editor_blockly = function () { var editor_blockly = { entryType: 'event' }; editor.uivalues.disableBlocklyReplace = editor.config.get("disableBlocklyReplace", false); var replaceCheckbox = document.getElementById('blocklyReplace'); replaceCheckbox.checked = !editor.uivalues.disableBlocklyReplace; editor_blockly.triggerReplace = function () { editor.uivalues.disableBlocklyReplace = !replaceCheckbox.checked; editor.config.set("disableBlocklyReplace", !replaceCheckbox.checked); if (MotaActionFunctions) MotaActionFunctions.disableReplace = !replaceCheckbox.checked; alert("已" + (replaceCheckbox.checked ? "开启" : "关闭") + "中文变量名替换!\n关闭并重开事件编辑器以生效。"); } editor.uivalues.disableBlocklyExpandCompare = editor.config.get("disableBlocklyExpandCompare", false); var expandCompareCheckbox = document.getElementById('blocklyExpandCompare'); expandCompareCheckbox.checked = !editor.uivalues.disableBlocklyExpandCompare; editor_blockly.triggerExpandCompare = function () { editor.uivalues.disableBlocklyExpandCompare = !expandCompareCheckbox.checked; editor.config.set("disableBlocklyExpandCompare", !expandCompareCheckbox.checked); if (MotaActionFunctions) MotaActionFunctions.disableExpandCompare = !expandCompareCheckbox.checked; } var input_ = ''; editor_blockly.runOne = function () { //var printf = console.log; //var printf = function(){}; var grammerFile = input_; converter = new Converter().init(); converter.generBlocks(grammerFile); //printf(converter.blocks); converter.renderGrammerName(); //converter.generToolbox(); converter.generMainFile(); //printf(converter.mainFile.join('')); //console.log(converter); var script = document.createElement('script'); script.innerHTML = converter.mainFile[5] + editor_blocklyconfig; document.body.appendChild(script); } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState != 4) return; if (xhr.status != 200) { alert("图块描述文件加载失败, 请在'启动服务.exe'中打开编辑器"); return; } input_ = xhr.responseText; editor_blockly.runOne(); MotaActionFunctions.disableReplace = editor.uivalues.disableBlocklyReplace; MotaActionFunctions.disableExpandCompare = editor.uivalues.disableBlocklyExpandCompare; } xhr.open('GET', '_server/MotaAction.g4', true); xhr.send(null); var codeAreaHL = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("codeArea"), { lineNumbers: true, matchBrackets: true, lineWrapping: true, continueComments: "Enter", extraKeys: { "Ctrl-Q": "toggleComment" }, }); codeAreaHL.on('changes', function () { editor_blockly.highlightParse(!changeFromBlockly); changeFromBlockly = false; }); var changeFromBlockly = false; var shouldNotifyParse = false; editor_blockly.showXML = function () { var xml = Blockly.Xml.workspaceToDom(editor_blockly.workspace); var xml_text = Blockly.Xml.domToPrettyText(xml); console.log(xml_text); var xml_text = Blockly.Xml.domToText(xml); console.log(xml_text); console.log(xml); } editor_blockly.runCode = function () { // Generate JavaScript code and run it. window.LoopTrap = 1000; Blockly.JavaScript.INFINITE_LOOP_TRAP = 'if (--window.LoopTrap == 0) throw "Infinite loop.";\n'; var code = Blockly.JavaScript.workspaceToCode(editor_blockly.workspace); Blockly.JavaScript.INFINITE_LOOP_TRAP = null; try { eval('obj=' + code); console.log(obj); } catch (e) { alert(e); } } editor_blockly.setValue = function (value) { changeFromBlockly = true; codeAreaHL.setValue(value); } editor_blockly.parse = function () { MotaActionFunctions.parse( eval('obj=' + codeAreaHL.getValue().replace(/[<>&]/g, function (c) { return { '<': '<', '>': '>', '&': '&' }[c]; }).replace(/\\(r|f|i|c|d|e|g|z)/g, '\\\\$1')), editor_blockly.isCommonEntry() ? 'common' : editor_blockly.entryType ); } editor_blockly.id = ''; var _lastOpenPosition = {}; editor_blockly.import = function (id_, args) { var thisTr = document.getElementById(id_); if (!thisTr) return false; var input = thisTr.children[2].children[0].children[0]; var field = thisTr.children[0].getAttribute('title'); var type = args.type; if (!type) return false; editor_blockly.id = id_; editor_blockly.setValue(input.value); editor_blockly.entryType = type; editor_blockly.parse(); editor_blockly.show(); var _offsetIndex = [editor_blockly.entryType, editor.pos.x, editor.pos.y, editor.currentFloorId].join(":"); editor_blockly.workspace.scroll(0, _lastOpenPosition[_offsetIndex] || 0) return true; } var blocklyWidgetDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('blocklyWidgetDiv'); editor_blockly.show = function () { if (typeof (selectBox) !== typeof (undefined)) selectBox.isSelected(false); document.getElementById('left6').style = ''; for (var ii = 0, node; node = blocklyWidgetDiv[ii]; ii++) { node.style.zIndex = 201; node.style.opacity = ''; } } editor_blockly.hide = function () { document.getElementById('left6').style = 'z-index:-1;opacity: 0;'; for (var ii = 0, node; node = blocklyWidgetDiv[ii]; ii++) { node.style.zIndex = -1; node.style.opacity = 0; } } var blocklyParseBtn = document.getElementById('blocklyParse'); editor_blockly.highlightParse = function (shouldHighLight) { if (shouldNotifyParse == shouldHighLight) return; shouldNotifyParse = shouldHighLight; if (shouldHighLight) blocklyParseBtn.classList.add('highlight'); else blocklyParseBtn.classList.remove('highlight'); } editor_blockly.cancel = function () { var _offsetIndex = [editor_blockly.entryType, editor.pos.x, editor.pos.y, editor.currentFloorId].join(":"); _lastOpenPosition[_offsetIndex] = editor_blockly.workspace.scrollY; editor_blockly.id = ''; editor_blockly.hide(); } editor_blockly.confirm = function (keep) { if (!editor_blockly.id) { editor_blockly.id = ''; return; } if (shouldNotifyParse) { alert('你尚未解析修改后的内容,请进行解析或放弃操作'); return; } if (editor_blockly.workspace.topBlocks_.length >= 2) { editor_blockly.setValue('入口方块只能有一个'); return; } var eventType = editor_blockly.entryType; if (editor_blockly.workspace.topBlocks_.length == 1) { var blockType = editor_blockly.workspace.topBlocks_[0].type; if (blockType !== eventType + '_m' && !(editor_blockly.isCommonEntry() && blockType == 'common_m')) { editor_blockly.setValue('入口方块类型错误'); return; } } var setvalue = function (value) { var thisTr = document.getElementById(editor_blockly.id); var input = thisTr.children[2].children[0].children[0]; input.value = value; if (!keep) { editor_blockly.id = ''; editor_blockly.hide(); } else alert('保存成功!'); input.onchange(); } if (codeAreaHL.getValue() === '') { eventType === 'shop' ? setvalue('[]') : setvalue('null'); return; } var code = Blockly.JavaScript.workspaceToCode(editor_blockly.workspace); code = code.replace(/\\(i|c|d|e|g|z)/g, '\\\\$1'); eval('var obj=' + code); if (this.checkAsync(obj) && confirm("警告!存在不等待执行完毕的事件但却没有用【等待所有异步事件处理完毕】来等待" + "它们执行完毕,这样可能会导致录像检测系统出问题。\n你要返回修改么?")) return; var _offsetIndex = [editor_blockly.entryType, editor.pos.x, editor.pos.y, editor.currentFloorId].join(":"); _lastOpenPosition[_offsetIndex] = editor_blockly.workspace.scrollY; setvalue(JSON.stringify(obj)); } // 检查"不等待处理完毕" editor_blockly.checkAsync = function (obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Array)) return false; var hasAsync = false; for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i) { var one = obj[i]; if (one.type == 'if' && (this.checkAsync(one['true']) || this.checkAsync(one['false']))) return true; if ((one.type == 'while' || one.type == 'dowhile') && this.checkAsync(one.data)) return true; if (one.type == 'confirm' && (this.checkAsync(one.yes) || this.checkAsync(one.no))) return true; if (one.type == 'choices') { var list = one.choices; if (list instanceof Array) { for (var j = 0; j < list.length; j++) { if (this.checkAsync(list[j].action)) return true; } } } if (one.type == 'switch') { var list = one.caseList; if (list instanceof Array) { for (var j = 0; j < list.length; j++) { if (this.checkAsync(list[j].action)) return true; } } } if (one.type == 'wait') { var list = one.data; if (list instanceof Array) { for (var j = 0; j < list.length; j++) { if (this.checkAsync(list[j].action)) return true; } } } if (one.type == 'previewUI' && this.checkAsync(one.action)) return true; if (one.async && one.type != 'animate' && one.type != 'function' && one.type != 'text') hasAsync = true; if (one.type == 'waitAsync' || one.type == 'stopAsync') hasAsync = false; } return hasAsync; } var _isTextAttributeSet = false; editor_blockly.previewBlock = function (b, args) { var previewTextDrawing = function (content) { var arr = []; content.replace(/(\f|\\f)\[(.*?)]/g, function (text, sympol, str) { var list = str.split(","); if (list.length == 3 || list.length == 5 || list.length >= 9) { var name = list[0]; var obj = { "type": "drawImage" }; if (name.endsWith(":o") || name.endsWith(":x") || name.endsWith(":y")) { obj.reverse = name.substring(name.length - 2); name = name.substring(0, name.length - 2); } obj.image = name; obj.x = parseFloat(list[1]); obj.y = parseFloat(list[2]); if (list.length >= 5) { obj.w = parseFloat(list[3]); obj.h = parseFloat(list[4]); } if (list.length >= 9) { obj.x1 = parseFloat(list[5]); obj.y1 = parseFloat(list[6]); obj.w1 = parseFloat(list[7]); obj.h1 = parseFloat(list[8]); } if (list.length >= 10) { arr.push({ "type": "setAttribute", "alpha": parseFloat(list[9]) }); } if (list.length >= 11) { obj.angle = parseFloat(list[10]); } arr.push(obj); } return ""; }); editor.uievent.previewUI(arr); return true; } try { // 特殊处理立绘 if (b.type == 'textDrawing') { previewTextDrawing(Blockly.JavaScript.blockToCode(b)); return true; } var code = "[" + Blockly.JavaScript.blockToCode(b).replace(/\\(i|c|d|e|g|z)/g, '\\\\$1') + "]"; eval("var obj=" + code); if (obj.length == 0) return true; obj = obj[0]; switch (b.type) { case 'text_0_s': case 'text_1_s': case 'text_2_s': case 'choices_s': case 'confirm_s': if (!_isTextAttributeSet) { alert('警告!你尚未设置用于预览的剧情文本的属性,将采用默认属性进行预览。\n你可以双击“设置剧情文本的属性”事件来设置用于预览的属性。'); core.status.textAttribute = core.clone(core.initStatus.textAttribute); _isTextAttributeSet = true; } editor.uievent.previewUI([obj]); break; case 'setText_s': // 设置剧情文本的属性 _isTextAttributeSet = true; core.status.textAttribute = core.clone(core.initStatus.textAttribute); core.setTextAttribute(obj); alert('已成功设置此属性为显示文章的预览属性!') break; case 'waitContext_2': // 等待用户操作坐标预览 editor.uievent.previewUI([{ "type": "fillRect", "x": obj.px[0], "y": obj.py[0], "width": "(" + obj.px[1] + ")-(" + obj.px[0] + ")", "height": "(" + obj.py[1] + ")-(" + obj.py[0] + ")", "style": "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" }]); break; case 'showImage_s': // 显示图片 case 'showImage_1_s': if (obj.sloc) { editor.uievent.previewUI([ { type: "setAttribute", alpha: obj.opacity }, { type: "drawImage", image: obj.image, x: obj.sloc[0], y: obj.sloc[1], w: obj.sloc[2], h: obj.sloc[3], x1: obj.loc[0], y1: obj.loc[1], w1: obj.loc[2], h1: obj.loc[3], reverse: obj.reverse } ]); } else { editor.uievent.previewUI([ { type: "setAttribute", alpha: obj.opacity }, { type: "drawImage", image: obj.image, x: obj.loc[0], y: obj.loc[1], w: obj.loc[2], h: obj.loc[3], reverse: obj.reverse } ]); } break; case 'showGif_s': // 显示动图 if (obj.name && obj.loc) { editor.uievent.previewUI([{ type: "drawImage", image: obj.name, x: obj.loc[0], y: obj.loc[1] }]); } break; case 'setCurtain_0_s': // 更改色调 if (obj.color) { editor.uievent.previewUI([{ type: "fillRect", x: 0, y: 0, width: core.__PIXELS__, height: core.__PIXELS__, style: obj.color }]); } break; case 'floorOneImage': // 楼层贴图 obj.w = obj.w / (obj.frame || 1); editor.uievent.previewUI([ { type: "drawImage", image: obj.name, x: obj.sx || 0, y: obj.sy || 0, w: obj.w, h: obj.h, x1: obj.x, y1: obj.y, w1: obj.w, h1: obj.h, reverse: obj.reverse } ]); break; case 'previewUI_s': // 预览 editor.uievent.previewUI(obj.action); break; default: if (b.type.startsWith(obj.type)) { editor.uievent.previewUI([obj]); } } } catch (ee) { console.error(ee) } } editor_blockly.selectMaterial = function (b, material) { var value = b.getFieldValue(material[1]); value = main.nameMap[value] || value; editor.uievent.selectMaterial([value], '请选择素材', material[0], function (one) { if (b.type == 'animate_s' || b.type == 'animate_1_s' || b.type == 'nameMapAnimate') { return /^[-A-Za-z0-9_.]+\.animate$/.test(one) ? one.substring(0, one.length - 8) : null; } return /^[-A-Za-z0-9_.]+$/.test(one) ? one : null; }, function (value) { if (value instanceof Array && value.length > 0) { value = value[0]; // 检测是否别名替换 for (var name in main.nameMap) { if (main.nameMap[name] == value) { if (confirm("检测到该文件存在别名:" + name + "\n是否使用别名进行替换?")) { b.setFieldValue(name, material[1]); return; } else { break; } } } b.setFieldValue(value, material[1]); } }); } editor_blockly.doubleclicktext = function (b, f) { var value = b.getFieldValue(f); //多行编辑 editor_multi.multiLineEdit(value, b, f, { 'lint': f === 'RawEvalString_0' }, function (newvalue, b, f) { if (!f.startsWith('EvalString_Multi')) { newvalue = newvalue.split('\n').join('\\n'); } b.setFieldValue(newvalue, f); }); } editor_blockly.doubleClickBlock = function (blockId) { var b = editor_blockly.workspace.getBlockById(blockId); if (b && MotaActionBlocks[b.type].previewBlock) { editor_blockly.previewBlock(b, MotaActionBlocks[b.type].previewBlock) return; } if (b && MotaActionBlocks[b.type].selectPoint) { // selectPoint editor_blockly.selectPoint(b, eval(MotaActionBlocks[b.type].selectPoint)); return; } if (b && MotaActionBlocks[b.type].material) { editor_blockly.selectMaterial(b, JSON.parse(MotaActionBlocks[b.type].material)); return; } if (b && MotaActionBlocks[b.type].doubleclicktext) { //多行编辑 editor_blockly.doubleclicktext(b, MotaActionBlocks[b.type].doubleclicktext); return; } } editor_blockly.selectPointFromButton = function () { var b = Blockly.selected; if (b && MotaActionBlocks[b.type].selectPoint) { editor_blockly.selectPoint(b, eval(MotaActionBlocks[b.type].selectPoint)); return; } else { editor.uievent.selectPoint(); } } editor_blockly.showKeyCodes = function () { alert('键值查询表:\nA65 B66 C67 D68 E69 F70 G71 H72 I73 J74 K75 L76 M77\n' + 'N78 O79 P80 Q81 R82 S83 T84 U85 V86 W87 X88 Y89 Z90\n0:48 1:49 2:50 3:51 4:52 5:53 6:54 7:55 8:56 9:57\n' + '空格:13 回车:32 ESC:27 后退:8 Tab:9 Shift:16 Ctrl:17 Alt:18\nPgUp:33 PgDn:34 左:37 上:38 右:39 下:40\n更多键值请自行百度查表') } editor_blockly.lastUsedType = [ 'text_0_s', 'comment_s', 'show_s', 'hide_s', 'setValue_s', 'if_s', 'while_s', 'battle_s', 'openDoor_s', 'choices_s', 'setText_s', 'exit_s', 'sleep_s', 'setBlock_s', 'insert_1_s' ]; // 最常用的15个事件 editor_blockly.lastUsedTypeNum = 15; editor_blockly.addIntoLastUsedType = function (blockId) { var b = editor_blockly.workspace.getBlockById(blockId); if (!b) return; var blockType = b.type; if (!blockType || blockType.indexOf("_s") !== blockType.length - 2 || blockType === 'pass_s') return; editor_blockly.lastUsedType = editor_blockly.lastUsedType.filter(function (v) { return v !== blockType; }); if (editor_blockly.lastUsedType.length >= editor_blockly.lastUsedTypeNum) editor_blockly.lastUsedType.pop(); editor_blockly.lastUsedType.unshift(blockType); document.getElementById("searchBlock").value = ''; } // Index from 1 - 9 editor_blockly.openToolbox = function (index) { if (index < 0) index += editor_blockly.workspace.toolbox_.tree_.children_.length; editor_blockly.workspace.toolbox_.tree_.setSelectedItem(editor_blockly.workspace.toolbox_.tree_.children_[index]); } editor_blockly.reopenToolbox = function (index) { if (index < 0) index += editor_blockly.workspace.toolbox_.tree_.children_.length; editor_blockly.workspace.toolbox_.tree_.setSelectedItem(editor_blockly.workspace.toolbox_.tree_.children_[index]); editor_blockly.workspace.getFlyout().show(editor_blockly.workspace.toolbox_.tree_.children_[index].blocks); } editor_blockly.closeToolbox = function () { editor_blockly.workspace.toolbox_.clearSelection(); } var searchInput = document.getElementById("searchBlock"); searchInput.onfocus = function () { editor_blockly.reopenToolbox(-1); } searchInput.oninput = function () { editor_blockly.reopenToolbox(-1); } editor_blockly.searchBlock = function (value) { if (value == null) value = searchInput.value; value = value.toLowerCase(); if (value == '') return editor_blockly.lastUsedType; var results = []; for (var name in MotaActionBlocks) { if (typeof name !== 'string' || name.indexOf("_s") !== name.length - 2) continue; var block = MotaActionBlocks[name]; if (block && block.json) { if ((block.json.type || "").toLowerCase().indexOf(value) >= 0 || (block.json.message0 || "").toLowerCase().indexOf(value) >= 0 || (block.json.tooltip || "").toLowerCase().indexOf(value) >= 0) { results.push(name); if (results.length >= editor_blockly.lastUsedTypeNum) break; } } } return results.length == 0 ? editor_blockly.lastUsedType : results; } // ------ select point ------ editor_blockly.selectPoint = function (block, arr) { var floorId = editor.currentFloorId, pos = editor.pos, x = pos.x, y = pos.y; var xv = block.getFieldValue(arr[0]), yv = block.getFieldValue(arr[1]); if (xv != null) x = xv; if (yv != null) y = yv; if (arr[2] != null) floorId = block.getFieldValue(arr[2]) || floorId; editor.uievent.selectPoint(floorId, x, y, false, function (fv, xv, yv) { if (!arr) return; if (arr[2] != null) { if (fv != editor.currentFloorId || editor_blockly.entryType == 'commonEvent') block.setFieldValue(fv, arr[2]); else block.setFieldValue(arr[3] ? fv : "", arr[2]); } block.setFieldValue(xv + "", arr[0]); block.setFieldValue(yv + "", arr[1]); if (block.type == 'changeFloor_m' || block.type == 'changeFloor_s') { block.setFieldValue("floorId", "Floor_List_0"); block.setFieldValue("loc", "Stair_List_0"); } }); } editor_blockly.getAutoCompletions = function (content, type, name, pb) { // --- content为当前框中输入内容;将返回一个列表,为后续所有可补全内容 // console.log(type, name); // 检查 status:xxx,item:xxx和flag:xxx var index = Math.max(content.lastIndexOf(":"), content.lastIndexOf(":")); if (index >= 0) { var ch = content.charAt(index); var before = content.substring(0, index), token = content.substring(index + 1); if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\u4E00-\u9FCC\u3040-\u30FF\u2160-\u216B\u0391-\u03C9]*$/.test(token)) { if (before.endsWith("状态") || (ch == ':' && before.endsWith("status"))) { var list = Object.keys(core.status.hero); if (before.endsWith("状态") && MotaActionFunctions) { list = MotaActionFunctions.pattern.replaceStatusList.map(function (v) { return v[1]; }).concat(list); } return list.filter(function (one) { return one != token && one.startsWith(token); }).sort(); } else if (before.endsWith("物品") || (ch == ':' && before.endsWith("item"))) { var list = Object.keys(core.material.items); if (before.endsWith("物品") && MotaActionFunctions) { list = MotaActionFunctions.pattern.replaceItemList.map(function (v) { return v[1]; }).concat(list); } return list.filter(function (one) { return one != token && one.startsWith(token); }).sort(); } else if (before.endsWith("变量") || (ch == ':' && before.endsWith("flag"))) { return Object.keys(editor.used_flags || {}).filter(function (one) { return one != token && one.startsWith(token); }).sort(); } else if (before.endsWith("怪物") || (ch == ':' && before.endsWith("enemy"))) { var list = Object.keys(core.material.enemys); if (before.endsWith("怪物") && MotaActionFunctions) { list = MotaActionFunctions.pattern.replaceEnemyList.map(function (v) { return v[1]; }).concat(list); } return list.filter(function (one) { return one != token && one.startsWith(token); }) } else { var index2 = Math.max(content.lastIndexOf(":", index - 1), content.lastIndexOf(":", index - 1)); var ch2 = content.charAt(index2); if (index2 >= 0) { before = content.substring(0, index2); if (before.endsWith("怪物") || (ch == ':' && ch2 == ':' && before.endsWith("enemy"))) { var list = MotaActionBlocks['EnemyId_List'].options.map(function (v) { return v[1] }); if (before.endsWith("怪物") && MotaActionFunctions) { list = MotaActionFunctions.pattern.replaceEnemyValueList.map(function (v) { return v[1]; }).concat(list); } return list.filter(function (one) { return one != token && one.startsWith(token); }) } } } } } // 提供 core.xxx 的补全 index = content.lastIndexOf("core."); if (index >= 0) { var s = content.substring(index + 5); if (/^[\w.]*$/.test(s)) { var tokens = s.split("."); var now = core, prefix = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length - 1; ++i) { now = now[tokens[i]]; if (now == null) break; } if (now != null) { var candidates = []; for (var i in now) { candidates.push(i); } return candidates.filter(function (one) { return one != prefix && one.startsWith(prefix); }).sort(); } } } // 提供 flags.xxx 补全 index = content.lastIndexOf("flags."); if (index >= 0) { var token = content.substring(index + 6); return Object.keys(editor.used_flags || {}).filter(function (one) { return one != token && one.startsWith(token) && /^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$/.test(one); }).sort(); } // 提供 hero.xxx 补全 index = content.lastIndexOf("hero."); if (index >= 0) { var token = content.substring(index + 6); return Object.keys(core.status.hero).filter(function (one) { return one != token && one.startsWith(token); }).sort(); } // 提供 IdText_0 的补全 if (type == 'idIdList_e' && name == 'IdText_0') { var list = []; switch (pb.getFieldValue('Id_List_0')) { case 'status': list = Object.keys(core.status.hero); if (MotaActionFunctions && replaceCheckbox.checked) { list = MotaActionFunctions.pattern.replaceStatusList.map(function (v) { return v[1]; }).concat(list); } break; case 'item': list = Object.keys(core.material.items); if (MotaActionFunctions && replaceCheckbox.checked) { list = MotaActionFunctions.pattern.replaceItemList.map(function (v) { return v[1]; }).concat(list); } break; case 'flag': list = Object.keys(editor.used_flags || {}); break; } return list.filter(function (one) { return one != content && one.startsWith(content); }).sort(); } var namesObj = {}; namesObj.allIds = ["this"].concat(core.getAllIconIds()); namesObj.allIconIds = namesObj.allIds.concat(Object.keys(core.statusBar.icons).filter(function (x) { return core.statusBar.icons[x] instanceof Image; })); namesObj.allImages = Object.keys(core.material.images.images) .concat(Object.keys(main.nameMap).filter(function (one) { return core.material.images.images[main.nameMap[one]]; })); namesObj.allEnemys = Object.keys(core.material.enemys); if (MotaActionFunctions && !MotaActionFunctions.disableReplace) { namesObj.allEnemys = namesObj.allEnemys.concat(MotaActionFunctions.pattern.replaceEnemyList.map(function (x) { return x[1]; })) } namesObj.allItems = Object.keys(core.material.items); namesObj.allEquips = namesObj.allItems.filter(function (one) { return core.material.items[one].cls == 'equips' }); if (MotaActionFunctions && !MotaActionFunctions.disableReplace) { namesObj.allItems = namesObj.allItems.concat(MotaActionFunctions.pattern.replaceItemList.map(function (x) { return x[1]; })); namesObj.allEquips = namesObj.allEquips.concat(MotaActionFunctions.pattern.replaceItemList.filter(function (x) { return namesObj.allEquips.includes(x[0]); }).map(function (x) { return x[1]; })); } namesObj.allAnimates = Object.keys(core.material.animates) .concat(Object.keys(main.nameMap).filter(function (one) { return core.material.animates[main.nameMap[one]]; })); namesObj.allBgms = Object.keys(core.material.bgms) .concat(Object.keys(main.nameMap).filter(function (one) { return core.material.bgms[main.nameMap[one]]; })); namesObj.allSounds = Object.keys(core.material.sounds) .concat(Object.keys(main.nameMap).filter(function (one) { return core.material.sounds[main.nameMap[one]]; }));; namesObj.allShops = Object.keys(core.status.shops); namesObj.allFloorIds = core.floorIds; namesObj.allColors = ["aqua(青色)", "black(黑色)", "blue(蓝色)", "fuchsia(品红色)", "gray(灰色)", "green(深绿色)", "lime(绿色)", "maroon(深红色)", "navy(深蓝色)", "gold(金色)", "olive(黄褐色)", "orange(橙色)", "purple(品红色)", "red(红色)", "silver(淡灰色)", "teal(深青色)", "white(白色)", "yellow(黄色)"]; namesObj.allFonts = [main.styles.font].concat(main.fonts); namesObj.allDoors = ["this"].concat(Object.keys(maps_90f36752_8815_4be8_b32b_d7fad1d0542e) .map(function (key) { return maps_90f36752_8815_4be8_b32b_d7fad1d0542e[key]; }) .filter(function (one) { return one.doorInfo != null; }) .map(function (one) { return one.id; })); namesObj.allEvents = Object.keys(core.events.commonEvent); var filter = function (list, content) { return list.filter(function (one) { return one != content && one.startsWith(content); }).sort(); } // 对任意图块提供补全 // 对怪物ID提供补全 // 对道具ID进行补全 // 对图片名进行补全 // 对动画进行补全 // 对音乐进行补全 // 对音效进行补全 // 对全局商店进行补全 // 对楼层名进行补全 for (var ii = 0, names; names = ['allIds', 'allEnemys', 'allItems', 'allEquips', 'allImages', 'allAnimates', 'allBgms', 'allSounds', 'allShops', 'allFloorIds', 'allDoors', 'allEvents'][ii]; ii++) { if (MotaActionBlocks[type][names] && eval(MotaActionBlocks[type][names]).indexOf(name) !== -1) { return filter(namesObj[names], content); } } // 对\f进行自动补全 index = Math.max(content.lastIndexOf("\f["), content.lastIndexOf("\\f[")); if (index >= 0) { if (content.charAt(index) == '\\') index++; var after = content.substring(index + 2); if (after.indexOf(",") < 0 && after.indexOf("]") < 0) { return filter(namesObj.allImages, after); } } // 对\\i进行补全 index = content.lastIndexOf("\\i["); if (index >= 0) { var after = content.substring(index + 3); if (after.indexOf("]") < 0) { return filter(namesObj.allIconIds, after); } } // 对\r进行补全 index = Math.max(content.lastIndexOf("\r["), content.lastIndexOf("\\r[")); if (index >= 0) { if (content.charAt(index) == '\\') index++; var after = content.substring(index + 2); if (after.indexOf("]") < 0) { return filter(namesObj.allColors, after); } } // 对\g进行补全 index = content.lastIndexOf("\\g["); if (index >= 0) { var after = content.substring(index + 3); if (after.indexOf("]") < 0) { return filter(namesObj.allFonts, after); } } // 对\进行补全! if (content.charAt(content.length - 1) == '\\') { return ["n(换行)", "f(立绘)", "r(变色)", "i(图标)", "z(暂停打字)", "t(标题图标)", "b(对话框)", "c(字体大小)", "d(粗体)", "e(斜体)", "g(字体)"]; } return []; } editor_blockly.completeItems = []; editor_blockly.onTextFieldCreate = function (self, htmlInput) { var pb = self.sourceBlock_ var args = MotaActionBlocks[pb.type].args var targetf = args[args.indexOf(self.name) + 1] // ------ colour if (targetf && targetf.slice(0, 7) === 'Colour_') { var inputDom = htmlInput; // var getValue=function(){ // 获得自己的字符串 // return pb.getFieldValue(self.name); // } var setValue = function (newValue) { // 设置右边颜色块的css颜色 pb.setFieldValue(newValue, targetf) } // 给inputDom绑事件 inputDom.oninput = function () { var value = inputDom.value if (/^[0-9 ]+,[0-9 ]+,[0-9 ]+(,[0-9. ]+)?$/.test(value)) { setValue('rgba(' + value + ')') } } } else { htmlInput.onkeydown = function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13 && awesomplete.opened && awesomplete.selected) { e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); awesomplete.select(); return false; } } // --- awesomplete var awesomplete = new Awesomplete(htmlInput, { minChars: 1, maxItems: 12, autoFirst: true, replace: function (text) { text = text.toString(); var index = text.indexOf("("); if (index >= 0) text = text.substring(0, index); var value = this.input.value, index = this.input.selectionEnd; if (index == null) index = value.length; if (index < awesomplete.prefix.length) index = awesomplete.prefix.length; var str = value.substring(0, index - awesomplete.prefix.length) + text + value.substring(index); this.input.value = str; pb.setFieldValue(str, self.name); self.forceRerender(); self.resizeEditor_(); index += text.length - awesomplete.prefix.length; this.input.setSelectionRange(index, index); editor_blockly.completeItems = editor_blockly.completeItems.filter(function (x) { return x != text; }); editor_blockly.completeItems.unshift(text); }, filter: function () { return true; }, item: function (text, input) { var id = text.label, info = core.getBlockInfo(id); var li = document.createElement("li"); li.setAttribute("role", "option"); li.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false"); input = awesomplete.prefix.trim(); if (input != "") text = text.replace(new RegExp("^" + input, "i"), "<mark>$&</mark>"); li.innerHTML = text; if (info) { var height = (info.height || 32), width = 32; var scale = 75; height *= scale / 100; width *= scale / 100; var ctx = core.createCanvas('list_' + id, 0, 0, width, height), canvas = ctx.canvas; canvas.style.display = 'inline'; canvas.style.marginRight = '8px'; core.drawIcon(ctx, id, 0, 0, width, height); canvas.style.position = ''; li.insertBefore(canvas, li.children[0]); } return li; }, sort: function (a, b) { a = a.toString(); b = b.toString(); var ia = editor_blockly.completeItems.indexOf(a), ib = editor_blockly.completeItems.indexOf(b); if (ia < 0) ia = editor_blockly.completeItems.length; if (ib < 0) ib = editor_blockly.completeItems.length; if (ia != ib) return ia - ib; if (a.length != b.length) return a.length - b.length; return a < b ? -1 : 1; } }); htmlInput.oninput = function () { var value = htmlInput.value, index = htmlInput.selectionEnd; if (index == null) index = value.length; value = value.substring(0, index); // cal prefix awesomplete.prefix = value; for (var i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var c = value.charAt(i); if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\u4E00-\u9FCC\u3040-\u30FF\u2160-\u216B\u0391-\u03C9]$/.test(c)) { awesomplete.prefix = value.substring(i + 1); break; } } var list = editor_blockly.getAutoCompletions(value, pb.type, self.name, pb); awesomplete.list = list; var caretPosition = getCaretCoordinates(htmlInput, htmlInput.selectionStart); awesomplete.ul.style.marginLeft = caretPosition.left - htmlInput.scrollLeft - 20 + "px"; var totalHeight = parseFloat(Blockly.WidgetDiv.DIV.style.height.replace('px', '')); awesomplete.ul.style.marginTop = caretPosition.top + caretPosition.height - totalHeight + 10 + 'px'; awesomplete.evaluate(); } awesomplete.container.style.width = "100%"; window.awesomplete = awesomplete; } } editor_blockly.isBlockCollapsedSupported = function (block) { var supportedDisabledBlocks = [ 'text_0_s', 'text_1_s', 'text_2_s', 'if_s', 'if_1_s', 'confirm_s', 'switch_s', 'choices_s', 'for_s', 'forEach_s', 'while_s', 'dowhile_s', 'wait_s', 'previewUI_s', 'waitContext_1', 'waitContext_2', 'waitContext_3', 'switchCase', 'choicesContext' ]; return supportedDisabledBlocks.indexOf(block.type || "") >= 0; } return editor_blockly; } // --- modify Blockly Blockly.FieldColour.prototype.showEditor_ = function () { Blockly.WidgetDiv.hide(); // console.log('here') var self = this; var pb = self.sourceBlock_ var args = MotaActionBlocks[pb.type].args var targetf = args[args.indexOf(self.name) - 1] var getValue = function () { // return self.getValue() // css颜色 var f = pb.getFieldValue(targetf); if (/^[0-9 ]+,[0-9 ]+,[0-9 ]+(,[0-9. ]+)?$/.test(f)) { return f; } return ""; // 也可以用 pb.getFieldValue(targetf) 获得颜色块左边的域的内容 } var setValue = function (newValue) { // css颜色 self.setValue(newValue) pb.setFieldValue(newValue.replace("rgba(", "").replace(")", ""), targetf) // 放在颜色块左边的域中 } setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById("colorPicker").value = getValue(); // 设置位置 var scaledBBox = self.getScaledBBox(); openColorPicker(scaledBBox.left, scaledBBox.bottom, setValue); }); return document.createElement('table'); }; Blockly.FieldColour.prototype.setValue = function (colour) { this.doValueUpdate_(colour); } Blockly.FieldColour.prototype.initView = function () { this.size_ = new Blockly.utils.Size( this.getConstants().FIELD_COLOUR_DEFAULT_WIDTH, this.getConstants().FIELD_COLOUR_DEFAULT_HEIGHT); if (!this.getConstants().FIELD_COLOUR_FULL_BLOCK) { this.createBorderRect_(); this.borderRect_.style['fillOpacity'] = '1'; this.borderRect_.classList.add('blocklyColourFieldRect'); } else { this.clickTarget_ = this.sourceBlock_.getSvgRoot(); } }; Blockly.FieldTextInput.prototype.showInlineEditor_ = function (quietInput) { Blockly.WidgetDiv.show( this, this.sourceBlock_.RTL, this.widgetDispose_.bind(this)); this.htmlInput_ = this.widgetCreate_(); this.isBeingEdited_ = true; editor_blockly.onTextFieldCreate(this, this.htmlInput_); if (!quietInput) { this.htmlInput_.focus({ preventScroll: true }); this.htmlInput_.select(); } }; Blockly.FieldTextInput.prototype.onHtmlInputKeyDown_ = function (e) { if (e.keyCode == Blockly.utils.KeyCodes.ENTER && !(window.awesomplete && window.awesomplete.opened)) { Blockly.WidgetDiv.hide(); Blockly.DropDownDiv.hideWithoutAnimation(); } else if (e.keyCode == Blockly.utils.KeyCodes.ESC) { this.htmlInput_.value = this.htmlInput_.defaultValue; Blockly.WidgetDiv.hide(); Blockly.DropDownDiv.hideWithoutAnimation(); } else if (e.keyCode == Blockly.utils.KeyCodes.TAB) { Blockly.WidgetDiv.hide(); Blockly.DropDownDiv.hideWithoutAnimation(); this.sourceBlock_.tab(this, !e.shiftKey); e.preventDefault(); } }; Blockly.FieldMultilineInput.prototype.showInlineEditor_ = function (quietInput) { Blockly.FieldMultilineInput.superClass_.showInlineEditor_.call(this, quietInput); // force to resize the input this.htmlInput_.style.height = Blockly.WidgetDiv.DIV.style.height; }; Blockly.FieldMultilineInput.prototype.onHtmlInputChange_ = function (e) { Blockly.FieldMultilineInput.superClass_.onHtmlInputChange_.call(this, e); // force to resize the input this.htmlInput_.style.height = Blockly.WidgetDiv.DIV.style.height; }; Blockly.copy_ = function (toCopy) { if (toCopy.isComment) { var xml = toCopy.toXmlWithXY(); } else { var xml = Blockly.Xml.blockToDom(toCopy, true); // Copy only the selected block and internal blocks. Blockly.Xml.deleteNext(xml); // Encode start position in XML. var xy = toCopy.getRelativeToSurfaceXY(); xml.setAttribute('x', toCopy.RTL ? -xy.x : xy.x); xml.setAttribute('oy', xy.y); xml.setAttribute('sy', toCopy.workspace.scrollY); } Blockly.clipboardXml_ = xml; Blockly.clipboardSource_ = toCopy.workspace; Blockly.clipboardTypeCounts_ = toCopy.isComment ? null : Blockly.utils.getBlockTypeCounts(toCopy, true); }; /** * Paste the provided block onto the workspace. * @param {!Element} xmlBlock XML block element. */ Blockly.WorkspaceSvg.prototype.paste = function (xmlBlock) { if (!this.rendered || xmlBlock.getElementsByTagName('block').length >= this.remainingCapacity()) { return; } if (this.currentGesture_) { this.currentGesture_.cancel(); // Dragging while pasting? No. } if (xmlBlock.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'comment') { this.pasteWorkspaceComment_(xmlBlock); } else { if (xmlBlock.hasAttribute('oy') && xmlBlock.hasAttribute('sy')) { xmlBlock.setAttribute('y', parseFloat(xmlBlock.getAttribute('oy')) + parseFloat(xmlBlock.getAttribute('sy')) - this.scrollY); } this.pasteBlock_(xmlBlock); } }; // -- Support showing disabled blocks Blockly.Generator.prototype.blockToCode = function (block, opt_thisOnly) { if (this.isInitialized === false) { console.warn( 'Generator init was not called before blockToCode was called.'); } if (!block) { return ''; } if (!block.isEnabled() && !editor_blockly.isBlockCollapsedSupported(block)) { // Skip past this block if it is disabled. return opt_thisOnly ? '' : this.blockToCode(block.getNextBlock()); } if (block.isInsertionMarker()) { // Skip past insertion markers. return opt_thisOnly ? '' : this.blockToCode(block.getChildren(false)[0]); } var func = this[block.type]; if (typeof func != 'function') { throw Error('Language "' + this.name_ + '" does not know how to generate ' + 'code for block type "' + block.type + '".'); } // First argument to func.call is the value of 'this' in the generator. // Prior to 24 September 2013 'this' was the only way to access the block. // The current preferred method of accessing the block is through the second // argument to func.call, which becomes the first parameter to the generator. var code = func.call(block, block); if (Array.isArray(code)) { // Value blocks return tuples of code and operator order. if (!block.outputConnection) { throw TypeError('Expecting string from statement block: ' + block.type); } return [this.scrub_(block, code[0], opt_thisOnly), code[1]]; } else if (typeof code == 'string') { if (this.STATEMENT_PREFIX && !block.suppressPrefixSuffix) { code = this.injectId(this.STATEMENT_PREFIX, block) + code; } if (this.STATEMENT_SUFFIX && !block.suppressPrefixSuffix) { code = code + this.injectId(this.STATEMENT_SUFFIX, block); } return this.scrub_(block, code, opt_thisOnly); } else if (code === null) { // Block has handled code generation itself. return ''; } throw SyntaxError('Invalid code generated: ' + code); }; Blockly.BlockSvg.prototype.generateContextMenu = function () { if (this.workspace.options.readOnly || !this.contextMenu) { return null; } // Save the current block in a variable for use in closures. var block = this; var menuOptions = []; if (!this.isInFlyout) { // 删除 if (this.isDeletable() && this.isMovable()) { menuOptions.push(Blockly.ContextMenu.blockDuplicateOption(block)); } if (editor_blockly.isBlockCollapsedSupported(this)) { menuOptions.push({ text: this.isCollapsed() ? Blockly.Msg['EXPAND_BLOCK'] : Blockly.Msg['COLLAPSE_BLOCK'], enabled: true, callback: function () { block.setCollapsed(!block.collapsed_); } }); menuOptions.push({ text: this.isEnabled() ? Blockly.Msg['DISABLE_BLOCK'] : Blockly.Msg['ENABLE_BLOCK'], enabled: !this.getInheritedDisabled(), callback: function () { var group = Blockly.Events.getGroup(); if (!group) { Blockly.Events.setGroup(true); } block.setEnabled(!block.isEnabled()); if (!group) { Blockly.Events.setGroup(false); } } }); } if (this.isDeletable()) { menuOptions.push(Blockly.ContextMenu.blockDeleteOption(block)); } } menuOptions.push(Blockly.ContextMenu.blockHelpOption(block)); if (this.customContextMenu) this.customContextMenu(menuOptions); return menuOptions; }; Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.doClassValidation_ = function (opt_newValue) { return opt_newValue; } Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.doValueUpdate_ = function (newValue) { Blockly.FieldDropdown.superClass_.doValueUpdate_.call(this, newValue); var options = this.getOptions(true); for (var i = 0, option; (option = options[i]); i++) { if (option[1] == this.value_) { this.selectedOption_ = option; } } if (this.selectedOption_[1] != this.value_) { options.push([this.value_, this.value_]); this.selectedOption_ = options[options.length - 1]; } }; Blockly.FieldMultilineInput.prototype.getDisplayText_ = function () { var value = this.value_; if (!value) return Blockly.Field.NBSP; var curr = '', text = ''; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) { if (value[i] == '\n' || curr.length == this.maxDisplayLength) { text += curr.replace(/\s/g, Blockly.Field.NBSP) + '\n'; curr = value[i] == '\n' ? '' : value[i]; } else curr += value[i]; } return text + curr; };