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"use strict";
function enemys () {
////// 初始化 //////
enemys.prototype._init = function () {
this.enemys = enemys_fcae963b_31c9_42b4_b48c_bb48d09f3f80;
this.enemydata = functions_d6ad677b_427a_4623_b50f_a445a3b0ef8a.enemys;
for (var enemyId in this.enemys) {
this.enemys[enemyId].id = enemyId;
if (main.mode == 'play') {
this.enemydata.hasSpecial = function (a, b) {
return core.enemys.hasSpecial(a, b)
enemys.prototype.getEnemys = function () {
var enemys = core.clone(this.enemys);
var enemyInfo = core.getFlag('enemyInfo');
if (enemyInfo) {
for (var id in enemyInfo) {
for (var name in enemyInfo[id]) {
enemys[id][name] = core.clone(enemyInfo[id][name]);
// 将所有怪物的各项属性映射到朝下的
for (var id in enemys) {
if (enemys[id].faceIds) {
var downId = enemys[id].faceIds.down;
if (downId != null && downId != id && enemys[downId]) {
enemys[id] = { id: id };
for (var property in enemys[downId]) {
if (property != 'id' && enemys[downId].hasOwnProperty(property)) {
(function (id, downId, property) {
Object.defineProperty(enemys[id], property, {
get: function () { return enemys[downId][property] },
set: function (v) { enemys[downId][property] = v },
enumerable: true
})(id, downId, property);
return enemys;
////// 判断是否含有某特殊属性 //////
enemys.prototype.hasSpecial = function (special, test) {
if (special == null) return false;
if (special instanceof Array) {
return special.indexOf(test) >= 0;
if (typeof special == 'number') {
return special === test;
if (typeof special == 'string') {
return this.hasSpecial(core.material.enemys[special], test);
if (special.special != null) {
return this.hasSpecial(special.special, test);
return false;
enemys.prototype.getSpecials = function () {
return this.enemydata.getSpecials();
////// 获得所有特殊属性的名称 //////
enemys.prototype.getSpecialText = function (enemy) {
if (typeof enemy == 'string') enemy = core.material.enemys[enemy];
if (!enemy) return [];
var special = enemy.special;
var text = [];
var specials = this.getSpecials();
if (specials) {
for (var i = 0; i < specials.length; i++) {
if (this.hasSpecial(special, specials[i][0]))
text.push(this._calSpecialContent(enemy, specials[i][1]));
return text;
////// 获得所有特殊属性的颜色 //////
enemys.prototype.getSpecialColor = function (enemy) {
if (typeof enemy == 'string') enemy = core.material.enemys[enemy];
if (!enemy) return [];
var special = enemy.special;
var colors = [];
var specials = this.getSpecials();
if (specials) {
for (var i = 0; i < specials.length; i++) {
if (this.hasSpecial(special, specials[i][0]))
colors.push(specials[i][3] || null);
return colors;
////// 获得所有特殊属性的额外标记 //////
enemys.prototype.getSpecialFlag = function (enemy) {
if (typeof enemy == 'string') enemy = core.material.enemys[enemy];
if (!enemy) return [];
var special = enemy.special;
var flag = 0;
var specials = this.getSpecials();
if (specials) {
for (var i = 0; i < specials.length; i++) {
if (this.hasSpecial(special, specials[i][0]))
flag |= (specials[i][4] || 0);
return flag;
////// 获得每个特殊属性的说明 //////
enemys.prototype.getSpecialHint = function (enemy, special) {
var specials = this.getSpecials();
if (special == null) {
if (specials == null) return [];
var hints = [];
for (var i = 0; i < specials.length; i++) {
if (this.hasSpecial(enemy, specials[i][0]))
hints.push("\r[" + core.arrayToRGBA(specials[i][3] || "#FF6A6A") + "]\\d" + this._calSpecialContent(enemy, specials[i][1]) +
"\\d\r[]" + this._calSpecialContent(enemy, specials[i][2]));
return hints;
if (specials == null) return "";
for (var i = 0; i < specials.length; i++) {
if (special == specials[i][0])
return "\r[#FF6A6A]\\d" + this._calSpecialContent(enemy, specials[i][1]) + "\\d\r[]" + this._calSpecialContent(enemy, specials[i][2]);
return "";
enemys.prototype._calSpecialContent = function (enemy, content) {
if (typeof content == 'string') return content;
if (typeof enemy == 'string') enemy = core.material.enemys[enemy];
if (content instanceof Function) {
return content(enemy);
return "";
////// 获得某个点上某个怪物的某项属性 //////
enemys.prototype.getEnemyValue = function (enemy, name, x, y, floorId) {
floorId = floorId || core.status.floorId;
if ((((flags.enemyOnPoint || {})[floorId] || {})[x + "," + y] || {})[name] != null) {
return flags.enemyOnPoint[floorId][x + "," + y][name];
if (enemy == null) {
var block = core.getBlock(x, y, floorId);
if (block == null) return null;
enemy = core.material.enemys[block.event.id];
if (typeof enemy == 'string') enemy = core.material.enemys[enemy];
if (enemy == null) return null;
return enemy[name];
////// 能否获胜 //////
enemys.prototype.canBattle = function (enemy, x, y, floorId) {
if (typeof enemy == 'string') enemy = core.material.enemys[enemy];
var damage = this.getDamage(enemy, x, y, floorId);
return damage != null && damage < core.status.hero.hp;
enemys.prototype.getDamageString = function (enemy, x, y, floorId) {
if (typeof enemy == 'string') enemy = core.material.enemys[enemy];
var damage = this.getDamage(enemy, x, y, floorId);
var color = '#000000';
if (damage == null) {
damage = "???";
color = '#FF2222';
else {
if (damage <= 0) color = '#11FF11';
else if (damage < core.status.hero.hp / 3) color = '#FFFFFF';
else if (damage < core.status.hero.hp * 2 / 3) color = '#FFFF00';
else if (damage < core.status.hero.hp) color = '#FF9933';
else color = '#FF2222';
damage = core.formatBigNumber(damage, true);
if (core.enemys.hasSpecial(enemy, 19))
damage += "+";
if (core.enemys.hasSpecial(enemy, 21))
damage += "-";
if (core.enemys.hasSpecial(enemy, 11))
damage += "^";
return {
"damage": damage,
"color": color
////// 接下来N个临界值和临界减伤计算 //////
enemys.prototype.nextCriticals = function (enemy, number, x, y, floorId) {
if (typeof enemy == 'string') enemy = core.material.enemys[enemy];
number = number || 1;
var specialCriticals = this._nextCriticals_special(enemy, number, x, y, floorId);
if (specialCriticals != null) return specialCriticals;
var info = this.getDamageInfo(enemy, null, x, y, floorId);
if (info == null) { // 如果未破防...
var overAtk = this._nextCriticals_overAtk(enemy, x, y, floorId);
if (overAtk == null) return [];
if (typeof overAtk[1] == 'number') return [[overAtk[0], -overAtk[1]]];
info = overAtk[1];
info.__over__ = true;
info.__overAtk__ = overAtk[0];
if (typeof info == 'number') return [[0, 0]];
if (info.damage <= 0 && !core.flags.enableNegativeDamage) {
return [[info.__overAtk__ || 0, 0]];
if (core.flags.useLoop) {
if (core.status.hero.atk <= (main.criticalUseLoop || 1)) {
return this._nextCriticals_useLoop(enemy, info, number, x, y, floorId);
else {
return this._nextCriticals_useBinarySearch(enemy, info, number, x, y, floorId);
else {
return this._nextCriticals_useTurn(enemy, info, number, x, y, floorId);
/// 未破防临界采用二分计算
enemys.prototype._nextCriticals_overAtk = function (enemy, x, y, floorId) {
var calNext = function (currAtk, maxAtk) {
var start = currAtk, end = maxAtk;
if (start > end) return null;
while (start < end) {
var mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
if (mid - start > end - mid) mid--;
var nextInfo = core.enemys.getDamageInfo(enemy, { "atk": mid }, x, y, floorId);
if (nextInfo != null) end = mid;
else start = mid + 1;
var nextInfo = core.enemys.getDamageInfo(enemy, { "atk": start }, x, y, floorId);
return nextInfo == null ? null : [start - core.status.hero.atk, nextInfo];
return calNext(core.status.hero.atk + 1,
core.getEnemyValue(enemy, 'hp', x, y, floorId) + core.getEnemyValue(enemy, 'def', x, y, floorId));
enemys.prototype._nextCriticals_special = function (enemy, number, x, y, floorId) {
if (this.hasSpecial(enemy.special, 10) || this.hasSpecial(enemy.special, 3))
return []; // 模仿or坚固临界
return null;
enemys.prototype._nextCriticals_useLoop = function (enemy, info, number, x, y, floorId) {
var mon_hp = info.mon_hp, hero_atk = core.status.hero.atk, mon_def = info.mon_def, pre = info.damage;
var list = [];
var start_atk = hero_atk;
if (info.__over__) {
start_atk += info.__overAtk__;
list.push([info.__overAtk__, -info.damage]);
for (var atk = start_atk + 1; atk <= mon_hp + mon_def; atk++) {
var nextInfo = this.getDamageInfo(enemy, { "atk": atk }, x, y, floorId);
if (nextInfo == null || (typeof nextInfo == 'number')) break;
if (pre > nextInfo.damage) {
pre = nextInfo.damage;
list.push([atk - hero_atk, info.damage - nextInfo.damage]);
if (nextInfo.damage <= 0 && !core.flags.enableNegativeDamage) break;
if (list.length >= number) break;
if (list.length == 0) list.push([0, 0]);
return list;
enemys.prototype._nextCriticals_useBinarySearch = function (enemy, info, number, x, y, floorId) {
var mon_hp = info.mon_hp, hero_atk = core.status.hero.atk, mon_def = info.mon_def, pre = info.damage;
var list = [];
var start_atk = hero_atk;
if (info.__over__) {
start_atk += info.__overAtk__;
list.push([info.__overAtk__, -info.damage]);
var calNext = function (currAtk, maxAtk) {
var start = Math.floor(currAtk), end = Math.floor(maxAtk);
if (start > end) return null;
while (start < end) {
var mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
if (mid - start > end - mid) mid--;
var nextInfo = core.enemys.getDamageInfo(enemy, { "atk": mid }, x, y, floorId);
if (nextInfo == null || (typeof nextInfo == 'number')) return null;
if (pre > nextInfo.damage) end = mid;
else start = mid + 1;
var nextInfo = core.enemys.getDamageInfo(enemy, { "atk": start }, x, y, floorId);
return nextInfo == null || (typeof nextInfo == 'number') || nextInfo.damage >= pre ? null : [start, nextInfo.damage];
var currAtk = start_atk;
while (true) {
var next = calNext(currAtk + 1, mon_hp + mon_def, pre);
if (next == null) break;
currAtk = next[0];
pre = next[1];
list.push([currAtk - hero_atk, info.damage - pre]);
if (pre <= 0 && !core.flags.enableNegativeDamage) break;
if (list.length >= number) break;
if (list.length == 0) list.push([0, 0]);
return list;
enemys.prototype._nextCriticals_useTurn = function (enemy, info, number, x, y, floorId) {
var mon_hp = info.mon_hp, hero_atk = core.status.hero.atk, mon_def = info.mon_def, turn = info.turn;
// ------ 超大回合数强制使用二分算临界
// 以避免1攻10e回合2攻5e回合导致下述循环卡死问题
if (turn >= 1e6) { // 100w回合以上强制二分计算临界
return this._nextCriticals_useBinarySearch(enemy, info, number, x, y, floorId);
var list = [], pre = null;
var start_atk = hero_atk;
if (info.__over__) {
start_atk += info.__overAtk__;
list.push([info.__overAtk__, -info.damage]);
for (var t = turn - 1; t >= 1; t--) {
var nextAtk = Math.ceil(mon_hp / t) + mon_def;
// 装备提升比例的计算临界
nextAtk = Math.ceil(nextAtk / core.getBuff('atk'));
if (nextAtk <= start_atk) break;
if (nextAtk != pre) {
var nextInfo = this.getDamageInfo(enemy, { "atk": nextAtk }, x, y, floorId);
if (nextInfo == null || (typeof nextInfo == 'number')) break;
list.push([nextAtk - hero_atk, Math.floor(info.damage - nextInfo.damage)]);
if (nextInfo.damage <= 0 && !core.flags.enableNegativeDamage) break;
pre = nextAtk;
if (list.length >= number)
if (list.length == 0) list.push([0, 0]);
return list;
////// N防减伤计算 //////
enemys.prototype.getDefDamage = function (enemy, k, x, y, floorId) {
if (typeof enemy == 'string') enemy = core.material.enemys[enemy];
k = k || 1;
var nowDamage = this._getDamage(enemy, null, x, y, floorId);
var nextDamage = this._getDamage(enemy, { "def": core.status.hero.def + k }, x, y, floorId);
if (nowDamage == null || nextDamage == null) return "???";
return nowDamage - nextDamage;
enemys.prototype.getEnemyInfo = function (enemy, hero, x, y, floorId) {
if (enemy == null) return null;
if (typeof enemy == 'string') enemy = core.material.enemys[enemy];
return this.enemydata.getEnemyInfo(enemy, hero, x, y, floorId)
////// 获得战斗伤害信息(实际伤害计算函数) //////
enemys.prototype.getDamageInfo = function (enemy, hero, x, y, floorId) {
if (enemy == null) return null;
// 移动到了脚本编辑 - getDamageInfo中
if (typeof enemy == 'string') enemy = core.material.enemys[enemy];
return this.enemydata.getDamageInfo(enemy, hero, x, y, floorId);
////// 获得在某个勇士属性下怪物伤害 //////
enemys.prototype.getDamage = function (enemy, x, y, floorId) {
return this._getDamage(enemy, null, x, y, floorId);
enemys.prototype._getDamage = function (enemy, hero, x, y, floorId) {
if (enemy == null) enemy = core.getBlockId(x, y, floorId);
if (typeof enemy == 'string') enemy = core.material.enemys[enemy];
if (enemy == null) return null;
var info = this.getDamageInfo(enemy, hero, x, y, floorId);
if (info == null) return null;
if (typeof info == 'number') return info;
return info.damage;
////// 获得当前楼层的怪物列表 //////
enemys.prototype.getCurrentEnemys = function (floorId) {
floorId = floorId || core.status.floorId;
var enemys = [], used = {};
core.status.maps[floorId].blocks.forEach(function (block) {
if (!block.disable && block.event.cls.indexOf('enemy') == 0) {
this._getCurrentEnemys_addEnemy(block.event.id, enemys, used, block.x, block.y, floorId);
}, this);
return this._getCurrentEnemys_sort(enemys);
enemys.prototype._getCurrentEnemys_getEnemy = function (enemyId) {
var enemy = core.material.enemys[enemyId];
if (!enemy) return null;
// 检查朝向displayIdInBook
return core.material.enemys[enemy.displayIdInBook] || core.material.enemys[(enemy.faceIds || {}).down] || enemy;
enemys.prototype._getCurrentEnemys_addEnemy = function (enemyId, enemys, used, x, y, floorId) {
var enemy = this._getCurrentEnemys_getEnemy(enemyId);
if (enemy == null) return;
var id = enemy.id;
var enemyInfo = this.getEnemyInfo(enemy, null, null, null, floorId);
var locEnemyInfo = this.getEnemyInfo(enemy, null, x, y, floorId);
if (!core.flags.enableEnemyPoint ||
(locEnemyInfo.atk == enemyInfo.atk && locEnemyInfo.def == enemyInfo.def && locEnemyInfo.hp == enemyInfo.hp)) {
x = null;
y = null;
} else {
// 检查enemys里面是否使用了存在的内容
for (var i = 0; i < enemys.length; ++i) {
var one = enemys[i];
if (id == one.id && one.locs != null &&
locEnemyInfo.atk == one.atk && locEnemyInfo.def == one.def && locEnemyInfo.hp == one.hp) {
one.locs.push([x, y]);
enemyInfo = locEnemyInfo;
var id = enemy.id + ":" + x + ":" + y;
if (used[id]) return;
used[id] = true;
var specialText = core.enemys.getSpecialText(enemy);
var specialColor = core.enemys.getSpecialColor(enemy);
var critical = this.nextCriticals(enemy, 1, x, y, floorId);
if (critical.length > 0) critical = critical[0];
var e = core.clone(enemy);
for (var v in enemyInfo) {
e[v] = enemyInfo[v];
if (x != null && y != null) {
e.locs = [[x, y]];
e.name = core.getEnemyValue(enemy, 'name', x, y, floorId);
e.specialText = specialText;
e.specialColor = specialColor;
e.damage = this.getDamage(enemy, x, y, floorId);
e.critical = critical[0];
e.criticalDamage = critical[1];
e.defDamage = this._getCurrentEnemys_addEnemy_defDamage(enemy, x, y, floorId);
enemys.prototype._getCurrentEnemys_addEnemy_defDamage = function (enemy, x, y, floorId) {
var ratio = core.status.maps[floorId || core.status.floorId].ratio || 1;
return this.getDefDamage(enemy, ratio, x, y, floorId);
enemys.prototype._getCurrentEnemys_sort = function (enemys) {
return enemys.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.damage == b.damage) {
return a.money - b.money;
if (a.damage == null) {
return 1;
if (b.damage == null) {
return -1;
return a.damage - b.damage;
enemys.prototype.hasEnemyLeft = function (enemyId, floorId) {
if (floorId == null) floorId = core.status.floorId;
if (!(floorId instanceof Array)) floorId = [floorId];
var enemyMap = {};
if (enemyId instanceof Array) enemyId.forEach(function (v) { enemyMap[v] = true; });
else if (enemyId) enemyMap[enemyId] = true;
else enemyMap = null;
for (var i = 0; i < floorId.length; i++) {
var mapBlocks = core.status.maps[floorId[i]].blocks;
for (var b = 0; b < mapBlocks.length; b++) {
if (!mapBlocks[b].disable && mapBlocks[b].event.cls.indexOf('enemy') === 0) {
if (enemyMap === null || enemyMap[core.getFaceDownId(mapBlocks[b])]) return true;
return false;