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import type { AudioPlayer } from '@/core/audio/audio';
import type { BgmController } from '@/core/audio/bgm';
import type { SoundController, SoundEffect } from '@/core/audio/sound';
import type { Disposable } from '@/core/common/disposable';
import type {
} from '@/core/common/eventEmitter';
import type { loading } from './game';
import type {
} from '@/core/loader/resource';
import type { Hotkey } from '@/core/main/custom/hotkey';
import type { Keyboard } from '@/core/main/custom/keyboard';
import type { CustomToolbar } from '@/core/main/custom/toolbar';
import type { Focus, GameUi, UiController } from '@/core/main/custom/ui';
import type { gameListener, hook } from './game';
import type {
} from '@/core/main/setting';
import type { GameStorage } from '@/core/main/storage';
import type { DamageEnemy, EnemyCollection } from './enemy/damage';
import type { specials } from './enemy/special';
import type { Range } from '@/plugin/game/range';
import type { KeyCode } from '@/plugin/keyCodes';
import type { Ref } from 'vue';
interface ClassInterface {
// 渲染进程与游戏进程通用
EventEmitter: typeof EventEmitter;
IndexedEventEmitter: typeof IndexedEventEmitter;
Disposable: typeof Disposable;
// 定义于渲染进程录像中会进行polyfill但是不执行任何内容
GameStorage: typeof GameStorage;
MotaSetting: typeof MotaSetting;
SettingDisplayer: typeof SettingDisplayer;
Resource: typeof Resource;
ZippedResource: typeof ZippedResource;
ResourceStore: typeof ResourceStore;
Focus: typeof Focus;
GameUi: typeof GameUi;
UiController: typeof UiController;
Hotkey: typeof Hotkey;
Keyboard: typeof Keyboard;
CustomToolbar: typeof CustomToolbar;
AudioPlayer: typeof AudioPlayer;
SoundEffect: typeof SoundEffect;
SoundController: typeof SoundController;
BgmController: typeof BgmController;
// todo: 放到插件 ShaderEffect: typeof ShaderEffect;
// 定义于游戏进程,渲染进程依然可用
Range: typeof Range;
EnemyCollection: typeof EnemyCollection;
DamageEnemy: typeof DamageEnemy;
interface FunctionInterface {
// 定义于渲染进程录像中会进行polyfill但是不执行任何内容
readyAllResource(): void;
// 定义于游戏进程,渲染进程依然可用
// todo
interface VariableInterface {
// 定义于渲染进程录像中会进行polyfill
loading: typeof loading;
hook: typeof hook;
gameListener: typeof gameListener;
mainSetting: MotaSetting;
gameKey: Hotkey;
mainUi: UiController;
fixedUi: UiController;
KeyCode: typeof KeyCode;
// isMobile: boolean;
bgm: BgmController;
sound: SoundController;
resource: ResourceStore<Exclude<ResourceType, 'zip'>>;
zipResource: ResourceStore<'zip'>;
settingStorage: GameStorage<SettingStorage>;
status: Ref<boolean>;
// 定义于游戏进程,渲染进程依然可用
haloSpecials: number[];
enemySpecials: typeof specials;
interface ModuleInterface {}
interface SystemInterfaceMap {
class: ClassInterface;
fn: FunctionInterface;
var: VariableInterface;
module: ModuleInterface;
type InterfaceType = keyof SystemInterfaceMap;
interface PluginInterface {
// 渲染进程定义的插件
pop_r: typeof import('../plugin/pop');
use_r: typeof import('../plugin/use');
// animate: typeof import('../plugin/animateController');
// utils: typeof import('../plugin/utils');
// status: typeof import('../plugin/ui/statusBar');
fly_r: typeof import('../plugin/ui/fly');
chase_r: typeof import('../plugin/chase/chase');
// webglUtils: typeof import('../plugin/webgl/utils');
shadow_r: typeof import('../plugin/shadow/shadow');
gameShadow_r: typeof import('../plugin/shadow/gameShadow');
// achievement: typeof import('../plugin/ui/achievement');
completion_r: typeof import('../plugin/completion');
// path: typeof import('../plugin/fx/path');
gameCanvas_r: typeof import('../plugin/fx/gameCanvas');
// noise: typeof import('../plugin/fx/noise');
smooth_r: typeof import('../plugin/fx/smoothView');
frag_r: typeof import('../plugin/fx/frag');
// 游戏进程定义的插件
utils_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/utils');
loopMap_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/loopMap');
shop_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/shop');
replay_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/replay');
skillTree_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/skillTree');
removeMap_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/removeMap');
remainEnemy_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/enemy/remainEnemy');
chase_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/chase');
skill_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/skill');
towerBoss_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/towerBoss');
heroFourFrames_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/fx/heroFourFrames');
rewrite_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/fx/rewrite');
itemDetail_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/fx/itemDetail');
checkBlock_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/enemy/checkblock');
halo_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/fx/halo');
study_g: typeof import('../plugin/game/study');
interface PackageInterface {
axios: typeof import('axios');
'chart.js': typeof import('chart.js');
jszip: typeof import('jszip');
lodash: typeof import('lodash-es');
'lz-string': typeof import('lz-string');
'mutate-animate': typeof import('mutate-animate');
vue: typeof import('vue');
export interface IMota {
rewrite: typeof rewrite;
r: typeof r;
rf: typeof rf;
/** 样板插件接口 */
Plugin: IPlugin;
* 样板使用的第三方库接口,可以直接获取到库的原有接口。
* 接口在渲染进程中引入在游戏进程中不会polyfill因此在游戏进程中使用时
* 应先使用main.replayChecking进行检查保证该值不存在时才进行使用否则会引起录像出错
Package: IPackage;
* 获取一个样板接口
* @param type 要获取的接口类型
* @param key 接口名称
require<T extends InterfaceType, K extends keyof SystemInterfaceMap[T]>(
type: T,
key: K
): SystemInterfaceMap[T][K];
* 获取一个样板接口
* @param type 要获取的接口类型
* @param key 接口名称
require(type: InterfaceType, key: string): any;
* 获取一种接口的所有内容
* @param type 要获取的接口类型
requireAll<T extends InterfaceType>(type: T): SystemInterfaceMap[T];
* 注册一个样板接口
* @param type 要注册的接口类型
* @param key 接口名称
* @param data 接口内容
register<T extends InterfaceType, K extends keyof SystemInterfaceMap[T]>(
type: T,
key: K,
data: SystemInterfaceMap[T][K]
): void;
* 注册一个样板接口
* @param type 要注册的接口类型
* @param key 接口名称
* @param data 接口内容
register(type: InterfaceType, key: string, data: any): void;
export interface IPlugin {
inited: boolean;
* 初始化所有插件
init(): void;
* 获取到一个插件的内容
* @param plugin 要获取的插件
require<K extends keyof PluginInterface>(plugin: K): PluginInterface[K];
* 获取到一个插件的内容
* @param plugin 要获取的插件
require(plugin: string): any;
* 获取所有插件
requireAll(): PluginInterface & { [x: string]: any };
* 注册一个插件
* @param plugin 要注册的插件名
* @param data 插件内容
* @param init 插件的初始化函数可选初始化函数接受两个参数分别是plugin和data表示插件名称和内容
register<K extends keyof PluginInterface>(
plugin: K,
data: PluginInterface[K],
init?: (plugin: K, data: PluginInterface[K]) => void
): void;
* 注册一个插件
* @param plugin 要注册的插件名
* @param init 插件的初始化函数,初始化函数接受一个参数,表示插件名称,要求返回插件内容
register<K extends keyof PluginInterface>(
plugin: K,
init: (plugin: K) => PluginInterface[K]
): void;
* 注册一个插件
* @param plugin 要注册的插件名
* @param data 插件内容
* @param init 插件的初始化函数可选初始化函数接受两个参数分别是plugin和data表示插件名称和内容
register<K extends string, D>(
plugin: K,
data: D,
init?: (plugin: K, data: D) => void
): void;
* 注册一个插件
* @param plugin 要注册的插件名
* @param init 插件的初始化函数,初始化函数接受一个参数,表示插件名称,要求返回插件内容
register<K extends string>(plugin: K, init: (plugin: K) => any): void;
export interface IPackage {
* 获取样板使用的第三方库
* @param name 要获取的第三方库
require<K extends keyof PackageInterface>(name: K): PackageInterface[K];
* 获取样板使用的所有第三方库
requireAll(): PackageInterface;
register<K extends keyof PackageInterface>(
name: K,
data: PackageInterface[K]
): void;
interface IPluginData {
/** 插件类型content表示直接注册了内容function表示注册了初始化函数内容从其返回值获取 */
type: 'content' | 'function';
data: any;
init?: (plugin: string, data?: any) => any;
class MPlugin {
private static plugins: Record<string, IPluginData> = {};
private static pluginData: Record<string, any> = {};
static inited = false;
constructor() {
throw new Error(`System plugin class cannot be constructed.`);
static init() {
for (const [key, data] of Object.entries(this.plugins)) {
if (data.type === 'content') {
} else { = data.init!(key);
this.pluginData[key] =;
this.inited = true;
static require(key: string) {
if (!this.inited) {
throw new Error(`Cannot access plugin '${key}' before initialize.`);
if (!(key in this.plugins)) {
throw new Error(`Cannot resolve plugin require: key='${key}'`);
return this.plugins[key].data;
static requireAll(): PluginInterface {
return this.pluginData as PluginInterface;
static register(key: string, data: any, init?: any) {
if (typeof data === 'function') {
this.plugins[key] = {
type: 'function',
init: data,
data: void 0
} else {
this.plugins[key] = {
type: 'content',
class MPackage {
// @ts-ignore
private static packages: PackageInterface = {};
constructor() {
throw new Error(`System package class cannot be constructed.`);
static require<K extends keyof PackageInterface>(
name: K
): PackageInterface[K] {
return this.packages[name];
static requireAll() {
return this.packages;
static register<K extends keyof PackageInterface>(
name: K,
data: PackageInterface[K]
) {
this.packages[name] = data;
* 样板接口系统,通过 Mota 获取到样板的核心功能,不可实例化
class Mota {
private static classes: Record<string, any> = {};
private static functions: Record<string, any> = {};
private static variables: Record<string, any> = {};
private static modules: Record<string, any> = {};
static rewrite = rewrite;
static r = r;
static rf = rf;
static Plugin = MPlugin;
static Package = MPackage;
constructor() {
throw new Error(`System interface class cannot be constructed.`);
static require(type: InterfaceType, key: string): any {
const data = this.getByType(type)[key];
if (!!data) return data;
else {
throw new Error(
`Cannot resolve require: type='${type}',key='${key}'`
static requireAll<T extends InterfaceType>(type: T): SystemInterfaceMap[T] {
return this.getByType(type) as SystemInterfaceMap[T];
static register(type: InterfaceType, key: string, data: any) {
const obj = this.getByType(type);
if (key in obj) {
`重复的样板接口注册: type='${type}', key='${key}',已将其覆盖`
obj[key] = data;
private static getByType(type: InterfaceType) {
return type === 'class'
? this.classes
: type === 'fn'
? this.functions
: type === 'var'
? this.variables
: this.modules;
type RewriteType = 'full' | 'front' | 'add';
type _F<F> = F extends (...params: infer P) => infer R ? [P, R] : never;
type _Func = (...params: any) => any;
* 全量复写或在函数前添加内容
* @param base 函数所在对象
* @param key 函数名称即函数在base中叫什么
* @param type 复写类型full表示全量复写front表示在原函数之前添加内容
* @param re 复写函数类型为full时表示将原函数完全覆盖为front时表示将该函数添加到原函数之前
* @param bind 原函数的调用对象默认为base
* @param rebind 复写函数的调用对象默认为base
function rewrite<
K extends SelectKey<O, _Func>,
R extends 'full' | 'front',
T = O
base: O,
key: K,
type: R,
re: (
this: T,
...params: [..._F<O[K]>[0], ...any[]]
) => R extends 'full' ? _F<O[K]>[1] : void,
bind?: any,
rebind?: T
): (this: T, ...params: [..._F<O[K]>[0], ...any[]]) => _F<O[K]>[1];
* 在函数后追加内容
* @param base 函数所在对象
* @param key 函数名称即函数在base中叫什么
* @param type 复写类型add表示在函数后追加
* @param re 复写函数类型为add时表示在原函数后面追加复写函数会在第一个参数中传入原函数的返回值
* 并要求复写函数必须有返回值,作为复写的最终返回值。
* @param bind 原函数的调用对象,默认为`base`
* @param rebind 复写函数的调用对象,默认为`base`
function rewrite<O, K extends SelectKey<O, _Func>, T = O>(
base: O,
key: K,
type: 'add',
re: (
this: T,
...params: [_F<O[K]>[1], ..._F<O[K]>[0], ...any[]]
) => _F<O[K]>[1],
bind?: any,
rebind?: T
): (this: T, ...params: [..._F<O[K]>[0], ...any[]]) => _F<O[K]>[1];
function rewrite<O, K extends SelectKey<O, _Func>, T = O>(
base: O,
key: K,
type: RewriteType,
re: (this: T, ...params: [..._F<O[K]>[0], ...any[]]) => _F<O[K]>[1],
bind?: any,
rebind?: T
): (this: T, ...params: [..._F<O[K]>[0], ...any[]]) => _F<O[K]>[1] {
const func = base[key];
if (typeof func !== 'function') {
throw new Error(
`Cannot rewrite variable with type of '${typeof func}'.`
if (type === 'full') {
// @ts-ignore
return (base[key] = re.bind(rebind ?? base));
} else if (type === 'add') {
const origin = base[key];
function res(this: T, ...params: [..._F<O[K]>[0], ...any[]]) {
const v = (origin as _Func).call(bind ?? base, ...params);
// @ts-ignore
const ret = ?? base, v, ...params);
return ret;
// @ts-ignore
return (base[key] = res);
} else {
const origin = base[key];
function res(this: T, ...params: [..._F<O[K]>[0], ...any[]]) {
// @ts-ignore ?? base, ...params);
const ret = (origin as _Func).call(bind ?? base, ...params);
return ret;
// @ts-ignore
return (base[key] = res);
* 在渲染进程包裹下执行一段代码,该段代码不会在录像验证中执行,因此里面的内容一定不会引起录像报错
* 一般特效或者是ui显示、内容显示、交互监听等内容应当在渲染进程包裹下执行
* @param fn 要执行的函数,传入一个参数,表示所有的第三方库,也就是`Mota.Package.requireAll()`的内容
* @param thisArg 函数的执行上下文,即函数中`this`指向
function r<T = undefined>(
fn: (this: T, packages: PackageInterface) => void,
thisArg?: T
) {
if (!main.replayChecking) as T, MPackage.requireAll());
* 将一个函数包裹成渲染进程函数,执行这个函数时将直接在渲染进程下执行。该函数与 {@link r} 函数的关系,
* 与`call`和`bind`的关系类似。
* ```ts
* const fn = rf((x) => x * x);
* console.log(fn(2)); // 在正常游玩中会输出 4但是录像验证中会输出undefined因为录像验证中不会执行渲染进程函数
* ```
* @param fn 要执行的函数
* @param thisArg 函数执行时的上下文即this指向
* @returns 经过渲染进程包裹的函数,直接调用即是在渲染进程下执行的
function rf<F extends (...params: any) => any, T>(
fn: F,
thisArg?: T
): (this: T, ...params: Parameters<F>) => ReturnType<F> | undefined {
// @ts-ignore
if (main.replayChecking) return () => {};
else {
return (...params) => {
return, ...params);
declare global {
interface Window {
Mota: IMota;
window.Mota = Mota;