback) { var step = 0, steps = moveInfo.time / 10; if (steps <= 0) steps = 1; var moveFunc = core.applyEasing(moveInfo.moveMode); var animate = setInterval(function () { step++; var dx = moveInfo.dx * moveFunc(step / steps); var dy = moveInfo.dy * moveFunc(step / steps); core.relocateCanvas( ctx, parseInt(moveInfo.ox + dx), parseInt(moveInfo.oy + dy) ); ctx.canvas.setAttribute("_text_left", moveInfo.sx + dx); ctx.canvas.setAttribute("_text_top", moveInfo.sy + dy); if (step == steps) { delete core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate]; clearInterval(animate); if (callback) callback(); } }, 10); core.animateFrame.lastAsyncId = animate; core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate] = callback; }; ////// 清除对话框 ////// events.prototype.clearTextBox = function (code, callback) { if (code == null) { code = Object.keys(core.dymCanvas) .filter(function (one) { return one.startsWith("__text__"); }) .map(function (one) { return one.substring("__text__".length); }); } if (!(code instanceof Array)) code = [code]; var index = 0; var _work = function () { if (index == code.length) { if (callback) callback(); return; } var ctx = "__text__" + code[index++]; if (!core.getContextByName(ctx)) return _work(); core.ui._animateUI("hide", ctx, function () { core.deleteCanvas(ctx); _work(); }); }; _work(); }; ////// 关门 ////// events.prototype.closeDoor = function (x, y, id, callback) { id = id || ""; if ( (core.material.icons.animates[id] == null && core.material.icons.npc48[id] == null) || core.getBlock(x, y) != null ) { if (callback) callback(); return; } var block = core.getBlockById(id); var doorInfo = (block.event || {}).doorInfo; if (!doorInfo) { if (callback) callback(); return; } core.playSound(doorInfo.closeSound); var blockInfo = core.getBlockInfo(block); var speed = (doorInfo.time || 160) / 4; blockInfo.posX = 3; core.maps._drawBlockInfo(blockInfo, x, y); var cb = function () { core.setBlock(id, x, y); core.showBlock(x, y); if (callback) callback(); }; var animate = window.setInterval( function () { blockInfo.posX--; if (blockInfo.posX < 0) { clearInterval(animate); delete core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate]; cb(); return; } core.maps._drawBlockInfo(blockInfo, x, y); }, core.status.replay.speed == 24 ? 1 : speed / Math.max(core.status.replay.speed, 1) ); core.animateFrame.lastAsyncId = animate; core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate] = cb; }; ////// 显示图片 ////// events.prototype.showImage = function ( code, image, sloc, loc, opacityVal, time, callback ) { var imageName = null; if (typeof image == "string") { imageName = image; if (image.endsWith(":x") || image.endsWith(":y") || image.endsWith(":o")) { image = image.substring(0, image.length - 2); } image = core.getMappedName(image); image = core.material.images.images[image]; } if (!image) { if (callback) callback(); return; } sloc = sloc || []; var sx = core.calValue(sloc[0]) || 0, sy = core.calValue(sloc[1]) || 0; var sw = core.calValue(sloc[2]), sh = core.calValue(sloc[3]); if (sw == null) sw = image.width; if (sh == null) sh = image.height; loc = loc || []; var x = core.calValue(loc[0]) || 0, y = core.calValue(loc[1]) || 0; var w = core.calValue(loc[2]), h = core.calValue(loc[3]); if (w == null) w = sw; if (h == null) h = sh; var zIndex = code + 100; time = time || 0; var name = "image" + zIndex; var ctx = core.createCanvas(name, x, y, w, h, zIndex); core.drawImage( ctx, imageName == null ? image : imageName, sx, sy, sw, sh, 0, 0, w, h ); if (time == 0) { core.setOpacity(name, opacityVal); if (callback) callback(); return; } core.setOpacity(name, 0); this.moveImage(code, null, opacityVal, null, time, callback); }; ////// 隐藏图片 ////// events.prototype.hideImage = function (code, time, callback) { time = time || 0; var name = "image" + (code + 100); if (time == 0 || !core.dymCanvas[name]) { core.deleteCanvas(name); if (callback) callback(); return; } this.moveImage(code, null, 0, null, time, function () { core.deleteCanvas(name); if (callback) callback(); }); }; ////// 移动图片 ////// events.prototype.moveImage = function ( code, to, opacityVal, moveMode, time, callback ) { to = to || []; var name = "image" + (code + 100); if (!core.dymCanvas[name]) { if (callback) callback(); return; } var getOrDefault = function (a, b) { a = core.calValue(a); return a != null ? a : b; }; var canvas = core.dymCanvas[name].canvas; var fromX = parseFloat(canvas.getAttribute("_left")), fromY = parseFloat(canvas.getAttribute("_top")), toX = getOrDefault(to[0], fromX), toY = getOrDefault(to[1], fromY); var opacity = parseFloat(canvas.style.opacity), toOpacity = getOrDefault(opacityVal, opacity); if (!time) { core.relocateCanvas(name, toX, toY); core.setOpacity(toOpacity); if (callback) callback(); return; } this._moveImage_moving( name, { fromX: fromX, fromY: fromY, toX: toX, toY: toY, opacity: opacity, toOpacity: toOpacity, moveMode: moveMode, time: time / Math.max(core.status.replay.speed, 1), }, callback ); }; events.prototype._moveImage_moving = function (name, moveInfo, callback) { var per_time = 10, step = 0, steps = parseInt(moveInfo.time / per_time); if (steps <= 0) steps = 1; var fromX = moveInfo.fromX, fromY = moveInfo.fromY, toX = moveInfo.toX, toY = moveInfo.toY, opacity = moveInfo.opacity, toOpacity = moveInfo.toOpacity; var currX = fromX, currY = fromY, currOpacity = opacity; var moveFunc = core.applyEasing(moveInfo.moveMode); var animate = setInterval(function () { step++; currOpacity = opacity + (toOpacity - opacity) * moveFunc(step / steps); currX = parseInt(fromX + (toX - fromX) * moveFunc(step / steps)); currY = parseInt(fromY + (toY - fromY) * moveFunc(step / steps)); core.setOpacity(name, currOpacity); core.relocateCanvas(name, currX, currY); if (step == steps) { delete core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate]; clearInterval(animate); if (callback) callback(); } }, per_time); core.animateFrame.lastAsyncId = animate; core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate] = callback; }; ////// 旋转图片 ////// events.prototype.rotateImage = function ( code, center, angle, moveMode, time, callback ) { center = center || []; var name = "image" + (code + 100); if (!core.dymCanvas[name]) { if (callback) callback(); return; } var canvas = core.dymCanvas[name].canvas; var centerX = core.calValue(center[0]), centerY = core.calValue(center[1]); var fromAngle = parseFloat(canvas.getAttribute("_angle")) || 0; if (!time) { core.rotateCanvas(name, fromAngle + angle, centerX, centerY); if (callback) callback(); return; } var rotateInfo = { fromAngle: fromAngle, angle: angle, centerX: centerX, centerY: centerY, moveMode: moveMode, time: time / Math.max(core.status.replay.speed, 1), }; this._rotateImage_rotating(name, rotateInfo, callback); }; events.prototype._rotateImage_rotating = function (name, rotateInfo, callback) { var per_time = 10, step = 0, steps = parseInt(rotateInfo.time / per_time); if (steps <= 0) steps = 1; var moveFunc = core.applyEasing(rotateInfo.moveMode); var animate = setInterval(function () { step++; var currAngle = rotateInfo.fromAngle + rotateInfo.angle * moveFunc(step / steps); core.rotateCanvas(name, currAngle, rotateInfo.centerX, rotateInfo.centerY); if (step == steps) { delete core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate]; clearInterval(animate); if (callback) callback(); } }, per_time); core.animateFrame.lastAsyncId = animate; core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate] = callback; }; ////// 放缩一张图片 ////// events.prototype.scaleImage = function ( code, center, scale, moveMode, time, callback ) { center = center || []; var name = "image" + (code + 100); if (!core.dymCanvas[name]) { if (callback) callback(); return; } var ctx = core.dymCanvas[name]; var currScale = 1.0; if (ctx.canvas.hasAttribute("_scale")) { currScale = parseFloat(ctx.canvas.getAttribute("_scale")); } var ratio = ctx.canvas.hasAttribute("isHD") ? core.domStyle.ratio : 1; var width = ctx.canvas.width / ratio, height = ctx.canvas.height / ratio; var currLeft = parseFloat(ctx.canvas.getAttribute("_left")); var currTop = parseFloat(ctx.canvas.getAttribute("_top")); var centerX = core.calValue(center[0]), centerY = core.calValue(center[1]); if (centerX == null || centerY == null) { centerX = currLeft + (width * currScale) / 2; centerY = currTop + (height * currScale) / 2; } var scaleInfo = { x: (currLeft - centerX) / currScale, y: (currTop - centerY) / currScale, centerX: centerX, centerY: centerY, width: width, height: height, currScale: currScale, scale: scale, moveMode: moveMode, time: time, }; this._scaleImage_scale(ctx, scaleInfo, callback); }; events.prototype._scaleInfo_scale = function (ctx, scaleInfo, scale) { core.resizeCanvas( ctx, scaleInfo.width * scale, scaleInfo.height * scale, true ); core.relocateCanvas( ctx, scaleInfo.centerX + scaleInfo.x * scale, scaleInfo.centerY + scaleInfo.y * scale ); ctx.canvas.setAttribute("_scale", scale); }; events.prototype._scaleImage_scale = function (ctx, scaleInfo, callback) { if (!scaleInfo.time) { this._scaleInfo_scale(ctx, scaleInfo, scaleInfo.scale); if (callback) callback(); return; } var per_time = 10, step = 0, steps = parseInt(scaleInfo.time / per_time); if (steps <= 0) steps = 1; var moveFunc = core.applyEasing(scaleInfo.moveMode); var animate = setInterval(function () { step++; var scale = scaleInfo.currScale + (scaleInfo.scale - scaleInfo.currScale) * moveFunc(step / steps); core.events._scaleInfo_scale(ctx, scaleInfo, scale); if (step == steps) { delete core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate]; clearInterval(animate); if (callback) callback(); } }, per_time); core.animateFrame.lastAsyncId = animate; core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate] = callback; }; ////// 绘制或取消一张gif图片 ////// events.prototype.showGif = function (name, x, y) { name = core.getMappedName(name); var image = core.material.images.images[name]; if (image) { var gif = new Image(); gif.src = image.src; gif.style.position = "absolute"; gif.style.left = x * core.domStyle.scale + "px"; gif.style.top = y * core.domStyle.scale + "px"; gif.style.width = image.width * core.domStyle.scale + "px"; gif.style.height = image.height * core.domStyle.scale + "px"; core.dom.gif2.appendChild(gif); } else { core.dom.gif2.innerHTML = ""; } }; ////// 淡入淡出音乐 ////// events.prototype.setVolume = function (value, time, callback) { var set = function (value) { core.musicStatus.designVolume = value; if (core.musicStatus.playingBgm) core.material.bgms[core.musicStatus.playingBgm].volume = core.musicStatus.userVolume * core.musicStatus.designVolume; }; if (!time || time < 100) { set(value); if (callback) callback(); return; } var currVolume = core.musicStatus.designVolume; time /= Math.max(core.status.replay.speed, 1); var per_time = 10, step = 0, steps = parseInt(time / per_time); if (steps <= 0) steps = 1; var animate = setInterval(function () { step++; set(currVolume + ((value - currVolume) * step) / steps); if (step >= steps) { delete core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate]; clearInterval(animate); if (callback) callback(); } }, per_time); core.animateFrame.lastAsyncId = animate; core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate] = callback; }; ////// 画面震动 ////// events.prototype.vibrate = function (direction, time, speed, power, callback) { if (core.isReplaying()) { if (callback) callback(); return; } if (!time) time = 1000; speed = speed || 10; power = power || 10; var shakeInfo = { duration: parseInt(time / 10), speed: speed, power: power, direction: 1, shake: 0, }; if (direction == "random") { direction = ["horizontal", "vertical", "diagonal1", "diagonal2"][ Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) ]; } var cb = function () { core.addGameCanvasTranslate(0, 0); if (callback) callback(); }; var animate = setInterval(function () { core.events._vibrate_update(shakeInfo); switch (direction) { case "vertical": core.addGameCanvasTranslate(0, shakeInfo.shake); break; case "diagonal1": core.addGameCanvasTranslate(shakeInfo.shake, shakeInfo.shake); break; case "diagonal2": core.addGameCanvasTranslate(-shakeInfo.shake, shakeInfo.shake); break; default: core.addGameCanvasTranslate(shakeInfo.shake, 0); } if (shakeInfo.duration === 0 && shakeInfo.shake == 0) { delete core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate]; clearInterval(animate); cb(); } }, 10); core.animateFrame.lastAsyncId = animate; core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate] = cb; }; events.prototype._vibrate_update = function (shakeInfo) { if (shakeInfo.duration >= 1 || shakeInfo.shake != 0) { var delta = (shakeInfo.speed * shakeInfo.direction) / 6; if ( shakeInfo.duration <= 1 && shakeInfo.shake * (shakeInfo.shake + delta) < 0 ) { shakeInfo.shake = 0; } else { shakeInfo.shake += delta; } if (shakeInfo.shake > shakeInfo.power) { shakeInfo.direction = -1; } if (shakeInfo.shake < -shakeInfo.power) { shakeInfo.direction = 1; } if (shakeInfo.duration >= 1) { shakeInfo.duration -= 1; } } }; /////// 使用事件让勇士移动。这个函数将不会触发任何事件 ////// events.prototype.eventMoveHero = function (steps, time, callback) { time = time || core.values.moveSpeed; var step = 0, moveSteps = (steps || []) .map(function (t) { return [t.split(":")[0], parseInt(t.split(":")[1] || "1")]; }) .filter(function (t) { return ( [ "up", "down", "left", "right", "forward", "backward", "leftup", "leftdown", "rightup", "rightdown", "speed", ].indexOf(t[0]) >= 0 && !(t[0] == "speed" && t[1] < 16) ); }); core.status.heroMoving = -1; var _run = function () { var cb = function () { core.status.heroMoving = 0; core.drawHero(); if (callback) callback(); }; var animate = window.setInterval( function () { if (moveSteps.length == 0) { delete core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate]; clearInterval(animate); cb(); } else { if ( step == 0 && moveSteps[0][0] == "speed" && moveSteps[0][1] >= 16 ) { time = moveSteps[0][1]; moveSteps.shift(); clearInterval(animate); delete core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate]; _run(); } else if (core.events._eventMoveHero_moving(++step, moveSteps)) step = 0; } }, core.status.replay.speed == 24 ? 1 : time / 8 / core.status.replay.speed ); core.animateFrame.lastAsyncId = animate; core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate] = cb; }; _run(); }; events.prototype._eventMoveHero_moving = function (step, moveSteps) { var curr = moveSteps[0]; var direction = curr[0], x = core.getHeroLoc("x"), y = core.getHeroLoc("y"); // ------ 前进/后退 var o = direction == "backward" ? -1 : 1; if (direction == "forward" || direction == "backward") direction = core.getHeroLoc("direction"); var faceDirection = direction; if (direction == "leftup" || direction == "leftdown") faceDirection = "left"; if (direction == "rightup" || direction == "rightdown") faceDirection = "right"; core.setHeroLoc("direction", direction); if (curr[1] <= 0) { core.setHeroLoc("direction", faceDirection); moveSteps.shift(); return true; } if (step <= 4) { core.drawHero("leftFoot", 4 * o * step); } else if (step <= 8) { core.drawHero("rightFoot", 4 * o * step); } if (step == 8) { core.setHeroLoc("x", x + o * core.utils.scan2[direction].x, true); core.setHeroLoc("y", y + o * core.utils.scan2[direction].y, true); core.updateFollowers(); curr[1]--; if (curr[1] <= 0) moveSteps.shift(); core.setHeroLoc("direction", faceDirection); return true; } return false; }; ////// 勇士跳跃事件 ////// events.prototype.jumpHero = function (ex, ey, time, callback) { var sx = core.getHeroLoc("x"), sy = core.getHeroLoc("y"); if (ex == null) ex = sx; if (ey == null) ey = sy; var sx = core.status.hero.loc.x, sy = core.status.hero.loc.y; if (!core.isset(ex)) ex = sx; if (!core.isset(ey)) ey = sy; var jumpInfo = core.maps.__generateJumpInfo(sx, sy, ex, ey, time || 500); jumpInfo.icon = core.material.icons.hero[core.getHeroLoc("direction")]; jumpInfo.width = core.material.icons.hero.width || 32; jumpInfo.height = core.material.icons.hero.height; this._jumpHero_doJump(jumpInfo, callback); }; events.prototype._jumpHero_doJump = function (jumpInfo, callback) { var cb = function () { core.setHeroLoc("x", jumpInfo.ex); core.setHeroLoc("y", jumpInfo.ey); core.status.heroMoving = 0; core.drawHero(); if (callback) callback(); }; core.status.heroMoving = -1; var animate = window.setInterval(function () { if (jumpInfo.jump_count > 0) core.events._jumpHero_jumping(jumpInfo); else { delete core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate]; clearInterval(animate); cb(); } }, jumpInfo.per_time); core.animateFrame.lastAsyncId = animate; core.animateFrame.asyncId[animate] = cb; }; events.prototype._jumpHero_jumping = function (jumpInfo) { core.clearMap("hero"); core.maps.__updateJumpInfo(jumpInfo); var x = core.getHeroLoc("x"), y = core.getHeroLoc("y"); var nowx = jumpInfo.px, nowy = jumpInfo.py, width = jumpInfo.width || 32, height = jumpInfo.height; core.drawHero("stop", { x: nowx - 32 * x, y: nowy - 32 * y }); }; ////// 设置角色行走图 ////// events.prototype.setHeroIcon = function (name, noDraw) { name = core.getMappedName(name); var img = core.material.images.images[name]; if (!img) { console.error("找不到图片: " + img); return; } if (core.material.images.hero == img) return; core.status.hero.image = name; core.material.images.hero = img; core.material.icons.hero.width = img.width / 4; core.material.icons.hero.height = img.height / 4; core.control.updateHeroIcon(name); if (!noDraw) core.drawHero(); }; ////// 检查升级事件 ////// events.prototype.checkLvUp = function () { var actions = []; while (true) { var next = this._checkLvUp_check(); if (next == null) break; actions = actions.concat(next); } if (actions.length > 0) core.insertAction(actions); }; events.prototype._checkLvUp_check = function () { if ( core.flags.statusBarItems.indexOf("enableLevelUp") < 0 || !core.firstData.levelUp || core.status.hero.lv >= core.firstData.levelUp.length ) return null; // 计算下一个所需要的数值 var next = core.firstData.levelUp[core.status.hero.lv] || {}; var need = core.calValue(next.need); if (need == null) return null; if (core.status.hero.exp >= need) { // 升级 core.status.hero.lv++; if (next.clear) core.status.hero.exp -= need; return next.action || []; } return null; }; ////// 尝试使用道具 ////// events.prototype.tryUseItem = function (itemId) { if (itemId == "book") { core.ui.closePanel(); return core.openBook(false); } if (itemId == "fly") { core.ui.closePanel(); return core.useFly(false); } if (itemId == "centerFly") { core.ui.closePanel(); return core.ui._drawCenterFly(); } if (core.canUseItem(itemId)) { core.ui.closePanel(); core.useItem(itemId); } else { core.playSound("操作失败"); core.drawTip("当前无法使用" + core.material.items[itemId].name, itemId); } };